Wednesday, August 31, 2016

WHO suggests new treatment for bacterial STDs as antibiotic resistance rises

Unlike HIV, which is a viral disease, syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia are bacterial and can be cured through antibiotic.

 The World Health Organisation (WHO) on August 30 released a new set of guidelines for the treatment of three common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in response to their growing threat of antibiotic resistance.

Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis are all caused by bacteria and are generally curable with antibiotics. However, these STDs often go undiagnosed and are becoming more difficult to treat, with some antibiotics now failing as a result of misuse and overuse. It is estimated that, each year, 131 million people are infected with chlamydia, 78 million with gonorrhoea, and 5.6 million with syphilis.

Resistance of these STIs to the effect of antibiotics has increased rapidly in recent years and has reduced treatment options. Of the 3 STDs, gonorrhoea has developed the strongest resistance to antibiotics. Strains of multidrug-resistant gonorrhoea that do not respond to any available antibiotics have already been detected. Antibiotic resistance in chlamydia and syphilis, though less common, also exists, making prevention and prompt treatment critical.

When left undiagnosed and untreated, these STIs can result in serious complications and long-term health problems for women, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, and miscarriage, and untreated gonorrhoea and chlamydia can cause infertility in both men and women. Infection with chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis can also increase a person’s risk of being infected with HIV two- to three-fold. An untreated STI in a pregnant woman increases the chances of stillbirth and newborn death.
The new recommendations are based on the latest available evidence on the most effective treatments for these 3 sexually transmitted infections.


Gonorrhoea usually infects the genitals, rectum, and throat. Antimicrobial resistance has appeared and expanded with every release of new classes of antibiotics for the treatment of gonorrhoea. Because of widespread resistance, older and cheaper antibiotics have lost their effectiveness in treatment of the infection.
In its release, the WHO does not recommend quinolones (a class of antibiotic) for the treatment of gonorrhoea due to widespread high levels of resistance.


Syphilis is spread by contact with a sore on the genitals, anus, rectum, lips or mouth, or from mother to child during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman has untreated syphilis and the infection is transmitted to the fetus, this often causes it to die. In 2012, mother-to-child transmission of syphilis resulted in an estimated 143 000 early fetal deaths or stillbirths, 62 000 neonatal deaths, and 44 000 babies being born preterm or with low-birth-weight.
To cure syphilis, the new WHO guidelines strongly recommend a single dose of benzathine penicillin – a form of the antibiotic that is injected by a doctor or nurse into the infected patient’s buttock or thigh muscle. This is the most effective treatment for syphilis, as it is more effective and cheaper than oral antibiotics.


Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STD and people with this infection are frequently co-infected with gonorrhoea. Symptoms of chlamydia include discharge and a burning feeling when urinating, but most people who are infected have no symptoms. Even when chlamydia is asymptomatic, it can damage the reproductive system.
WHO is calling on countries to start using the updated guidelines immediately, as recommended in the "Global Health Sector Strategy for Sexually Transmitted Infections (2016-2021)" endorsed by governments at the World Health Assembly in May 2016. The new guidelines are also in-line with the "Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance", adopted by governments at the World Health Assembly in May 2015.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Know why cholera is more deadly for people with type O blood

Researchers have found that cholera toxin activates a key molecule more strongly in people with the O blood type, putting them at increased risk of getting more severely ill from the disease than people of other blood types.

Cholera toxin hyper activates a key signaling molecule in intestinal cells of people with the most common blood type and high levels of that signaling molecule lead to excretion of electrolytes and water — in other words, diarrhea, the researchers found.

Cholera is marked by severe diarrhea that can lead to dehydration, shock and even death.

“We have shown that blood type influences how strongly cholera toxin activates intestinal cells, leading to diarrhea,” said the study’s senior author James Fleckenstein, Associate Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis.

Cholera sickens three million to five million people around the world every year, leading to 100,000 to 120,000 deaths, many of them in the Indian subcontinent, where cholera has been endemic for centuries.

The disease is caused by Vibrio cholerae, a bacterium that infects cells of the small intestine.

Epidemiologists first noticed four decades ago that people with blood type O were more likely to be hospitalised for cholera than people of other blood types, but the reasons for the difference had never been determined. 

Although the blood group antigens – A, B, AB and O – are best known for their presence on red blood cells, they also are found on the surface of many other cell types, including the cells that line the intestine.

