Friday, August 26, 2016


One of the best things you can do for your health, your emotions, and your relationships is to offer and receive a simple, loving hug. It's so sad that many may be missing out on the great spiritual and health benefits that can be attained from this most basic of human gestures. 
1) A hug can strengthen your immune system. The therapeutic effect from hug, helps us to stave off disease.
2) Hugs make us forget about food and help us to stay slim, as we often eat to combat loneliness. With a hug, we forget about food and think more about the warmth we got. 
3)Hug reduce the level of stress one feels and also limit inflammatory processes. Because of this, our body's natural ageing mechanism slows down.
4) Hugs keeps us agile and boosts our vitality. A warm hug recharges our batteries, as it does wonder for our moods, makes us feel perfect and energetic to face the day ahead.
5)A warm hug can help us through trouble times. The extra positivity and warmth one feels because of the warm hug inspires and gives confidence to face difficult times.
6) Hugs makes us feel much happier. When we embrace someone, our body secretes a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone gives you a sense of joy and comfort. Hugs also cements the bond between you and your loves ones.
7) A hug can keep depression at bay in 2 ways. First they suppress cortisol, which is the human stress hormone. Second, they increase the production of serotonin, the mood enhancing hormone.
8) Hugs can soothe and calm your nervous system. When we hug another both feel our nerves being relaxed. This can reduce and even eliminate stress and tension.
9) Hug can raise your self-esteem. Hug gives us a sense of safety and security, equipping us to face the day ahead boldly. You'll be less likely to fall prey to insecurities and fears through it as a result.
10) With hugs we say things that words can't. Language barriers don't exist when it comes to a hug. Its meaning is universal- love, care and support. Everyone loves being hugged, isn't it?

this is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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