Saturday, July 30, 2016

How menopause 'crushes your motivation to exercise'

  • Many postmenopausal women experience weight gain, no drive to work out
  • Scientists have struggled to explain the exact reason for this side effect
  • Now a study has found a link between ovaries and dopamine in the brain
  • Exercise drives up dopamine levels in the brain's pleasure center
For many women, working out is completely different after menopause hits.

They feel lethargic, unmotivated, and don't get the same buzz from a run or a zumba class as they did before.
But scientists have struggled to offer a specific reason for this, aside from general hormonal changes.

Now, however, a team at the University of Missouri has identified a link between ovarian hormones and dopamine levels in the brain, which make exercise feel so good. 
It could signal the start of new research to help women treat overwhelming lethargy and improve their motivation to stay active.

'Postmenopausal women are more susceptible to weight gain and health issues,' said Dr Victoria Vieira-Potter, who specializes in nutrition and exercise physiology at MU.

'This is especially frustrating for women, who already are dealing with significant changes to their bodies.

'We found that the decrease in physical activity that leads to weight gain may be caused by changes in brain activity.'

The menopause, which tends to strike by the early 50s, can cause mood swings, depression and anxiety.

In many cases, it affects a woman's drive to move, and many women gain weight during this time.  

To examine this side effect, Dr Vieira-Potter's study tracked the physical activity of rats - some that were physically fit and some that were not.

First they monitored their fitness levels and the level of activity in the pleasure center of their brains
Then they removed their ovaries to mimic the effects of menopause, when women stop producing estrogen in such significant quantities.

Both groups - no matter how physically active they were before - showed dramatic reductions in their motivation to run on a running wheel.

All of the rats also experienced a drop in the amount of dopamine in the pleasure center of their brain.

It suggests the hormonal changes experienced during menopause could impact on the brain, and that could be the process that hampers physical activity.

'We found that in both groups of rats, the hormonal changes from menopause led to changes in the brain that translated to less physical activity,' Dr Vieira-Potter said.

'The findings confirm previous evidence in humans and rodents that weight gain that occurs after menopause is likely due to decreased overall physical activity rather than increased energy intake from diet.

'Understanding what is causing the decrease in activity and subsequent weight gain may allow us to intervene, possibly by activating dopamine receptors, to preserve the motivation to be physically active.'

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Rare Gene Mutation Linked To Oesophageal Cancer Discovered

Scientists have discovered that a rare genetic mutation is associated with susceptibility to esophageal cancer and familial Barrett esophagus.

Researchers at University Hospitals Case Medical Centre in the US,  set out to identify novel disease susceptibility variants in familial Barrett esophagus (FBO) in affected individuals from a large multigenerational family.

Barrett's esophagus is a serious complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease. In Barrett's esophagus (BO), normal tissue lining the esophagus - the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach - changes to tissue that resembles the lining of the intestine.

The team, led by Chak along with Kishore Guda, of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Centre, used targeted next generation gene sequencing to find a rare mutation (S631G) in FBO in the uncharacterised gene VSIG10L that segregated with disease in affected family members.

Studies showed that this mutation disrupts maturation of the normal esophageal lining.

"Instances of esophageal cancer are on the rise, and the disease has a poor five-year survival rate of less than 15 per cent," said Chak.

"However early detection through screening can prevent the development of esophageal cancer. Further research assessing this gene variant may reveal pathways important for the pathogenesis of BO and esophageal adenocarcinoma, leading to earlier detection and better treatment options," he said.

Affecting up to 6.8 per cent of the population, BO is a leading predictor of esophageal cancer.

Compared with the general population, patients with BO have an 11-fold higher risk of developing adenocarcinoma of the esophagus.

However, despite a dramatic increase in the disease over the past four decades, there have been few advances in understanding and improving treatment options.

Discovery of this variant, which is the first susceptibility variant discovered in FBO, shows novel biology in disease pathogenesis, and indicates early screening and close clinical monitoring for individuals harbouring this germline variant.

