Saturday, August 31, 2019

What is a cardiac arrest?

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Healthy plant-based diet tied to lowered heart risk

People who eat a healthy, mostly plant-based diet may be less likely to develop heart disease and to die from it than those who consume lots of meat and refined carbohydrates, a U.S. study suggests. 

Researchers followed 12,168 middle-aged adults over three decades, assessing their eating habits at several points. During the study, 5,436 participants died, including 1,565 who died from cardiovascular disease. 

Compared to people who most closely followed a plant-based or vegetarian diet, those with diets heavier in animal products and refined carbs were 31% to 32% more likely to die of heart disease and 18% to 25% more likely to die of all causes during the study. 

People who didn’t eat a lot of plant-based meals were also 16% more likely to develop heart failure or have non-fatal heart attacks or strokes than the participants who ate the most plants. 

“Plant-based diets seem to be rising in popularity, and our study provides more evidence suggesting that consuming a plant-based diet can be good for your heart health,” said the senior author of the study and a researcher. 

“People should ensure that they are consuming enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limit their intake of red and processed meat,” she said. 

At the start of the study, participants were 45-64 years old and free of heart disease. Those who most closely adhered to a plant-based or vegetarian diet over the next 30 years were more likely to be women, white, high school graduates, and physically active. They were less likely to be obese, smokers, or to have high blood pressure or diabetes. 

Vegetarians and those who ate the greatest proportion of healthy plant-based foods were also 16% less likely than those who ate the least to be diagnosed with heart disease during the follow-up.
But not all vegetarian and plant-based diets were equally beneficial, researchers report in the Journal of the American Heart Association. 

They looked at four types of diets with regard to the type and amount of plant content: an overall plant-based diet; one based primarily on healthy plants like green vegetables; an entirely vegetarian diet; and a fourth diet that included more unhealthy plant-based meals, based on starches like potatoes, and processed foods.

People who followed one of the three healthier diets in the study consumed an average of 4.1 to 4.8 servings of fruits and vegetables and less than one serving of red or processed meat a day. 

By contrast, people who adhered most closely to the unhealthy plant-based diet consumed an average of 2.3 servings of fruits and vegetables and 1.2 servings of red or processed meat a day. 

Eating more plant foods and less of animal foods was tied to a lower risk of heart disease and deaths even with an unhealthy plant-based diet, but the benefit wasn’t as pronounced as it was for healthier vegetarian and plant-based diets. 

The study wasn’t designed to prove whether or how any one way of eating might directly prevent heart disease or premature deaths. 

One limitation of the study is that researchers relied on participants to accurately recall and report on what they ate. It’s also unclear from the results whether there is an ideal amount of plant or animal foods for optimal heart health or for longevity, the authors note. 

“It is not a good idea to just suddenly stop eating animals without some knowledge of how to make a vegetarian diet healthy,” said a Dr. 

To get enough protein, vegetarians should eat tofu and quinoa and also combine whole grains with legumes like beans and lentils, Spence, who wasn’t involved in the study, said by email. 

For heart health, a vegetarian diet is one of three good options, said  a nutrition researcher who also wasn’t involved in the study. 

“The other two are the Mediterranean diet - high in fruit and veg and low in meat - and the healthy American diet, also with reduced meat and high fruit and vegetables,”said the Dr.

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GET RID of Liver Toxins Quickly

By Blending Ginger And Turmeric With Coconut Milk – Golden Milk Recipe

Have you heard of ‘golden milk’ and its various health benefits? This delicious beverage unites the beneficial properties of turmeric, coconut milk, ginger, and black pepper, and effectively reduces anxiety, stress, and promotes better sleep.

‘Golden milk’ star ingredient is turmeric, which is known to be one of the healthiest spices on Earth and has been practised in traditional medicine for over 8,000 years. The active ingredient Curcumin contributes most of its medicinal characteristics, since it relieves pain and fights inflammation, and thus treats diabetes, migraine, cancer, stroke, neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, and thyroid problems.

Furthermore, curcumin kills bacteria and microbes, improves blood sugar levels, reduces cholesterol, stimulates the immune system, and calms the nerves. Also, it promotes heart health, detoxifies the liver, encourages the healing of wounds, and enhances cognition.

Also, coconut milk energises our body, controls blood glucose, promotes heart health, and helps weight loss. It is packed full of vitamins C, E, and B, antioxidants, and other minerals like magnesium, potassium, iron, and phosphorus.

Ginger eases the pain, controls the insulin function and hypertension, improves digestion, kills microbes, and boosts blood circulation.