To find out what effect cholera toxin had on intestinal cells carrying different blood group antigens, the researchers used clusters of intestinal epithelial stem cells, called enteroids, that can be grown in the lab and differentiated into mature intestinal cells.

As part of the study, the researchers treated four groups of enteroids with cholera toxin — two derived from people with blood type A and two from people with blood type O — and measured the amount of a key signaling molecule inside the cells.

The researchers found that levels of the signalling molecule were roughly twice as high in the cells with the type O antigen than in the cells with type A antigen, suggesting that people with type O antigen who were exposed to cholera toxin would suffer more severe diarrohea.

The findings appeared online in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

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Artificial intelligence accelerates breast cancer risk prediction

Researchers have recently developed an artificial intelligence (AI) software that reliably interprets mammograms, assisting doctors with a quick and accurate prediction of breast Cancer risk.

According to the study, the computer software intuitively translates patient charts into diagnostic information at 30 times human speed and with 99 percent accuracy. 

Professor Stephen T. Wong said, "This software intelligently reviews millions of records in a short amount of time, enabling us to determine breast Cancer risk more efficiently using a patient's mammogram. This has the potential to decrease unnecessary biopsies."

The team led by Wong and Jenny C. Chang, M.D, used the AI software to evaluate mammograms and pathology reports of 500 breast Cancer patients.

The software scanned patient charts, collected diagnostic features and correlated mammogram findings with breast Cancer subtype.
Clinicians used results, like the expression of tumor proteins, to accurately predict each patient's probability of breast Cancer diagnosis.

In the United States, 12.1 million mammograms are performed annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fifty percent yield false positive results, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), resulting in one in every two healthy women told they have cancer.

Currently, when mammograms fall into the suspicious category, a broad range of 3 to 95 percent Cancer risk, patients are recommended for biopsies.

Over 1.6 million breast biopsies are performed annually nationwide, and about 20 percent are unnecessarily performed due to false-positive mammogram Results of Cancer free breasts, estimates the ACS.

The Houston Methodist team hopes this artificial intelligence software will help physicians better define the percent risk requiring a biopsy, equipping doctors with a tool to decrease unnecessary breast biopsies.

Manual review of 50 charts took two clinicians 50-70 hours. AI reviewed 500 charts in a few hours, saving over 500 physician hours.

"Accurate review of this many charts would be practically impossible without AI," says Wong.

The study is published in Cancer Journal.

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Monday, August 29, 2016

iPads May Be Effective Sedatives For Kids Before Surgery

Allowing children to use iPads to distract them before surgery requiring general anaesthesia is as effective at lowering their anxiety as conventional sedatives, a new study has claimed.

Researchers found that parental satisfaction and quality of anaesthesia induction was higher in children using iPads. Mobile interactive tools have been found to be effective to reduce child anxiety at parental separation in the operating theatre, researchers said.

The study by Dr Dominique Chassard, from Hopital Mere Enfant, Hospices Civils de Lyon in France and colleagues compared the effects of midazolam (a sedative used regularly before anaesthesia) in premedication with age-appropriate game apps (on an iPad tablet) on children aged 4-10 years during and after ambulatory (day) surgery.

Anxiety was assessed both in children and in parents.

As many as 54 children were randomly allocated to MDZ (midazolam) group and 58 children to TAB (iPad) group.

Patients in group MDZ received midazolam 0.3mg/kg orally or rectally, and group TAB were given an electronic tablet (iPAD) 20 min before anaesthesia.

 Child anxiety was measured by two independent psychologists at four time points: at arrival at hospital, at separation from the parents, during induction and in the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU).

Parental anxiety was measured at the same time points except during induction as they were not present at that point.

Anaesthetic nurses ranked from 0 (not satisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) the quality of induction of anaesthesia.

The researchers found both parental and child anxiety levels to be similar in both groups, with a similar pattern of evolution. Both parents and nurses found anaesthesia more satisfying in the iPad group.

"Our study showed that child and parental anxiety before anaesthesia are equally blunted by midazolam or use of the iPad," said Dr Chassard.

"However, the quality of induction of anaesthesia, as well as parental satisfaction, were judged better in the iPad group.

"Use of iPads or other tablet devices is a non-pharmacologic tool which can reduce perioperative stress without any sedative effect in paediatric ambulatory surgery," said Dr Chassard.

