Thursday, April 25, 2024

Understanding breast cysts: Warning signs you should never neglect

 If you ever feel  a lump or notice changes in your breasts, know that it could be warning sign of breast cysts, a common condition that affects many women worldwide. Recognising these symptoms is important , as early detection can lead to timely intervention.


Causes of breast cyst

Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form within the breast tissue. While their exact cause remains unclear, hormonal fluctuations are believed to play a significant role. Hormonal changes during menstrual cycles can cause cysts to develop and fluctuate in size, often causing discomfort and concern.

Here are 6 warning signs to look out for:

Breast lumps: One of the primary warning signs of breast cysts is the presence of lumps or masses in the breast tissue. These lumps may feel round or oval-shaped and can vary in size. According to studies published on PubMed, breast cysts often present as palpable masses that may be tender or painful to touch.

Pain in the breast: If you experience breast pain or tenderness, especially in specific areas of the breast, you should not ignore this symptom. Breast cysts can cause discomfort, ranging from mild to severe, and may worsen before menstruation due to hormonal changes.

Swelling of breast: Noticeable swelling or enlargement of the breast, particularly in one area, can indicate the presence of a cyst. This swelling may be accompanied by tenderness or soreness, affecting daily activities and causing discomfort.

Changes in breast skin: Changes in the appearance or texture of the skin overlying the breast can serve as a warning sign of breast cysts. These changes may include redness, dimpling, or puckering of the skin.

Nipple discharge: Unusual discharge from the nipple, particularly if it is clear or bloody, should not be ignored. While not all nipple discharge is indicative of breast cysts, it can be a concerning symptom that demands medical attention for proper diagnosis and management.

Changes in breast sensation: Any alterations in breast sensation, such as increased sensitivity or numbness, should prompt further evaluation. These changes may accompany other warning signs of breast cysts and should not be ignored.


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From Digestion To Heart Health: Health Benefits Of Wood Apple (Bael) Fruit

 from digestion to heart health: health benefits of wood apple (bael) fruit  

Wood apple, also called bael, is a favourite summer fruit. It's tough on the outside, but crack it open, and you'll find sweet, tangy pulp inside. This orange-coloured treat is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre. One can make juice from the wood apple pulp, which is known to have several important nutrients.

This summer fruit is known for its digestive properties and can be enjoyed as a refreshing drink apart from regular water or coconut water. Here, take a look at some of the health benefits of adding wood apple or bael to your diet during summers.

Rich in Nutrients

Wood apple is packed with essential nutrients that contribute to overall health. It has vitamins such as vitamin C which boosts the immune system and promotes skin health and vitamin A which is important for vision and immune function. Also, it gives you important minerals like potassium, which supports heart health and regulates blood pressure and calcium which is essential for strong bones and teeth.

Digestive Health

One of the most well-known health benefits of wood apple is its ability to improve digestive health. The fruit is rich in dietary fibre, which adds bulk to stool and helps prevent constipation. Consuming wood apple regularly can help in smooth bowel movements and alleviate digestive issues like bloating, gas and indigestion.


Wood apple is also effective in relieving constipation due to its high fibre content. The insoluble fibre in the fruit adds bulk to stool, making it easier to pass through the digestive tract. Also, wood apple contains natural laxatives like tannins, which further help in relieving constipation by stimulating bowel movements.

Heart Health

The potassium in wood apples plays an important role in supporting heart health. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium, thereby, reducing the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Boosts Immunity

The vitamin C in wood apple adds to its immune-boosting properties. Vitamin C is important for the proper functioning of the immune system, as it helps stimulate the production of white blood cells and antibodies that fight infections and illnesses.


Wood apple has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. Consuming wood apple regularly may help reduce inflammation levels, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Weight Management

Adding wood apple to your diet can help in weight management due to its low calorie and high fibre content. The fibre in wood apple helps promote satiety and reduce appetite, keeping you full for long and preventing overeating.

