Friday, May 31, 2019

Eating bluelerries can improve your health

Eating a cup of blueberries daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by up to 15 per cent, according to a study.

The findings suggest that blueberries and other berries should be included in diets to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

"Having metabolic syndrome significantly increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and  diabetes and often statins and other medications are prescribed to help control this rise," said the lead author of the study.

The researchers studied whether eating blueberries had any effect on metabolic syndrome-- a condition, affecting 1/3 of westernised adults, which comprises at least three of the following risk factors: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, low levels of 'good cholesterol' and high levels of triglycerides.

For the study, the researchers investigated the effects of eating blueberries daily in 138 overweight and obese people, (aged between 50 and 75), and having metabolic syndrome.
"We found that eating one cup of blueberries per day resulted in sustained improvements in vascular function and arterial stiffness - making enough of a difference to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by between 12 and 15 per cent," said co-author of the study.

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Everything you need to know about vitamins

In the 21st C, with the advancement of science and technology, man with so many gadgets to help him around the house, for communication, travel and fun, still finds that he lacks time ! Yes, now-a-days, you ask anyone, they always, sorry, I just don't have time for anything except the routine work ! This really makes you wonder, if they do have time to cook, eat a full nutritious meal also. Sadly, as they're always in a hurry, the food that the modern man eats, lacks in essential vitamins and other nutrients. Deficiency of nutrients are the cause of various diseases, if only we pay a little more attention to the food that we eat, then we'll not suffer from unwanted diseases.

Vitamin A- it is also known as retinol, which is found in all orange and yellow veges and fruits- carrots, mangoes, pumpkin, broccoli, egg yolks, arugula, papaya and liver.
Deficiency- can cause vision problems, especially in children.
Benefits- it is good for the skin, eyes and prevents tissue ageing.

Vitamin B1- it is known as thiamine, it is found in whole grains, beans, cabbage, string beans, banana, papaya and pork.
Deficiency- lack of this vitamin can cause weakness, loss of appetite, joint pain and heart problems.
Benefits- it helps to stimulate the appetite, improve heart function and protect the nervous system.

Vitamin B2- it is also known as riboflavin. This vitamin is found in cheese, brown rice, eggs, cassava, pineapple, avocado and giblets.
Deficiency- it causes skin diseases and indigestion.
Benefits- it helps skin, eyes and aids digestion.

Vitamin B6- it is also known as pyridoxine. It is found in bananas, peanuts soy, tomato and meat- such as chicken, fish and fork.

Deficiency- Lack of this vitamin can cause skin problems.
Benefits- it aids metabolism, especially of carbohydrates and improves cell immunity.

Vitamin B 12- cyanocobalamin is a classification associated with vitamin B 12 and it is found in foods such as fish, meat from liver, muscles and kidneys.
Deficiency- it can cause anemia, gastrointestinal problems and blood disease.
Benefits- It benefits the metabolism, nervous system and growth.

Vitamin C- Ascorbic acid is found in citrus fruits- oranges, lemon and tangerines. Tomatoes, grapes, watercress and cabbage, green chilies, coriander leaves also contain this vitamin. The best source is amla, as 1 amla gives us enough vitamin C for the whole day.
Deficiency- it can cause fatigue and poor scarring.
Benefits- it stimulates the immune system and it is important for skin, teeth, bone and muscle health.

Vitamin D- Sunlight vitamin it is known as , as sunlight helps our body to make this vitamin.Fish-tuna, mackerel, sardines are also good source of calciferol.
Deficiency-  Lack of this vitamin causes problem with bone health.
Benefits- It contributes to bone growth, as it helps absorption of calcium and phosphorous.

Vitamin E- it is present in rice, wheat germ, nuts and leafy green- curry leaves
Deficiency- according to the specialists, it is rare to lack this vitamin, but it can happen with people who have difficulty in absorption or newborns.
Benefits- it reduces the risk of developing cataracts, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and skin problems.

Vitamin K- Milk, leafy dark green vegs, cabbage, cauliflower and spinach.
Deficiency- without this vitamin, our body takes longer to heal wounds and can be more susceptible to hemorrhage.
Benefits- It is an excellent source of blood clotting stimulant.

