Thursday, August 25, 2016

Fatigue Fighting Super Foods

Fatigue is when you're constantly feeling weak and tired, either physically or mentally. Stress is one of the major leading causes of fatigue, whether it's long hours at the office, or simply having too much on your mind.
Your diet plays a crucial role in the way you think and feel. A healthy diet combined with exercise, and a good night's rest, can help fight the drowsiness, while boosting your overall energy levels. Avoid sugary products and keep your caffeine intake to a minimum, so you don't feel "the crash", which leads to severe bouts of lethargy.
 Causes of Fatigue
 Alcohol abuse
•    Caffeine
•    Excessive physical activity
•    Inactivity
•    Sleep deprivation
•    Medications (antihistamines, cough, and cold remedies)
•    Poor eating habits

Symptoms of Fatigue
•    Anxiety
•    Depression
•    Grief
•    Stress
•    Diarrhea
•    Weight loss
•    Muscle weakness
•    Shortness of breath
•    Chest pains
10 Home Remedies to Cure Fatigue:

1. Green Tea
Green tea contains many powerful antioxidant properties that can help reduce stress, tiredness, and even improve your memory. Green tea also acts as an appetite suppressor, which is ideal for people trying to lose weight. You can add some fresh squeezed lemon juice, a little ginger, and a teaspoon of honey for an effective cold remedy as well. 
2. Watermelon
Everyone's favorite summertime treat is a great energy booster to combat drowsiness. Watermelons are high in electrolytes, which stave off dehydration. The high amounts of lycopene inside the watermelon helps promote a healthy cardiovascular system. 
3. Spinach
Spinach helps increase your metabolism, since it's loaded with vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, and iron. The high levels of iron found within the leafy green vegetable help the blood deliver oxygen quicker to the cells. Spinach can be added to salads, soups, stews, and even blended into a smoothie. 

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