Skin Health

Wood apple can benefit your skin health due to its antioxidant properties and high vitamin content. Antioxidants help protect the skin from free radical damage, which can lead to premature ageing, wrinkles and other skin issues. Also, the vitamin C in wood apple promotes collagen production, helping maintain skin elasticity and firmness.



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Hot water+ bitter gourd/ karela kills cancer cells

Prof. Chen Hui Ren from the Beijing Army General Hospital conformed that, if this information is shared with the near and dear ones , it might save someone's life.

Hot bitter gourd / karela can kill cancer dells

cut 2-3 thin slices of bitter gourd and put in a glass, pour hot water. Water will be come alkaline. Drink every day at ;east once. It will be useful.

Hot water bitter gourd will emit an anti-cancer substance. This is a new development in the world of natural medicine, which is useful in treating cancer.

Hot water karela extract will affect the cyst and tumor. Already proven, it can help cure various kinds of cancer.

Using karela in treating cancer, it will only kill the malignant cells of the tumor. It will not affect healthy cells.

In addition, amino acids and polyphenol oxidase in karela can balance high blood pressure, blood circulation, reduce blood clotting and can prevent the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis.


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Swelling To Itching: 6 Signs of Kidney Disease Detected on Feet

 swelling to itching: 6 signs of kidney disease detected on feet swelling- itching

Your kidneys are one of the most important organs of the body. They help in removing waste products and toxins such as urea, creatinine, and excess ions, from the blood in the form of urine. However, kidney disease affects the functioning of the kidneys. This eventually affects different functions of the body. If kidney disease is left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation, and even death.


Therefore, it is important to spot the early signs of kidney disease so that you can seek the required treatment that prevents the condition from reaching advanced stages which might lead to kidney failure. Here, take a look at some of the signs of kidney disease that might appear on your feet.

Oedema (Swelling)

One of the important signs of kidney disease is oedema, which commonly is seen as swelling in the feet and ankles. Poor kidney function may affect its ability to remove excess fluid and sodium from the body, leading to fluid retention. This accumulation of fluid causes swelling, often noticeable as puffiness or tightness in the feet.

Skin Changes

Chronic kidney disease can result in various skin changes, some of which may be seen on the feet. The skin may become darker, taking a bronze-like or yellowish shade, due to a buildup of waste products in the blood. Also, the texture of the skin may change, becoming dry, itchy or flaky, which can be particularly prominent in the feet.

Pruritus (Itching)

Persistent itching, also known as pruritus, is a symptom associated with kidney damage. Itching is often generalized but may be particularly seen in the lower extremities, including the feet. It is believed that the itching happens due to the buildup of toxins in the bloodstream.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Kidney disease can lead to nerve damage, resulting in peripheral neuropathy. This condition causes symptoms such as tingling, numbness or burning sensations in the feet and legs. Peripheral neuropathy can impact mobility and quality of life for people with kidney disease and it worsens as the condition reaches advanced stages.

Foot Pain

In advanced stages of kidney disease, a rare but serious condition called calciphylaxis can happen. This condition is characterised by painful, non-healing wounds on the skin which typically affect the feet and lower legs. Calciphylaxis is caused by calcium and phosphorus imbalances in the body, leading to the formation of calcifications in small blood vessels, ultimately resulting in tissue damage and necrosis.

Nail Changes

Changes in the appearance and texture of the nails may also be indicative of kidney disease. Nails may become discoloured, thickened or brittle, and these changes may be particularly noticeable in the toenails.


Spotting these signs and symptoms on the feet can help people seek medical evaluation and appropriate treatment for underlying kidney disease. Early detection and treatment are important for slowing the progression of kidney disease and reducing the risk of complications.


