Sunday, June 30, 2024

8 vegetarian foods that are rich in zinc

 Do you often feel dull, lethargic or experience sudden hair loss, then all these signs silently indicate depleting levels of zinc in the body. This vital mineral supports numerous bodily functions such as functioning of major organs, wound healing metabolic functions, immunity and overall health and well-being. While, our body gets zinc from the foods we eat and it is commonly associated with animal products like meat and seafood, but there are plenty of  vegetarian foods that are equally rich in zinc and their daily consumption can naturally meet the daily requirement of zinc in the body.

Here are 8 sources of food worth trying.


Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and various beans are packed with zinc. For instance, a cup of cooked chickpeas provides approximately 2.5 mg of zinc, making it a substantial addition to your diet. Lentils and beans offer similar benefits, making them versatile ingredients for soups, stews, salads and more.


Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of zinc, with pumpkin seeds leading the pack. A mere ounce of pumpkin seeds contains about 2.2 mg of zinc. Similarly, help seeds and flaxseeds are also good sources, providing a nutrient boost to smoothies, yogurt or salads.

Whole grains

Whole grains not only offer fiber and essential nutrients but also contain zinc. Quinoa , in particular stands out with approximately 11.5 mg of zinc per cooked cup. Brown rice and oats also contribute to your zinc intake, supporting overall health and well-being.

Dairy products

For lacto-vegetarians, dairy products like yogurt and cheese are valuable sources of zinc. A single serving of yogurt can provide around 1-2 mg of zinc, depending on the type and brans. Cheese also contains zinc, although the amount varies by type and processing method.

fish 4


Eggs are another excellent source of zinc for ovo-vegetarians. A large egg typically provides about 1 mg of zinc, along with other essential nutrients like protein and vitamins.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is surprisingly rich in zinc. Consuming an ounce of dark chocolate can contribute approximately 1 mg of zinc to your daily intake, making it a delicious and nutritious treat.


Tofu a staple in vegetarian diets, offers a moderate amount of zinc. A1/2 cup serving of tofu provides around 1 mg of zinc, making it a versatile ingredient for stir-fries, curries and salads.


Certain vegetables, such as mushrooms and spinach, contain small amounts of zinc. While not as high as other sources, incorporating these vegetables into your meals adds to your overall zinc intake and provides a range of other essential nutrients.


Oats provide a decent amount of zinc and can be used in various forms such as oatmeal, granola and baked goods.

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How much zinc do I need?

Life StageRecommended Amount
Teen males 14–18 years      11 mg
Teen females 14–18 years       9 mg
Adult males   
      11 mg
Adult females       8 mg



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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Aging Might Not Be Inevitable

 In 1997, a French woman named Jeanne Calment died at the age of 122. She was the world’s oldest verified person, according to the Gerontology Research Group. Her daily habits included drinking a glass of port wine and smoking a cigarette after meals (she also ate 2.5 pounds of chocolate every week). “Nobody else has lived past 120 since she died,” says Venki Ramakrishnan, the Nobel Prize–winning biologist and author of Why We Die. Indeed, while the number of centenarians is increasing every year, the number of people living past 110 is not. “This suggests that maybe there’s a natural limit to human lifespan.”

If such a limit exists, it’s one imposed by biological evolution. “Evolution wants to make sure that your genes have the maximum likelihood of being passed on,” Ramakrishnan says. “It doesn't care about how long you live.” This explains, for instance, why there seems to be a correlation between the size of animals and their life expectancy—in general, the larger the species, the longer it will live. Most mayflies live between one and two days. Monarch butterflies can live for months. Bowhead whales live more than 200 years. Greenland sharks may live more than 500 years. “If you’re a smaller species, there’s no point spending a lot of resources maintaining and repairing the body because the likelihood of being eaten or starved to death are high,” says Ramakrishnan. “Larger species, on the other hand, will have the advantage of more time finding mates and producing offspring.”

A few species, however, seem to be exempt from this rule. The hydra, a small freshwater animal with 12 tentacles, doesn’t seem to age at all. The immortal jellyfish can even age backward. “It suggests that aging is not inevitable and that we might be able to circumvent our natural limits if we alter our biology,” Ramakrishnan says.

