Thursday, November 30, 2017

Early Baldness Can Trigger Risk of Heart Disease

Once it was said that bald men look attractive ! But now when you read about baldness and heart problems, it makes you wonder, what is good and what isn't? Are you losing hair? Or facing premature graying? You may have a reason to worry, not just about your lost hair but for your possibly deteriorating heart health too. Male pattern baldness and premature graying, may prove to be a severe risk factor for heart disease in men under 40, suggests a new study.The study,  examined more than 2,000 young men . The findings revealed, that several men had coronary artery disease were prematurely bald or grey than men with a full head of hair.

The team studied 790 men under 40 who had coronary artery disease and 1,270 healthy men of a similar age, who acted as a control group. For the study, the team took clinical history of all the participants. These participants were then marked on their levels of male pattern baldness - the common type of hair loss that develops in most men at some stage - and hair whitening. The findings were then correlated with the severity of heart disease symptoms.

It was found that men with the heart condition were more likely to have gone prematurely grey - 50% compared with 30% of the healthy group - more than five times the risk of the control group. The findings also revealed, that the heart condition group were also more likely to have male pattern baldness - 49% against 27% of those in the healthy group - a 5.6 times greater risk. Yet obesity was associated with only a fourfold increased risk of the disease.

The possible reason could be the process of biological ageing, which may be faster in certain patients, which is reflected in hair changes, said one of the principal investigators of the study.

Similar correlations had been made before, in previous studies too and the link must be studied in greater detail. But ageing and hair graying are factors you can't modify. Whereas you can modify your lifestyle and risk factors such as high cholesterol and blood pressure and they must be given their due emphasis.

You can manage a significant part of your heart health with the kind of diet you take too. These heart-friendly foods must make way to your diet today.
1. Oats: Oats are said to contain a type of fiber that helps to bind bile acids and expel them from the body. These bile acids are made from cholesterol.
2. Nuts: These nuts have high amounts of unsaturated fats, which is good for the heart as it helps in reducing the inflammation of the arteries. A handful of nuts every day, would help keep heart problems at bay.
3. Berries: These fruits are packed with antioxidants and help to significantly reduce blood pressure. They also boost the good HDL cholesterol levels, and thus help in your endeavour towards a healthy heart.
4. Salmon: Go for salmon, a cold-water fish that boasts of abundant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which are great to promote a healthy heart.
5. Legumes: Legumes are great for the heart and have antioxidants, proteins and fiber. They are also a great source to get your folate requirement from and also help in increasing the platelet activity.
A good and balanced diet can go a long way in making sure your heart remains strong and healthy.



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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Starting your day with hot lemon water, good for health.

Researchers recently released a report on its foundation day, in which it was revealed that your gender will define whether or not are you at risk of suffering from hypertension. It was mentioned in the report that 31% men and 26% women in urban localities  suffer from hypertension. The report also indicated that whatever you eat has a crucial impact on preventing and controlling hypertension and one such superfood is Lemon. It is helpful in lowering your blood pressure, as it can make blood vessel soft and flexible.

Ask any health conscious person  would say it is good to begin the day with a glass of warm lime water. Those of you who have tried this are well aware of its benefits and in case, you haven't tried it so far and are wondering as to what this magical potion can do read on to know more.
  1. Digestive health: The food that we eat passes through the food pipe. When we wake up after a good night's sleep there could be remnants of food along the food pipe, and drinking warm water flushes out this and renders the food pipe clean for today’s meal. Warm water also helps in removing the oiliness, which is quite likely due to your present food habits.
  2. Improves immunity: The vitamin C and potassium in the lemon work wonders for the immunity. Also, because it is consumed on an empty stomach, the absorption is better and so the body derives the complete benefit.
  3.  Aids Weight loss : Touted as one of the best weight loss aids, hot lime water boosts metabolism and allows the body to burn fat, thereby, helping in weight control. Combined with other weight loss measures, it definitely can help you lose weight.
  4. Blemish-free Skin: The vitamin C in the lime is essential for collagen formation, thus helps in keeping your skin healthy and radiant. Also, hydration is one of the key skin care essentials, and drinking warm water in the morning flushes out toxins and keeps your skin glowing and clear.
  5. Healthy liver: The liver is the center of metabolism and drinking warm water in the morning helps keep the liver clean. The liver is active through the night and so drinking warm water in the morning helps restore its energy. This, in turn, boosts the flow of lymph and bile in the body.
  6. Promotes healing: For those who have had injuries, vitamin C present in the lemon helps with the production of collagen and aid in wound healing. It improves connective tissue formation including cartilage and bones.
  7. Mood enhancer: The smell of lemon juice is known to uplift your mood and so it is an interesting way to start your day. It also reduces anxiety and depression and can clear your mind of confusion.
  8. Improves pH balance: The ascorbic and citric acid in the lime are easily digested and the result is an alkaline environment. Body diseases occur when the body pH is acidic. By keeping the environment alkaline, lime reduces the overall chance of body illness.                                                                        


