Wednesday, July 31, 2013

HPV tied to higher esophageal cancer risk

A new review of previous research links infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) to a three-fold greater chance of oesophageal cancer.

"This doesn`t mean it is present in all (oesophageal cancers), but it may be a factor in a certain proportion of cases," said  the study`s lead author.

HPV is a very common sexually transmitted virus that is known to cause cervical cancer, anal cancer and some cancers of the reproductive organs and the upper throat.

The author said there`s been a lot of debate among researchers about the role of HPV in cancer of the oesophagus because most of the studies to date have been small and used disparate methods that make them hard to compare.

Worldwide, esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer and responsible for some 400,000 deaths a year, according to World Health Organization data.

To get a better handle on the relationship between HPV and oesophageal cancer,the researchers gathered results from all of the studies that have compared patients with the cancer to people without it.

The studies focused on oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma, one type of oesophageal cancer that affects the lining of the oesophagus.

In each study, oesophagus tissue samples from cancer patients and from patients without the cancer were examined to see if HPV was present.

The 21 studies the group analysand included 1,223 people with oesophageal cancer and 1,415 people without cancer.

HPV was found in the oesophagus tissue of 35 percent of the cancer patients, compared to 27 percent of the people without oesophagus cancer.

Taken together, the studies link HPV infection of oesophageal tissue to a three-fold greater risk of oesophagus cancer, the researchers reported .

If the general population`s rate of oesophagus cancer is 4.4 out of every 100,000 people, a three-fold risk increase would raise those chances to 13.2 out of every 100,000.

Two vaccines, Cervarix and Gardasil, have been developed to prevent infection with HPV.
If HPV indeed causes oesophageal cancer - and that remains to be determined - it`s possible that the vaccines could help prevent the cancer, the researcher said.

"However, this needs to be studied further. The benefits of cancer-preventing vaccines are not seen immediately, but after many years following vaccination," the Dr. wrote in an email.
The Dr. said there are also other ways to reduce the risk of developing oesophageal cancer, including avoiding smoking and excessive drinking.

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Genetic mutation linked to congenital heart disease identified

A new study led by a researcher has found that a mutation in a gene crucial to normal heart development plays a role in some types of congenital heart disease.

The findings, could help narrow the search for genes that contribute to this defect, which affects as many as 40,000 newborns a year.

Several hundred genes have been implicated in the formation of the heart, and a mutation in any of them could potentially contribute to a cardiac defect.

Identifying which of these genes is involved in human congenital heart disease has been a challenge for scientists in the field.

"We have to ask ourselves, what subset of the more than 20,000 genes that make up the human genome are contributing to congenital heart disease?" he said.

"Right now, we don`t know enough about a lot of those genes, so this study provides another piece of the puzzle," he said.  That piece is FOXP1, a member of a large gene family that helps regulate tissues throughout the body, including in the heart, lungs and brain.

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Researchers find gene linked to gestational diabetes

Research on the genetics of diabetes could help women get to know their risk of developing gestational diabetes before getting pregnant - and lead to measures being taken to protect the health of the offspring.

Gestational diabetes affects 18 percent of pregnancies but usually disappears when a pregnancy is over. Babies born to women with gestational diabetes are typically larger at birth, which can lead to complications during delivery. 

They are at an increased risk of developing metabolic diseases, like diabetes, in childhood and adulthood. 

Researchers found variants in two genes - HKDC1 and BACE2 - that were associated with measures of glucose and insulin levels of pregnant women but not associated with these measures in the rest of the population, including people with type 2 diabetes. 

The findings suggest that the roles of the gene HKDC1 in glucose metabolism and BACE2 in insulin secretion are more important during pregnancy versus the non-pregnant state - across all ethnicities studied. 

Researchers used DNA and phenotype data of more than 4,000 participants of four different ancestry backgrounds (Hispanic, Thai, Afro-Caribbean and European) from the Hyperglycaemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO) study. 

This study`s findings could one day help pinpoint quantitative genetic traits that predict which women may develop gestational diabetes. 

The authors of the study, said that by knowing your risk when going into a pregnancy or early on during pregnancy, you might be screened for evidence of high glucose levels test sooner rather than later and begin preventive measures to protect the health of your offspring.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Ivy gourd is rich in beta-carotene, a major source of Vitamin A, which is essential for good eye-sight. it also has Vitamin C, which helps prevent cold, is needed to absorb iron from our food. It is also a good source of proteins & fibre.

In traditional medicine, the fruits have been used to treat leprosy, fever, asthma, bronchitis & jaundice.
Consuming 50 gm of Ivy gourd every day, could keep your blood sugar under control. Some research also say that it is an anti-oxidant, anti-hypoglycaemic agent & immune system modulator.
The fruit is also known to have anti-histamine properties. The leaves are used as poultice in treating skin eruptions.

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Why Sugar Is Bad

It accelerates raging.

