Monday, July 31, 2017

Those with reduced ability to taste food may have a high chance of putting on weight!

Do you often find yourself choosing food that is sweeter or something that has a stronger flavour? There's a possibility that you have weak taste buds, which could be leading you to go for a diet high in calories, thereby putting you at a risk of gaining weight.

A study has warned those with a reduced ability to taste food, that losing sensitivity to sweetness could make you pile on the kilos, because it makes you want sweeter food.

"We found that the more people lost sensitivity to sweetness, the more sugar they wanted in their foods," said a Prof.

Nutritionists, researchers and doctors have long suspected a connection between diminished taste sensitivity and obesity, but no one had tested if losing taste altered intake.

In the study, researchers temporarily dulled the taste buds of participants and had them sample foods of varying sugar concentrations.

For the blind tests, the researchers provided participants with an herbal tea with low, medium or high concentrations of a naturally occurring herb, Gymnema Sylvestre, which is known to temporarily block sweet receptors.

During the testing, participants added their favoured levels of sweetness to bland concoctions.

Without realising it, they gravitated to 8 to 12 percent sucrose. Soft drinks are generally around 10 percent sugar.

"That is not a coincidence," said  the lead author of the study.

However, those participants with their taste receptors blocked began to prefer higher concentrations of sugar.

"Others have suggested that the overweight may have a reduction in their perceived intensity of taste.

"So, if an overweight or obese person has a diminished sense of taste, our research shows that they may begin to seek out more intense stimuli to attain a satisfactory level of reward,"  he said .

This can influence their eating habits to compensate for a lower taste response, he said.

The study showed that for a regular, sugary 470 millilitre soft drink, a person with a 20 percent reduction in the ability to taste sweet would crave an extra teaspoon of sugar to reach an optimal level of sweetness, as compared to someone with unaltered taste response.

"The gustatory system – that is, the taste system we have – may serve as an important nexus in understanding the development of obesity. With this in mind, taste dysfunction should be considered as a factor," said the Prof.

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The health benefits of turmeric – a spice found and used extensively in  households around the world.

Often referred to as the 'Queen of Spices', turmeric has been generously used in almost everything, from treating colds and cough to wounds to skin infections.

A number of studies have also shown that turmeric has therapeutic properties – from boosting immunity to being anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, thanks to a compound called 'curcumin' present in the spice.

Now, scientists have further raised the status of turmeric, while also establishing the healing properties of curcumin saying that, it can cure cancer in children.

Researchers have found that nanoparticles loaded with curcumin can offer a novel treatment to target and destroy neuroblastoma tumour cells. Neuroblastoma is the most common cancer in children younger than five years old.

High-risk neuroblastoma can be resistant to traditional therapy, and survival can be poor. The cancers start in early nerve cells and commonly form in the tissue of the adrenal glands, near the kidneys. They are also associated with developmental delays, hearing loss, or other disabilities even after traditional treatments have ended.

In their study, the researchers attached curcumin to cerium oxide nanoparticles and tested the nano-curcumin formulation in cell lines of a high-risk form of neuroblastoma.

"This formulation induced substantial cell death in neuroblastoma cells while producing no or only minor toxicity in healthy cells," says their report.

Curcumin has been shown to have substantial anti-cancer ability, but its low solubility and poor stability have restricted its use in therapeutic applications.

According to the study conducted by its scientists demonstrates a novel method of treating this tumour "without the toxicity of aggressive therapy" and shows that nanoparticles can be "an effective delivery vehicle" for cancer drugs.

"We are hopeful that in the future, nanoparticles can be utilised to personalise care to patients and reduce the late effects of therapy."

The fact that curcumin, when formulated as nanoparticles, is able to increase its bioavailability and thereby improve its therapeutic ability has earlier been shown by scientists as well in the case of tuberculosis (TB).
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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Scientists find genetic underpinnings for eczema

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, affects millions of people in the United States. While there is yet no cure for the condition and its causes are not fully understood, new research has uncovered some of its genetic underpinnings, bringing us closer to discovering novel therapies. 
New research has identified the genetic mutation that is responsible for eczema, or atopic dermatitis. 

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, non-contagious inflammatory skin disorder. People who have eczema may also be prone to other viral or bacterial skin conditions. This happens because people with eczema do not have the proteins that normally protect healthy skin against infections.