"This is a step forward in combating this deadly disease as we discovered a new way to categorise those at risk for esophageal adenocarcinoma," said Chak.

The study was published in the journal JAMA Oncology.

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Friday, July 29, 2016


Men and women have several biological differences, and their systems react differently to certain chemicals and stimuli. 

 There are several reasons for why men and women have different reactions to certain types of medications:
1. Physical size and anatomy
 Even though women are often physically smaller than men, they receive the same dosage. This means that they have a higher concentration of the medicine in their body, which could explain the differences in how the body reacts to it. At the same time, anatomical differences between genders can lead to increased sensitivity to certain types of medication in women.
2. Difference in how the body processes medication
 Our kidneys play a vital role in clearing toxins and excess medication from the body. In older women, however, there is a decrease in kidney functions, which some studies suggest is considerably higher than in men. This means that some women end up being exposed to higher concentrations of the active ingredients in medication. Additionally, enzymes in the stomach lining and the liver, which are part of a system called “P450” that also helps remove excess medicine in the body, behave differently in men and women.
 3. Stomach acidity levels
 The digestive system in men and women works differently, so medication taken orally can affect each gender differently. In women, stomach acidity is lower than in men, leading to a slower emptying process. This means that the active ingredients in the medicine absorb in the stomach for longer periods, which affects women more than men.
Medication that Reacts Differently in Men and Women Since the subject of the different effects medication has on different genders is still being studied, the following list cannot be considered as comprehensive or complete, since more types of medication are likely to be added to it in the future. If you’re taking medication that appears on this list, are planning on changing your medication, or are experiencing unusual side effects, consult with your physician.
 1. Antidepressants
 Serotonin is a known antidepressant, but women naturally produce less of it than men. The result is that serotonin-based antidepressants are far more effective in women than in men. Men, however, seem to react better to imipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant.
2. Valium
 Valium is used to reduce anxiety, and is often prescribed in the same dosage for both men and women, despite the fact that women process it faster than men, reducing its efficacy. The reason is that the high level of estrogen in women affects an enzyme called A43, which breaks down the Valium in the body. Since the breakdown is greater, women may require higher doses of Valium than men.
3. Zolpidem-based insomnia drugs
 Many women who were taking zolpidem containing sleeping pills suffered from side effects such as night terrors, difficulty in waking up, headaches, etc. In 2013, following a study into the matter, the U.S. FDA instructed women to reduce their dosage by half. The reason is that women seemed to process the drug at a slower rate, thus increasing its efficacy. The side effects of zolpidem on women also increased the risk of car accidents.
4. Statins-based cholesterol-lowering drugs
 Statins based cholesterol medication is commonly used as a treatment for high cholesterol and as a preventative measure for coronary diseases, despite the fact that these drugs were only tested on males. More recent studies found that while these drugs lower the risk of heart attacks in men, their effects on women are significantly lower, even compared to men with a history of heart problems.
5. Losartan-based blood pressure medication
 While the increased activity of the A43 enzyme lowers the efficacy of certain medications in women, in some cases it can do the opposite and cause an overdose. The effects of losartan in women who take it for high blood pressure may lead to much stronger effects than in men who take the same dosage, thus causing their blood pressure to drop dangerously low.
 6. Aspirin
 There are women who take this NSAID on a daily basis as a form of prevention for coronary diseases, yet all the studies that recommended this practice were performed on men. In fact, aspirin does not protect women’s cardiovascular system in the same way it does for men, and doctors often recommend a considerably higher dosage to women who have been through a coronary event. However, in recent studies, it was found that aspirin does more to protect women from stroke compared to men.
7. Anesthetics
 Though there are very few cases of people who have woken up during surgery, or that report that they heard what was happening in the operating room, the number of women who reported these experiences is three times higher than men. Researchers have found that each gender reacts differently to the anesthetics because of the distribution of fat, which differs between males and females. For this reason, anesthetics that are fat soluble, such as Propofol, are more effective on men, while water soluble anesthetics are more effective on women.
8. Painkillers
 There are known differences in pain sensitivity and threshold between men and women, very few studies have been performed on the efficacy of painkillers for each gender. This is troubling because it is directly related to their efficacy and risk of addiction. In one of the few studies on this topic, it was found that the difference between male and female metabolism, women tend to enjoy a more powerful effect from opioid painkillers. This means that women need a dosage that is 30-40% smaller than men. Men, on the other hand, respond better to Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID).
9. Epilepsy medicine
 The hormonal changes women experience during their menstrual cycle has a significant effect on the efficacy of many types of medication. For example, progesterone may speed up the system that cleanses drugs from the body. In some women who suffer from epilepsy, this hormone may lead to a multitude of seizures prior to menstruation. Some women don’t make the connection between the increase in the frequency of attacks and their menstrual cycle, and many doctors won’t even ask them about it, despite the fact that this can easily be resolved by changing medication or dosage.

