Sunday, June 30, 2013




ps- this is only for information, always consult you physician before having any particular food/ medication/exercise/other remedies.

ps- those interested in recipes are free to view my blog-

for info about knee replacement, you can view my blog-

http://Knee replacement-stick

for crochet designs

http://My Crochet

I've not given details about designs, but those interested are free to mail me for the same.

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10 foods to help you lose weight

We've all heard of the grapefruit diet but you don't have to live on a diet of grapefruit alone to lose weight. It's been found that that eating half a grapefruit before each meal or drinking a serving of the juice three times a day can help you drop the pounds. The magic ingredient is the fruit's phytochemicals and their effect of reducing insulin levels which stimulates your body to convert calories into energy rather than storing as flabby fat

10 foods to help you lose weight

Cinnamon is a super spice when it comes to boosting your well being as it has many health-giving properties. In terms of weight loss, it's all to do with controlling those post-meal insulin spikes, which is what make you feel hungry. And you don't need to get much of the stuff to get the benefits; studies have shown that just a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day can lower the blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. To up your cinnamon intake either sprinkle it on to your breakfast cereal, or maybe mix it into your morning latte.

10 foods to help you lose weight
Chilli peppers

Adding a bit of heat to your diet can give you a weight-loss boost. Studies show that having a spicy start to your morning, i.e. eating chillies as a part of your breakfast can make you opt for a smaller lunch. Apparently it's down to capsaicin which is found in chillies and red peppers that has appetite suppressing properties. One can add chillies to the morning breakfast, upma, omelette, scrambled eggs, paneer bujia, idli ! All one needs is a bit of imagination.

10 foods to help you lose weight
 Fennel tea

Again fennel tea is a food stuff that boasts a list of health giving benefits; it's packed with good levels of potassium, magnesium and calcium as well as the vitamins B and C. But when it comes to the weight-loss stakes fennel had a double benefit: working both as an appetite suppressant and a metabolism booster which really are both useful if you're trying to lose weight. Fennel tea is widely available in supermarkets so add it to your daily diet to stave off cravings and boost your fuel burn.


Eating a low-calorie salad before your main meals can help you to lose weight and ensure you get recommended daily intake of veggies. And it's not rocket science as to how it works for weight loss, the key is the sheer volume of a salad, which makes you feel too full to pig out when it comes to your main meal. You need to make sure you don't drown it in a fatty dressing though — a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar makes the perfect healthy accompaniment to a fresh salad.

Green tea

Another powerful brew — green tea really has a multitude of health and well being benefits. And if you are into fitness it makes the perfect pre-workout drink; it's been found to increase endurance by as much as 24 per cent, allowing you to exercise longer and burn more calories. But in terms boosting your weight loss power, a study carried out by the Journal of Nutrition, drinking five cups of green tea per day can help you lose twice as much weight, most of it where we want to lose it most — around the middle.

10 foods to help you lose weight

Celery rates well as a weight-loss food as you can actually end up burning more calories eating it than your body will take on consuming it. But by no means does that make celery low in nutritional value; it's super-packed with fibre (great for digestion) and foliate (the essential nutrient for the care and production of new cells within the body). Get your celery fix by making sure it's featured in your pre-meal salad, as an accompaniment to your lunch or as a healthy snack when you want to satisfy that 'munch' craving.

10 foods to help you lose weight

Lentils are great weight-loss food as they have the power to really satisfy your hunger without packing your body with loads of calories and fat — that's often why lentils feature heavily as a meat substitute — they can make you feel like you've had a meaty dish minus the calories and saturated fat that come with eating meat. Again like celery, lentils are full of fibre and foliate so as well as giving you the full feeling, they are great for digestion and healthy cell growth.

 Dark chocolate

Granted chocolate is not low in calories nor in fat, but dark chocolate has two major dietary positives that can lead to long term weight loss. First, it's quite difficult to munch massive quantities of high-quality dark chocolate as compared to the milk stuff. Secondly, dark chocolate is very high in health-promoting antioxidants. In terms of a weapon in your weight-loss armoury  you can use dark chocolate as a way to curb any sweet cravings, just a few small squares to quell a full on chocolate binge is well worth the modest calorie intake.

