Saturday, January 31, 2015

Everything One Wants To Know About Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the top cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. But this wasn't always the case. Before the widespread use of mechanical cigarette rollers, lung cancer was rare. Today, smoking causes nearly 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths, while radon gas, pollution, and other chemicals play a smaller role. Newly developed drugs can offer hope for people diagnosed today.

Smoking Causes Lung Cancer

Cigarettes are not only packed with cancer-causing chemicals, but they also disarm the lungs' natural defense system. The airways are lined with tiny hairs known as cilia. These hairs protect the lungs by sweeping out toxins, bacteria, and viruses. Tobacco smoke stops the cilia from doing their job. This allows the cancer-causing chemicals to collect in the lungs.


Lung cancer begins quietly. There are usually no symptoms or warning signs in the early stages. As it gets worse, symptoms may include:
  • A cough that won't go away
  • Chest pain, especially during deep breaths
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Coughing up bloody phlegm
  • Fatigue

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7 home remedies for enlarged adenoids and tonsils in children

Children with a respiratory infection often find it difficult to breathe through the nose and are likely to breathe through the mouth. Especially when asleep, this results in a noisy breathing that sounds like snoring, but isn’t. This condition is a result of enlargement of the adenoids – a patch of tissue located high in the throat, at the back of the nasal passage. Sometimes, there may also be a swelling of the tonsils – the two circular lump-like structures in the back portion of the throat.

Both the tonsils and the adenoids work to trap germs entering the body through the nose and mouth. Therefore, when there is an infection, these tissues swell temporarily and cause pain in the throat. While antibiotics may be required to deal with the infection, some natural remedies are useful in reducing the pain and discomfort due to the enlarged adenoids and tonsils.

Salt water gargle
When your child begins complaining of pain in the throat, the first remedy to try is a saltwater gargle prepared by mixing in one tablespoon of salt into a glass of warm water. The high concentration of salt helps to draw out the liquid from the inflamed tissues and this reduces their swelling. As a result of this dehydrated condition, it becomes more difficult for the bacteria to multiply and thrive. Through both these actions, a saltwater gargle can provide relief from the pain of enlarged adenoids and tonsils. However, you must ensure the child is old enough to manage the act of gargling without drinking the saltwater or it may result in vomiting. (Read: How does warm salt water gargling help with cough and cold?)

Honey and lemon
Honey has antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties; as a result it can help to reduce swelling of the tonsils and adenoids. Take a teaspoon of honey and mix in 2 – 3 drops of lemon juice and make your child consume this about thrice every day for relief from throat pain. (Read: 9 reasons how honey and lemon can do wonders for your health)

The sulfur-containing compounds in garlic have a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. This makes it one of the best natural remedies to deal with infection in the throat. For best results, raw peeled garlic must be crushed, mixed with some honey and lemon juice and consumed. If this unpalatable to the child, you could crush the peeled garlic clove and lightly sauté it in the minimum quantity of ghee. (Read: 15 health benefits of garlic)

Warm beverages
When the adenoids and tonsils are swollen, it can be quite painful to swallow anything solid and this is the reason why most kids refuse to eat. Giving them a warm beverage to sip helps to provide them nutrition but it also has a soothing effect on the enlarged tissues in the throat. A mild tea with a little honey, a clear soup, broth, or a few drops of lemon juice and honey in warm water are some of the most soothing natural remedies to deal with enlarged adenoids and tonsils.

Turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-oxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. For best results, turmeric powder must be added into a glass of warm milk and drunk just before the child sleeps at night. The turmeric relieves the inflammation and milk has a mild sedative action; in combination, they work to help the child feel comfortable enough to sleep well. (Read: Try turmeric for quick relief from a sore throat)

Fenugreek or methiseeds have an anti-inflammatory effect and have traditionally been used in the form of a poultice on the skin to treat localized swellings. For swollen tonsils and adenoids, fenugreek may be made into a gargle by simmering 2 tablespoons of the seeds in about 3 – 4 cups of water. The child can be made to gargle with the liquid after it has cooled down sufficiently. (Read: How to use methi or fenugreek for 20 health problems)

Basil or tulsi leaves have anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory actions. This helps to reduce the swelling of the adenoids and tonsils. Basil is also known to hasten the healing process and this makes it a good natural remedy for throat infections. Take about 10 basil leaves in 1 ½ cups of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and mix in the juice squeezed from one small lemon along with a teaspoon of honey. Make your child drink this mixture about thrice a day for three days to notice a significant reduction in the throat pain. (Read: 9 reasons tulsi or basil leaves are good for your health (Gallery))

Along with all these natural remedies, there are other ways to soothe the pain of enlarged adenoids and tonsils in children. Get your child to give up fried, crunchy and spicy foods such as nuts and chips during such times. Give him or her foods such as baked fruits, boiled and mashed vegetables or cooked oatmeal that are easy to swallow and do not irritate the already inflamed throat.






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Friday, January 30, 2015

10 Ways Oranges Keep You Healthy

Oranges are delicious, juicy and packed full of vitamins (A/B/C) & nutrients (Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Calcium & more) as well as antioxidants & anti-inflammatory nutrients. You’ll be amazed to know that drinking a glass of its juice is more effective than taking a vitamin C supplement!
You Never Knew that Oranges Can Do These Things!
Here are 10 reasons why this miracle citrus fruit is so good for you:
1. Boost your immune system
Like most citrus fruits, the Orange is packed full of vitamin C, which is much needed to keep your immune system running efficiently and boost the production of white blood cells, plus vitamin A, copper and folate – all essential for the immune system.

2. Lower your cholesterol
Research shows that the flavanones in orange juice lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and improve the good-to-bad cholesterol ratio. Oranges also contain Pectin, it’s a soluble fiber that locks up bad cholesterol and expels it from the body.
3. Fight aging
Rich in antioxidants, oranges earned their reputation of anti-aging fruit, as well as the fact that they contain beta-carotene which helps in repairing skin-damage.
4. Keep your eyes healthy
Beta-carotene also is turned into vitamin A by the body and vitamin A is known to be vital to the function of our eyes. Along with it, the Orange contains carotenoids that help prevent chronic eye diseases.
5. Rejuvenate your skin
The antioxidant properties of vitamin C helps fight sun-damage as well as environmental pollutants that can damage the skin. It also is a key ingredient in the production of collagen, which helps keep the skin tight and elastic. The citric acid in the peels lightens and brightens the skin and also opens up clogged pores, so making a face mask from them is also a good idea.
6. Cancer Prevention
We mentioned antioxidants already, but did you know they also help fight free radicals which are a leading cause of cancer? Not only that, but you parents out there would like to learn that research shows that regularly giving orange-juice to children in the first 2 years of their life will reduce the possibility of the developing Leukemia.
7. Helps you lose weight
Need a helping hand in losing weight? Eat more oranges. Rich in fiber – oranges keep you feeling full for longer, and thanks to the vitamin C the body can burn fat faster! except those having asthma/ COPD avoid citrus fruits, as it aggravates your condition.

8. Healthier heart
Being rich in antioxidants, folate and potassium, oranges are great for heart health. The antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, present in oranges protect the arteries from free radicals and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Also, oranges have phytochemicals that prevent platelets from sticking together and strengthen blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. Folate, or vitamin B9, processes the amino acid homocysteine in the body.
High levels of homocysteine may cause a heart attack, irrespective of a person’s cholesterol levels. Potassium is another crucial nutrient for heart health as it plays a key role in heart functions and muscle contractions. Plus, research has found that the flavanone hesperidin present in the fruit and its juice contributes to vascular protective effects.
9. Helps prevent Arthritis
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice daily can assist in reducing the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin C, Phytonutrients Zeaxanthin and Beta-Cryptoxanthin protect against oxidative damage that can result in inflammation.
10. Prevents you from getting Kidney stones
Finally, vitamin C also helps increase the amount of citrate in your urine, which in turn reduces your likeliness of getting Calcium Oxalate kidney stones by reducing the crystallization of Uric Acid & Calcium Oxalate.
 Don’t overdo it though, oranges are rich in sugar and acids, and can lead to tooth-decay and might upset your stomach if consumed in large quantities.