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Women more susceptible than men to asthma

Women are twice as likely as men to have asthma, and this gender difference may be caused by the effects of sex hormones on lung cells, a study has found.

Researchers found that testosterone hindered an immune cell linked to asthma symptoms, such as inflammation and mucus production in the lungs.

"When we started this study, we really thought that ovarian hormones would increase inflammation, more so than testosterone making it better," said a researcher.

"I was surprised to see that testosterone was more important in reducing inflammation," said a senior author of the study.

Prior studies have found that, before puberty, boys have about 1.5 times higher rate of asthma than girls. That trend reverses after puberty, when women are twice likely to have asthma as men, researchers said.

This pattern continues until women hit menopause, and then the asthma rates in women start to  decline. 

Increased asthma symptoms are regulated by many different factors, including exposure to allergens and viral infections, and the researchers suspected that sex hormones might also be involved.

Researchers looked at human and mouse cells to further study the trend in gender differences that they had observed.

They focused on lung cells called Group 2 innate lymphoid cells, or ILC2 cells. These cells make cytokines, proteins that cause inflammation and mucus production in the lungs, which makes it harder to breathe.

The researchers collected blood from people with and without asthma and found that those with asthma had more ILC2 cells than those without. Of that group, asthmatic women had more ILC2 cells than asthmatic men.

ILC2 cells are also found in the lungs of mice, but they are rare. They make up only about 10,000 of the 10 million cells in a mouse lung, researchers said.


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Women are twice as likely as men to have asthma, and this gender difference may be caused by the effects of sex hormones on lung cells, a study has found.

Researchers found that testosterone hindered an immune cell linked to asthma symptoms, such as inflammation and mucus production in the lungs.

Women are twice as likely as men to have asthma, and this gender difference may be caused by the effects of sex hormones on lung cells, a study has found.

Researchers found that testosterone hindered an immune cell linked to asthma symptoms, such as inflammation and mucus production in the lungs.

"When we started this study, we really thought that ovarian hormones would increase inflammation, more so than testosterone making it better," said Dawn Newcomb, from the Vand ..

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

Most people have a very poor opinion of pumpkin, considered as a cheap vegetable. In U.S. and in some countries, during Halloween and Thanksgiving, pumpkin is held high, as contests are held for pumpkin carving and for the biggest and the heaviest pumpkin grown !
A number of festival delicacies are prepared, such as pumpkin pies, bread and soup.
Is it all that is there to a pumpkin? No! Pumpkin is a highly nutritious plant and can make a brilliant addition to any meal. Cooked pumpkin proves to be a rich source of potassium and beta-carotene (vitamin A). Moist and sweet like a yummy squash, they are a good way to soothe your phlegm. It also helps maintain bladder health. As per the science, the food we eat acts as medicine for our body and certain foods are considered exceptional as they offer numerous health benefits, and one among them is Pumpkin.

Here are some of the most important benefits that pumpkins offer when you eat them regularly.
1. It offers health-boosting antioxidants-Pumpkins are packed with carotenoids, helping to protect your cells against free radical damage. Like carrots, this orange fruit is rich in beta-carotene, as well as alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. After consuming beta-carotene, for instance, your body converts it into vitamin A, all while boosting overall immune function.

Based on the antioxidant content of pumpkins, many companies are now utilizing its properties to make skin care products. Yes, that’s right — pumpkin can be applied topically, helping to increase cell turnover, resulting in smoother, healthier-looking skin. Of course, due to various antioxidants, pumpkin can also address signs of aging.
Vitamin A is necessary to maintain your eye health. Also, it will help you in maintaining your skin health, bones and teeth.