In conclusion, as mentioned in the beginning of this article, the most important thing is to be aware and vigilant of whatever type of medication you take. Avoid taking anything before consulting with a doctor, and don’t be afraid to ask if the dosage is right for your gender, age, weight, and medical history.
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Natural Remedies to Lighten Age Spots

Skin changes with age, and one of its signs comes in the form of small brownish-colored lesions. They are often called liver spots, despite the fact that they have no relation to a liver disorder. These spots are painless and usually appear on the neck, forehead, face, back, hands and feet. According to  Dermatologist, age spots are formed due to prolonged exposure to the sun or battles with disease or sickness.

 Natural home remedies, however, tend to work just as well on age spots (without the side effects). But it is important to bear in mind that removing them completely will take time. Nevertheless, removing age spots is nothing near impossible - there are a number of ways to treat them and help diminish their appearance.

1. Lemon Juice 
Lemon is frequently found in bleaching creams - the citric acid and antioxidants found in its juice are what make it an effective remedy. Simply apply a squeeze of lemon juice twice a day for six to eight weeks.

2. Onion and Apple Cider Vinegar 
Blend an onion and leave a few minutes to drain. Add an equal amount of apple cider vinegar and apply over the spots, using a cotton swab. Expect to see improved results within 5 to 6 months.

3. Castor Oil 
If your age spots appear to be rough in texture, apply castor oil twice a day for a couple of months. You will notice a distinct improvement in the appearance and texture of the spots.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar 
Add a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. You may also add some honey to better the taste. Alternatively, you may add a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar to lemon juice, and apply the mixture directly on the spots, as opposed to consuming it.

5. Aloe Vera 
This miraculous herb has been shown to have tremendous potential in treating dermatological conditions like burns and scars. The gel or juice from Aloe Vera can be directly rubbed onto the age spots. It also stimulates the growth of new skin to replace old, dead cells, rejuvenating the appearance of your face and skin.

6. Horseradish 
Mix some horseradish into a bowl of milk for about 20 to 30 minutes and rub the mixture onto your age spots. Horseradish contains antioxidant and volatile compounds, helping age spots improve in just a matter of days.

 7. Olive Oil and Vinegar
Apply a spoonful of vinegar and olive oil to the spots and wash the blend off after 30 minutes.

8. Papaya 
Grate raw papaya and rub it on the spotted area. Wash off after a couple of minutes. This natural remedy should be done every day in order to gain its benefits.

9. Orange Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar 
To benefit from this recipe, apply 2 to 3 tablespoons of orange juice, mixed with half a spoon of apple cider vinegar. This remedy must be applied over the darkened regions for about a month, after which you should begin to see results.

10. Buttermilk and Tomato
Combine these two ingredients together and apply to the age spots.

11. Watermelon 
This fruit is rich in antioxidant compounds and vitamin C. It has been shown to positively improve the appearance of age spots, just rub the rind of a watermelon over them.

12. Cumin Seed 
Boil some cumin seed in water (cumin releases many of its essential oils when boiled). Once it has cooled to a warm temperature, wash your face with the cumin water and leave for 30 minutes, before rinsing with cold water.

