Monday, June 29, 2015

18 Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide at Home

Hydrogen Peroxide is an active agent material composed of nothing more than water and oxygen. The oxidation process of this material is incredibly good at killing disease organisms, and HP is considered one of the world's safest, all natural, sanitizer. It literally 'burns' micro-organisms by oxidation.

However, this material has so many other uses, it was really hard to pick only the best or most useful ones to share with you. So ,I've done my best to highlight some of the nifty things you can do with it.
Tip: Make sure to only use the 3% solution for most of these items, and do not use it for internal purposes (do not swallow). Higher strength solutions such as 30% may cause damage if ingested. 

#1 Whiten your clothes with HP instead of bleach

By adding a cup of HP to the white clothes in your laundry, you will see a marked improvement in how white they are. This is a great way of getting rid of really insistent stains such as blood or wine. For blood, just pour directly on the spot, wait a minute, and then rub and rinse under cold water. 

#2 Boosting your immune system

Your body makes its own HP to battle infections. Our white blood cells, also known as Leukocytes, are the cells responsible for fighting disease, viruses and infections, and some of them produce HP as their first form of attack and defense from toxins, infections, viruses, parasites and alike.

#3 Making a rejuvenating detox bath

Take 2 quarts of 3% HP and pour them into a tub of warm water. Get in and enjoy a good soak for about 30 minutes, adding hot water as needed. This will help skin blemishes, detox your body and rejuvenate you in a way you haven't felt before.

#4 Treating foot fungus

To use HP to cure your foot fungus, make a mixture of 50% HP and 50% water, and use a spray bottle to spritz the infected area (especially the toes) every night. Let it dry naturally.

#5 Treating Yeast Infections

Add 2 caps or 2 tablespoons of 3% HP to warm, distilled water once or twice a week and use it to treat the problematic area.

#6 Cleaning your toothbrush and other hygienic tools

There are many tools we use that need to be kept clean and sanitized, such as your tooth brush, or your children's retainer. Use a small amount of HP and dilute it with cold water to make a cleansing brew that will make sure they are clean and germ free.

#7 Treating exterior Infections

If you have a cut that got infected, soak it in 3% HP for about 5-10 minutes, several times a day. HP is extremely good for treating infections, and you can also pour half a bottle of it in your bath to get rid of fungus, boils or any other skin infections.

Note: Do not leave on open wounds for a long time, use the solution and then wipe it off. Over time, HP can do tissue damage to open wounds if left on them too long.

#8 Killing mite infections

Patients have reported that spraying HP on skin infected by tiny mites that bite and cause irritation, effectively kills them with incredible efficiency. Spray the area a few times, and wait a few minutes between applications.

#9 Taking care of your Sinus Infection

Add a tablespoon of 3% HP to 1 cup of (non chlorinated) water, and use it as a nasal spray. You may have to adjust the amount of HP used according to the severity of the problem. Start with just the 1 spoon first.

#10 Using as mouthwash and for tooth care

Take a capful or a tablespoon of 3% HP and hold it in your mouth for 10 minutes, once a day. Do not swallow, just spit it out. This will not only get rid and prevent canker sores, but will also whiten your teeth. It will also help in the event of a bad toothache you can't treat right away. 10 minutes several times a day will lessen the pain to a more manageable level.

It also makes for a great and inexpensive mouth wash. Again, make sure not to swallow and rinse your mouth with regular water after use.

#11 Lighten the color of your hair

HP is a bleaching agent and can be used to lighten your hair. Take a bottle of 3% HP and dilute some with water (50/50). Take a shower and, while the hair is still wet, spray it with the solution, then comb it through. It won't look like a burnt blonde color, but a more natural highlight for those with light brown, reddish or dirty blond hair. It is also a gradual change so you won't have a drastic new look on your hands.

#12 Clean your contact lenses

As a great disinfectant due to its remarkable skill in breaking down the proteins that build up on the lens, HP will not only clean them, but will also increase your level of comfort if you have sensitive eyes, removing those little biological irritants that most solutions don't clean.

#13 Boosting your dishwasher

Add about 2 oz. (60 ml) of 3% HP to your regular formula, and see how much cleaner the dishes are.