That is why understanding the biological underpinnings of why we age and die is such a hot  topic of research today. Scientists are trying to find out how to manipulate cellular aging processes—for instance, how to destroy senescent cells (aged cells that cause inflammation), or how to reprogram cells to revert them to an earlier state of development. Over the past decade, more than 300,000 scientific papers about aging have been published, while billions of dollars have been funneled into more than 700 longevity startups, including Altos Labs, Human Longevity, Elysium Health, and Calico.

One of the most promising avenues of research involves the discovery of chemical compounds that can mimic the effects of a low-calorie diet, which is recognized as one of most well-established ways to slow down aging. One such compound is rapamycin, first discovered on the soil of Easter Island, due to its antifungal properties. “Later they found out that it was also a potent antitumor and anti-inflammatory,” Ramakrishnan says. “It’s also immunosuppressant, so it can also make people prone to infection and slow down wound healing. We need to find that sweet spot between not having the side effects and having just the [anti-aging] benefits.”

Longevity researchers are also familiar with a body of research that shows that young blood can rejuvenate old bodies—in mice, at least. This discovery came about when researchers first surgically connected the circulatory system of a young and old mouse—a technique called parabiosis—and observed that this procedure slowed down the symptoms of aging, lengthening the lifespan of the older animal by 10 percent. Ramakrishnan notes that while scientists are still trying to identify the factors in young blood that cause this effect, “there are companies that jumped the gun and started offering young plasma to billionaires.”

“While we’re waiting for all these things to happen there are things we can do.” Ramakrishnan notes. “This is likely similar to the advice your grandparents gave you. Eat moderately, eat healthy diets, get enough sleep and exercise. It turns out that each of those affects the other two so it’s really a virtuous cycle. If you do all of them at once, it works better than any medicine on the market, it has no side effects, and it’s free.”


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The brain makes a lot of waste. Now scientists think they know where it goes

About 170 billion cells are in the brain, and as they go about their regular tasks, they produce waste — a lot of it. To stay healthy, the brain needs to wash away all that debris. But how exactly it does this has remained a mystery.

Now, two teams of scientists have published three papers that offer a detailed description of the brain's waste-removal system. Their insights could help researchers better understand, treat and perhaps prevent a broad range of brain disorders.

The papers, all published in the journal Nature, suggest that during sleep, slow electrical waves push the fluid around cells from deep in the brain to its surface. There, a sophisticated interface allows the waste products in that fluid to be absorbed into the bloodstream, which takes them to the liver and kidneys to be removed from the body.

One of the waste products carried away is amyloid, the substance that forms sticky plaques in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

There's growing evidence that in Alzheimer's disease, the brain's waste-removal system is impaired, says  Jeffrey Iliff, who studies neurodegenerative diseases at the University of Washington but was not a part of the new studies.

The new findings should help researchers understand precisely where the problem is and perhaps fix it, Iliff says.

"If we restore drainage, can we prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease?" he asks.

A brief history of brainwashing

The new studies come more than a decade after Iliff and Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, a Danish scientist, first proposed that the clear fluids in and around the brain are part of a system to wash away waste products.

The scientists named it the glymphatic system, a nod to the body's lymphatic system, which helps fight infection, maintain fluid levels and filter out waste products and abnormal cells.

Both systems work like plumbing in a house, says Jonathan Kipnis of Washington University in St. Louis, an author of two of the new papers.

"You have the water pipes and the sewage pipes," Kipnis says. "So the water comes in clean, and then you wash your hands, and the dirty water goes out."

But the lymphatic system uses a network of thin tubes that transports waste to the bloodstream. The brain lacks these tubes.

So scientists have spent decades trying to answer a fundamental question, Kipnis says: "How does a waste molecule from the middle of the brain make it all the way out to the borders of the brain" and ultimately out of the body?

Part of the answer came in 2012 and 2013, when Iliff and Nedergaard began proposing the glymphatic system. They showed that in sleeping animals, cerebrospinal fluid begins to flow quickly through the brain, flushing out waste.