 "Sugar is a primary contributor to the ageing process," Dr.  explains. He says fructose, the sweet molecule in sugar, is seven times more potent than the glucose portion of sugar, forming oxygen radicals, leading to higher rates of cell damage and death, and contributing to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It speeds along the ageing process in general.

It "browns" your tissues.

 In a way, we "rust" as we age. Oxidative stress turns our tissues "brown;" this is known as the Maillard reaction. Chronically overindulging in excess added sugar will speed up this browning process.

It makes your liver fat.

When you overdose the mitochondria in your liver with sugar, the organ has no choice but to take the excess and turn it into liver fat. Some of this fat never makes it out of the liver, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This forces the pancreas to make extra insulin so the damaged liver can do its job.

The organ fat build-up isn't necessarily obvious on the outside, either. A 2012 study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found people who ate 1,000 extra calories of sugary foods saw just a 2 percent increase in body weight, but a 27 percent increase in liver fat.

It makes you an addict.

Dopamine is one your body's feel-good neurotransmitters. But eating too much fructose shuts down healthy signal in the body, meaning it takes more and more sugar to fire off signals that bring pleasure. 

It annihilates your arteries.

Over time, that bad habit of eating too much added sugar will start seriously irritating your endothelium, the sheath of special cells coating the inside of your blood vessels. Glucose glops up on the finger-like feelers of the cells, making them less sensitive, which could impact oxygen sent to your organs.

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Soybean compound may inhibit HIV


A compound found in soy-beans can be used in new treatments to inhibit the deadly HIV infection, scientists claim. Researchers  found that genistein, derived from soy-beans and other plants, may become an effective HIV treatment without the drug resistance issues faced by current therapies.

Genistein is a "tyrosine kinase inhibitor" that works by blocking the communication from a cell's surface sensors to its interior. Found on a cell's surface, these sensors tell the cell about its environment and also communicate with other cells. HIV uses some of these surface sensors to trick the cell to send signals inside. These signals change cell structure so that the virus can get inside and spread infection.

But genistein blocks the signal and stops HIV from finding a way inside the cell. It takes a different approach than the standard anti-retro-viral drug used to inhibit HIV.

"Instead of directly acting on the virus, genistein interferes with the cellular processes that are necessary for the virus to infect cells,".

"Thus, it makes the virus more difficult to become resistant to the drug. Our study
 is currently in its early stage. If clinically proven effective, genistein may be used as a complement treatment for HIV infection," Wu said. Researchers caution that this doesn't mean people should start eating large amounts of soy products.

"Although genistein is rich in several plants such as soy-beans, it is still uncertain whether the amount of genistein we consume from eating soy is sufficient to inhibit HIV," Wu said. Wu sees possibilities in this plant-based approach, which may address drug toxicity issues as well. Because genistein is plant-derived, it may be able to sidestep drug toxicity, a common by-product of the daily and lifelong pharmaceutical regimen faced by patients with HIV to keep the disease at bay, Wu said.

Typically, patients take a combination of multiple drugs to inhibit the virus. The frequency can lead to drug toxicity. Plus, HIV mutates and becomes drug-resistant.

Researchers are working at finding out how much genistein is needed to inhibit HIV. It's possible that plants may not have high enough levels, so drugs would need to be developed.

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Home remedies: Top 5 cures for hiccups

Hiccups comes with a vengeance and it seems like a dying battle to cut it short. There are no explanations for the causes for hiccups, but hiccups are associated with eating quickly, discomfort of the diaphragm, stress and anxiety. Here are top 5 cures for hiccups. 


A spoonful of sugar makes the hiccups go away, so swear by peanut butter too. Sugar irritates the throat, causing it to readjust, stopping the hiccups. But it still has to be proven. 


This is an old trick! Hold your breath to stop hiccups, this method too disrupts the nerve stimulation from the brain to the diaphragm. 


Think while you are swallowing water, it tends to change your breathing. It doesn't matter how you drink water - through a straw, spoon, sideways, small glass or big. Water seems to subdue hiccups. 


Scaring the a person disrupts the breathing and distracts you mentally. Don't wait for Halloween to play tricks, scare your hiccups today. 


have something sour like vinegar or lime to interrupt your breathing. The cringing face you make helps stall the hiccups. 

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Health benefits of Surya Namaskara

Suryanamaskar or the Indian ritual of saluting the sun comprises a rhythmic combination of yogic postures and breathing exercises.

The complete series includes 12 basic postures performed in cyclical pattern to benefit all three levels of human consciousness: Physical, mental and spiritual. However, for beginners to understand the true significance and impact of each position, the entire series should be broken down and practised one posture at a time. We list out health benefits of this whole body workout aasan.

1) Pranam Asana: This pose induces a state of concentration and calmness. This is a pose where one meditates to the Sun God.