#14 Make sure your cooking surfaces are disease free

Fill a spray bottle with the 50/50 solution we've talked about (50% water 50% HP) and use it to spray your wooden cutting boards and cooking areas after you are done, to kill salmonella or any other bacteria that might be growing there. To be extra sure, use vinegar after the HP.

#15 Make a cheap and effective disinfectant

Make a cheap and very effective disinfectant agent that is non-toxic and can be used to disinfect fruits, vegetables, pet bowls, equipment and alike. Combining vinegar and HP has been proven in several studies to kill pretty much all Salmonella, Shigella, and E. coli bacteria. For this, prepare TWO spray bottles. Don't mix these two together. One will contain regular vinegar and the other regular Hydrogen peroxide.

(tip: Light is bad for peroxide, rending it inactive. So the best thing will be to keep it covered and in the bottle).

#16. Treating Mold
If you have those little spots appearing on your walls, probably from water damage, taking care of them is better done sooner than later, or they can get toxic and dangerous. Clean them with HP a few times a day to kill them off.

#17 Helping sprouting seeds
If you're trying to get a seed to grow stronger, add an ounce (30 ml) of 3% HP to 1 pint of water and let the seeds soak in it overnight. Every time you rinse the seeds, add the same amount of HP. They will grow faster and healthier.

#18 Preparing Vegetables
Wash or soak vegetables in  a full sink of cold water mixed with a 1/4 cup of 3% HP. Thin-skinned vegetables (such as lettuce) should soak for about 20 minutes, while thicker-skinned ones (such as cucumbers) can soak for about 30 minutes. Then drain, dry and refrigerateThis will not only kill all bacteria and neutralize chemicals, but will also make sure they keep fresh refrigerated for longer.



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10 Warning Flags Showing Up On Your Skin

The largest organ in the human body (or around it, as would be the case), the skin protects us from bacteria, keeps our body temperature stable, and picks up endless information through contact, pain, heat and cold receptors. It is also connected to your entire body and, as such, it may be the first to indicate an internal problem, sending you a red flag that something more serious is wrong.

Diabetes, for example, is a hard disease to detect early, but in its earlier stages it may affect the skin, so in some cases it may be the first indication that the person is becoming a diabetic.

So be aware of these symptoms that appear on the skin, on yours and your loved ones. Here are 10 dermatological issues that are worth looking out for: 
Red flag #1:Yellowish skin, orange color on palms and soles

This change may look cartoonish but it's no laughing matter. The skin hues of carotenemia are the result of an underactive thyroid gland (otherwise known as hypothyroidism), which results in increased amounts of beta-carotene in the blood. Beta-Carotene is an antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables, and is normally processed by the thyroid. If you have a thyroid problem, then the vitamins aren't metabolized as fast, and so the beta-carotene accumulates. A diet rich in carrots or carrot juice, sweet potatoes and squash can also result in the technicolor skin we mentioned.

Additional signs: Your skin will become dry and cold. Sometimes it will seem more pale than yellowish. You may start feeling tired or weak, or experience aches throughout the body. Along with a sudden weight gain, these are the main symptoms to look out for. Women over 50 are especially at risk.

Treatment: Carotenemia is caused by bad nutrition and can be solved when a wider variety of food is consumed. However, an underactive thyroid gland is a much more serious medical condition that may lead to complications, and so we advise seeking a consultation with a physician.

Red flag #2: Breaking Out in Hives When Exposed to the Sun

Don't worry, you've probably not become allergic to the sun, which is quite a rare condition. The most likely explanation of getting a rash like the hives or eczema after being exposed to the sun is that you probably took a photosensitizing drug beforehand. There is a chemical in certain medications that increases our sensitivity to light.

Additional signs: The rash will be limited to the sun exposed areas of your skin - forearms, neck and, although less common, the face. It can feel worse and last longer than a regular sunburn. By the way, this applies to all skin colors, having a darker skin won't protect you from this reaction to the medication. 