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This smartphone app can detect strokes

Atrial fibrillation -- a common type of abnormal heart rhythm which leads to a stroke -- can now be easily detected with your smartphone using a low-cost application, a recent research has found.
According to the study, published in the journal European Society Of Cardiology, a team of researchers  have developed a low-cost app that uses the smartphone's accelerometer and gyroscope to detect atrial fibrillation with existing hardware.

"Atrial fibrillation is a dangerous medical condition present in two per cent of the global population and accounting for up to seven million strokes per year," said lead author Tero Koivisto, a vice-director of the Technology Research Centre (TRC), University of Turku, Finland.

Around 70% of strokes due to atrial fibrillation can be avoided with pre-emptive medication. However, atrial fibrillation often occurs randomly on/off and is difficult to detect by visiting a doctor. 

There are relatively large and costly electrocardiogram (ECG) devices that patients can take home for long-term monitoring but they require a patch or wires that are clumsy to use and continuous contact with electrodes tends to irritate the skin.
Due to the above constraints, current methods for detection of atrial fibrillation are infeasible for wide-scale screening of populations or higher risk age groups (60 years and above).

The study included 16 patients with atrial fibrillation in addition with 20 recordings from healthy people who were used as control group data to validate the developed algorithm and tested the ability of a smartphone to detect atrial fibrillation without any add-on hardware. 

 To detect atrial fibrillation, a smartphone was placed on the chest of the patient, and accelerometer and gyroscope recordings were taken.

Using this technology the investigators detected atrial fibrillation with a sensitivity and specificity of more than 95%.

"We measured the actual motion of the heart via miniature accelerometers and gyroscopes that are already installed in smartphones. No additional hardware is needed and people just need to install an app with the algorithm we developed," Koivisto added.

An individual needs to place the phone on their chest, take an accelerometer and gyroscope measurement, and then use the app to analyse the result. 

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Gut bacteria therapy may help reduce weight gain

The researchers found that incorporating the engineered bacteria into the guts of mice both kept them from gaining weight and protected them against some of the negative health effects of obesity.
"Some day in the future, it might be possible to treat the worst effects of obesity simply by administering these bacteria," said lead researcher Sean Davies, Associate Professor of Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, US. 

 Because of the sustainability of gut bacteria, this treatment would not need to be every day," Davies noted.
To find out whether obesity-related diseases might be treated or even prevented by altering the gut microbiota, they engineered gut bacteria that produce a small lipid that helps suppress appetite and reduce inflammation.
 People who are obese typically produce less of this lipid, which is made by the small intestine.

"Our new studies focused on mice highly prone to develop atherosclerosis and fatty liver disease, and we showed that the engineered bacteria were beneficial not only in inhibiting obesity, but also in protecting against fatty liver disease and somewhat against atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)," Davies said. 

 The researchers found that standard mice fed a high-fat diet while also receiving the engineered bacteria via drinking water gained less body weight and body fat than mice given standard drinking water or control bacteria. 

 They also gave the engineered bacteria to mice with increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis and fatty liver disease.

These mice accumulated less fat in the liver and showed reduced expression of markers of liver fibrosis, compared to mice that did not receive the treatment. The treated mice also exhibited a modest trend toward reduced atherosclerotic plaques.

The findings were presented at the American Physiological Society's Inflammation, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease conference in Westminster, Colorado. 

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NRI boy finds breast cancer treatment

A 16-year-old Indian-origin boy in the UK has claimed to have found a treatment for the most deadly form of breast cancer which is unresponsive to drugs.
Krtin Nithiyanandam hopes he has found a way to turn so-called triple negative breast cancer into a kind which responds to drugs.
Triple negative breast cancer does not have receptors and it can only be treated with a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy which lowers the chance of survival.

“I’ve been basically trying to work out a way to change difficult-to-treat cancers into something that responds well to treatment,” Krtin was quoted as saying. 