 2. It has a high dose of fiber: A bowl of mashed pumpkin contains 3 grams of dietary fiber while a handful of pumpkin seeds can give you 1.3 grams of this nutrient. Therefore, pumpkin serves you the required amount of dietary fiber as per our recommended daily requirement. We all know fiber supports a healthy digestive system. It can also support your weight loss. When consuming a fiber-rich diet, you will curb hunger and avoid overeating .

3.  Pumpkin can give you a good night’s sleep: Pumpkin seeds contain Tryptophan which is an amino acid that promotes better sleep while also improving your mood.

4. Good for your heart health: The fiber content of pumpkin also protects your heart from a wide range of coronary diseases. It is also helpful in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level owing to the presence of phytoestrogens in it. side from beneficial antioxidants and fiber, which both contribute to positive heart health, pumpkin seeds are packed with essential fats, phytosterols, magnesium and zinc.
Within one study, researchers studied the effects of pumpkin seed oil on hypertension. Researchers induced high arterial blood pressure in rats before treating them with pumpkin seed oil. Researchers concluded that pumpkin seed oil treatment not only normalized blood pressure levels but also protected the heart and aorta.

  5. Cools the system: Pumpkin also has a cooling effect on the body system which makes it very beneficial for people who suffer from heartburn and burning sensations in the hands, feet, and stomach. It helps in cooling the digestive systems which, in turn, reduces the impact of stomach infection, acid reflux, enlargement of liver and constipation.

6.Pumpkin can also help in eliminating the risk of diabetes, it can even help in controlling it for patients living with diabetes. The juice of petha or pumpkin is also useful for the health in a variety of ways - it can cure bleeding from any part of the body such as gums and nose. It can also control bleeding in case of piles. Bleeding, generally occurs due to a considerable rise in the body temperature and pumpkin with its cooling properties can easily maintain the temperature of your body. So, now that you are aware of the various benefits of pumpkin, it's time you start including it in your daily meals. 

7. It improves sperm quality- Whether you’re a male or a wife hoping to start your adorable little family, pumpkin seeds may help improve sperm quality. Infertility has been linked to low zinc levels, but luckily pumpkin seeds are rich in this mineral. They may also support healthy testosterone levels and in turn, this combined effect benefits fertility.
To ensure you’re eating enough pumpkin seeds, make your own trail mix. This is a great snack to bring to work, helping to fuel both your body and mind. You can also incorporate pumpkin seeds into your favorite bread or muffin recipe with ease. 

8. It’s great for pregnant mothers-Pumpkin and its seeds can both be highly beneficial when expecting, protecting both the mother and fetus.
Rich in protein, zinc, vitamin A, folate and other key vitamins, pumpkin meat and seeds can support both you and your growing baby’s needs. Being high in fiber, pumpkin will also help reduce one of the more common symptoms of pregnancy: dreaded constipation.

9. It reduces inflammation-Offering anti-inflammatory benefits, pumpkin can help improve symptoms of arthritis. As reported in one animal study published in Pharmacological Research, researchers found pumpkin seed oil to be equally effective when compared to the pharmaceutical drug indomethacin, without the associated side effects. Whether you have a toothache or an inflamed throat, adding pumpkin to your regular diet can help reduce painful symptoms.

10. It boosts your magnesium consumption-It is estimated that up to 80 percent of Americans are not getting enough magnesium, a mineral that is used by every organ in your body. Although magnesium plays an essential role in bone and heart health, it is also found in more than 300 different enzymes. From producing energy to activating nerves and muscles, magnesium is essential.
When consuming just one ounce of pumpkin seeds, you benefit from nearly 40 percent of your daily recommended intake, just like that. Considering a deficiency can lead to anything from anxiety disorders to osteoporosis, pumpkin seeds are an easy and effective way to ensure you’re getting enough.

11.It protects your prostate-Using pumpkin seeds to treat an enlarged prostate and urinary tract complaints is an old remedy — one that is making a comeback. Considering over half of American men over the age of 50 suffer from issues related to an enlarged prostate, it’s important to protect yourself when you’re young.
Based on their high concentration of phytosterols, it’s believed that these compounds can shrink the prostate. Pumpkin seeds also offer chemicals which prevent the transformation of testosterone into DHT, a hormone that is often associated with an enlarged prostate, as well as male pattern baldness.