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Now a saliva test to detect dengue in 20 minutes

Here's one potent weapon in your fight against Dengue. A team of researchers in Singapore has developed a paper-based disposable device that will allow dengue-specific antibodies to be easily detected from saliva within 20 minutes.

The rapid diagnostic kit can detect a key dengue antibody from saliva that is present in early-stage secondary infection, said researchers from the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN).

"The ability to differentiate between primary and secondary dengue infections makes it a valuable early diagnosis tool that would help to ensure timely treatment and proper care of patients," explained professor Jackie Y. Ying, executive director of IBN.

Currently, dengue infection is diagnosed in the laboratory by testing the patient's blood sample for the presence of dengue antigens or antibodies.

The new device is capable of detecting IgG, a dengue-specific antibody found at the onset of secondary infections, directly from saliva in one step. To make the device, the IBN researchers used an innovative stacking flow design to overcome key challenges faced by existing lateral flow designs such as those used in pregnancy test kits.

Patients with secondary infection, who have previously been infected with other serotypes of dengue virus, stand a higher risk of developing dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome.

The diagnostic kit can also be adapted to detect other infectious diseases such as HIV and syphilis, the researchers noted. They are also investigating the use of other common fluid samples, such as blood, urine and serum for rapid, high-sensitivity test kits.

The results are detailed in the journal Lab on a Chip.






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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Chronic Pain Causes and Solutions

What Causes Pain?

Pain results from a signal sent from your nerves to your brain. It can serve as an alarm, a warning -- that you're stepping on a nail or touching a hot stove. But sometimes the signals keep firing, and the pain continues. That’s when it becomes chronic.

 Signs You Need Pain Relief
Anybody with frequent or daily pain -- even mild -- should see a doctor. That's especially true if the pain is interfering with your life -- limiting activities or the ability to work. Keep in mind that chronic pain can creep up on you. What starts as occasional and bothersome can, over the years, become serious and debilitating.

Pain Relief Measures- 1)Walking
Walk more: It's one of the best prescriptions we have to help chronic pain. Daily pain tends to make people less active, and that often makes pain worse. Exercise also releases endorphins -- the body's natural painkillers. Aim to walk -- or exercise in other ways -- five times a week for 30 minutes a day. Work up to it slowly, adding a few minutes a week.

2)Pain and Sleep

Not only can pain ruin your sleep, but not getting enough sleep can make chronic pain hurt more the next day. It's a vicious cycle. If pain is making it hard to sleep, talk to your doctor. Getting into good bedtime habits -- including keeping a regular bedtime and wake time schedule -- can help too.

3)Distract Yourself

We sometimes think of distraction as a bad thing that stops you from getting stuff done. But it can actually be a treatment if you have chronic pain. Studies show that when you're distracted -- by a conversation, or a crossword puzzle, or a book -- the areas in your brain that process pain are less active. Getting your mind off your pain really does help -- even on a neurological level.

4)Diet Changes

Could food be affecting your pain? It's possible. People with migraines often find that specific foods -- like red wine and cheeses -- trigger attacks. Fatty meats or milk may worsen the pain of inflammatory arthritis. Keep a food diary for a few weeks to see whether any foods seem to increase your pain. Then cut them out and see if your symptoms get better.

5)Track Your Hurts

Pain is elusive -- it can be hard to describe. Make it more concrete by keeping a pain journal. Note how much you hurt each day using a pain scale. A popular one asks you to rate your pain from 1 to 10, from least severe to worst. Others use smiling and frowning faces and add details about what you did that day. After a few weeks, you'll have a valuable record to share with your doctor.