13. Garlic 
A paste made from this ingredient is an efficient remedy in treating age spots.

14. Yogurt Mask 
Some people have claimed to see results in this natural remedy. First, wash your face with warm water, to open the pores on your skin. Then, gently pat dry and apply a light mask of whole-milk yogurt to your face, or on areas with age spots. Repeat daily for two months.

15. Cucumber Juice 
Due to the bleaching properties of cucumber's organic compounds, applying cucumber juice to age spots dramatically improves their appearance.

16. Onion 
Applying a sliced onion on the affected areas will reduce the color of an age spot. The organic compounds in onions, as well as its vitamin C act as a natural skin lightener.

17. Dandelion 
Dandelion stem is your go-to herb when dealing with skin issues. Age spots can also be treated effectively, when consuming this powerful plant every day.

18. Radish, Vinegar, Lime Juice and Rosemary Oil 
Combining these ingredients together and applying it to the affected area cleanses the skin and brightens its color and glow.

19. Rose Water and Sandal Powder
These ingredients may be used to prepare and apply a mask over the relevant area. You may also add some saffron to the mix, as this too has some skin-lightening capacity.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stem cells injection could ward off glaucoma

An infusion of stem cells harvested from a patient's own skin could help restore proper drainage for fluid-clogged eyes at risk of glaucoma, a study says.
When fluid accumulates in the eye, the increase in pressure could lead to glaucoma. The disease damages the optic nerve and can result in blindness.

The researchers injected stem cells into the eyes of mice with glaucoma. 

 The influx of cells regenerated the tiny, delicate patch of tissue known as the trabecular meshwork, which serves as a drain for the eyes to avoid fluid buildup.
"We believe that replacement of damaged or lost trabecular meshwork cells with healthy cells can lead to functional restoration following transplantation into glaucoma eyes," said lead researcher Markus Kuehn from University of Iowa in the US.

One potential advantage of the approach is that the type of stem cells used - called induced pluripotent stem cells - could be created from cells harvested from a patient's own skin.

That gets around the ethical quandary of using fetal stem cells, and it also lessens the chance of the patient's body rejecting the transplanted cells.

Kuehn's team was able to get the stem cells to grow into cells like those of the trabecular meshwork by culturing them in a solution that had previously been "conditioned" by actual human trabecular meshwork cells. 

 The researchers were encouraged to see that the stem cell injection led to a proliferation of new endogenous cells within the trabecular meshwork.
In other words, it appears the stem cells not only survived on their own, but coaxed the body into making more of its own cells within the eye, thus multiplying the therapeutic effect.

The team measured the effects in the mice nine weeks after the transplant.

Laboratory mice generally live only two or three years, and nine weeks is roughly equal to about five or six years for humans.

The researchers say they are confident that their findings hold promise for the most common form of glaucoma, known as primary open angle glaucoma. They are not sure yet if their mouse model is as relevant for other forms of the disease.

The findings were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Most of us use carom, to prevent gas formation when cooking potatoes or arbi/  Colocasia. I know that people also use it when feeling nauseous. Here are some more benefits of ajwain

Asthma-  If an asthma patient utilizes the mixture of carom seeds and jaggery twice daily on a regular basis, it will provide considerable relief from the discomforts that are associated with asthma.

 Acidity- Carom has anti-acidity properties. A solution made from a pinch of salt, carom and lukewarm water, when consumed every morning or post meal on a regular basis, works wonders.

 Stomach problems-A mixture of carom seed and salt when consumed with a sip of water is effective in providing relief from the symptoms of indigestion and stomachache.

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Oranges are packed full of vitamins (A/B/C) & nutrients (Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Calcium & more) as well as antioxidants & anti-inflammatory nutrients. You’ll be amazed to know that drinking a glass of its juice is more effective than taking a vitamin C supplement.

 1. Boost your immune system
 Like most citrus fruits, the Orange is packed full of vitamin C, which is much needed to keep your immune system running efficiently and boost the production of white blood cells, plus vitamin A, copper and folate – all essential for the immune system.