2) Hastautthan Asana: It helps in stretching the whole body. It helps correct the spinal arch and also improves the integrity of the spine. Try and reach as high as you can to get a better stretch.

3) Padahasta Asana: This asana helps in reducing excess weight in the abdominal region. Helps in eliminating bloating, improves digestion and helps to remove constipation. Practising this asana improves blood circulation, makes spine supple and tones spiral nerves. This asana helps inculcate the bhava (attitude) of humility.

4) Ashwa-sanchalan Asana: This asana improves the overall health of the body and strengthens the back, abdomen and thigh muscles. Promotes mobility of the knee joints, strengthens the body to maintain good posture and prevent back problems. As there is a stretch on the neck , it is also beneficial to the functioning of the thyroid gland.

5) Adho Mukha Svanasana: This asana helps in boosting one's self confidence. Because of the increased blood flow to the upper body and the shoulder stand it helps in improving brain function and reduce anxiety and depression. Strengthens and tones the arms and legs. Also helps in lengthening the spine.

6) Ashtang Namaskar: This pose besides strengthening the leg and arm muscles develops the chest and gives flexibility to the region of spine between the shoulder blades.

7) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana: This pose keeps the spine supple, improving circulation in the back region and toning the spinal nerves. It tones and stimulates the abdominal muscles and organs. Stretches muscles of the chest and shoulder. Also increases lung capacity and relieves asthma.

So to sum it all up, it has a wide array of benefits for maintaining complete health and well-being.

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Condoms are actually great for the vagina

Apart from preventing unwanted pregnancies and spread of sexually transmitted diseases, condoms may help good bacteria in the vagina flourish, a new study has found. 

Sexually active women in the study who used condoms had larger colonies of beneficial microbes in their vaginas compared with women who used other forms of birth control, the researchers at found. 

The scientists focused on lactobacillus, a group of bacteria that dominates the natural flora of the vagina for many women. 

The microbes, which produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, help the vagina maintain an average pH of 4.5, comparable to the acidity of beer or tomato juice, it was reported.

This "acidic buffer system," as the researchers called it, is thought to block harmful bacteria from taking up residence and causing infections. 

Though there may not be a "normal" microbiome for a healthy vagina, the presence of lactobacillus is thought to help prevent bacterial vaginosis, which is an imbalance of vaginal bacteria that causes itching, unusual discharge and unpleasant odour. 

Beneficial bacteria have even been linked to a decreased risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. 

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The Best Mosquito Repellent Ever Is Something You Already Own!

If you, like this author, are prone to draw the bites of seemingly every mosquito within a 100-mile radius when you innocently sit outside to enjoy a summer night, you know you'd gladly summon any modern technology — at almost any cost — to make. The attacks. Stop!
But we have amazing news for you: The most effective mosquito repellent out there may not be anything expensive or high-tech, nor any potent chemical, but rather something you already have in your house: a simple oscillating fan.
The  reporter discovered fans' effectiveness at a summer barbecue and traced the idea back that, “The solution came from trying to think like a bug, and realizing I don’t like flying into a 15 m.p.h. wind.”
“Mosquitoes are relatively weak fliers, so placing a large fan on your deck can provide a low-tech solution."
Mosquitoes may further be deterred by a fan because it "disperses the human emanations" that allow mosquitoes to target us.
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Monday, July 29, 2013

Walking in the woods can help relieve stress

Taking a stroll in the woods can help manage stress levels, lessen BP and help fight heart ailments, a new study has revealed.

One of the experiments, conducted by the researchers , discovered that just looking at images of forests helped to reduce strains.

The participants in the research were asked to walk in specified "green environments" at lunchtime slept better that night.

After eight weeks, the volunteers had lower blood pressure and perceived stress.

The team's research has shown that 'green environments' can be an effective stress-buster.

The researcher asserted that if they can encourage more people to enjoy the great outdoors it may help increase their levels of physical activity and, therefore, could also be a powerful tool to help fight cardiovascular disease.

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Home remedy to avoid by-pass surgery !

I cup of lime juice
1 cup of ginger juice
1 cup of garlic juice
1 cup of apple cider vinegar

boil all these together, till it reduces to 3 cups, cool it, add pure honey 3 cups, mix well, store in a sterilised bottle. daily morning before breakfast, take 1 tsp. of the mixture, continuously for a month. You won't need by-pass surgery. But those who are diabetics, pl. take care of your sugar level. This is supposed to be Ayurvedic treatment.  One thing for sure, when your body is alkaline, you reduce many health complications ( if you had one of my previous mails, then you'll know), ginger, garlic anyway have lots of health benefits, like anti-informatory, anti-cancer properties, ginger aids in digestion. So no harm in trying, if one can avoid surgery. If it helps, then be happy, or else sure no harm will be done. Diabetics or those who are allergic to any of the above ingredients, PLEASE don't try it, and blame me.

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