One the most common drugs to do this is thiazide diuretics like Hydrodiuril or Dyazide, which are given as treatment for hypertension. Other drugs may include antihistamines, tetracycline, tretinoin (anti-aging) and certain antidepressants (tricyclic). Some people don't react to the drug this way, while others do get the rash.

Treatment: First off, check the labels on your medication. You'll be looking for sentences such as "May cause chemical photosensitivity." Second, use a high SPF sunblock, but that is not 100% assured to stop the rash. The best course of action is to cover yourself up and limit sun exposure. You can also consult your doctor about switching to a medication that doesn't include this particular side-effect. 
Red Flag #3: Red lines on your palm
A dark coloring of the pigments in the creases of the palms or soles is a symptom of an endocrine disorder also known as Addison's disease, as it was discovered by the physician Thomas Addison. Its most famous victim was U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

Additional signs: Hyperpigmentation may also be visible around other parts of the skin, such as skin folds, lips, scars and certain pressure points in the knees and knuckles. Another sign is low blood pressure, which can fall further when the person stands. It is most commonly found among people between the ages of 30 and 50, men and women equally.

Treatment: Skin changes such as these may be a warning sign before a serious attack, that may come as pain, vomiting, dehydration and loss of consciousness). If you notice these symptoms mention them immediately to a doctor. A lab test to measure your cortisol (produced by the adrenal gland) will provide a diagnosis of your condition. 

Red Flag #4: Blue Leg Veins
If you find your veins are suddenly these ropy, bluish-purplish lines snaking down your legs, then it may be a sign that some of them are no longer working properly. Venous disease, better known as varicose veins, can mean a mild cosmetic defect or it can mean pain, cramping and having trouble walking. Veins, not unlike one-way shutters, use valves to transfer blood and keep it circulating. If they get to a point when they don't work anymore, the blood can leak into the vein and pool there.
Additional Signs: Varicose veins may be mistaken for another vein disease, known as spider veins, which creates a web-like pattern of smaller blue or red veins. You'll notice the difference because varicose veins are larger, darker in color and are sometimes raised. They will at times look twisted (the latin word varix means "twisted"). It's a very common condition. In fact, half the population of people over 50 suffer from some form of varicose veins. Women are especially affected, and the first signs of them may first appear during pregnancy. 
Treatment: The best treatment you can start yourself is exercising, wearing special compression stockings, and avoiding certain postures that constrict your veins, such as crossing your legs when sitting. However, these will only deal with the discomfort of varicose veins, and will not make them go away. Not all varicose veins cause health issues, but if your veins cause you any pain or become warm or tender to the touch - tell your doctor immediately. 
Veins that are deeply damaged can cause dangerous blood clots that may endanger you. Medical treatment options include surgery and sclerotherapy, which is injecting a special solution into the vein to shut it down. 
Red Flag #5:  Brown Spots on Your Legs
We tend to bang the front of our legs along the shins as we walk, without even noticing it. However, if someone is suffering from diabetes, it damages the capillaries and small blood vessels and, when these receive physical damage, they may leak, leading to the brown spots also known as diabetic demopathy. 

Additional signs: Feel the brown patches. They may be rough to the touch, almost scaly, and are usually seen in circle or oval shapes. They shouldn't hurt.
While we're at it, another skin change that may indicate a person is a diabetic is an unhealed sore on the foot. Diabetics slowly lose the feeling of heat, cold, touch and pain in their feet, so they may not notice blisters or sores that may have become infected.

Treatment: If the person showing the signs is a known diabetic, then these brown spots are nothing to worry about and do not lead to anything. However, if the person has not yet been diagnosed as a diabetic, then other symptoms should be checked, such as excessive urination, thirst, blurry vision, weight loss, etc.

Red Flag #6:  A Burning, Itchy Rash You Can't Get Rid Of
If you have small clusters of itchy blisters that seem to show up on your forearms near the elbows, knees, buttocks, back, face or scalp, you may suffer from dermatitis herpetiformis, which is a sign of celiac disease - an allergy to gluten. About 1 in 4 patients with celiac disease display these blisters.
Additional signs: The blisters will appear on both sides of your body, and the itching and burning sensation will be very intense, to the point where you can't stop scratching it.
These blisters are most common on those between the ages of 30 and 40, and most commonly in people of northern European decent. 