2. Lower your cholesterol
Research shows that the flavanones in orange juice lower bad cholesterol (LDL)and improve the good-to-bad cholesterol ratio. Oranges also contain Pectin, a soluble fiber that locks up bad cholesterol and expels it from the body.
3. Fight aging
Rich in antioxidants, oranges have a reputation as  anti-aging fruit, as well as the fact that they contain beta-carotene which helps in repairing skin-damage.

4. Keep your eyes healthy
 Beta-carotene also is turned into vitamin A by the body and vitamin A is known to be vital to the function of our eyes. Along with it, the Orange contains carotenoids that help prevent chronic eye diseases.
 5. Rejuvenates your skin
 The antioxidant properties of vitamin C helps fight sun-damage as well as environmental pollutants that can damage the skin. It also is a key ingredient in the production of collagen, which helps keep the skin tight and elastic. The citric acid in the peel lightens and brightens the skin and also opens up clogged pores, so making a face mask from it is a good idea.
6. Cancer Prevention
 Did you know that antioxidant also help fight free radicals which are a leading cause of cancer? Not only that, but research shows that regularly giving orange-juice to children in the first 2 years of their life will reduce the possibility of developing Leukemia. 
7. Helps you lose weight
 Eat more oranges, as the fiber in oranges keep you feeling full for longer, and thanks to the vitamin C the body can burn fat faster!
 8. Healthier heart
 Being rich in antioxidants, folate and potassium, oranges are great for heart health. The antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, present in oranges protect the arteries from free radicals and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Also, oranges have phytochemicals that prevent platelets from sticking together and strengthen blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. Folate, or vitamin B9, processes the amino acid homocysteine in the body.
 High levels of homocysteine may cause a heart attack, irrespective of a person’s cholesterol levels. Potassium is another crucial nutrient for heart health as it plays a key role in heart functions and muscle contractions. Plus, research has found that the flavanone hesperidin present in the fruit and its juice contributes to vascular protective effects.
9. Helps prevent arthritis
 According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice daily can assist in reducing the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin C, Phytonutrients Zeaxanthin and Beta-Cryptoxanthin protect against oxidative damage that can result in inflammation.
10. Prevents you from getting Kidney stones
Vitamin C also helps increase the amount of citrate in your urine, which in turn reduces your likeliness of getting Calcium Oxalate kidney stones by reducing the crystallization of Uric Acid & Calcium Oxalate.

Don’t overdo it though, oranges are rich in sugar and acids, and can lead to tooth-decay and might upset your stomach if consumed in large quantities.Those who have high potassium should avoid eating oranges and also not good for asthma patients. So, kindly consult your doctor/ nutritionist before consuming oranges.
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Monday, July 25, 2016

Tick bites

Ticks can cause major medical problems if their bites are left unnoticed and untreated. Common diseases include Lyme, STARI and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Lyme usually (but not always) causes a bull’s eye rash, which looks similar to the lesion caused by STARI. Rocky Mountain spotted fever causes a rash usually on the ankles, arms and wrists. If untreated Lyme disease may lead to muscle and joint pain.
  If you see or feel a tick on your body, you should remove it as quickly as you can with a pair of tweezers. Go as close to the skin as you can to remove the pest. If after having been bitten you subsequently fall ill (up to 4 weeks after) go and see your doctor, as it may be you have contracted one of the above diseases without exhibiting symptoms.

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It’s not insects that cause scabies, but microscopic bugs, or mites, that act like parasites, laying eggs within your skin’s epidermis. Scabies are the itchiest thing you can imagine, and look like a very bad case of acne. If the sores are not treated they can become infected.
 Scabies spread very quickly, so your doctor will prescribe a treatment to kill all the eggs and mites at once. The only way you can contract scabies, like so much of the world’s worst afflictions, is through contact with other infected people. So, in much of the first world, scabies is thankfully a very rare problem.