12.It offers a source of healthy fats- Fats are not the enemy. I repeat, fats are not the enemy. We’re living in a society where low- and zero-fat foods have taken over the supermarket shelves, leading to increased health issues. Your body and brain need fat in order to function. And when consuming pumpkin seeds, you benefit from the good kind — plant-based omega-3 fatty acids.

It is a very versatile vegetable, which can be made into soups, spicy dish, pies, muffins, pancakes, halwa, barfi !



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Amputees can learn to control robotic limbs with minds

Amputees can learn to control a robotic arm with their mind even several years after an amputation, through electrodes implanted in the brain, according to a study led by an Indian-origin scientist. 

Researchers showed that the areas of the brain used to control the amputated limb and the remaining, intact limb can create new connections to learn how to control the device. 

"That is the novel aspect to this study, seeing that chronic, long-term amputees can learn to control a robotic limb," said a professor. 
"But what was also interesting was the brains plasticity over long-term exposure, and seeing what happened to the connectivity of the network as they learned to control the device," said a senior author of the study. 

Previous experiments have shown how paralysed human patients can move robotic limbs through a brain machine interface. 

The study is one of the first to test the viability of these devices in amputees as well. 

Researchers worked with three rhesus monkeys who suffered injuries at a young age and had to have an arm amputated to rescue them four, nine and 10 years ago respectively. 

In two of the animals, they implanted electrode arrays in the side of the brain opposite, or contralateral, to the amputated limb. This is the side that used to control the amputated limb. 

In the third animal, the electrodes were implanted on the same side, or ipsilateral, to the amputated limb. This is the side that still controlled the intact limb. 

The monkeys were then trained to move a robotic arm and grasp a ball using only their thoughts. 

The scientists recorded the activity of neurons where the electrodes were placed, and used a statistical model to calculate how the neurons were connected to each other before the experiments, during training and once the monkeys mastered the activity. 

The connections between neurons on the contralateral side - the side that had been controlling the amputated arm - were sparse before the training, most likely because they had not been used for that function in a long time. 

However, as training progressed, these connections became more robust and dense in areas used for both reaching and grasping. 

Researchers found that first the connections were pruned and the networks thinned, before rebuilding into a new, dense network. 

"That means connections were shedding off as the animal was trying to learn a new task, because there is already a network controlling some other behavior," said a researcher who led the study. 

"But after a few days it started rebuilding into a new network that can control both the intact limb and the neuroprosthetic," said the researcher.



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Causes of Tingling Limbs and How to Treat it

 This irritating tingling sensation may occur for several reasons, so it is important to know these 9 so that you can identify what’s causing the discomfort and what you need to do to treat the issue and ease the pain naturally.

1. Nerve pressure in the neck or back

Feeling pain and pressure coming from your neck and radiating into your arms, or pain that radiates from your back to your legs? It may be caused by injury, poor posture or arthritis. A Dr.  explains that physiotherapy can be a great solution that can relieve the unpleasant tingling sensation.

2. Vitamin B12 deficiency

If you feel tingling in both hands at the same time, it may be a vitamin B12 deficiency. If you feel fatigued and weak throughout the day, you may be suffering from anemia. Therefore, it's important that you perform the blood tests necessary so you can get the full picture and act accordingly.
You can get vitamin B12 from animal by-products, cereals, energy bars, soy products, tofu, soaked yeast, or by taking a dietary supplement. If you decide to take a dietary supplement, make sure to find out when and how to consume it so you can get the most out of it.

3. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Are you typing too much or have a physically demanding job? It turns out that repeated movements may eventually lead to the narrowing of the carpal tunnel located in the wrist. This occurs due to pressure on the median nerve, which in turn can lead to various symptoms, such as tingling in the hands and arm and even weakness in the palm of the hand, according to a Dr.
Diagnosis can be achieved through medical examinations performed by the family doctor; the first is the Phalen test, in which both hands are flexed for about half an hour to see if the symptoms appear, and the second is the tinnitus test, in which the wrist is tapped on and the symptoms are examined. In addition, an EMG test that checks the electrical activity of the muscle can determine whether nerve conduction in the median nerve is impaired.

