Friday, April 30, 2021

Benefits of waking up early

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise ! We've all heard and recited this famous line when we're young, probably not knowing its real meaning.
Have you ever gone to bed at night promising to wake up early the next morning without hitting the snooze button on your alarm?  We’ve all been there, and when morning comes, we all have reached for the snooze button without thinking twice, what’s better than a few more forbidden moments in bed? 
While these stolen moments are sweet, they don’t do us any favors when getting out of bed is a pressing matter. So, how do we get rid of this habit once and for all and become morning people? First, you have to understand what advantages this practice can give us, and then the tips to do it. For this, we’ve provided you with a helpful infographic with 11 tips that will ensure that you wake up at the time you promised yourself you would!



infographic  infographic  infographic

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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9 Secrets of Waking Up Early With Ease

"The early morning has gold in its mouth,” said Benjamin Franklin. The Founding Father's analogy is hardly an exaggeration because getting up early in the morning has plenty of benefits. For starters, you will wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. 

You will also have more time on your hands to exercise or meditate quietly. More importantly, starting your day early keeps you in a better mental state because the brain tends to be more alert in the morning. Finally, waking up early reduces stress levels, as you will no longer be worried about rushing through your morning tasks. 
Sadly, getting up early doesn’t come easy for everyone. Many people struggle with transitioning to a new sleeping schedule. Even an alarm clock doesn’t always help, especially if you have the habit of hitting the snooze button the moment it starts ringing. The truth is that waking up early takes commitment. To make things easier for those who want to wake up earlier, here are 9 easy and effective tricks.

1. Define why you are waking up early
You know that waking up early has many benefits, but it's also useful to clearly outline why it’s essential for you. If you don’t have a fixed goal of waking up early every day, you are unlikely to stick to it for long. It can be simple things like going for a jog, meditating at home, or spending some quality time with your family. 
You might even choose to get up early because it allows you to spend some alone time and reflect peacefully before you start the day. Once you know your reasons, they will make you more determined and focused on your goal. 
2. Avoid late-night snacking Tricks to Waking Up Early  late-night snacking
Do you often find yourself dealing with hunger pangs and end up snacking late at night? If you want to be a morning person, you must ditch this habit immediately. Late-night eating is associated with several health concerns - from weight gain to severe acid reflux.

Even if you are having healthy snacks like peanut butter or hummus, you might end up eating a little too much. This sends the body into digestion mode and makes it difficult for you to fall asleep or stay asleep.
3. Avoid sugary energy drinks and coffee before hitting the hay
Having a sugary energy drink or a cup of coffee at night can give you that extra boost of energy to finish your work, but it might be counterproductive if you have to wake up early. Consuming large amounts of sugar or caffeine before bed can make it tough for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Studies have shown that a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates can cause poor sleep quality and more nocturnal awakenings. Caffeine, meanwhile, blocks adenosine, your body's natural sleep-inducing agent. Moreover, it stays in your system for about seven to eight hours and breaks your sleep. So, reduce your intake of sugary drinks and coffee at night to get healthier sleeping habits. You can try a glass of water or a cup of lemon tea instead to keep yourself hydrated. 
4. Let your body adjust to your new bedtime gradually
To wake up early, you will have to move your bedtime gradually, too. If you try and move your bedtime by a couple of hours right away, it could mess with your internal body clock and will result in more daytime fatigue. Thus, if you want to wake up an hour or two earlier than you are used to, give your internal body clock at least 5-6 days to make the transition. 
Start by getting to bed 20-30 minutes earlier and setting your alarm a little earlier each day. This way, you will start feeling comfortable with the new changes much quicker. Gradually, you will have to set a consistent bedtime that should start about eight hours before your alarm is supposed to go off. Stick to this routine for several weeks and let your body slowly adjust to your new bedtime.