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Wasp and bee stings

Bee and wasp stings can be very annoying. However, the real health problems are reserved for people who’ve been stung multiple times, and those who suffer allergic reactions to the stings. People who’ve been stung many times can feel symptoms like vertigo, fever, vomiting and nausea due to an excess of venom in the body. In the case of an allergic reaction, the patient’s throat swells up and they can’t breathe properly. 
 If you've been stung many times, you should see a doctor as quickly as you can. Allergic reactions require emergency medical attention. People in this situation are supposed to carry around an EpiPen with which they can inject themselves. This releases epinephrine to combat the effect of the venom. For the rest of us, if stung by a bee (not a wasp or hornet), try to remove the stinger from your skin with tweezers to limit the venom entering your body.

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Malaria drug may help in cancer fight

Clinical tests will prove if we can show the same results in cancer patients," said the lead author.

An off-patent malaria drug could help to destroy cancer cells by making them more susceptible to radiotherapy, according to early work that has prompted British scientists to start a clinical trial.

Researchers reported on Monday that atovaquone boosted oxygen levels in tumour cells in mice, making radiotherapy more effective against a range of cancer types, including lung, bowel, brain and head and neck cancer.

Cancer cells with low oxygen levels are more difficult to treat with radiotherapy and are more likely to spread to other parts of the body. "We have now started a clinical trial see if we can show the same results in cancer patients," said lead researcher Gillies McKenna of the Cancer Research UK Radiation Research Centre in Oxford.

"We hope that this existing low-cost drug will mean that resistant tumours can be re-sensitised to radiotherapy. And we're using a drug that we already know is safe." His team's findings were published in the journal Nature Communications. The idea of repurposing existing drugs to fight cancer is gaining traction as scientists realise that older medicines can sometimes complement other therapies.

The fact that such drugs are already off patent means they are cheap, but the lack of patent protection is also a potential problem because drug companies investing in late-stage research have less certainty of a commercial payback. 

 Atovaquone is used to both treat and prevent malaria. It is usually prescribed to travellers as Malarone, a combination of atovaquone and proguanil developed by GlaxoSmithKline.

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Bedbug bites- home remedy

No one likes the idea of bugs in their bed. These pesky fiends will not directly harm your health, though their bites are particularly itchy. This itchiness could indirectly lead to a lack of good sleep, which can itself cause many subsequent health problems. Most of the time bedbugs leave tiny red bites, but occasionally your skin may react with these itchy white blotches.
  Treatments that are effective include cortisone cream, or other anti-itch remedies. However, the most important thing you can do is give your bed and bedding a thoroughly good cleaning.

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Genetic switch identified to prevent asthma

British scientists have identified a genetic switch to keep a check on it, reports Mirror. If successful, it’s hoped that the advance could stop it at the origin of the disease.

Scientists at the University of Southampton analysed the impact of the gene ADAM33, which is associated with the development of asthma. ADAM33 makes an enzyme which is attached to cells in the airway muscles.

But when the enzyme loses its anchor to the cell surface, it is prone to going rogue around the lung causing poorer lung function in people who have asthma.

The studies in human tissue samples and mice suggest if you switch off ADAM33 or prevent it from going rogue, the features of asthma – including airway remodelling, with more muscle and blood vessels around the airways, twitchiness and inflammation – will be reduced.
The first study showed that rogue human ADAM33 causes airway remodelling resulting in more muscle and blood vessels around the airways of developing lungs, but it did not cause inflammation.

In another study, remodelling of the airway was shown in mice that had ADAM33 switched on in utero. Led by Hans Michel Haitchi, associate professor in respiratory medicine, the study is published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) Insight.

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Common Warning Signs of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is not necessarily a death sentence if you catch it early enough. The problem is that most people aren’t aware of the early symptoms, which could potentially save lives.
Early warning symptoms

 1. Chronic Cough
If you’re coughing so often that you’re now hoarse, and the coughing still won’t stop, it may be a warning sign. Many of us will associate the coughing initially with a recent cold or seasonal allergies, but if your cough has been going on for eight or more weeks, consult with your physician. Patients report the cough worsens at night, making it harder to sleep. So, if this is the case with you it could be an early indicator.

