Monday, January 31, 2022

Stretches That Help Maintain Your Hips

As we get older, many of us experience pain and stiffness in our hips. This is not surprising, given that the hips are two of the hardest-working joints in the body and many common, daily activities take their toll on them. Sitting in the same position for prolonged periods, twisting, turning and walking all have an impact over the years, and if your hips begin to suffer, it can also cause a pain 'chain reaction' which can affect your knees, back and thigh muscles. Luckily, there are a number of simple, everyday stretches that can help you maintain supple, pain-free hips.
Why Do Hip Stretches?  
The hip is a ball and socket joint designed to naturally facilitate a large range of motion. It is home to some of the largest muscles in the body, as well as some of the smallest, with each muscle having a specific function designed to allow the hip to flex, rotate and extend as required. 

Around 15 degrees of extension are required in order to allow us to walk normally. However, modern life often requires us to sit in the same position for prolonged periods of time - be it at work, home, or even in the car. Over time, this can cause the flexor and rotator muscles to tighten, and weaken the gluteal muscles responsible for extension. This degeneration will impair the mobility of the hips and negatively impact posture, while the back will frequently need to compensate for the lost movement, which can lead to back pain as well.  
The Significance of Tight Hips as We Get Older
Gait analysis studies have shown that our stride becomes shorter as we get older. Shortened step length can be both a cause and symptom of impaired hip rotation. Tight hip flexors will cause us to walk with a reduced stride, while over time, the tendency to walk with shorter steps will lead to tightness in the muscles and impaired balance. Hip stretches can be a great preventative strategy to help maintain posture and prevent falls as we grow older. 
As you age, other factors might lead you to become less mobile as well. The only activities that fully extend the hips are walking and running. It is important that we try to keep ourselves active for as long as possible, but if other issues have caused you to walk less than you once did, then hip stretches can compensate for the reduced extension of the pelvic muscles, and maintain the nimbleness of your hips.

Hip Stretches You Can Perform At Home 
The following stretches are all designed to be performed at home, by people of any age. However, if you have chronic hip pain, long term back pain or arthritis, please consult your Doctor or Physical Therapist before committing yourself to any exercise plan. 
1. Hip Extensor Stretches 
The hip extensors are comprised of the hamstrings (the long muscles at the back of the upper leg) and gluteus maximus (otherwise known as your backside!), and together they facilitate mobility when you walk or run. We don't need to stretch the gluteus maximus too often as it naturally exists in an extended state when we are seated. However, the hamstrings contract when we sit down and can often become tight. Here are two easy hamstring stretches you can do at home:

The Standing Hamstring Stretch
This stretch is proven to help hamstring flexibility, but is most effective if you are able to maintain a straight back while performing it: 
1. Place a low chair or table in front of you and gently raise your leg on to it, while keeping your chest and back straight. 
2. Bend forward at your hips (not your back) until you feel the muscle at the back of your thigh stretch. 
3. Try and hold the position for as long as it is comfortable, 30 seconds is a reasonable guideline.  
The Hamstring Stretch In a Doorway
1. Lie on the floor near an open doorway. Raise one leg so it rests against an adjacent wall, while lying the other flat against the floor and through the open doorway. 
2. Gently pull yourself closer to the wall so that you feel a stretch at the back of your extended thigh. 
3. Try and hold the position for as long as you comfortably can - again, 30 seconds is a reasonable guideline. 
 2. Hip Flexor Stretch
The hip flexors connect the hip, pelvis and abdomen and are responsible for flexing, as the name suggests. They are among the most powerful muscles in the body. Here's how you can help keep them supple: 
1. To stretch the left hip's flexor muscles, kneel on your left knee and extend your right foot out in front of you so that it creates a 90-degree angle. You can put a cushion or something similar under the knee if you find it uncomfortable. 
2. Rest your left hand on your left hip and push the left hip forward so that it moves ahead of your left knee, while leaving your right knee where it is. 
3. Keep your chest extended and ensure that your hips remain straight - do not bend forward. 
4. Swap knees and repeat the exercise for your right side flexors. 
3. Hip Rotator Stretches  
The internal and external hip rotator muscles are responsible for the twisting, turning and spinning motions of your lower body. We use these muscles countless times everyday, for a wide range of activities. These exercises can help keep them in good working order: 
Internal Rotator Stretches
1. Stretch your left side by sitting crossed-legged on a supportive chair with your left leg placed across your right leg. Your left ankle should sit on your right thigh. 
2. Use your left hand to apply gentle pressure to your left thigh until you feel resistance. 
3. Breathe out while tilting gently forward at the hips, keeping your back and chest straightened. It is important that you don't adopt a 'hunched' position. 
4. Hold the position for 30 seconds, or however long is feasible for you. Switch legs and repeat the exercise. 
 External Rotator Stretches
1. Work your left external rotators by again sitting on the chair, and crossing your left leg across your right thigh so your left ankle is resting upon it. 
2. Take hold of your left knee with both hands and slowly press it up towards your left shoulder. 
3. Press until you feel resistance; don't go beyond this position as you may feel pain. 
4. Hold the position for 30 seconds, or however long is comfortable for you. Switch legs and repeat the exercise. 
4. Hip Abductor Stretches 
The hip abductor muscles sit on the inside of your thighs. The long abductors cross both the hip and knee joint, while the short abductors cross only the hip joint. Here are some stretches that can help keep both types of abductor muscle supple
Short Abductor Stretches
1. Kneel onto your left knee and extend your right knee out in front of you at a 90 degree angle. 
2. Breathe in deeply, then slide your right knee out to the side and back. 
3. Exhale and raise your chest. 
4. Swap legs and repeat the exercise for the other hip.  
Long Abductor Sitting Stretches
1. You can stretch both of your long abductors at the same time by sitting with your legs placed together but stretched out in front of you and your back straight. 
2. Gradually try and work your legs apart as far as they will comfortably go. Relax and hold the pose for a few seconds. 
3. Breathe in deeply while using your hips to bend forward until you feel resistance. 
4. Be certain to keep your chest raised and maintain a normal curvature of the back; the bend should be at the hips. 
5. Hold the pose for as long as comfortable - 30 seconds if you can. 
5. Iliotibial Band Stretches
The Iliotibial band is an area of thickened muscle fibers that runs along the outside of the thigh and connects your hip to your lower leg. If yours is tight, it can cause you knee pain. This simple, preventative exercise will help stretch your left iliotibial band: 
1. Lean against a chair with your left hand, and place your left foot behind your right foot. Point the toes of your left foot at a 45-degree angle or thereabouts. 
2. Put your right hand on your right hip. Then push your left hip towards the chair while keeping your right leg straight. 
3. Do not bend forward at the hips, or rotate the entire body. Make sure you remain upright, keeping your upper body in line with a wall. 
4. Swap legs and repeat.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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6 Senior-Friendly Exercises to Support the Hips