5. Keep away from electronic devices before bed
The temptation to spend a few minutes on your laptop or smartphone at night, when you finally have some me-time, can be quite overwhelming. However, spending time in front of screens before bedtime doesn’t lead to restful sleep. This is because light exposure at night can damage natural melatonin (a hormone made by the brain that plays a role in your sleep-wake cycle) production, which eventually results in delaying your drowsiness and keeping you up. 
So, try to stay away from all electronic devices - whether it's the TV, laptop, or phone – at least an hour before bed. Keep the lights dim to create a relaxing ambiance before you go to sleep. Reading a book or listening to some calm music will also help you go to sleep peacefully. Avoid 
6. Sleep with your curtains open
Getting bright light first thing in the morning is a great way to wake up naturally. Exposure to bright natural light for an hour or two after you wake up can help your body wake up. It's a good idea to keep your curtains open before you go to sleep. Try and sleep in a position where sunlight hits your body directly through the windows. You will then be greeted with bright light in the morning, which will make getting up that much easier.

7. Lighten your evening schedule
One of the ways to make yourself get up early is by lightening your evening schedule. Take note of how you are spending your evenings. Are you busy with too many chores? Exerting yourself too much in the evening can result in poor sleep. According to a National Sleep Foundation survey, about 12 percent of adults feel that their hectic work schedule makes it difficult for them to get sufficient sleep. 
Thus, try and ease down on your evening activities and relax a little. Shift your workout time to earlier in the day and find ways to share some of the evening chores with other members of the family. That way, you will have some free time to unwind and hit the hay without feeling mentally drained. 
8. Say no to snoozing habits
Tricks to Waking Up Early snoozing
One of the biggest obstacles to getting up early is our automatic reaction to hitting the snooze button of the alarm as soon as it starts ringing. If your alarm is right next to your bed, then it’s more than likely that you will end up silencing it without even getting up. 
One way to solve this problem is by placing your alarm far enough from your bed for you to be forced to get up and move to turn it off. Once you do so, your drowsiness is likely to fade away in a few minutes. If you are having difficulty getting up, consider setting a second alarm as well, possibly in a room nearby.

9. Make it a habit of waking up early on the weekend too
Once your attempts of waking up early in the morning on weekdays are successful, make it a habit and stick to it. Even on weekends. Sticking to a consistent schedule is one of the most effective ways to get comfortable with waking up earlier. A study published in the journal Chronobiology International says that a steady bedtime on the weekends appears to lead to better sleep and makes it easier to wake up during the week. 
A consistent sleep-wake schedule will also result in your body getting used to a set schedule, thus reducing your sleep problems. But if you start compensating on weekends, your natural body clock will be interrupted, and you are likely to feel extra sleepy on Mondays. Hence, try and follow one sleep schedule every day of the week.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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15 Golden Tips to Start Living a Better Life

The modern rat race can cause us great stress and leave us with little or no time to take care of ourselves. However, there are quick and easy ways to improve our lifestyle, mood and health, and they only take about 60 seconds each. Even if you only turn some of these into habits, you’ll still enjoy a happy and healthier life with little effort and time.