2. Quick, Unexplained Weight Loss Western society tends to celebrate weight loss, which is the result of the high obesity rates and the subsequent heart diseases they entail. As nice as it may be to shed those extra pounds, if you’re not actively trying to lose weight (either by exercising or by dieting), yet it seems to be dropping nonetheless, you may want to contact your doctor. The cause of this unexpected weight loss is that your body knows that there is a tumor growing inside, and it is burning all of its energy reserves trying to fight it.

 3. Labored Breathing Suffering from shortness of breath or wheezing isn’t necessarily an indicator of lung cancer, so most people will not associate these symptoms with this disease. However, if these symptoms appear all of a sudden, even during activities that you used to do with ease, it may serve as a warning sign. It is advisable to get checked by your physician, particularly if you have a history of lung cancer in your family, or if you are a smoker.

4. Pains in Your Hands and Fingers If you’re feeling tired and your fingers are hurting, it can be an early warning sign of cancer. If the skin on your palms is getting thick, and you notice the appearance of white or pale folds, you might be experiencing a condition called “tripe palm”, placing you within a high-risk group for cancer.

 5. Chest Pains
If you’re experiencing pain while laughing, coughing, or lifting something, it might very well be a significant warning sign, particularly if the pain is persistent. The pain is caused by tumors that are growing inside your lungs, pressing against the surrounding tissues. In addition, lung cancer tends to spread to the bones. So if your chest pains are accompanied by bone pains (especially in the back or hips), contact your physician immediately!
 6. Unexplained Mood Swings Sudden, unexplained irritability is often a sign of cancer, but most patients and doctors don’t make the connection right away. If you’re experiencing sudden bouts of irritability or anger, followed by depression or exhaustion that is accompanied by other symptoms on this list - you ought to make a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible.
 7. Blood in Your Phlegm
If you notice blood in your phlegm, it is never a good sign, and even just small spots can spell trouble. While bloody phlegm doesn’t automatically indicate lung cancer, it’s still a warning sign, so don’t wait to have it looked at, particularly if you’re coughing up large amounts of blood, or the bleeding doesn’t stop.

8. Irregularities in Breast Tissues Men suffering from lung cancer can experience development of breasts, as the cancer forces the body to release hormones it wouldn’t normally secrete. Change in the breasts will take place over a period of a few weeks to a few months. Do not ignore such changes and make it a priority to consult with your family doctor.

 9. Pain in the Shoulders You may think it’s irrelevant, but chronic shoulder pain can sometimes be the result of a tumor that is pressuring the nerves in the armpit, leading to tingling sensations, aches, and shooting pains from the shoulder and down the arms. This sign is more common in later stages of the cancer, when the tumor is already very large. You may also feel pain in the ribs near the armpit, swelling of the lymph nodes and face, and general aches in your body.

10. Repeated Infections If you’re suffering from recurring infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis, in addition to other infections, particularly of the airways, know that it is closely associated with lung cancer. These chronic infections are caused by the body’s immune system being weakened from battling tumors.