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Sunday, August 28, 2016


Anemia is a condition that occurs when not enough oxygen-carrying red blood cells are being delivered to your body's cells and organs. People with anemia look worn out and have less energy for activities because their hearts are working harder to pump red blood cells around their bodies.
 Anemia is not a disease, so it's easily treatable. Sometimes it’s triggered by other diseases. If you suspect you might be anemic, it's really important to get in touch with a medical professional. A blood test easily confirms whether you have anemia or not.
 Anemia also occurs when your body doesn't produce enough red blood cells, or there isn't enough hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin is an important protein, which transports oxygen from the lungs to other cells in your body.
 Types of Anemia
 There are several different kinds of anemia. The most common one is iron deficiency anemia, i.e. you have low levels of iron or are unable to absorb iron easily. Other nutritional deficiencies cause anemia such as vitamin B12 deficiency anemia or folic acid deficiency anemia. In rare cases, anemia is caused by inherited blood diseases such as sickle cell anemia, Aplastic anemia, or Thalassemia.
 How to know if you're Anemic
 Anemia isn't initially obvious. When you have mild to moderate anemia, you will feel weak, be fatigued and experience shortness of breath. If the condition is not detected early, more symptoms might develop such as a racing heartbeat, dizziness, headaches, ringing in the ears and restless leg syndrome. Additionally your skin and fingernails will look pale, and you might have increased hair loss. As mentioned before, the best way to tell if you are anemic is by getting a blood test.

Signs and Symptoms:
  Mild Anemia:
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath 
  Moderate to Severe Anemia:
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Hair loss
  • Pale skin 
  Additional Signs:
  • Pale or brittle fingernails
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Low body temperature
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Cuts take longer to heal
  • Inability to concentrate 

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Bacteria in chewable tobacco may up risk of cancer

Are you addicted to smokeless tobacco products like plain chewable tobacco leaves, khaini, pan masala, zarda and gutka? Be warned, as researchers have identified several species of bacteria in these products that can increase the risk of cancer, lung infections, diarrhea and vomiting.
The study found that these chewable tobacco products contains bacillus licheniformis and bacillus pumilus -- bacteria species -- that could potentially cause inflammation of the lungs, as well as many other opportunistic infections.

"Some species have been identified as causative agents in spice-related outbreaks of diarrhoea and vomiting. Additionally, they produce a mild toxin which, in large quantities could cause illness," said Steven Foley, research microbiologist at the National Centre for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration.

Several species of bacillus, as well as some stapphylococcus epidermidis and staphylococcus hominis strains can reduce nitrates to nitrites that can potentially lead to cancer, Foley added.

In order to allow nicotine to pass into the bloodstream, individuals hold these products in their mouths and thus come in close contact with mucus membranes for extended periods of time that provides an opportunity for the user to be exposed to bacteria present in the product, the researchers said. 

Additionally, users often have problems with gingivitis and other oral health issues that are caused by the smokeless tobacco products.

Previous studies have shown the species of Staphylococci present in these products to cause heart valve infection.

The gum disease, and other oral issues enables bacterial entry into the bloodstream, paving a way to the heart.

The study was undertaken to better understand the potential microbiological risks associated with the use of smokeless tobacco products, and to provide a baseline microbiological risk profile of these products, Foley noted.

The findings were published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiolog

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Traditional Indian diet dramatically cuts Alzheimer's risk

While consumption of meat, sweets, and high-fat dairy products that characterise a Western diet significantly increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease, traditional Indian diet is associated with reduced risk of the most common form of dementia, says a study.

"Although the traditional Mediterranean diet is associated with about half the risk for Alzheimer's disease of the Western diet, the traditional diets of countries such as India, Japan, and Nigeria, with very low meat consumption, are associated with an additional 50 per cent reduction in risk of Alzheimer's disease," said study author William B Grant from Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center in San Francisco, California. 

Fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, legumes, and fish are associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease, the study said.

To determine dietary risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, the researcher reviewed journal literature.

Besides, an ecological study was also conducted using Alzheimer's disease prevalence data from 10 countries including India along with dietary supply data 5, 10, and 15 years before the prevalence data. 

The other countries from which data was taken include Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, Mongolia, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and the US.

Dietary supply of meat or animal products (minus milk) five years before Alzheimer's disease prevalence had the highest correlations with Alzheimer's disease prevalence in this study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

The study discussed the specific risk each country and region faces for developing Alzheimer's disease based on their associated dietary habits.

Residents of the US seem to be at particular risk, with each person having about a four per cent chance of developing Alzheimer's disease, likely due in part to the Western dietary pattern, which tends to include a large amount of meat consumption. 

"Reducing meat consumption could significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease as well as of several cancers, diabetes mellitus Type-2, stroke, and, likely, chronic kidney disease," Grant noted.