But what was pushing the fluid? And how was it transporting waste across the barrier that usually separates brain tissue from the bloodstream?

Waves that wash

Kipnis and his team began looking at what the brain was doing as it slept. As part of that effort, they measured the power of a slow electrical wave that appears during deep sleep in animals.

And they realized something: "By measuring the wave, we are also measuring the flow of interstitial fluid," the liquid found in the spaces around cells, Kipnis says.

It turned out that the waves were acting as a signal, synchronizing the activity of neurons and transforming them into tiny pumps that push fluid toward the brain's surface, the team reported in February in the journal Nature.

In a second paper published in the same issue of Nature, a team led by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provided more evidence that slow electrical waves help clear out waste.

The team used mice that develop a form of Alzheimer's. They exposed these mice to bursts of sound and light that occurred 40 times a second.

The stimulation induced brain waves in the animals that occurred at the same, slow frequency.

Tests showed that the waves increased the flow of clean cerebrospinal fluid into the brain and the flow of dirty fluid out of the brain. They also showed that the fluid was carrying amyloid, the substance that builds up in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.

In a paper published a few weeks earlier, Kipnis had shown how waste, including amyloid, appeared to be crossing the protective membrane that usually isolates the brain.

Kipnis and his team focused on a vein that passes through this membrane.

"Around the vein, you have a sleeve, which is never fully sealed," he says. "That's where the [cerebrospinal fluid] is coming out" and transferring waste to the body's lymphatic system.


From mice to humans

Together, the new studies suggest that keeping the brain's waste-clearance system functioning requires two distinct steps: one to push waste into the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain, and another to move it into the lymphatic system and eventually out of the body.

"We've described them separately," Iliff says, "but from a biological perspective, they almost certainly are coupled."

Iliff says many of the new findings in mice still need to be confirmed in people.

"The anatomical differences between a rodent and a human," he says, "they're pretty substantial."

But he says the results are consistent with research on what leads to neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's.

Researchers know that the brain's waste-clearance system can be impaired by age, injuries and diseases that clog blood vessels in the brain.

"All of these are risk factors for Alzheimer's disease," Iliff says.

Impaired waste removal may also be a factor in Parkinson's disease, headache and even depression, Iliff says. So finding ways to help the brain clean itself — perhaps by inducing those slow electrical waves — might prevent a wide array of disorders.


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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why You Should Not Drink Water After Eating Jamun / black plum

 This fruit is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C.  

With the onset of the monsoon season, many people are eagerly waiting to savour some Jamun fruit. Considered the best delight of the rainy season by many, Jamun is the stock house of nutrients and children’s favourite fruit as well. There are a few things that need to be kept in mind while eating this fruit. One of them is not drinking water after consuming it. In an interview with a portal, Dr Makarand Kumar (BAMS, Government Ayurvedic College, Begusarai, 24 years of experience) talked more about it. As per the doctor, drinking water or milk immediately after eating Jamun fruit can lead to many stomach ailments. According to reports, this can cause problems such as diarrhea and indigestion. It is advisable to consume water after 30 to 40 minutes of eating Jamun.

Dr Makarand has also advised people to not eat the Jamun fruit in excessive quantities, as it can also lead to stomach problems like gas and bloating. These problems can also occur in people who have a sensitive digestive system. As per the medical professional, this fruit is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C which is beneficial for the skin. It can have adverse effects on the face as well like skin, pimples and wrinkles. As per reports, there is no direct evidence pointing out that Jamun leads to acne. Each person’s reactions to foods vary. Consuming excessive amounts of sugary fruits like Jamun could potentially contribute to acne in those who are prone to breakouts. 

Dr Makarand has a word of caution for patients with lower blood sugar levels regarding eating this fruit. As per the doctor, this fruit lowers the blood sugar levels. Medical professionals have thus cautioned the people, who are already suffering from low blood sugar levels to not eat this fruit. It is because black plum, as Jamun is called, can have adverse effects on their bodies.

Keeping these certain pointers in mind, there is no harm in eating Jamun. With a high Vitamin C content, Jamun can provide the immune system with a significant boost.