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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How to prevent diabetic kidney disease? Health expert shares prevention tips for high blood sugar patients and treatment

Diabetic kidney disease, also known as diabetic nephropathy, is a serious complication of diabetes that affects the kidneys and is labelled as a “silent killer” where the main cause of this health condition is consistently high blood sugar levels over time, which can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys. This damage leads to decreased kidney function and scarring of the kidney tissue.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Ruju Gala, Consultant Nephrologist and Renal Transplant Physician at Zynova Shalby Hospital in Mumbai, shared, “One of the early symptoms of diabetic kidney disease is proteinuria, which is the presence of protein in the urine. Other common symptoms include swelling in the legs or face, fatigue, and decreased appetite. As the disease progresses, individuals may experience high blood pressure and anemia due to reduced kidney function.”

According to her, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in diabetic population is as high as 30-40%, called as diabetic kidney disease. Explaining why it is essential to prevent diabetic kidney disease, Dr Ruju Gala said, “Preventing diabetic kidney disease is crucial as it is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes. Once the kidneys become damaged, their ability to filter blood properly is compromised, leading to an accumulation of waste and fluid in the body. This can result in high blood pressure, fluid retention, and even kidney failure.”

She elaborated, “Treating diabetic kidney disease can be challenging and often requires intensive interventions such as dialysis or even a kidney transplant. Focusing on prevention through proper management of blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol can significantly reduce their risk of developing this debilitating condition. Taking proactive steps to prevent diabetic kidney disease not only helps preserve kidney function but also improves the quality of life for those living with diabetes.”

Talking about the treatment, Dr Ruju Gala said, “Treatment for diabetic kidney disease typically involves a multi-faceted approach that focuses on controlling blood sugar levels, managing blood pressure, and reducing the progression of kidney damage. For ones with more advanced stages of diabetic kidney disease, treatments may include dialysis or even kidney transplantation. These interventions can help to support kidney function. Those with diabetes need to work closely with their doctors to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and health goals.”


She suggested the following preventive measures:

  • Monitoring your blood sugar levels regularly is crucial in managing diabetic kidney disease. Consistent monitoring can help you identify any spikes or drops in blood sugar levels and take necessary steps to keep them within the target range.
  • Aim to keep your HbA1c levels below 7% to reduce the risk of kidney damage and complications associated with diabetes.
  • Pay close attention to your diet by opting for nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and pulses.
  • Limit your intake of processed foods, sugary beverages and high-sodium meals as they can worsen kidney function and lead to weight gain.
  • Consulting a dietitian can help create a personalised meal plan that suits your dietary needs and promotes kidney health.
  • Staying physically active is key in managing both diabetes and kidney disease. Regular exercise helps improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure and control blood sugar levels effectively. Incorporate exercises like walking, gymming, swimming or cycling into your routine for at least 30 minutes a day to enhance overall well-being and decrease the progression of diabetic kidney disease.


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Cholesterol - When to Get Tested and How to Read a Test

High cholesterol can lead to serious, potentially lethal complications, and getting tested is paramount for detecting cardiovascular health risks early. Still, there’s a lot of confusion around cholesterol level testing. When should you begin and how often should you get your cholesterol levels tested? We review the ways cholesterol levels influence your health, how to get them checked, and how to interpret the results in this helpful guide.

What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a waxy substance that either comes from food or is produced by the liver. Cholesterol is essential for the human body to produce bile acid, vitamin D, healthy new cells, and hormones. If all cholesterol was to suddenly vanish from someone’s body, they would not survive.
Cholesterol Tests Atherosclerosis
In order to transport cholesterol through the blood vessels, the body uses special proteins called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are the two main ones, and they impact our health differently: 
LDL (also known as “bad” cholesterol) carries cholesterol from the liver to the cells. LDL is often called “bad” because high levels of it build up in the blood vessels and raise the risk of cardiovascular disease. 
HDL (also known as “good” cholesterol) takes the cholesterol back to the liver. The liver helps remove cholesterol from the body, so it reduces one’s risk of cardiovascular issues.