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Friday, August 26, 2016

Homemade and natural nasal decongestant

When you’re sick with a cold, flu or sinusitis, you will often find yourself full of phlegm and suffering with a stuffy nose. 

 While it's great that your body fights the virus, it’s still an uncomfortable situation, and you will be grateful for some relief. A decongestant can help thin out the mucus and reduce its production, while an expectorant can loosen the phlegm and help you cough it out. Although you can buy decongestants and expectorants at the pharmacy, they’re often loaded with other ingredients that can make you drowsy. 

 This recipe is made using cayenne pepper, honey and ginger, all recognized expectorants that can loosen phlegm and mucus, so you can expel it from your body more easily. For decongestion, the capsaicin in cayenne pepper (the component that makes it spicy) helps relieve the swelling and inflammation that narrows your nasal passages. Apple cider vinegar and lemon are also added to the mixture because of their decongestant properties. Apple cider vinegar serves to thin the mucus that’s secreted, allowing for congested areas to be drained; while lemon juice is also known to help with congestion, and it also gives the mixture a more pleasant taste.

  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper( red chili powder)
  • ½ teaspoon powdered ginger
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
  1. Pour the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar in a pot and bring it to a simmer.
  2. Stir in the honey, cayenne pepper and ginger.
  3. Pour the contents into a jar and store in a cool, dry place. Dosage
    Adults can take 1 or 2 tablespoons daily, as needed. Shake the jar well before using.
    Tip: Warming the mixture can be a pleasant way to consume this tonic.
     PS- If you've any allergy, you may consult your physician before taking this, as for most people, this won't do any harm, as they've anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial properties.

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New method could spell end of painful jabs for diabetes

Scientists have developed a new way of administering insulin orally that could prove to be a painless alternative to millions of diabetics worldwide who have to get injections to manage their blood-sugar levels.

The new oral method uses tiny vesicles that can deliver insulin where it needs to go without a shot, researchers said.

"We have developed a new technology called a Cholestosome. A Cholestosome is a neutral, lipid-based particle that is capable of doing some very interesting things," said Mary McCourt from Niagara University in the US.

The biggest obstacle to delivering insulin orally is ushering it through the stomach intact.

Proteins such as insulin are no match for the harsh, highly acidic environment of the stomach. They degrade before they get a chance to move into the intestines and then the bloodstream where they are needed.

Using the patented Cholestosomes, McCourt, Lawrence Mielnicki and undergraduate student Jamie Catalano, all from Niagara, have successfully encapsulated insulin.

The novel vesicles are made of naturally occurring lipid molecules, which are normal building blocks of fats. But the researchers say that they are unlike other lipid-based drug carriers, called liposomes.

"Most liposomes need to be packaged in a polymer coating for protection. Here, we're just using simple lipid esters to make vesicles with the drug molecules inside," said Mielnicki.

Computer modelling showed that once the lipids are assembled into spheres, they form neutral particles resistant to attack from stomach acids.

Drugs can be loaded inside, and the tiny packages can pass through the stomach without degrading.

When Cholestosomes reach the intestines, the body recognises them as something to be absorbed. The vesicles pass through the intestines, into the bloodstream, and then cells take them in and break them apart, releasing insulin.

The team has delivered multiple molecules with these vesicles into cells in the lab.

To pack the most insulin into the Cholestosomes, the researchers determined the optimal pH and ionic strength of the drug-containing solution.

They then moved the most promising candidates on to animal testing. Studies with rats showed that certain formulations of Cholestosomes loaded with insulin have high bioavailability, which means the vesicles travel into the bloodstream where the insulin needs to be.

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Know How to Determine if You're Having a Heart Attack

If you wake up in the middle of the night with chest pain, your mind might automatically think you're having a heart attack.  And the number one symptom is the vague term “chest pain”, which can be misleading because it’s not always painful nor always in the chest.
In most cases, people imagine they will have severe chest pain and dismiss the actual symptoms of a heart attack, go back to sleep and suffer one. Below I will discuss the symptoms you will and won’t feel if you are having a heart attack and what you should do, and in which cases you should seek help immediately.
How chest pain from a heart attack feels
The typical pain described is a feeling of tightness, squeezing or heaviness in the chest. The Latin term angina pectoris, meaning sensation in the chest, is a more accurate description. This pain has been described as feeling like a band or weight is being tightened around your chest. The pain is often on the left side and above the bottom rib-cage, although it’s often difficult to determine its exact location.
Other typical symptoms include: •    Shortness of breath
•    Sweating, nausea, and anxiety
•    Pain in the left arm, jaw or neck

 other symptoms one might  feel
 While the typical symptoms are definitely a reason to visit your physician, sometimes people feel less typical pains, which could also indicate that you are having a heart attack.
•    Pain not on the left side – sometimes the pain is located on the right, center or top of the abdomen.
•    No pain – some people don’t experience pain and only feel shortness of breath. Research indicates that no chest pain symptoms can occur in 1/3 of people having a heart attack.
•    Sharper pain - some people report sharper chest pains or the feeling of indigestion.

