Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Colon cancer

Colon Cancer Symptoms

Some of the common symptoms of colon cancer are-

frequent stools, which may be accompanied with blood.

the shape of the stools may change if there is obstructions in the colon due to tumor

some of the symptoms maybe similar with flu with fever nausea,diarrhea which when persists must be evaluated.

I know many survivors of this cancer, whose most of the colon have been taken out due to cancer & still continue to survive. What matters like in any other type is one's attitude, be positive, learn from other similar survivors who are worse than you & still sport that lovely smile.

The best test for this disease is virtual CT scan where air is pumped through your rectum & scan is done which normally gives a good picture if the patient remains still, as then the radiologist can make good assessment.

I'm only a survivor. So, kindly ask your Dr. This is only for providing basic information for one to take caution with certain symptoms, not to alarm anyone.Also no 2 cancers normally behave alike.

Brain Tumors

Brain tumors

Brain tumors is quite difficult to find out. Still some of the symptoms are frequent headaches which maybe unbearable too. At times the headache maybe followed by blurred vision, which even for a day must be investigated with MRI at once. Most such tumors may or may not be cancerous. Even if it is cancer, where the Drs. may say the survival rate is very low, I know people who have survived for more than 7 years . So what it shows is none can predict how long one is going to survive, except God, so just leave it to Him & continue with your life as before, taking each day as it comes, making the most of it too.Here I want to add some nice words I read-


I'm only a survivor. All the information is gathered from survivors. These are only some of the symptoms, as it can vary from person to person, as no 2 cancers behave alike. These information is given only as one can take precaution, not to alarm anyone.kindly ask your Dr.