4. Stenosis of the cervical spine or spinal cord

Stenosis of the cervical spine or spinal cord may put pressure on the spinal cord and/or nerve roots and cause a tingling sensation, says Dr. Esther Young, a neurologist at Rochester Hills Hospital in Michigan. Stenosis of these areas can be diagnosed by MRI or CT scan and can be treated with physical therapy or with epidural injections or surgery in more severe cases.

5. High blood sugar

High blood sugar levels act like a nerve toxin and can cause tingling in the hands and feet. A Dr.  points out that if you suffer from excessive thirst and hunger or frequent urination, consult your family doctor and ask for a referral to blood glucose testing or an A1C (Glucose Hemoglobin) test, which exposes the average blood glucose level in a three month period. Before it's performed it's important to note that lifestyle changes or taking appropriate medications can help you take control.

6. Under-active thyroid gland

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the gland does not produce enough hormones, leading to a slow metabolism. This can cause tingling, as well as fatigue, cold sensitivity, unexplained weight gain, dry skin, and hair loss. Hypothyroidism can be easily diagnosed with a blood test, and if you do not produce enough thyroid hormones, a synthetic replacement can be taken.

7. Multiple sclerosis

If you have a weakness that accompanies the tingling, plus symptoms such as double vision, walking difficulties, bladder control problems or bowel problems, there is a possibility that MS is the source of the problem, During the early stages of the disease, it's difficult to diagnose, but it can be detected by a combination of 3 different tests: blood test, MRI, and cerebrospinal fluid test. Dr. Young adds that there are various drugs that can slow the progression of the disease.

8. Circulatory problem

When you have circulatory problems, you might experience unpleasant tingling, but it should be noted that this tingling can also be felt when people feel tired or exhausted. If you feel tingling that does not stop and becomes permanent, something worse may be happening in your body, so consult your GP. 

 9. Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is a relatively common condition in which the nervous system causes an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, with numbness in the limbs being one of the most common symptoms of this syndrome. It should be noted that this syndrome is usually inherited and some believe that it's linked to low levels of dopamine in the body.
In simple cases of this syndrome, which are not associated with other diseases (such as diabetes or renal failure), there is no need for special treatment and making a number of lifestyle changes such as; not smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol and caffeine, as well as exercising regularly, is often enough.
If the tingling persists for a long time, consult your GP, but if it is sudden tingling that disturbs you, you should familiarize yourself with some natural and home-based treatments that can be used to relieve here. Here are four:

4 natural treatments for irritating tingles

1. Turmeric

Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which helps improve blood flow throughout the body. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce discomfort in the prickly place, as long as it is not chronic and incessant tingling that requires medical attention as soon as possible.

Preparation and treatment:

• Place a small pot on low heat, add a cup of milk, a teaspoon of turmeric and a little honey.
• Mix well and wait until the liquid reaches the desired drinking temperature.
• It is recommended to drink this drink once a day to improve blood circulation in the body.
• You can also massage the tingling area with an ointment you can prepare by mixing turmeric powder with water.

2. Hot compresses

In moments when you feel tingling, the first thing you can do is place a warm compress on the sensitive area. This will help increase blood supply to the prickly area. Moreover, this method will relax the muscles and nerves in that area.

Preparation and treatment:

• Dip a towel in hot water, squeeze it and place it on the desired area for 5-7 minutes.
• Repeat several times until the sense of numbness disappears.
• You can also use a heating pad or have a warm bath.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon contains manganese and potassium along with various B vitamins. The health benefits of cinnamon can help improve blood flow to your feet and hands, helping to treat numbness or tingling.

Preparation and treatment:

• Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass of hot water and drink every day.
• Another option is to mix a teaspoon of cinnamon together with a teaspoon of honey and consume this mixture every morning for several weeks.

4. Massage

Massaging the hands and feet can be very helpful when they're tingling, because it increases blood flow, reducing numbness and helps stimulate the nerves and muscles to improve their overall functioning.

Preparation and treatment:

• Pour a little warm olive or coconut oil on your palm and start massaging the tingling area, moving your fingers in a circular motion.
• Massage for at least 5 minutes and repeat as necessary.

A few words to sum up
Successful treatment depends on accurate diagnosis on the underlying cause of tingling. Of course, as with any other health issue, in order to prevent this problem, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining a healthy weight, a balanced diet, avoiding or limiting alcohol consumption and stopping smoking. In some cases of tingling and other symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, discomfort may be reduced by medication, as instructed by the family doctor.



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