6)Breathe Deeply

Take a minute to breathe deeply and slowly. Put your hand on your belly and feel it rise and fall. After a few minutes of deep breathing, you may feel some pain and tension melt away. What's great about deep breathing as a pain treatment is you can do it anywhere -- when you're stuck in a traffic jam or at your desk.

7)Strength Training

Strengthening muscles -- with weights or resistance exercises -- may reduce pain as effectively as many drugs for back pain and arthritis. Building strength also improves your balance and flexibility. Aim to strengthen muscles twice a week.

8) Biofeedback

Biofeedback teaches you how to control certain body processes that normally happen without thinking -- like heart rate and blood pressure. By using sensors connected to a computer, you learn how to relax your muscles, ease tension, and reduce pain.

9) Supplements

Ask your doctor about supplements for daily pain. Studies show that some seem to help. Fish oil, glucosamine, chondroiton sulfate and SAMe may help with the stiff, painful joints of arthritis. 

10) Yoga

The gentle stretching and mind-body techniques of yoga can help with daily pain -- from sore backs to fibromyalgia to arthritis. Studies show that regular yoga can ease pain, increase function, improve mood, and reduce the need for pain medication.

11) Avoid Prolonged Bed Rest

In the old days, people treated pain with rest. Now, doctors say that while a little rest is OK after a new injury -- like an ankle sprain -- it won't help with chronic pain. Lying on the couch for too long will weaken muscles and may make pain worse, not better. Instead, try to keep active.

12) Physical, Occupational Therapy

Physical and occupational therapy both can help with chronic pain. In physical therapy, you'll learn exercises and get treatments that help increase mobility and build strength. Occupational therapy helps you work around pain -- teaching you new ways to do things, from buttoning buttons to cooking dinner.

13) Talk Therapy

Some people with pain feel reluctant to get help from a counselor or therapist -- they think it's an admission that the pain is not real, that it's "all in their heads." That's not true at all. Therapists can help you grapple with the impact of pain on your life -- and work through practical solutions to the problems you face each day.

Don't Overuse OTC Painkillers

When it comes to pain treatment, don't do it yourself. Over-the-counter painkillers -- such as acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen -- are good for occasional pain, but they may be risky if you take them in high doses or for a long time. Always follow the instructions on the medicine bottle and don't use OTC painkillers for more than 10 days in a row unless a doctor is supervising.

Seeing a Pain Expert

If you're in chronic pain, see a specialist. A pain specialist focuses on one thing: getting rid of your pain. Many work at specialty pain centers. There, you may get all sorts of treatment -- from medication to massage -- under one roof. Ask your doctor for a referral -- or call local medical centers to see if they have a pain management clinic.

How to Talk About Pain

Don't just tell your doctor it hurts. Have specifics so your doctor can really understand how pain is affecting you.
  • Describe exactly what the pain feels like. Aching? Burning?
  • Describe how pain affects your life. Does it slow you down? Make it hard to work?
  • What makes the pain better or worse? Specific times of day or activities? Medications?


Painkillers aren't the only medications that may help -- some drugs for depression and epilepsy work well to help treat chronic pain. Antidepressants alter levels of chemicals in the brain that affect pain levels and your mood. Drugs for epilepsy seem to block pain signals going to the brain.


For hard-to-treat pain, surgery is sometimes an option. Possibilities range from operations to correct the underlying cause -- such as a slipped disc for back pain -- to implanted pain control devices. Although surgery can bring relief, it has risks and works only in specific circumstances. Talk about the possibilities with your doctor.

Substance Use

Don't rely on alcohol or illicit drugs to control pain. Self-medicating may ease pain in the moment, but over time substance abuse can make chronic pain worse. Alcohol and illicit substances can have dangerous interactions with your other medications. If you're leaning on alcohol or substances to get through the day, get help.






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