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Why Tomato Is A Must-add To Your Daily Diet

 Tomato not only imparts taste to food, but it can be great for health too. Yes, tomatoes have some magical nutrients, which can beat the woes of cholesterol. Its benefits will surprise you. As soon as the rainy season arrives, tomato prices are inflated. Its prices rapidly increase and at the moment it has reached a whopping Rs 50/kg. In the days ahead, tomatoes are likely to become more expensive than this. Tomatoes are a brilliantly versatile vegetable that is almost unmissable in Indian cooking. From salads, chutneys to curries, tomatoes are omnipresent in our home kitchen.

Do you know the medicinal properties of tomatoes?

Many health problems can be curbed or contained by eating tomatoes. Cleveland Clinic, which is a hub for modern medicine, has published a report that states that tomatoes contain nutrients of the likes of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, potassium, and folate. Tomatoes are also full of 94.8g/100g water. They have negligible fat in them. They also are a great source of antioxidants. Consuming them raw can lead to tremendous health benefits. It is believed that drinking tomato juice on a regular basis can help reduce cholesterol. Consumption of tomatoes in the rainy season can help boost immunity.

 Tomatoes are also considered beneficial for heart health. According to researchers, tomatoes are rich in a nutrient called lycopene. 

Lycopene is a substance that can be very effective in reducing the risk of diseases of the heart. Tomato helps in reducing inflammation in the body. Constituents like phenolic compounds, beta carotene and vitamin c make tomatoes anti-inflammatory. These reduce the risk of chronic diseases. They can prove to be a remedy for high cholesterol patients. A study revealed that bad cholesterol can be contained to a great extent by drinking tomato juice regularly.

In many researches, tomatoes have been proved to be an excellent immunity booster. It is rich in Vitamin C, which is beneficial for our immune system. Consuming them during the rainy season can reduce the risk of infection. The nutrients present in them also reduce the risk of cancer. According to experts, tomatoes can also be effective in preventing infertility. People who have kidney or gallbladder stones should avoid tomatoes. This is because the presence of oxalates in them are known to aggravate the problems of kidney stones patients.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ARFID: What is This Eating Disorder?

In the ever-evolving realm of psychological disorders, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) has emerged as a puzzling newcomer in recent years. Once lumped under the broad label of "Selective Eating Disorder," ARFID distinguishes itself from more widely recognized conditions like anorexia by avoiding any emotional entanglement with body image or fears of becoming overweight.

Diagnosing ARFID 
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), serves as the cornerstone for identifying ARFID. According to this clinical bible, the condition manifests as an eating or feeding disturbance that results in persistent failure to meet appropriate nutritional and energy needs. This disturbance is associated with one or more of the following: significant weight loss, nutritional deficiency, dependence on enteral feeding (tube feeding) or oral supplements, and a marked interference with psychosocial functioning.
little girl with food

Critically, the diagnosis of ARFID dismisses conditions where the symptoms are better explained by lack of available food or culturally sanctioned practices. It also excludes the presence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or any other medical or mental conditions that could potentially cause the symptoms. In essence, ARFID stands as a unique eating disturbance requiring its own set of diagnostic considerations and interventions.

Risk Factors:  
While our understanding of ARFID is still burgeoning, several risk factors have been identified. Individuals with autism spectrum conditions, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and intellectual disabilities are more susceptible to developing ARFID. In addition, children who exhibit severe or enduring picky eating behaviors appear more likely to transition into ARFID as they age. Anxiety disorders frequently accompany ARFID, often further complicating the diagnostic and treatment landscape. 
It's important to underscore that risk factors can vary substantially between individuals. This means that two people with ARFID might have vastly different experiences, perspectives, and symptoms—a reflection of the complex interplay between biological, psychological, and sociocultural elements.
Warning Signs and Symptoms:  
The symptoms of ARFID are as diverse as they are concerning. On the surface, dramatic weight loss and gastrointestinal issues may serve as the most visible indicators. However, closer examination reveals an array of other signs such as food texture aversions, fears of choking or vomiting, and a narrowing range of accepted foods over time. 
Psychological symptoms, including lack of interest in food and non-specific complaints around mealtime, are common. Notably, there is no body-image disturbance or fears of weight gain—symptoms often associated with other eating disorders—further underscoring the unique nature of ARFID.