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With Homegrown Menstrual Cups, This Duo is Helping Women Get Rid of Period Discomfort

As leading citizen activists of waste management, the problem of Bengaluru’s growing mountains of garbage was well-understood by  environmentalists.

For years, the two have been key members of citizen-led movements which aim to raise awareness about the city’s garbage problems and propose sustainable solutions, while also influencing urban waste management policy.

Several landmark legislations including household-level waste segregation and the expedited implementation of Karnataka’s ban on manufacture, sale and use of single-use plastics were made possible by the sustained efforts of these groups.

We realised that even after segregation, the volume of garbage was huge and a Herculean task for the authorities to manage,” say one of them.

This set into motion initiatives like Borrow-A-Bag implemented at the ward-level, to reduce the use of plastic carry bags by making reusable cloth bags easily accessible.

With the efforts of volunteers supported  and elected representatives, the programme effectively reached 20 wards in the city, which declared themselves plastic-free. It reduced plastic bag usage by up to 50 per cent,she says. Through community events, the groups demonstrated that it was possible to organise zero-waste celebrations on a large scale.

Also gaining steam was a citizen’s movement called ‘Green The Red’, which launched the Cup and Cloth Campaign, earlier this year, to raise awareness among urban and rural women about sustainable menstrual hygiene products, and promote their inclusion in government health schemes.

With these initiatives, the duo learnt that it was possible to change attitudes towards consumption and disposal on a large scale, just by showing that an alternative way was possible.

What was needed, however, was a consolidated platform—of solutions that were affordable and accessible to all. This turned them from activists into entrepreneurs.

They started StoneSoup in 2015. The name harks back to an old folk tale that encapsulates the collective contribution which goes into creating something of value. In it, a hungry traveller convinces the people of a town to each share an ingredient that goes into making a hearty soup to feed the village folk.
Today, StoneSoup offers a range of products and services—sustainable alternatives that replace daily use products—composting kits, natural cleaners, cloth diapers and cloth bags.

Their most popular offerings, however, are menstrual cups—a substitute for single-use pads and tampons, that are superior, both from the standpoint of women’s health and from an environmental perspective.

“We wanted to create an Indian brand of menstrual cups,” she explains.

The awareness sessions they were already conducting as advocates of ‘Green The Red’ gave them a wealth of data from actual and potential users.

“That really put us in a good place by giving us insights on how to design the product, market it, and address people’s concerns,” she says.

Their design is innovative and intuitive—no rim lines and stain-causing grooves; no vestigial parts like the stem—nothing that can confuse users. A StoneSoup cup is smooth and bell-shaped, with a few grip lines.

“We made a cup that was the smallest size—to fit most women, and changed the shape from a V to a U to increase the volume,” she says  about what makes the StoneSoup cups more functional.
With design done, the next step was to put these cups within the easy reach of Indian women. One obvious solution was to be visible on major e-commerce platforms and mainstream retail stores—places well-suited to Indian buying behaviour. StoneSoup is also working to make cups available in chemist shops.
The other was to change the packaging so that the cup looked less like a medical device and more like an accessory—compact, attractive, portable and premium.

Manufactured in Bengaluru, the cups are available in a range of firmness—from soft to hard—making them suitable for various body types, levels of physical activity and flow.

StoneSoup cup users include women who are athletes, cyclists, gymnasts, and frequent travellers. The cups are priced between Rs 550 and Rs 1,200 and can be used for up to ten years.

The benefits of cups are well known. They’re safer for women’s reproductive health than plastic pads whose chemical fragrances and absorbents have been linked to allergies, irritations and discomfort.

For civic agencies, a switch from disposables could make garbage management easier and more cost-effective by reducing the expenditure on transport, treatment and disposal, and eliminating such practices as open burning, burying and incineration, and the health hazards they pose.

Reusable menstrual care products have been steadily gaining popularity in India with a number of homegrown and foreign brands available in the market. “But,” she says  “a majority of women buy cups for environmental reasons.”