Even though everyone can benefit from hip strengthening, seniors are one group of people who can find an extra sense of security from these types of exercises. That’s because targeting the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the hip area reduces hip pain, promotes joint mobility, and improves your sense of balance. 
Hip-strengthening exercises are an essential part of fall and hip injury prevention in older adults. By completing these exercises, older adults will take the strain off the hip bones and feel more capable in day-to-day life. This guide will help you gain an understanding of safe hip exercises for seniors. 
Why it’s important to exercise the hips
Hip Exercises seniors at the gym
Let’s begin by pointing out that weak and stiff hips are an extremely common issue in younger and older adults alike. Excessive sitting and a general lack of movement are believed to be the biggest culprits. After all, the hip is one of the most mobile joints in the entire human body that rotates along 3 different planes: forward or backward, internally or externally, and to the sides. 
When you deprive the hips of movement, some of the muscles and connective tissues can become tight, and the resulting imbalance may cause pain. Certain health conditions, such as arthritis or previous injuries, can also contribute to hip pain. In fact, nearly 15% of adults 60 and older report significant and persistent hip pain. 
If decreased hip mobility is your chief concern, consider looking through this article - Stretches That Help Maintain Your Hips. - view my next post
But hip mobility isn’t the only function of the hip joints. They also play a massive role in maintaining balance while standing, walking, and getting up from a seated position. Weakened hip muscles can make everyday activities like walking, squatting, bending, and using the stairs challenging. Therefore, strengthening the hips can make a tremendous change in the daily life of seniors. 
Last but definitely not least, remember that the benefits of hip exercise also improve the alignment of the knees and lower back, so these types of exercises are also beneficial for folks suffering from pain in the knees and lower back, including arthritic pain and joint stiffness. 
How to practice hip exercises safely
Hip Exercises seniors exercising
Anyone can start practicing the hip-strengthening exercises we list below at home. In case you experience difficulty stating or have problems with balance, begin with the exercises that can be performed in a chair or in a reclined position. Over time, your hip strength will increase, and you’ll be able to try the standing exercises we list in this article as well. Beginners will also benefit from completing the standing exercises near a wall, railing, table, or any other stable surface. You can hold on to it for added support. 
The three main groups of muscles we target in the exercises below are: 
- The gluteus maximus is the large muscle located at the surface of the backside. It helps extend the hip and rotate it externally.
- The gluteus medius is a fan-shaped muscle in the back of the hip that abducts the thigh and helps rotate it internally. 
- Hip flexor muscles. This is a group of muscles that consists of the iliacus, the psoas, and the rectus femoris muscles that connect the lower back and the thigh. These muscles are activated when you take a step or get up from a chair. 
1. Hip marching
This is one of the best exercises for building strength in the hips and thighs. More specifically, it targets the hip flexor muscles that play a big role in lifting the legs. When these muscles are shorter than they should be, this can shorten your steps, slow you down, and lead to foot-dragging, all of which increases the risk of trips or falls. 
Here’s how to complete this exercise
1. Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. 
2. Lift one leg with the knee bent as high as possible. 
3. Hold for one second and lower the foot back to the floor. 
4. Repeat the same steps on the other side. Perform 5-10 repetitions on each side. Complete 2-3 sets. 
2. Hip circles  
Like the previous exercise, hip circles promote stability and mobility in the hips. If you need extra support, hold onto a table or any other stable surface for support. Once you practice and increase hip strength, you can try and complete larger circles. 
Here’s how to complete this exercise: 
1. Stand up straight near a table (chair, wall, or any other stable surface) and hold onto it for stability. Lift one leg. 
2. Start moving the lifted leg in small circles. Complete around 10-20 circles clockwise and then move in the other direction. 
3. Return to the initial position. Repeat the same steps on the other side. You can do up to 2-3 sets of this exercise. 
3. Donkey kicks
Hip Exercises Donkey kicks
The donkey kicks exercise is beneficial for supporting the muscles in the hips and glutes. It activates the gluteus maximus muscles, and it’s also beneficial for your core muscles. 
Here’s how to complete this exercise:  
1. Start on all fours. Lift one knee as high as you can. You can keep the knee bent or straight, whatever feels more comfortable for you. 
2. Lower the leg to the initial position. 
3. Complete the same steps on the other side. This is one repetition. Perform 10-20 repetitions. Complete 2-3 sets.

4. Hip abduction
This hip exercise trains the gluteus medius muscles. When completing the exercise, you will feel a stretch in the hamstrings and the front of the groin - this is normal. 
Here’s how to complete this exercise
1. Stand near a table (chair, wall, or any other stable surface) and hold onto it for stability. 
2. Keep both legs straight, then extend the left leg to the side. Make sure to stand straight (do not hunch the back) and hold this position for 1 second. 
3. Return to the initial position and repeat on the other leg. Perform 10 repetitions on each side. Complete 3 sets.

5. Bridge
Hip Exercises Bridge
The benefit of the bridge exercise is that it strengthens the glutes and can easily be done in a reclined position. The glutes play a huge role in hip extension, so it’s great for promoting balance too. 
Here’s how to complete this exercise: 
1. Lie down on the back. Bend the knees and keep the feet flat. 
2. Activate the glute muscles and slowly lift the hips. Resist from arching the back and activate the abs to protect the lower back. 
3. Hold the position for 3 seconds. If this is tough on your lower back, you can support your back with your hands. 
4. Gently return to the initial position. This is one repetition. Perform 5-10 repetitions. Complete 2-3 sets. 
6. Sit to stand  
Find it difficult to get out of a chair? The best way to feel more confident about it is to practice doing so. Note that practicing the sit-to-stand action will also strengthen the glute muscles, so you will also notice a difference in your sense of balance and distance between steps if you practice this simple skill over time. 
Here’s how to complete this exercise:  
1. Sit in a chair. Slightly lean forward and activate your legs when you rise from the chair. Resist from using your hands when you’re getting up. 
2. When you reach the upright position, really squeeze the glute muscles to extend the hips completely. 
3. Hold this position for 1 second, and then use the muscle strength in your hips to guide yourself back into the seated position. Perform 10 repetitions. Complete up to 3 sets of this exercise.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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