The Way Forward: A Daunting Reality and Gaps in Understanding 
ARFID is more than just an intriguing psychological curiosity; it poses severe and life-threatening health risks. Due to insufficient nutrient intake, the body goes into an energy-conservation mode, leading to a range of dire consequences of electrolyte imbalances to cardiac arrest. 
Despite the depth of our current understanding, numerous gaps remain. The etiology and long-term impacts of ARFID are yet to be fully understood, and the quest for effective treatment options is ongoing. These lingering questions underscore the imperative for continued research and clinical focus.

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Prebiotics & Probiotics: Benefits, Differences and Sources

 Just like antioxidants, there is much confusion regarding the topic of probiotics. In recent years, we have seen a rise in awareness about gut health, and many people are now familiar with terms like microbiome or gut flora. We now know that there's a direct link between our mood and gut health, but what exactly are probiotics? Are they a combination of nutrients, like multivitamins? And what is the meaning of an even more confusing term - prebiotics? Does that mean there are postbiotics too? Let's put everything in order.

Probiotics are live organisms that naturally live in your body and help the intestines break down food. They can be consumed as a liquid, a powder supplement, or through a diet rich in fermented foods and dairy products. 
On a practical level, the gut bacteria you naturally have in your body have numerous tasks. They produce vitamin K and short-chain fatty acids that function as the main nutrient source for the cells that line the colon. Thanks to these bacteria, a person has a strong gut barrier that keeps harmful agents away and fights inflammation. 
This probably goes without saying, but we will mention that a consistent diet high in sugar feeds the wrong bacteria and eventually throws the entire gut flora off balance. Antibiotics also severely disrupt the balance and may even cause permanent changes in the gut flora. 
The health benefits of probiotics 
Probiotics have been linked through extensive research to several health benefits. These include the prevention and treatment of diarrhea and improvement in mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress, and memory issues. Probiotics have also been shown to contribute to heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol (the "bad" type) and slightly lowering blood pressure. 
In addition, probiotics will benefit those suffering from certain digestive disorders, such as ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and necrotizing enterocolitis by relieving symptoms. Lastly, they enforce the immune system in its protective force against infections and may even help lose weight and belly fat. Probiotics have also been shown to reduce the severity of certain allergies, but further studies are required to come to a solid conclusion.
How can I get more probiotics? 
If you're not keen on supplements, a plethora of probiotics awaits you in dairy products like yogurt and fermented foods. These include: 
Pickled vegetables 
Kombucha tea 
Yogurt with live cultures 
Some soy products. 
Make sure that your fermented foods are not pasteurized, as this sanitizing process kills the bacteria. 
However, as probiotics can be neutralized by naturally occurring stomach acids, adequate amounts should be ingested to reap the benefits, leading many people to prefer supplements that are easy to consume and contain concentrated amounts of probiotics. Some are superior to others and are designed to be delivered safely to your large intestine while others will perish in your stomach acids. 
Prebiotics are fiber foods for probiotics. They're made of carbohydrates your body can't digest and exist solely to feed gut bacteria. Taking both prebiotics and probiotics together is called microbiome therapy. It may cause mild initial side effects that will go away after your body adjusts. They include gas, constipation, and loss of appetite. You don't need to take prebiotics for your probiotics to work, but they will work more efficiently if you do. 
To be crystal clear, prebiotics are not bacteria. They are a type of fiber that helps bacteria grow. Taking them on their own won't benefit you much, as they're meant to complement a probiotic diet or supplement. Foods that contain both prebiotics and probiotics include cheese, kefir, and some yogurts. These are called synbiotic foods. 
Some people may be allergic to prebiotics. Rashes or extreme abdominal pain are indicators of an allergy. If you experience these symptoms, discontinue use immediately and contact a doctor. If this is starting to feel like a task, remember that not everyone needs to take prebiotics or probiotics. The people who will benefit from them the most are those who take antibiotics. 
How to consume prebiotics? 
According to Healthline, the following foods are high in prebiotic fiber: 
Legumes, such as beans and peas 
Grains like oats, barley, and wheat bran 
Fruits like bananas, berries, and apples 
Vegetables: Jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, leeks, garlic, onions, and chicory root