“We wanted to reach out to others who are doing it for convenience,” says one of them.

And cups do offer all the convenience of disposables, plus they’re safe, economical and durable.

StoneSoup sisterhood

As new entrepreneurs, the duo was keen to start a business that created livelihoods for women. As a first step, they tapped into – a network of citizen volunteers, who, as part of the Green The Red Movement, help women adopt sustainable menstruation practices through awareness sessions and demonstrations.

They also serve as resellers of these products and receive a portion of the margins. Leveraging the vast Saathi Network helps to reduce the adoption barrier, especially among women who want to understand usage patterns from existing users, and need hand-holding, once they become adopters.

StoneSoup cups are priced lowest with Saathis to reduce the price barrier, especially in rural areas and among the urban poor, says Malini. StoneSoup also organises large-scale cup donation drives with its basic variant—the Pratham cup.

The entrepreneurs say that all their efforts are focused on building a viable business that reduces garbage.
“But sustainable businesses are not ones that make billion dollars and then donate those billions to charity. We believe in giving along the way, without fighting to be the cheapest in the market,” says Smita.
StoneSoup’s cup-storage pouches come from the rural parts of South India and its period pride earrings are handmade by Dalit women artisans. The duo also supports and promotes NGOs and SHGs that manufacture other sustainable menstrual health solutions such as cloth pads.
The global menstrual cup market is expected to grow at 3.50% between 2018 and 2023, with India among the significant contributors. For now, however, the uptake of menstrual cups in the country is low due to a variety of reasons including taboos against insertables, high cost, and lack of awareness, especially in rural India, about the existence of these products.

Today, close to 50 per cent women aged 15-24 years in rural India and 77 per cent in urban India use locally prepared sanitary napkins and disposable menstrual hygiene products.

In a context where sewage and waste management infrastructure is rudimentary at best, the rise in non-biodegradable pads signals great health and environmental risks.

StoneSoup is attempting to change this narrative by showing that garbage need not only be managed by quick fixes, but it can also be reduced; that rashes, allergies and discomfort during periods need not just be treated, they can be done away with, for good.

“All we’re saying is that women have the right to alternatives so that they can choose what’s best for their health, environment and pocket,” the duo say.


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Thursday, May 30, 2019

11 Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are among the healthiest foods on the planet.
They’re loaded with nutrients that can have important benefits for your body and brain.
Here are 11 health benefits of chia seeds, supported by science.

Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia hispanica, which is related to the mint.
Chia seeds were an important food for the Aztecs and Mayans back in the day.
They prized them for their ability to provide sustainable energy. In fact, "chia" is the ancient Mayan word for "strength."
Despite their ancient history as a dietary staple, chia seeds became recognized as a modern-day superfood only recently.
In the past few years, they have exploded in popularity and are now consumed by health conscious people all over the world.
Don't be fooled by the size — these tiny seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch.
A one-ounce (28 grams) serving of chia seeds contains (1):
  • Fiber: 11 grams.
  • Protein: 4 grams.
  • Fat: 9 grams (5 of which are omega-3s).
  • Calcium: 18% of the RDI.
  • Manganese: 30% of the RDI.
  • Magnesium: 30% of the RDI.
  • Phosphorus: 27% of the RDI.
  • They also contain a decent amount of zinc, vitamin B3 (niacin), potassium, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and vitamin B2.
This is particularly impressive considering that this is just a single ounce, equalling 28 grams or about two tablespoons. This small amount supplies only 137 calories and one gram of digestible carbohydrate.
Interestingly, if you subtract the fiber — most of which doesn’t end up as usable calories for your body — chia seeds only contain 101 calories per ounce (28 grams).
This makes them one of the world's best sources of several important nutrients, calorie for calorie.
To top things off, chia seeds are a whole-grain food, usually grown organically. Plus, they’re non-GMO and naturally free of gluten.

Another area in which chia seeds shine is their high antioxidant content.
These antioxidants protect the sensitive fats in the seeds from going rancid.
Though the benefits of antioxidant supplements are debated, researchers agree that getting antioxidants from foods can have positive health effects .
Most importantly, antioxidants fight the production of free radicals, which can damage cell molecules and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer.

One ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds has 12 grams of carbs. However, 11 of those grams are fiber, which your body doesn’t digest.
Fiber neither raises blood sugar nor requires insulin to be disposed of. Though it belongs to the carbohydrate family, its health effects are drastically different from those of digestible carbs like starch and sugar.
The digestible carb content is only one gram per ounce (28 grams), which is very low. This makes chia a low-carb friendly food.
Because of its high soluble fiber content, chia seeds can absorb up to 10–12 times their weight in water, becoming gel-like and expanding in your stomach.
Theoretically, this should increase fullness, slow absorption of your food and help you automatically eat fewer calories.
Fiber also feeds the friendly bacteria in your intestine, which is important — keeping your gut flora well fed is absolutely crucial for health.
Chia seeds are 40% fiber by weight, making them one of the best sources of fiber in the world.

Chia seeds contain a decent amount of protein.
By weight, they’re about 14% protein, which is very high compared to most plants.
They also have a good balance of essential amino acids, so your body should be able to make use of their protein content.
Protein has various health benefits and is by far the most weight loss friendly dietary nutrient.
A high protein intake lowers appetite and has been shown to reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60% and the desire for night time snacking by 50%.
Chia seeds really are an excellent protein source — especially for people who eat little or no animal products.

Many health experts believe that chia seeds can aid weight loss.
Its soluble fiber absorbs large amounts of water and expands in your stomach, which should increase fullness and slow the absorption of food.
Several studies have examined the soluble fiber glucomannan, which works in a similar way, showing that it can lead to weight loss .
Also, the protein in chia seeds could help reduce appetite and food intake.
In fact, one study found that eating chia seeds for breakfast increased satiety and reduced food intake in the short-term .
However, studies examining the effectiveness of chia seeds for weight loss have provided rather disappointing results.
In a study in 90 overweight people, 50 grams of chia seeds per day for 12 weeks had no effect on body weight or health markers.
In another 10-week study in 62 women, chia seeds had no effect on body weight but did increase the amount of omega-3 fat in the blood.
In contrast, a 6-month study in obese people with type 2 diabetes on a reduced-calorie diet found that eating chia seeds daily caused significantly greater weight loss than a placebo.

Though adding chia seeds to your diet is unlikely to cause weight loss on its own, many experts believe they can be a useful addition to a weight loss diet.
A weight loss diet is about more than just single foods. The entire diet counts, as well as other lifestyle behaviors like sleep and exercise.
When combined with a real-food based diet and a healthy lifestyle,   chia seeds may definitely help promote weight loss.

Like flax seeds, chia seeds are very high in omega-3 fatty acids.
In fact, chia seeds contain more omega 3s than salmon, gram for gram.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that the omega-3s in them are mostly ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which is not as beneficial as you may think.
ALA needs to be converted into the active forms eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) before your body can use it.
Unfortunately, humans are inefficient at converting ALA into these active forms.
Therefore, plant omega-3s tend to be vastly inferior to animal sources like fish oil .
Studies have shown that chia seeds — especially if they’re milled — can increase blood levels of ALA and EPA but not DHA.
This can be a problem.
Because they don't supply any DHA , which is the most important omega-3 fat, most experts consider chia seeds a lower-quality omega-3 source.
To get the DHA your body and brain needs, either eat fatty fish regularly or take fish oil or — if you are vegan or vegetarian — a plant-sourced DHA supplement.
Summary Chia seeds are very high in the omega-3 fatty acid ALA. However, humans are not good at converting this into DHA, the most important omega-3 fatty acid.

Given that chia seeds are high in fiber, protein and omega-3s, they may reduce your risk of heart disease.
Their benefits have been examined in several studies, but the results have been inconclusive.
Rat studies have shown that chia seeds can lower certain risk factors, including triglycerides, inflammation, insulin resistance and belly fat. They may also raise “good “ HDL cholesterol.
However, one human study did not detect any improvements in risk factors .
A few studies show that chia seeds significantly reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension, which is a strong risk factor for heart disease .
Overall, it’s possible that chia seeds may benefit heart health, but they probably won't have a major effect unless accompanied by other beneficial lifestyle and dietary changes.