10 foods to help you lose weight

Pronounced 'Keen-wah', quinoa is known as the 'mother grain' by the ancient Peruvians. Quinoa is good for weight loss as it has the power to keep you feeling fuller for longer due to its high protein content. Also the carbs that are present in the grain are released slowly into the body so you won't get that rush of energy after eating quinoa as you would with other foods like white rice or pasta. You can eat quinoa raw but we reckon it's best when it's cooked in a similar way to rice or couscous.

ps- this is only for information, always consult you physician before having any particular food/ medication/exercise/other remedies.

ps- those interested in recipes are free to view my blog-

for info about knee replacement, you can view my blog-

http://Knee replacement-stick

for crochet designs

http://My Crochet

I've not given details about designs, but those interested are free to mail me for the same.

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Saturday, June 29, 2013


Seizures or fits are sudden jerky movements or stiffening of the body caused due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures can also present as sudden brief staring episodes or sudden loss of consciousness. Seizures are not communicable, i.e. they cannot spread from person to person.
When a person suffers from recurrent episodes of seizures, it is called epilepsy. These may occur at different intervals. With proper medical advice and medication, the frequency can be reduced. A person suffering from epilepsy should avoid operating heavy machinery, going near water bodies, driving, handling fire.

Head injury
Low blood sugar
Lack of oxygen  (Hypoxia)
Stroke in elderly
High grade fever (in children from six months to six years)
Brain tumour or infection)
In children less than four years high-grade fever can lead to
febrile seizures.

Shaking of the body due to the repeated contraction and relaxation of muscles.
The body may become rigid.
Sudden falling.
Clenching of jaw.
Drooling or frothing at the mouth.
Eyeballs roll upwards 
Loss of bowel and bladder control.

Warning signs
Fear or anxiety.
Visual symptoms (flashing or bright lights, spots or wavy lines before the eyes.)

Stay with the person until the seizure stops naturally.
If the person is falling, try to break the fall.
Clear the area around and remove potentially dangerous items.
Place soft padding under his/her head.
Loosen clothing around the neck to help him/her breathe
more easily.
When the seizures end, turn the patient gently into the
recovery position to keep the airway clear.
Reassure the patient as consciousness returns as he/she
may be disoriented.
In case of a child with febrile seizures try to reduce
temperature by tepid sponging and seek immediate medical

Do not restrain the patient. You cannot stop the seizures.
Do not place anything in the patient’s mouth.
Do not move the patient unless he/she is in danger or near
something hazardous.
Do not give the patient anything to eat and drink until
the seizures stop and the patient is fully awake and alert.
Do not force the patient to smell a shoe, socks or onion!
These are myths and do not help at all.
Do not rely on quacks to cure the seizures with miracle

ps- this is only for information, always consult you physician before having any particular food/ medication/exercise/other remedies.

ps- those interested in recipes are free to view my blog-

for info about knee replacement, you can view my blog-

http://Knee replacement-stick

for crochet designs

http://My Crochet

I've not given details about designs, but those interested are free to mail me for the same.

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Ever Felt your Heart Skipping a beat?

Ever felt your heart skipping a beat? A missing beat by itself 

might not be significant but if you notice other symptoms 

like fatigue, weakness, fainting spells, and an inability to 

cope with the normal routine then you need to see your 

cardiologist for a complete assessment of your heart’s 


A lady  in her sixties, an active woman who could multi-task 

with ease. But episodes of irregular heartbeats was taking 

an toll of her life. Her cardiologist put her on a holter, which 

records one’s ECG for 24 hours during normal activity and 

the pulse as well. To her horror, the doctor told her that she 

needed a pacemaker. Apart from irregular heartbeats, she 

also bradycardia (slow heartbeat), which could be 

dangerous, with her pulse dipping to 35 at night when she 

was asleep. She was traumatised and terrified but felt better 

after her doctor explained what was happening.

When the heart’s two upper chambers, the atria, contract, 

blood is pumped into the two lower chambers, the ventricles. 

The ventricles then contract and pump blood to the rest of 

the body. The combined contraction of the atria and 

ventricles is a heartbeat. The heart has its own internal 

electrical system to control the rate and rhythm of 

heartbeats. With each heartbeat, an electrical signal spreads 

from the top of the heart to the bottom.

Each electrical signal normally begins in a group of cells 

called the sinus node or sinoatrial (SA) node. As the signal 

spreads from the top of the heart to the bottom, it 

coordinates the timing of heart cell activity. Faulty electrical 

signal in the heart causes arrhythmias.

Pacemakers use low-energy electrical pulses to overcome 

this faulty electrical signalling.