So, here is how to prepare this fantastic natural drink:

One tablespoon of turmeric
2 cups of coconut milk
One ginger
¼ tablespoon of black pepper
Organic Honey

How to prepare it:

Combine all the ingredients in a pan, leaving honey at the end, and heat the mix until it starts bubbling. Next, switch off the heat and leave it aside for 5 minutes, Strain the ginger and sweeten the honey. Mix well.

Drink the golden milk right away.

According to Nature’s Path, turmeric milk “has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, but has recently taken the spotlight in the Western world.

A warm, healing beverage also known as turmeric tea, golden milk has natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-arthritic, and anti-cancer benefits, among others.”

These are some of the various health benefits of ‘Golden Milk’:

“ Increases memory and speeds learning
Decreases free-radical damage and oxidative stress
Eases arthritis pain and inflammation
Improves blood pressure and reduces LDL cholesterol
Blocks or inhibits colon, breast, and pancreatic cancers
Slows the progress of the neurodegenerative disease
Controls over 160 individual physiological functions.”

Rather impressive, right?

Delicious and packed with health benefits, golden milk is a warm soothing drink that everyone should learn to make. If you’re looking to reduce inflammation, reduce arthritis pain, ease digestive upset, or speed healing, warm turmeric tea is the way to go!

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7 Step Baking Soda Solution to Your Troublesome Splinter

Having a splinter is awful. At best it's uncomfortable, at worst it can be horribly painful, particularly to small children. What's more, the thought of removing that wooden intruder with tweezers or a pin is enough to strike any soul with trepidation. But, luckily, here is a simple homemade solution you can make using baking soda. So, whip that magical powder out of its cupboard and let's get to work!
Step 1: Do not squeeze at it!
First, it's important you get a good idea of what kind of splinter you are dealing with, and where precisely it is. Squeezing may cause the splinter to go deeper into your skin, or even break it up into smaller pieces that are even harder to remove. So, refrain from squeezing.
Step 2: Clean the area, using soap and water
Always do this when you have any kind of open wound, to avoid infections. Then dry yourself off with a paper towel. Do so very gently, so as not to aggravate the wound. Remember that wood loves moisture, so keep it as dry as you can. 
Step 3: Look at the splinter using a magnifying glass
Make sure that the splinter is small. The method we are about to use makes the skin swell. This swelling will push out the splinter. But this will only work on small splinters. If yours seems rather large, you will have to consider some other methods.
Step 4: Make Your Baking Soda Paste
Your paste will be made with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and a little water. We want a nice thick paste.
Step 5: Apply your paste to the area
The best way to do this is to spread the paste on a bandage and place it over the splinter.
Step 6: Wait 1 day, then take the bandage off
Take the bandage off after one day. If you can see the splinter sticking out, you will then be able to pull it out (step 7) with a pair of tweezers, without penetrating your skin. And if it's sticking out but you can barely see it, it may naturally come out when you take a wash. 
If the splinter is still inside, repeat steps 4-6 as many times as necessary.
Step 7: Apply a topical anesthetic
Once you are ready to pull out the splinter, the area will still fees quite painful, apply some Baby Orajel to the wound. This ointment causes numbing, which should furnish you with the confidence to proceed. Wait just a couple of minutes and then pull it out with some tweezers. Finished.
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Grana Padano: The Hard Cheese Good Health Story

Cheese is certainly delicious, but you might be surprised to learn that eating it regularly can also be beneficial to your health. Recent research seems to suggest that there is, at least, one Italian cheese that can protect your heart. What great news this is for us cheese lovers!
The study showed that people with high blood pressure saw their systolic blood pressure improve by 7 to 8 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and their diastolic blood pressure by 5 to 7 mm Hg, after they had eaten a single ounce of the renowned Italian cheese Grana Padano per day for two months.

The people in the study who did not eat the semi-fat hard, parmesan-like cheese, but rather a fake-dairy version of it, saw no improvement in their blood pressure.

Lead study author found that Grana Padano contains two compounds that can relax your blood vessels, leading to a lowering of your blood pressure. These are known as isoleucine-proline-proline (IPP) and valine-proline-proline (VPP).
IPP and VPP function like common blood pressure ACE inhibitors (e.g. Lotensin or Capoten), which stop our bodies producing angiotensin II, an active hormone that increases blood pressure by constricting blood vessels.

Although this study is exciting, both for the health news and for the excuse to eat cheese, Dr. sounds a note of caution. He says that because cheeses contain lots of salt and fat, they can really boost your calorie count if you’re not careful. For this reason, he recommends substituting an ounce of Grana Padano cheese for every dairy serving you normally eat per day.

It's not clear at this stage whether similar cheeses, such as the similar Parmigiano Reggiano, offer the same health benefits. Yet, future studies are likely to be started to explore and resolve the question.
THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                       https://                                                                                                                     FOR CROCHET DESIGNS                                                                                                   

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