The condition strikes children and teenagers in particular.Often, the condition occurs in conjunction with other allergies such as asthma, hay fever and food allergies. 

While it is not yet known what causes eczema, researchers believe that a combination of genes and environmental factors drive the disease. 

As the authors of the new study point out, until now, few studies have found a single-gene cause for common allergic diseases.

CARD11 gene mutation may drive eczema

Researchers singled out eight people from four families that had mutations in the CARD11 gene. This gene encodes the instructions for producing the CARD11 protein, which has a key role in lymphocyte receptor signaling. 

Some of the people in the study who had these genetic mutations also had other health problems, such as other infections, while some did not. 

This suggested to the researchers that CARD11 mutations can lead to eczema without simultaneously causing comorbidities, as is often the case with immune system conditions. 

In an attempt to understand precisely the mechanism through which CARD11 mutations lead to atopic dermatitis, the researchers conducted a series of experiments and studied cell cultures to examine the effect of the mutations on the CARD11 protein. 

In each of the four families, the researchers found a different mutation that affected a separate area of the CARD11 protein. However, all of the mutations affected T cell signaling in a similar way. 

T-cells are a white blood cell type, which are essential for the body's immune response to infections. 

Specifically, the researchers were able to detect two cell-signaling pathways that were disrupted by the mutations. These signaling pathways were no longer activated properly as result of the mutations.

Normally, one of these pathways is partially activated by glutamine, which is an amino acid - that is, a "building block of protein" - with key roles in immunity, brain function, and digestion. 

The researchers were able to boost glutamine levels and thus "partially rescue" the cell-signaling defects caused by the genetic mutations that underpin eczema. 

The next step for Dr. Milner and his team is to analyze the effect of taking glutamine and leucine - a similar amino acid that activates the same cell-signaling pathways as glutamine - supplements in people who have atopic dermatitis, with and without the newly discovered genetic mutations.

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Depression damages your heart

A study shows heart disease patients' death rate doubles if they have depression. Researchers say depression often deters patients from living a healthy lifestyle, heart disease patients are twice as likely to suffer an early death if they suffer depression, new figures reveal. 

A leading psychologist  told the findings highlight the crippling impact depression has on one's physical health, and support the idea that the mental illness has a biological impact on our organs.

To detect subsequent depression, the researchers used standardized diagnostic coding system.

The patients with depression were placed into subcategories based on how long after their heart disease diagnosis the depression was identified.

Until now, most studies have looked at depression at a single point in time, such as within 30 days of a heart event or at the time of heart disease diagnosis. Just a handful of studies has looked over the course of a year.

This study, however, has the unique distinction of tracking patients for an average of 10 years after their coronary artery disease diagnosis to see if they were ever diagnosed with depression.

It is widely believed that people who suffer from depression also have reduced levels of serotonin released in their brain. 

In all, 15 percent, or 2,646 patients, were diagnosed with depression at some point during follow-up. Of those, most of them (37 percent) were diagnosed more than five years after their first heart event, but the two diagnoses were linked. 

The second most likely scenario was being diagnosed within a year of the first heart event, which was the case for 27 percent of patients with depression. The rest were diagnosed between one and five years after their first event.  

This study reinforces previous research investigating the link between depression, heart disease, and increased risks of death. 

Depression was the strongest risk factor for dying,  compared to any other risk factors we evaluated. That included age, heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure, or having a heart attack or stroke.                                                                

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Hunger-controlling brain cells can tackle obesity

A team of researchers has discovered two new types of cell in the brain that can potently regulate appetite and offer new drugs to treat obesity. Researchers  have revealed that there are two types of cells which are located in the part of the brainstem known as the dorsal raphe nucleus, that have the capability to treat obesity by controlling the hunger signals that instill the search for and consumption of food.

The results indicated that the part of the brain played a role in feeding behavior. Researchers have conducted a study on mice's dorsal raphe nucleus or DRN when whole-brain imaging made with iDISCO, revealed that this part of the brain becomes activated in hungry mice.