A pacemaker is a small device that is placed in the chest or 

abdomen to help control abnormal heart rhythms. This 

device uses electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a 

normal rate. Pacemakers are used to treat arrhythmias. A 

fast heartbeat is called tachycardia A slow heartbeat is 

called bradycardia. During an arrhythmia, the heart may 

not be able to pump enough blood to the body. This can 

cause symptoms such as fatigue (tiredness), shortness of 

breath, or fainting. Severe arrhythmias can damage the 

body's vital organs and may even cause loss of 

consciousness or death.

Pacemakers can be temporary or permanent. Temporary 

pacemakers are used to treat short-term heart problems, 

such as a slow heartbeat that is caused by heart attacks, 

surgery or an overdose of medicine. They are also used 

during emergencies. They might be used until your doctor 

can implant a permanent pacemaker or until the temporary 

condition goes away.

When is a pacemaker recommended? “Due to an atrio-

ventricular block the heart rate may be low or absent 

resulting in momentary block or loss of consciousness, 

occasionally even seizures. Then pacemaker implantation is 

mandatory. A pacemaker is also useful when the pumping 

efficacy of heart is low,” says a Dr. 

Ageing or heart disease damages your sinus node’s ability to 

set the correct pace for your heartbeat. This can cause 

slower than normal heartbeats or long pauses between 

heartbeats. This condition is called sick sinus syndrome and 

also warrants implantation of a pacemaker. 

What precautions are advised post-surgery?

“Since we keep our patients for a week following the 

procedure, we make sure the wound is healing well, and 

dressed regularly,” says  the Dr. “The patient is advised not 

to shower for the first two or three days, and not lift the arm 

above the head or carry even small weights, or stretch the 

arm for about six weeks. After a month, if there is any 

discomfort it should be reported.”

Regular check ups once in 4-6 months are advised. The 

patient is advised to get into mainstream activity gradually 

like travelling, driving the car, swimming, resuming the job, 

golfing, and walking which will make you return to normal. 

Even sex is not barred. But there are some things to be 

avoided like entering an electromagnetic field. One should 

keep away from transformers, electric arc welding 

equipment and airport screening devices. The pacemaker 

identification card helps. MRIs are definitely to be avoided.

“Generally, we tell patients to avoid induction cooking, but 

the risks I believe are fairly small,” says Dr. , “but you can 

check with the manufacturer of the device.”

“You should use the mobile phone on the opposite ear, and at 

least six inches away from the implant,” says the Dr. 

 “Other household appliances like microwave oven, electrical 

appliances, computers can be safely used.”

Pacemakers do improve the quality of life and the implant is 

a small procedure, but check with the doctor before taking 

any decision.

What does a pacemaker do?

Relieves arrhythmia symptoms, such as fatigue and 


Helps a person with abnormal heart rhythms 

resume a more active lifestyle
Monitors and records heart's electrical activity and 


Newer pacemakers also monitor blood temperature, breathing rate, and other factors and also adjust heart rate to changes in activity.

ps- this is only for information, always consult you physician before having any particular food/ medication/exercise/other remedies.

ps- those interested in recipes are free to view my blog-

for info about knee replacement, you can view my blog-

http://Knee replacement-stick

for crochet designs

http://My Crochet

I've not given details about designs, but those interested are free to mail me for the same.

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Regularly eating oily fish such as salmon, tuna or sardines may help reduce the risk of breast cancer, a new report suggests.
These fish contain a type of fatty acid known as n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).
"Increased n-3 PUFA intake has a protective effect for breast cancer," said researcher .
Fish include several types of PUFAs that are involved in chemical messaging in the brain, blood helping to regulate both blood vessel activity and the immune system. The fatty acids also have been linked with other health benefits, such as lower risk of heart problems.
 Women with a high intake of PUFAs had a 14 percent reduction in breast cancer risk. For every 0.1-gram-per-day increase in the intake of the fatty acids, there was a 5 percent lower risk of breast cancer, the study found.
One to two servings of oily fish per person per week is suggested.
Besides eating oily fish, a Dr. tells patients to exercise regularly, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and not smoke to reduce the risk of breast and other cancers.

ps- this is only for information, always consult you physician before having any particular food/ medication/exercise/other remedies.

ps- those interested in recipes are free to view my blog-

for info about knee replacement, you can view my blog-

http://Knee replacement-stick

for crochet designs

http://My Crochet

I've not given details about designs, but those interested are free to mail me for the same.

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