Treatment: Report the blisters to your doctor or a dermatologist to take a blood test and a biopsy of the small intestine, which allows to detect dermatitis herpetiformis. Usually, a gluten-free diet for the rest of your life is what it takes to avoid further symptoms. The blisters may be treated with certain medications. 
Red Flag #7:  Purple Splotches on Your Skin 
If you have a bruise that doesn't seem to go away, there may be blood vessels leaking under your skin. This may be caused by several  things, from a bleeding disorder to scurvy (a vitamin C deficiency). However, in those over the age of 65, who see this symptom often, it usually means the skin has been made thin and fragile by years of exposure to sun, which damages and weakens blood vessels. The condition is named, unfortunately, senile purpura (from Latin, meaning "Purple").
It's important to note that excessive use of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, vitamin E and a number of other medications older adult may take to boost their memory, can actually worsen the problem. Blood thinners such as alcohol or steroids can have the same effect.

Additional signs:
A classic bruise tends to turn black and blue following an injury. With purpura, in contrast, there doesn't need to be any trauma; the discoloration starts as red and turns purple, persisting longer than a bruise before fading or remaining brownish. The purple skin doesn't blanch (fade or lose color) when you press it. Purpura can cover large patches of skin or show up as small purple speckles called petechiae. No matter what the size, the purple areas are most common on the forearms, legs, and backs of the hands.

Treatment: Extensive or persistent bruises should always be evaluated by a doctor, as should someone who seems to bruise easily. It's important to rule out underlying causes such as a bleeding disorder.

Red Flag #8:   Itchiness Without Rash 
Feeling itchy is a common occurence, even without mosquito bites. But when it is persistent and there is no change on the skin (no bites, no rash), it may be pruritis, which is one of the earlier signs of lymphoma, a type of cancer in the lymph system. As the two types of lymphoma are Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the itchiness is known as "the Hodgkin itch").

Additional signs: 
The level of itchiness should be more intense than that caused by dry skin. It is most commonly felt in the lower legs. More rarely, the skin may look reddish and inflamed. 
Another early symptom of lymphoma is the swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit, collarbone, neck or groin. However, there are other reasons lymph nodes may be swolen, like an infection.
Treatment: If the intchiness does not go away, consult with your doctor and get tested to rule out possible conditions.

Red Flag #9: Very Pale Skin and Blue-Tinged Nails 
Severe anemia may be indicated by the skin turning paler than usual on the face and on the palms. Anemia can be caused by a lack of iron in the blood, an ulcer, bowel diseases, among other causes. Iron-deficiency is not uncommon among adults over the age of 70, who may no longer prepare nutritious meals for themselves or have stopped due to other medical issues.

Additional signs: Regular paleness only affects the skin, but anemia also affects the red tissues in our mouths, lips and gums. These may turn a paler version of their usual color. Other symptoms that come with anemia are tiring easily, getting headaches, suffering dizziness and shortness of breath. 
Treatment: Today it is quite easy to get over-the-counter iron supplements. Most cases of anemia can be treated with the introduction of iron into the bloodstream. Other than supplements, it's advised to eat iron-rich foods (such as egg yolks, dried fruit, red meat, leafy green vegetables, liver, among others), combined with vitamin  C, which helps the iron get absorbed. You may want to consult a nutritionist or doctor to decide on a proper diet for your iron deficiency.
Red Flag #10: Tingling and Rash
There is a painful condition known as the herpes zoster, but better known as shingles. It is transmitted by the same virus that gives people chicken pox. People who have had chicken pox usually overcome it, and the virus retreats to our sensory nerves. It usually doesn't appear again, but certain conditions, such as stress, infection, certain drugs or a problematic immune system may cause the virus to reactivate years and decades later.