"The recent data suggest that modulation of the activity of specific neurons with drugs could bypass leptin resistance and provide a new means for reducing body weight," said a researcher.
Subsequent imaging of other mice that were fed more than their normal amount of food, until they were fully revealed a different pattern of DRN activity. "One is that the cells are just along for the ride--they are getting activated by hunger but they're not actually driving the food intake process. The other possibility is that they are in fact part of the sense and response mechanism to hunger--and in this case, we suspected the latter," he added.

They also studied the effect of switching off hunger neurons in obese mice. Another researcher stated said that prolonged inhibition of these neurons could dramatically reduce weight.

New findings disclosed how the brain controls eating, and suggest that drugs designed to activate or inhibit neurons in the DRN could be effective in treating obesity and preventing its related disorders, such as diabetes and hypertension.

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Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Early Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is the fourth deadliest cancer in the world. Since this cancer is hard to detect and treat, the survival rate is extremely low, hovering somewhere between 7-25%.
The pancreas is part of the digestive system and is buried within the abdominal cavity (behind the stomach and in the upper part of your abdomen). Because of its location, it can be difficult to feel tumors before they’ve grown out of control. Furthermore, there’s no screening test for this type of cancer.
Looking for clues to pancreatic cancer is vital for early detection and treatment. Though some of the signs and symptoms of this cancer resemble other health conditions such as cirrhosis, diabetes, or liver disease, it’s important to visit your doctor if you notice any abnormalities.
Below are 8 warning signs of pancreatic cancer:

1. Sudden Onset of Diabetes
Research has shown that 40% of pancreatic cancer patients had been diagnosed with diabetes one or two years before discovering that they had a pancreatic tumor. Researchers believe that the diabetes is caused by tumors that simply haven’t been detected yet. The problem though, is that diabetes is very common, and the majority of diabetes cases will not be related to pancreatic cancer, and so doctors are trying to come up with screening tools to tell the difference. Right now, they say that family history is an important clue. If you’re diagnosed with diabetes that has come out of the blue, and you have no history of diabetes in your family, bring this to your doctor’s attention and ask for further screening for pancreatic cancer.

2. Itchy Hands and Feet
Even a small pancreatic tumor can block the bile duct, and if this occurs, bile starts to build up in the body. When there is too much bile in the blood, it starts to turn into compounds that cannot be broken down by the body. These compounds accumulate in the hands and feet, causing persistent itching sensations.

3. Yellowing Eyes and Skin
The buildup of bile mentioned above is known as jaundice, and it causes other symptoms beyond itchy palms and feet. One such symptom is yellow eyes and skin. Bile has a bright yellow pigment, and when too much of it is present in the body, it will start to show up in the whites of the eyes and through the skin.

4. Lack of Appetite and/or Changes in Taste

An Italian study found that 6-8 months before being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, patients reported a sudden decrease in their appetite, and a tendency to feel full after eating very little. This is because the lack of digestive enzymes can shut down your whole system and confuse your stomach.
The same study also found that patients suffering from a pancreatic tumor also suddenly lost their taste for coffee, alcohol, and smoking. In fact, some even declared that they felt disgusted by the smell and taste of coffee and alcohol.

5. Pale, Floating, Smelly Stools
If a pancreatic tumor prevents digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines, the result is an inability to digest fatty foods. Therefore, as a result of this excess fat, you end up with loose, smelly floating stools. Doctors say that this symptom, in particular, is an early clue of pancreatic cancer, but it is too often overlooked.

6. An Enlarged Gallbladder
The same blockage of the bile duct that causes jaundice can also cause the gallbladder to enlarge, as the bile builds up behind the duct. The good news though is that an enlarged gallbladder can be seen on imaging tests, and it is sometimes possible for a doctor to feel it during a physical exam.

 7. Abdominal Pain 

Those suffering from pancreatic cancer typically experience some form of abdominal pain. This is more of a gnawing pain, rather than a sharp cramp or ache, and it usually radiates towards the back. A characteristic clue of abdominal pain possibly being caused by a pancreatic tumor is the pain disappearing when you lean forward, or getting worse after you eat or lie down.

8. Unexplained Weight Loss
This symptom is common to most cancers, especially in more advanced stages. However, if a pancreatic tumor is developing, it may prevent your body from digesting food thoroughly. This means that fat and sugar might pass right through your system undigested.