Postbiotics are the waste product of probiotic digestion. Postbiotics are bioactive compounds that bacteria produce when they consume prebiotics. Postbiotics have health benefits similar to those of probiotics: a boost to the immune system and a relief in digestive symptoms and diarrhea. Other benefits that require further research may be: alleviate allergies, aid in weight loss, lower risk of heart disease, manage blood sugar, and anti-tumor properties. One study even suggests they may be better tolerated than probiotics.

How to consume postbiotics?  
Since they're considered a rather new kind of supplement, postbiotics are not as widely available in a powdered form as probiotics or prebiotics. There are numerous supplements available for purchase in specialty stores and online, but as with any other supplement in the world, the best way to get these nutrients is through your diet. Eating more synbiotic foods will result in the natural internal production of postbiotics.
 In some cases, the supplements may be labeled sodium butyrate, calcium butyrate, or dried yeast fermentate. There are individual groups of people that should avoid postbiotics. They are: 
 - People who have recently had surgery 
- People who have structural heart disorders 
- People with digestive tract disorders 
- Pregnant women 
- Children. 
Children and pregnant women will benefit from probiotics.

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Bananas can help with your digestive issues

Bananas are a gift of nature. They’re delicious, nutritious, and make for the perfect healthy snack. Let’s not forget they’re also inexpensive and are convenient to carry anywhere.

Bananas offer numerous health benefits. 
* They’re rich in nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, copper, and fiber. 
* They contain antioxidants that can boost immunity and reduce the risk of chronic disease. 
* They’re rich in soluble fiber that slows digestion and adds bulk to your digestive system. This may help keep you fuller for longer. 
* They’re low in calories (an average banana has just over 100 calories) and are hence a good weight-loss-friendly food. 
* They're also an excellent whole-food source of carbohydrates - our body's primary source of energy.

However, there’s one little-known health benefit of bananas that many are still not aware of. Recent studies suggest this fruit can also be highly beneficial for the health of your gut (more clinically referred to as the gastrointestinal system). Let’s find out more.

Why bananas are great for gut health?

A 2021 review published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology examined 50 previous studies to understand the role of the gut on our health. The researchers reported the importance of a balanced microbiome - the bacteria that live in our intestines. 
Resistant starch, the type of fiber found in unripe bananas, is prebiotic. Prebiotics are specialized plant fibers that escape digestion and end up in your large intestine where they act as food for the preexisting good bacteria. This is done by binding with the bacteria. 
Health experts say that good bacteria need nourishment too and foods like bananas can be really useful for that purpose. Probiotics essentially help gut bacteria to perform a range of healthy activities and play key roles in our digestion and immune system regulation. 
Feeding the gut bacteria with prebiotics also allows them to increase in number and produce beneficial compounds called short-chain fatty acids. These acids improve gut health by providing protection against inflammation, maintaining intestinal barrier integrity, and mucus production.
There’s more. The chemical compounds in a banana become a film-like shield between the fruit and the lining of the intestinal tract. As the banana breaks down, it doesn’t rub on the intestinal lining, and its compounds coat and soothe it almost like a healing ointment.⁣

The importance of maintaining good gut health

Most medical professionals say that gut health strongly affects the overall health of the other parts of the body. It also plays a vital role in how the body processes a variety of ailments. Therefore, keeping your gut healthy can help your body operate more effectively and enhance your ability to fight diseases. 
Scientists also note that not feeding our gut microbiome’s good bacteria might create a gut bacteria imbalance known as dysbiosis. Research shows that this imbalance can lead to chronic conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS), obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. 
Without healthy bacteria in our gut, the gastrointestinal tract’s cell structures can weaken, leading to chronic inflammation. 
So, if you wish to keep your gut in good shape, continue eating bananas every day. There are, of course, other foods that can improve gut health such as yogurt, almonds, apples, asparagus, sauerkraut, olive oil, and whole grains. At the same time, ultra-processed foods with lower probiotic diversity can be harmful to your gut.
Bananas are easily available in all seasons, are super affordable, and also offer a host of other benefits. Now, you have an extra reason to add this amazing fruit to your daily diet! Share this post with your loved ones