Chia seeds are high in several nutrients that are important for bone health.
This includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and protein.
The calcium content is particularly impressive — 18% of the RDI in a single ounce (28 grams).
Gram for gram, this is higher than most dairy products. As a result, chia seeds may be considered an excellent source of calcium for people who don't eat dairy.
However, chia seeds also contain phytic acid , which reduces calcium absorption to some extent.

High fasting blood sugar levels are a typical symptom of untreated type 2 diabetes.
Consistently high fasting blood sugar levels are associated with an increased risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease .
But temporary spikes in blood sugar levels after meals may also have adverse health effects when they’re excessively high on a regular basis.
Animal studies have found that chia seeds may improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control, stabilizing blood sugar levels after meals.
A few human studies support this by showing that eating bread that contains chia seeds lowers the post-meal rise in blood sugar compared to bread that doesn’t include any chia.

Inflammation is your body’s normal response to infection or injury. Red and swollen skin is a typical example.
Although inflammation helps your body heal and fight off bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents, it can sometimes cause harm.
This mainly applies to chronic inflammation, which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.
Chronic inflammation often doesn’t have any visible signs, but can be assessed by measuring inflammatory markers in your blood.
Various unhealthy lifestyle habits increase your risk of chronic inflammation, including smoking, lack of exercise or a poor diet.
On the other hand, certain healthy foods may reduce the blood levels of inflammatory markers.
One 3-month study in 20 people with diabetes showed that eating 37 grams of chia seeds daily reduced the inflammatory marker hs-CRP by 40%. In contrast, those who got wheat bran didn’t experience a significant benefit .
Other studies on chia seeds have failed to detect any significant effects on inflammatory markers .

Chia seeds are incredibly easy to incorporate into your diet.
The seeds themselves taste rather bland, so you can add them to pretty much anything.
They also don't need to be ground like flax seeds, which makes them much easier to prepare.
They can be eaten raw, soaked in juice, added to porridge, pudding, smoothies or added to baked goods.
You can also sprinkle them on top of cereal, yogurt, vegetables or rice dishes.
Because of their ability to absorb both water and fat, they can be used to thicken sauces and as egg substitutes in recipes.
They can also be mixed with water and turned into a gel.
Adding chia seeds to recipes will dramatically boost their nutritional value.

They do also seem to be well tolerated, but if you're not used to eating a lot of fiber, then there is a possibility of digestive side effects if you eat too much at a time.
A common dosage recommendation is 20 grams (about 1.5 tablespoons) of chia seeds, twice per day.

Chia seeds are not only rich in nutrients, omega-3 fat, antioxidants and fiber but also easy to prepare. People commonly add them to their porridge or smoothies.
Studies suggest that they have various health benefits, ranging from weight loss to reduced inflammation.
If you don’t eat chia seeds already, you should definitely consider adding them to your diet. 

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Dogs can sniff out cancer in blood with 97% accuracy

Dogs have smell receptors 10,000 times more accurate than humans', making them highly sensitive to odours we can not perceive.

"Although there is no cure for cancer, early detection offers the best hope," said lead researcher. "A highly sensitive test for detecting cancer could save thousands of lives and change the way the disease is treated," he said.

For the study, the team used a form of clicker training to teach four beagles to distinguish between normal blood serum and samples from patients with malignant lung cancer.

Although one beagle -- aptly named Snuggles -- was unmotivated to perform, the other three correctly identified lung cancer samples 96.7 per cent times and normal samples 97.5 per cent times.

"This work is very exciting because it paves the way for further research along two paths, both of which could lead to new cancer-detection tools," said the researcher.

"One is using canine scent detection as a screening method for cancers, and the other would be to determine the biologic compounds the dogs detect and then design cancer-screening tests based on those compounds," he said.

The team plans to use canine scent detection to develop a non-invasive way of screening for cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

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