Additional signs: The rash is often preceded by a burning sensation on the skin and sensitivity to the touch. Sometimes appearing days or weeks beforehand. Some experience it as mild pain. The rash will look like little red bumps, not unlike chicken pox itself, raised from the skin and appearing on the legs, face and neck (sometimes the trunk). It will only appear on one side, left or right. It will stay for a few days, then turn into pustules filled with fluid, which, if not touched, will crust over about a week to 10 days later.
As soon as you feel this pain, you should go see a doctor. The first 72 hours allows for an antiviral medication that can significantly reduce the severity of shingles and lower your risk of developing a further complication called postherpetic neuralgia. This condition may cause the terrible pain of shingles to continue for weeks, months, or even years. This can happen to any age group, but is more common in people over 70. 

Another good idea is to ask your doctor about the shingles vaccine, which is recommended for all adults over the age of 60.



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When Is Chest Pain a Heart Attack?

If you wake up in the middle of the night with chest pain, your mind might automatically think you're having a heart attack. After all, it’s the number one killer disease in the USA. And the number one symptom is the vague term “chest pain”, which can be misleading because it’s not always painful nor always in the chest.
In most cases, people imagine they will have severe chest pain and dismiss the actual symptoms of a heart attack, go back to sleep and suffer one. Below I will discuss the symptoms you will and won’t feel if you are having a heart attack and what you should do, and in which cases you should seek help immediately.

How chest pain from a heart attack feels
The typical pain described is a feeling of tightness, squeezing or heaviness in the chest. The Latin term angina pectoris, meaning sensation in the chest, is a more accurate description. This pain has been described as feeling like a band or weight is being tightened around your chest. The pain is often on the left side and above the bottom ribcage, although it’s often difficult to determine its exact location.
Other typical symptoms include:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating, nausea, and anxiety
  • Pain in the left arm, jaw or neck.
What other symptoms might I feel?
While the typical symptoms are definitely a reason to visit your physician, sometimes people feel less typical pains, which could also indicate that you are having a heart attack.
  • Pain not on the left side – sometimes the pain is located on the right, center or top of the abdomen.
  • No pain – some people don’t experience pain and only feel shortness of breath. Research indicates that no chest pain symptoms can occur in 1/3 of people having a heart attack.
  • Sharper pain - some people report sharper chest pains or the feeling of indigestion.
How long should the chest pain last?
The next indication of whether you are suffering a heart attack is pain duration. Consider the following 3 factors:
  1. Heart-attack-related chest pain comes on
  2. over several minutes and not suddenly. Sudden severe pain is a reason for concern, but it is not consistent with angina.
  3. The chest pain lasts for at least 5 minutes and doesn’t last continuously for more than 20 to 30 minutes.
  4. Pain that comes on during rest, or doesn’t go away after exertion, also indicates a heart attack.
    Do I have any of the major risk factors?
    Doctors like to consider the risk factors when determining whether your chest pain is a heart attack. They will take high-risk patients with atypical symptoms more seriously than low-risk patients with classic symptoms. 
  5. Age – the risk increases as you age. For men it’s after the age of 40 and for women it’s after the age of 50. It can happen to a younger person, but it’s more unlikely.
  6. Sex – this is not to say women aren’t affected by heart disease, but the risk for heart attacks is higher for men.
  7. Genetics – your risk is significantly higher if a member of your immediate family had or has coronary heart disease. The risk is even higher if that family member was a man under 50 or a woman under 60.
  8. Hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol – these diseases increase your risk of having a heart attack considerably.
  9. Smoking – while most people think smoking destroys your lungs (and it does), more smokers die from heart disease. Smoking substantially increases the risk of you having a heart attack.
    What it shouldn’t feel like
    Some chest pain is not consistent with having a heart attack.
    • Sharp and brief pain – stabbing pain that lasts only a few seconds is not coming from the heart.
    • Persists for hours – heart attack chest pain will last for 20-30 minutes at the most and typically ends with a heart attack.
    • Gets worse with movement – the sort of pain that worsens when pressed on is usually from chest bone or muscle pains and not the heart.
    • You can pinpoint the pain with a single finger – heart chest pain tends to be difficult to locate exactly.
    If you have a worrying pain, there is no harm in having it checked out. It’s better to have lesser symptoms checked out than to stay at home and actually have a heart attack. If you are high risk, don’t hesitate to have the pain checked out. If you are high risk and have the classical symptoms, I advise going to the emergency room or calling an ambulance. 




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