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Sage: The Herb With Bountiful Health Benefits

Sage, commonly known as garden sage and scientifically referred to as Salvia officinalis, is a popular herb with many culinary uses. It belongs to the mint family, which includes herbs such as oregano, rosemary, basil, and thyme. Sage has a strong aroma and a distinctive earthy flavor. Its potent scent and taste make it an excellent choice for seasoning and garnishing dishes that require a zesty kick. Despite being used in small amounts, sage contains various essential minerals and nutrients that offer several health benefits.
 Sage: The Herb With Bountiful Health Benefits
1. Packed with several nutrients
Sage is packed with an abundance of vital nutrients, such as vitamins A, E, B1, B6, C, and K, along with a variety of minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, niacin, thiamine, and folate. Moreover, it boasts a plethora of antioxidants, flavonoids, and active compounds such as cineole, borneol, and thujone, that are essential for making sage oil—a potent remedy for various ailments, particularly neural issues. This aromatic herb also contains caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid, ellagic acid, and rutin, all of which contribute to its numerous health benefits.

2. Great for oral health
In 2015, researchers confirmed the effectiveness of sage-based mouthwash in eliminating Streptococcus mutans bacteria, which are notorious for their role in tooth cavities. Similarly, a 2021 study looked into the use of sage-based mouthwash in late-stage cancer patients and found a significant reduction in dental plaque among those who used sage. Interestingly, the group that used regular saline mouthwash also saw a decrease in plaque. Furthermore, a test-tube research found that sage extract successfully removed oral germs while inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans, a fungus associated with cavities. 
3. Improves memory and brain health
Sage has long been regarded as a time-tested remedy for improving brain function. Its high antioxidant content has been related to improved memory, attention, concentration, calmness, and alertness. Several studies have shown the beneficial effects of regular sage consumption on memory, thinking, problem-solving, and overall cognitive ability. It is therefore considered a powerful cognitive enhancer with significant benefits when treating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and other psychoses.

4. Lowers  LDL cholesterol
Elevated levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol raise the risk of heart disease, which affects more than 40% of people worldwide. High blood cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death, and stroke, the fifth leading cause of death. Sage has been shown to be effective in lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol levels, which build up in artery walls and could cause cardiovascular disease in the future. Research has also found that drinking sage tea twice a day reduced "bad" LDL cholesterol and total blood cholesterol levels while increasing "good" HDL cholesterol levels in just two weeks. Several other human studies confirmed similar findings, highlighting the potential benefits of sage extract.

5. Manage diabetes
Common sage leaves have been traditionally used as a remedy for managing diabetes. Evidence from human and animal research shows that sage's active components are particularly beneficial in diabetes treatment since they reduce sugar release into the system while also increasing insulin levels. Furthermore, it effectively converts carbohydrates into energy while alleviating symptoms like frequent urination and thirst. Studies have shown that drinking sage leaf infusion regularly reduces blood sugar levels. 
6. It’s great for sore throats
The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) suggests sage leaf as a remedy for reducing inflammation and treating infections in the mouth and throat. Sage has other oral health benefits, such as helping control gingivitis, sore throats, and gastritis. In clinical trials, sage throat spray was found to greatly reduce the discomfort of acute sore throats.

How to add sage to your diet
Sage can be found in a variety of forms and is versatile in the kitchen. Fresh sage leaves have a strong, fragrant flavor and are most effective when used in moderation in culinary preparations. Here are a few ways to include fresh sage in your culinary routine: 
 Use it as a garnish for soups. 
Mix chopped sage leaves into the stuffing for roast dishes. 
Enhance the flavor of tomato sauce by adding chopped sage leaves during cooking. 
Boost the taste of roast dishes by mixing finely chopped sage leaves into the stuffing mixture. 
Experiment with sage in breakfast dishes by adding chopped leaves to omelets or scrambled eggs. 
Combine finely chopped sage leaves with softened butter to create savory sage butter. Spread it on bread, melt it over vegetables, or use it to baste meats for an infusion of rich, herby flavor.