Some of these symptoms may also be there for other diseases, so kindly confirm from your physician to be sure.
 this is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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Baking soda, also called bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate, this outstanding ingredient, dissolved in water, has long been used to relieve symptoms associated with arthritis, indigestion, heartburn and infection. Consumed in moderate amounts and at appropriate times this unusual drink can reap many benefits to the body. 
 When drinking baking soda, mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into 1/2 glass of water. This is a safe dose that will relieve heartburn, indigestion and other ailments (see below). People aged between 5 and 60 can take up to 7 doses (at 2 hour intervals) in a 24-hour period. People older than 60 should not consume more than 3 doses within 24 hours. If consuming the maximum dose, do not exceed for more than two weeks. Disorders that crop up frequently should be seen to by your doctor. Furthermore, consuming too much baking soda water can be harmful among people with diabetes, kidney disease or chronic health conditions.
 Benefits of Drinking Baking Soda Water
  It works as an antacid and antiseptic, which helps ease stomach and digestive problem.
1. It neutralizes stomach acid
 Baking soda is best known for its antacid properties, meaning that it neutralizes acid, particularly in the stomach. Acid reflux disease, often called heartburn, is normally caused due to a number of issues. Stomach acid splashes out of the stomach into the esophagus and can sometimes reach as far up as the throat, causing an unpleasant feeling. However, drinking baking soda water can help neutralize the stomach's hydrocholic acid, easing the symptoms associated with heartburn. The baking soda water also encourages burping and this relieves bloating and gas. 
2. It contains mild antiseptic properties Baking soda is a mild antiseptic that can be used to kill some kinds of parasites, fungi and mold. To reap the benefits, apply baking soda to your toothbrush to disinfect the brush and clean your teeth. You can also gargle with baking soda water to help minimize the symptoms of a sore throat or persistent cough. 
3. It promotes more alkaline PH in the body
 While acidity is necessary for effective digestion of food, an overall alkaline PH in your body is considered healthier, primarily because many diseases thrive in an acidic environment. Diseases of a degenerative nature like osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer have all been associated with a chronically high acidity level in the body. Baking soda water will therefore bring about a worthwhile dietary change.
 4. It can alleviate symptoms associated with gout
Gout is a type of joint inflammation that happens when uric acid builds up in the urine, blood and tissues. But drinking baking soda water can balance the body's PH level, alleviating the symptoms associated with gout. 
5. It can be used to treat kidney stones
 Kidney conditions can result when the ionic balance in your body is disrupted. Acidic urine can lead to the formation of kidney stones. When this occurs, treat with baking soda to restore a healthy ionic balance, discouraging kidney stone formation. 
6. It can treat urinary tract infections Drinking baking soda water can help the body overcome the infection by reducing acid in the urine. Alongside this remedy, drink plenty of water and lots of cranberry juice too. 

How to Drink Baking Soda Water
 1. Drink it for your body's PH    
Determine whether you need to drink baking soda water for your body's PH. Buy some litmus PH paper from your local pharmacy and use it to measure your urine and saliva.
First thing in the morning, measure your saliva. This should ideally be between 7.0 and 7.4. Do so before you drink anything.  A urine PH reading between 6.0 and 7.0 is appropriate in the morning, and this should slightly increase throughout the day. If your PH levels are consistently lower than this, you can use baking soda water to bring your levels up. 
Here's How: Drink a glass of water with half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in it twice per day. Drink it only between meals and continue to monitor your PH. If it's still low, drink the mix four times per day. Once it has normalized, include more vegetables and less acidic food into your diet. 
2. Drink it for a cold or the flu Baking soda has been shown to reduce the duration of cold and flu. In fact, it has been shown to eliminate symptoms within 36 hours. 
Here's How: On the first day, drink six doses of baking soda water at two-hour intervals. On day 2 drink four doses of baking soda water at the same intervals. On the third day drink two doses of baking soda water - one in morning and another two in the evening. Then reduce it to just one dose in the morning and one in the evening  until the symptoms have subsided. 

Tips For Drinking Baking Soda Water
• As stated above, baking soda is high in sodium and is not safe in high doses or used for a long period of time.
• Baking soda water should not be taken by individuals who have edema, liver disease, kidney disease or high blood pressure.
• Nursing mothers or pregnant women should avoid drinking baking soda water.
• Cramping of the stomach and increased thirstiness may arise when consuming baking soda water.
• If you experience swelling of the feet, weakness, slow breathing or nausea, contact your doctor.
• Avoid baking soda water if you have high blood pressure or are on a sodium-restricted diet.
• Check with your doctor if your prescription medication can be taken with baking soda water.
• Baking soda water should not be given to children under the age of five.
• Do not drink baking soda water on a full stomach.
• Opt for pure sodium bicarbonate, as opposed to the commercial varieties available at supermarkets. Pure baking soda is widely available online.
• Do not confuse baking soda with baking powder. It is entirely a different substance and may harm your body. 

this is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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