Report to your doctor if you have any of these Symptoms
Document all your symptoms and report them to your doctor in as much detail as possible. If your doctor believes that you have legitimate concerns, tests such as an ultrasound, CT scan, and an endoscopy followed by a biopsy can be used to search for a pancreatic tumor. A blood test is also available that looks for a biomarker called CA 19-9 that’s released by pancreatic cancer cells. Unfortunately, though, by the time CA 19-9 reaches a detectable level, the cancer is no longer in its early stages.

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High blood pressure is the leading risk factor for a stroke, which in turn leads to severe and long-term disability, including death. Managing your blood sugar levels is the most critical thing you can do to lessen your risk of a stroke, and you make sure that you keep your blood pressure at optimum levels.

What causes a stroke
A stroke, which is often referred to as a brain attack, takes place when the supply of blood to a particular region of the brain is cut off. The brain cells which are deprived of the oxygen and glucose die, and when the ailment is not caught early, a permanent damage to the brain can follow.

High blood pressure and stroke ?
Uncontrolled blood pressure levels can increase the risk of a stroke by about four to six times. With the passage of time, hypertension causes atherosclerosis as well as hardening of major arteries. This often results in blockages of small blood vessels present in the brain. With high blood pressure for a long period of time, the blood vessels of the brain become weak and burst. This way the risk of a stroke is directly related to the high levels of blood pressure.

Why your blood pressure should be under control
The first thing you should try doing is keeping your blood pressure level normal. Some simple lifestyle changes can help you to lead a risk-free life and therefore, you should first aim at shedding off those extra pounds along your waistline.
In general, a man with a waistline measuring over 40 inches and a woman with that over 35 inches is at a higher risk of suffering from high blood pressure as well as a stroke. You should exercise regularly for at least half an hour and eat a well-regulated diet loaded with fibre, proteins, potassium and Omega-3-fatty acids. Stay away from junk food and maintain a food diary where you can jot down your honest food habits.
It is very important to lower down your high blood pressure in order to avoid risks of stroke. But if you fail to do so even after following a healthy routine, then it is crucial to consult your physician / cardiologist who can help you by prescribing medications that are right for your medical condition.

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Beetroot has the qualities of increasing stamina, removing skin blemishes and increasing the glow of the face, prevent hair loss and many more.
  1. Anti- aging: Beetroot being a great antioxidant successfully blocks free radicals and helps to fight the symptoms of aging. All it requires is a medium slice beetroot. The juice should be extracted from it and the pulp needs to be removed. The juice then could be applied to the face using cotton balls. Applying this simple solution once in a week can fetch dramatic results.
  2. Reduces blemish and pigmentation: Beetroot is one of the few vegetables that have a large amount of vitamin C in it. It helps the skin to retain its original color, reduces blemishes and pigmentation. 3-4 cubes of beetroot serving twice a week should do the trick.
  3. Prevents hair loss: Beetroot is  a good source of potassium, beetroot can prevent hair loss and enhance hair growth. A weekly serving of 3-4 cube of beetroot over a span of few months will show visible results.
  4. Improves liver function: Beetroot contains glutathione that is known to be a great agent for the liver. It acts as a detox diet and helps in functioning of the liver. This  helps the body to detox. Beetroot also helps in the regeneration of cells of the liver.
  5. Boost hemoglobin: Beetroot is an excellent source of iron and folate. These are the nutrients that are required for the body to maintain an adequate amount of hemoglobin in the body. A deficiency in the hemoglobin level can lead to anaemia. Regular consumption of beetroot can ensure that a person refrains from deadly diseases such as anemia.
  6. Anti- inflammation: Some typical symptoms of inflammation include infection, trauma etc. This is a sign of the immune system not acting efficiently against sudden panic. Some typical symptoms include pain, redness,swelling etc. Beetroot in known for its super-efficient anti-inflammatory response.
  7. Anti-cancer: Beetroot increases  the level of oxygen in the blood. Since cancer cells are acidic in nature, beetroot can successfully neutralize them due to its alkaline nature. Owing to this anti-cancer properties, oncologists often suggests the intake of beetroot juice on a regular basis to patients suffering from liver, rectal, colon and various other types of cancer. 2 glasses of beetroot juice are often recommended for cancer patients.                                                                          
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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterium that’s transmitted to humans when they are bitten by an infected black-legged or deer tick. Once infected, symptoms can occur anywhere from 3-30 days after the bite, and they can be wide-ranging, depending on the stage of infection. The chances of contracting Lyme disease from a tick bite depends on the kind of tick, where you were bitten, when the bite occurred, and how long the tick was attached to you. According to the CDC, black-legged ticks must be attached for at least 24 hours to transmit Lyme disease.
What Are the Symptoms of Lyme Disease?
Early signs and symptoms of this disease include chills, fever, fatigue, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and swollen lymph nodes. In about 70-80% of infections a rash is seen. This rash will gradually expand over a period of days and can grow to around 12 inches wide. It may feel warm to the touch, but it shouldn’t be itchy or painful, and it can appear anywhere on the body.