1. Take a deep breath 
We all get nervous and stressed, whether it be because of work, traffic or even household chores. In our most stressful moments, it’s vital to remember that we have an innate relaxation mechanism. Taking deep, controlled breaths for 60 seconds when feeling stressed or tired can completely alter your state of mind. Deep breaths lower your blood pressure, slows down the production of stress hormones and helps to ease anxiety and internal disquiet. 
 2. Hug someone you love 
Hugging feels great on its own, but it also has scientifically-proven health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and stabilizing the heart rate. Hugging releases dopamine - a natural painkiller and can reduce cortisol levels (a stress hormone). A hug can give you more mental energy, and help you handle most obstacles. 
3. Laugh and smile  
There’s a reason laughter has a reputation for being the best medicine. It’s one of the body’s natural painkillers and shares several physiological functions with exercising. William Fry, one of the pioneers in laughter research, claims that using a rowing machine for ten minutes exercises the heart to the same extent as one minute of laughter. Laughter also improves your memory and burns calories. If you’re feeling down or even somewhat depressed, a little smile (even a fake one) can change your mood. 
4. Eat some dark chocolate 
Isn’t it great to know that some delicious treats are actually good for us (in moderation)? Dark chocolate is beneficial for your health, it lowers blood pressure, raises the levels of “good cholesterol” (HDL) and reduces the levels of “bad cholesterol” (LDL). Dark chocolate is also known to be beneficial to the cardiovascular system, and some evidence indicates that it can prevent diabetes and even keep your skin healthier. tips for a better life 
5. Stand up whenever you can  
Most of us spend our days sitting down: working, driving and watching TV are just a few of the things we do while sat in a seat. A recent research paper found that prolonged sessions of sitting can induce psychological distress. Another study has found that women who sit for 10 hours a day or more are at a higher risk of heart and cardiovascular disease when compared to those sitting for only 5 hours a day. Even standing up for a few seconds will improve your circulation significantly. 
6. Wash your hands  
You may think it’s obvious, but this simple and quick action can protect your health more than you can fathom. Most people wash their hands before eating or after visiting the restroom, but washing your hands with soap more times a day will reduce your chances of getting sick by 20-30%. Remember to moisturize your hands from time to time too. 
7. Wear a seat-belt  
As trivial as it may seem, this easy action takes about five seconds and saves thousands of lives every year. Think about it: you’re not climbing Everest or running a marathon. You’re simply reaching back, and pulling on a belt. This is particularly important when you have children in the car. So don’t be lazy and think about comfort first, it’s better to “waste” ten seconds than risk your life. 
8. Add cinnamon to your breakfast 
tips for a better life
Cinnamon has a variety of medicinal properties, including helping with diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels. Cinnamon is also beneficial in fighting obesity, lowering bad cholesterol levels, and it even warms up the body on cold days. You can add cinnamon to your breakfast by mixing it in your yogurt, oats, cereals and even your coffee. tips for a better life 
9. Wear sunscreen 
It doesn’t matter if you live in a sunny place or not, UV light is still there, and it’s still harmful. Avoiding the #1 cause of skin cancer takes no effort and very little time – simply put on sunscreen before you leave the house. 
10. Use the stairs 
It doesn’t matter if we’re late, busy or even just lazy, most of us don’t engage in physical exercise in our free time. The modern world doesn’t give us many chances to walk: we get in the car or on the bus, use the elevator and sit at our desks. This is why it is vital that we take every opportunity to exercise. Instead of waiting for the elevator, take the stairs and burn some extra calories. It will also help you avoid stiff muscles and joint pain. 
11. Take a break from staring at the screen 
If you have a desk job or are just an avid technology lover, it’s safe to say you spend a lot of time in front of a screen. Staring at the screen for so many hours is bad for your eyes, so it is crucial to take frequent breaks. The best method is the “20-60-20”: every 20 minutes look away from the screen at an object 60 feet away for 20 seconds. If you can, take a moment to walk around the office. 
12. Add lemon to your water  tips for a better life
Adding a slice of lemon to your water is not only refreshing, but also has many health benefits. Lemons are a super-food and are considered to be one of the most efficient detox agents, making them a great addition to your diet. tips for a better life

13. Clean up your desk 
It doesn’t matter how tidy you keep your desk, it still gets covered with germs. Take a minute to wipe down leftovers and crumbs, which are the main source of bacterial contamination in your workplace. Use an antibacterial wipe on your keyboard and mouse, they are the most used items on your desk that come in contact with your hands regularly. 
14. Elevate your feet  tips for a better life
60 seconds of lying  down with your legs raised up and leaning against a wall energizes the body as much as a half-hour nap. Rest your arms at the sides of your body and remain in that position while taking slow, deep breaths. Studies have shown that this position helps the blood in your legs to flow back to your chest and head. tips for a better life 
15. Chew some gum 
Researchers from the University of Swinburne, Australia, found that chewing gum improves your levels of alertness and reduces stress. Behavioral specialists recommend chewing gum before an important meeting, a job interview, and while driving. The reason is that chewing gum tricks the body into thinking it’s eating, something we associate with being safe and having nothing to fear.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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