Overall, cholesterol isn’t harmful, but a sedentary lifestyle and overeating made it so that it is. It’s really a “too much of a good thing” scenario exemplified. 
When cholesterol levels are high, this raises your risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular issues. 
As Dr. Robert Greenfield explained in an article for Medical News Today, “Our bodies weren’t designed to live in an environment where food was in excess, and so when cholesterol is in excess, it will be deposited in our body. And that deposit center can often be our blood vessels, and that’s when it’s bad for us.”

The biggest culprits behind high cholesterol are foods like meat, poultry, dairy, palm oil, and coconut oil. Highly processed foods, such as baked goods, processed meat, and store-bought sweets are high in saturated and trans fats, which make the liver produce greater amounts of cholesterol than needed as well.

When and How often should you get tested?
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to cholesterol level testing. If you are at low risk for heart disease, testing should begin at age 20 and be followed up every 5 years. However, those who have a family history of high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity should start getting their cholesterol levels checked earlier according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

You will also need to be screened for cholesterol more often if you’re at a greater risk of high cholesterol. “You should get a yearly blood test if your cholesterol is high,” said Dr. Sanjiv Patel, a board-certified interventional cardiologist.

The CDC also recommends that children and adolescents have their cholesterol levels checked once in the age range of 9-11 years, and once again between 17-21 years old. 
Your family physician will help you estimate when and how often you need to get the cholesterol test done. The test itself is simple: you go to your physician and ask them to order a lipid panel (also known as a complete cholesterol test or lipid profile). 
This is a blood test that measures the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood according to Mayo Clinic. The physician will refer you to get the blood test done, and once you complete it, all you have to do is wait for the results.

How to Read a Cholesterol Test
Cholesterol levels are measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Depending on your age, the normal range changes. For different ages, healthy cholesterol levels are as follows: 
Everyone 19 years or younger: total cholesterol below 170 mg/dL, LDL - below 100 mg/dL, HDL - above 45 mg/dL. 
Men 20 or older: total cholesterol - 125-200 mg/dL, LDL - below 100 mg/dL, HDL - 40 mg/dL or higher. 
Women 20 or older: total cholesterol - 125-200 mg/dL, LDL - below 100 mg/dL, HDL - 50 mg/dL or higher. 
Furthermore, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology also suggest that LDL levels of 100 mg/dL or less are optimal. People whose cholesterol levels are in this range have lower rates of heart disease and stroke. 
Other measurements on a cholesterol test include triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood. In adults, triglyceride levels should be less than 150 mg/dL.

Some tests will also show you the levels of Very Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) - one of the most dangerous types of blood lipids. Not all tests contain VLDL levels, as this measure is merely calculated by assuming that VLDL levels make up 20% of triglyceride levels. Another reason why it may be omitted is that this measurement is NOT taken into account in the treatment of elevated cholesterol.

Can Your Cholesterol Level Be Too Low? 
We already discussed the repercussions of high cholesterol, but is having low levels of this waxy substance good or bad? To answer briefly, one’s total cholesterol level can never be too low. But once you distinguish between LDL and HDL cholesterol, the picture becomes more nuanced. 
Low HDL Cholesterol Levels 
When the HDL levels drop below 40 mg/dL in men and 50 mg/dL in women, the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart attack, and stroke climb astronomically. That’s because HDL cholesterol is an antioxidant responsible for clearing the other, bad kind of cholesterol from the body and preventing clogged arteries. 
A diet high in carbohydrates can also lower one’s HDL levels while raising LDL and triglycerides by 30-40% according to previous studies. Certain medications, health conditions (kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, liver disease, diabetes), as well as smoking, and undereating can also lead to a reduction in HDL levels.