As the infection progresses, symptoms can include:
• Severe headaches or neck stiffness
• Heart palpitation or an irregular heartbeat
• Inflammation of the spinal cord and brain
• Loss of muscle tone or drooping on one or both sides of the face
• Additional rashes on other parts of the body
• Arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling, particularly in the knees
• Shooting pains, numbness, and tingling in the hands or feet

How is Lyme Disease Diagnosed?
Lyme disease is diagnosed based on symptoms and history of tick exposure. A two-step blood test may also be taken, but the accuracy of this test depends on the stage the disease is in. For example, in the first few weeks of infection, the test may be negative, as antibodies take a few weeks to develop. These tests aren’t recommended for patients who don’t have any of the common symptoms of Lyme disease.
How is Lyme Disease Treated?
The antibiotics amoxicillin and tetra cycline are used, usually for 10-21 days. Other antibiotics that might be used are cefuroxime and doxycycline. If you get treatment for Lyme disease when the infection is at an early stage, it is likely that you will make a full recovery.
How Prevalent is Lyme Disease?
 About 30,00 cases are reported each year, but the CDC estimates that you can add another 300,000 infections to this figure. Infection is more common in males up to age 15 and between the ages of 40 and 60. The reason for this is these are people who are more likely to play outside, and go hiking, camping, and hunting.
What Areas Are More Likely to Have Lyme Disease?

Black-legged ticks can be found in 43 states, but they behave differently according to the climate. For example, in the South, which is more prone to hot weather, ticks tend to stay under leaf litter and don’t come out to feed as they’ll dry out. This means that Southern ticks don’t transmit Lyme disease frequently as they don’t tend to feed on humans.

What’s Driving up Lyme Disease Numbers?
While increasing temperatures worldwide has made more areas  hospitable to ticks, the population of deer carrying the ticks probably plays a much bigger role.

Development led to record low numbers of deer early in the last century, but the deer population has increased as a result of reforestation over the past several decades, meaning the tick population has increased as well. Furthermore, white-footed mice, which also transmit Lyme disease to ticks that bite them, are moving closer to humans as their habitat disappears.

Another reason is that warm weather and mild winters may bring more people outside, increasing their chances of being bitten, especially in Lyme-prone areas.

How Do You Know If You’ve Been Bitten?
Since ticks are the size of a poppy seed, you’ve got to have pretty good eyesight to spot them. The CDC recommends that if you’ve been walking in the woods, tall grass, or working in your garden, that you check your skin afterwards, ideally in the bath or shower.

What Do You Do If There’s a Tick Under Your Skin
Remove it with a pair of tweezers as soon as possible, pulling upward with steady pressure. If parts of the tick remain in your skin, try to remove them with the tweezers. After everything is out, clean the area with rubbing alcohol or soap and water. Put the tick in a piece of tissue, and flush it down the toilet.

When should You See Your Doctor?
A rash is a pretty good indication that you might have Lyme disease. Therefore, if a rash starts to develop in the area you were bitten, you should visit your doctor immediately. At this stage of the illness, treatment with some antibiotics will likely see you make a full recovery.

What’s the Best Way to Prevent a Tick Bite?
Ticks cannot fly or jump, but instead live in shrubs and bushes, and grab onto someone when they walk by. To avoid getting bitten, wear pants and socks in woods, areas with a lot of trees, and while handling fallen leaves. Wear some tick repellents and clothing that has lemon oil, or eucalyptus.

Shower as soon as you get home. This lets you look at your skin and wash any ticks out of your hair. Furthermore, put the clothes you were wearing into a hot wash to kill whatever ticks might remain.
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