How long should the chest pain last?
 The next indication of whether you are suffering a heart attack is pain duration. Consider the following 3 factors:
1. Heart-attack-related chest pain comes on over several minutes and not suddenly. Sudden severe pain is a reason for concern, but it is not consistent with angina.
2. The chest pain lasts for at least 5 minutes and doesn’t last continuously for more than 20 to 30 minutes.
3. Pain that comes on during rest, or doesn’t go away after exertion, also indicates a heart attack.

The major risk factors

Doctors like to consider the risk factors when determining whether your chest pain is a heart attack. They will take high-risk patients with atypical symptoms more seriously than low-risk patients with classic symptoms. 
•    Age – the risk increases as you age. For men it’s after the age of 40 and for women it’s after the age of 50. It can happen to a younger person, but it’s more unlikely.
•    Sex – this is not to say women aren’t affected by heart disease, but the risk for heart attacks is higher for men.
•    Genetics – your risk is significantly higher if a member of your immediate family had or has coronary heart disease. The risk is even higher if that family member was a man under 50 or a woman under 60.
•    Hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol – these diseases increase your risk of having a heart attack considerably.
•    Smoking – while most people think smoking destroys your lungs (and it does), more smokers die from heart disease. Smoking substantially increases the risk of you having a heart attack.

Symptom indicating not heart attack
 Some chest pain is not consistent with having a heart attack.
•    Sharp and brief pain – stabbing pain that lasts only a few seconds is not coming from the heart.
•    Persists for hours – heart attack chest pain will last for 20-30 minutes at the most and typically ends with a heart attack.
•    Gets worse with movement – the sort of pain that worsens when pressed on is usually from chest bone or muscle pains and not the heart.
•    You can pinpoint the pain with a single finger – heart chest pain tends to be difficult to locate exactly.

If you have a worrying pain, there is no harm in having it checked out. It’s better to have lesser symptoms checked out than to stay at home and actually have a heart attack. If you are high risk, don’t hesitate to have the pain examined. If you are high risk and have the classic
symptoms, I advise going to the emergency room or calling an ambulance.

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One of the best things you can do for your health, your emotions, and your relationships is to offer and receive a simple, loving hug. It's so sad that many may be missing out on the great spiritual and health benefits that can be attained from this most basic of human gestures. 
1) A hug can strengthen your immune system. The therapeutic effect from hug, helps us to stave off disease.
2) Hugs make us forget about food and help us to stay slim, as we often eat to combat loneliness. With a hug, we forget about food and think more about the warmth we got. 
3)Hug reduce the level of stress one feels and also limit inflammatory processes. Because of this, our body's natural ageing mechanism slows down.
4) Hugs keeps us agile and boosts our vitality. A warm hug recharges our batteries, as it does wonder for our moods, makes us feel perfect and energetic to face the day ahead.
5)A warm hug can help us through trouble times. The extra positivity and warmth one feels because of the warm hug inspires and gives confidence to face difficult times.
6) Hugs makes us feel much happier. When we embrace someone, our body secretes a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone gives you a sense of joy and comfort. Hugs also cements the bond between you and your loves ones.
7) A hug can keep depression at bay in 2 ways. First they suppress cortisol, which is the human stress hormone. Second, they increase the production of serotonin, the mood enhancing hormone.
8) Hugs can soothe and calm your nervous system. When we hug another both feel our nerves being relaxed. This can reduce and even eliminate stress and tension.
9) Hug can raise your self-esteem. Hug gives us a sense of safety and security, equipping us to face the day ahead boldly. You'll be less likely to fall prey to insecurities and fears through it as a result.
10) With hugs we say things that words can't. Language barriers don't exist when it comes to a hug. Its meaning is universal- love, care and support. Everyone loves being hugged, isn't it?

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