Low HDL Cholesterol Levels 
Counterintuitively, critically low LDL levels may not be the best outcome either. We need LDL cholesterol to build cells, make hormones (including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone), and keep the brain healthy. So, eliminating it from the body completely isn’t a good idea.
In most cases, low LDL levels are a sign of either mismatched cholesterol-lowering medication or serious underlying health conditions, such as cancer, liver disease, and severe malnutrition. 
 That being said, having LDL levels so low that this becomes a problem - below 25 mg/dL - is incredibly rare. Such negative outcomes have mainly been observed in pregnancy, causing hormonal imbalances that could harm the baby. 
 Cholesterol Tests sources of healthy fats

How to Deal with High Cholesterol
Unless you suffer from an underlying genetic or acquired condition that specifically causes elevated cholesterol levels, this blood measurement is within your control. You can lower your cholesterol levels by tweaking your lifestyle. The CDC recommends the following lifestyle changes to manage your cholesterol: 
Eliminate foods high in trans fats, and lower your intake of saturated fats, salt, and sugar. 
Instead, switch your focus to foods high in fiber, healthy fats, and fresh fruit and vegetables. 
Moderate exercise for at least 150 minutes. This can include cycling, swimming, or even brisk walking. 
Consider quitting smoking if you do. Smoking damages blood vessels.
You may also consider vitamin supplementation to help normalize your LDL and HDL levels. Some people take vitamin E and vitamin A for their cholesterol. It’s best to discuss with your physician if this approach is right for you. Your doctor will also help you get that cholesterol down with medication if the lifestyle changes aren’t helping.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Link Found Between Cats and Alzheimer's?

Recent research has brought into focus a potentially unsettling link for cat lovers: owning a feline may increase the risk of developing schizophrenia-related disorders. This connection is not new to science but continues to be contentious, with various studies drawing different conclusions over the years.

Australian researchers, including psychiatrist John McGrath from the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, took on the task of analyzing 17 studies spanning 44 years and 11 countries, including the US and the UK. Their findings, published in the December issue of Schizophrenia Bulletin, suggest that individuals who own cats might be at twice the risk of developing schizophrenia or similar disorders compared to those without cats. 
But why cats? The answer might lie in a seemingly harmless parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), often carried by cats and transmitted through their feces. This parasite can also find its way into the human body through undercooked meat or contaminated water, but the feline connection has garnered particular interest due to the intimate nature of pet ownership.
T. gondii’s intrusion into the human body is not usually marked by physical symptoms, but the parasite is capable of reaching the central nervous system, where it may wreak havoc on neurotransmitters. Indeed, it’s linked to personality changes and even psychotic symptoms. Does this mean our furry friends are to blame for serious mental health issues? Not exactly, but the relationship between T. gondii infection and schizophrenia has sparked significant debate and research. 
The McGrath team’s meta-analysis indicates a significant association between cat ownership and increased odds of developing schizophrenia-related disorders. However, it's crucial to recognize the limitations of the studies involved. Most of the analyzed research comprises case-control studies, which, while useful for identifying associations, do not prove causation. Furthermore, many of these studies did not account for other factors that could influence both cat ownership and the development of mental health issues, such as household income or urban versus rural living environments. 
The research world has seen its share of contradictory findings on this topic. Some studies point to specific childhood years, like ages 9 to 12, as critical periods during which cat exposure might influence mental health later in life. Other studies, however, have found no significant links at all, suggesting that the timing and context of exposure are key. 
One particularly interesting aspect of the research involves the concept of "schizotypy"—a cluster of personality traits that may T.gopredispose individuals to psychosis. A U.S. study involving 354 psychology students found no significant correlation between cat ownership and schizotypy scores, but a twist in the tale emerged with the examination of cat bites: students who had been bitten by cats scored higher on schizotypy scales. This finding opens the door to the possibility that it is not merely the presence of a cat but specific interactions, like bites, that might be critical.

Moreover, another study highlighted a different pathogen, Pasteurella multocida, found in cat bites, suggesting that other factors related to cats might also influence psychological health. This points to a complex interplay of variables, each adding layers to the understanding of cat ownership and mental health. 
Despite these fascinating insights, the research community agrees that more robust, high-quality studies are needed. Large, representative samples and longitudinal studies could provide clearer answers and help untangle the complex web of cat ownership, T. gondii exposure, and mental health outcomes. 
For cat owners and lovers, these findings might sound alarming, but it's important to balance this knowledge with practical measures. Good hygiene practices, such as washing hands after handling cats or cleaning litter boxes, can reduce the risk of T. gondii infection. Also, cooking meat thoroughly and ensuring that drinking water is clean can help prevent the parasite's transmission.
In conclusion, while there is an intriguing association between cat ownership and an increased risk of schizophrenia-related disorders, cat lovers need not panic. It’s essential to approach this information with a critical mind and consider personal circumstances and health practices. Future research will hopefully provide more definitive answers, helping cat owners understand and manage any potential risks without compromising the joy their pets bring into their lives.

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These 6 Popular Condiments Are Awful for Your Health

Like most people I know, I pretty much grew up on French fries with my favorite dipping sauces – god knows how many bottles of the stuff I’ve been through. Although I always knew it was a bit unhealthy, I was still taken aback when I discovered how dangerous most store condiments are for our health. I just had to share this important information with you, because I know how popular these risky items still are. Here are 6 of the worst condiments out there, with plenty of suggestions for healthier alternatives. 
1. Tomato ketchup
condiments, health, sugar

Ketchup is the undisputed champion of condiments, but is it any good for you? The sad answer is: ‘no’. Most of us don’t dole out a single tablespoon of ketchup onto our chips or fries - it’s much more like two (or more!). Unfortunately, an amount like this contains 8g of sugar. And it’s not proper table sugar, but the cheaper and less healthy fructose corn syrup that’s generally used. 
For a healthier alternative why not try organic syrup made with real sugar? Furthermore, it would be even better to forget all about ketchup. Have you ever considered buying sun-dried tomatoes? They make a wonderful, healthy and refreshing alternative.

2. Barbecue sauce
condiments, health, sugar
Typical store-bought barbecue sauce probably contains even more harmful fructose corn syrup than ketchup, at around 12 g per serving. Yet the situation here is even worse because of the potentially carcinogenic artificial coloring frequently used to give the sauce a lovely mahogany hue. 
Instead, try your hand at some home-made sauces, or go for a barbecue sauce which comes from a ‘small-batch producer’ that’s probably free of additives. 
3. ‘Light’ salad dressing
condiments, health, sugar
The problem with opting for lighter dressings in order to reduce your fat intake is that these ‘light’ options make up for a lack of fat with an increase in sugar. This may make them taste more palatable, but what about your health? You always need to be aware of how much sugar you are consuming, but we usually don’t realize when it comes to items like this. 
The truth is that you needn’t worry about proper Mediterranean-style olive oil and vinegar. The fat is actually needed for your body to absorb the essential vitamins waiting for you in your salad. 
4. Store-bought Mayonnaise

condiments, health, sugar
A 2 tablespoon serving of conventional mayonnaise contains a whopping 200 calories. But this is not the reason why you should skip the condiment. Most of the mayo on the market uses soybean oil derived from GM soybeans that may potentially increase the risks of suffering from diabetes or becoming obese. 
Instead, why not purchase, or make, mayonnaise made with canola or avocado oil? Alternatively, I suggest you start using hummus or mashed avocado.

5. Honey mustard
condiments, health, sugar
Unfortunately, most of the honey mustard on the market today is nothing of the kind. Loaded with sugary fructose corn syrup, there is often not much in the way of honey contained here. So, although it’s low in fat, the sugar levels make this moreish sauce far too dangerous for you to be buying. 
The best thing to do instead would be to make your own. It’s really very easy. Just mix some honey with mustard and there you have it! 
6. Tartar sauce
condiments, health, sugar
Tartar sauce is generally eaten with greasy, fried seafood, which you need to be wary of anyway. Plus, this sauce suffers from the same soybean-oil related health problems of mayonnaise, since mayonnaise is the main ingredient of tartar. 
To make your own tartar simple mix some crushed pickles with your canola/avocado oil-based mayonnaise.

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