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Sea Buckthorn has various health benefits from boosting immune to skin to------

Sea buckthorn fruits are nothing short of amazing, as the little orange berries are among the most nutrient- and vitamin-rich fruits on the planet, no wonder it has a multitude of health benefits starting with immune-boosting and ending with skincare properties. Being an integral part of traditional medicine all across the globe, sea buckthorn comes in many forms, such as oils, supplements, jams and juices, and depending on your concerns, you will benefit from a different sea buckthorn product. Learn everything you need to know about sea buckthorn, its health benefits and uses below.

sea buckthorn health benefits sea buckthorn puree

What is a Sea buckthorn?

Confusingly enough, the plant has no actual connection to the sea, it is a deciduous shrub that grows naturally in high altitudes all across Northern Europe, China, and Russia. These plants are known for being incredibly hardy, withstanding extremely low temperatures (up to −43 °C (−45 °F)). 
For centuries, the berries of the sea buckthorn plant have been harvested and used in medicine, skincare, and food. Some of the oldest records of using the berries in medicine come from Tibet and Ancient China, but even the Greeks knew of the golden sea buckthorn, with ancient myths describing that the winged horse Pegasus got its ability to fly from the plant.

The berries of the shrub are edible and have a tantalizing sweet aroma, but when consumed fresh, they have an incredibly tart and oily taste, which is why they are rarely consumed fresh. Most often, the berries are pressed to yield sea buckthorn juice, which is then filtered and divided into a fatty layer that’s used in cosmetics and supplements, and a vitamin-rich layer that’s incorporated in foods.

Frozen berries and sea buckthorn puree used in foods are also available, as are teas, syrups, liquors, juices, pies and jams containing the berries. But by far the most popular product made of sea buckthorn is sea buckthorn oil. These foods are valued for their high content of vitamin C and carotenoids, whereas the oil is the only plant-based oil to contain all four healthy omega fats (omega-3, omega-6, omega-7, and omega-9).

Apart from that, sea buckthorn products are packed full of antioxidants, folate and vitamin E. Needless to say, the puree or frozen berries contain all the above-mentioned beneficial nutrients. All these compounds make sea buckthorn a very potent plant that has a wide range of uses and proven health benefits, which we list below:

1. Boosts your immune system and protects from cancer
All the parts of the plant are extremely high in antioxidants, particularly in vitamin C, which is what allows the plant to survive in such harsh climatic conditions. For centuries, the berries were used to make vitamin and antioxidant-rich foods that can boost your immune system.

Most notably, sea buckthorn is traditionally featured in preserved foods, such as syrups, jams, and juices, that were used to keep up the immunity during the harsh winter months. Research supports sea buckthorn’s capability to help you withstand illness, with test-tube studies stating that it can prevent the growth of certain bacteria and viruses.

Apart from that, the antioxidants the fruits contain are suggested to protect the body from cancer, as they are particularly rich in quercetin and other flavonoids that are known to have these effects.

2. Skin benefits
Sea buckthorn oil is among the best anti-aging oils to use directly on the skin, as the omega fats, vitamins and antioxidants the oil contains have proven to protect the skin from sun damage, deeply moisturize the skin and promote skin elasticity.

Apart from that, sea buckthorn oil is effective at relieving redness, inflammation and skin irritation, even in patients suffering from dermatitis, razor burns, frostbite, and burns, so keeping a bottle of this oil in your medicine cabinet just in case is a pretty wise idea. Keep in mind, however, that the oil is bright orange in color and you'll need to dilute it with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil or marula oil if you want to use it on your face to prevent tinting.

3. Supports heart health
Sea buckthorn oil is also available in capsules, which are manufactured as a supplement. These sea buckthorn oil capsules may be useful to those of you suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, and high LDL cholesterol levels. In one longitudinal study, hypertensive patients were given 0.75 ml of sea buckthorn oil daily for a month, which not only reduced their blood pressure but also lowered the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood. A different study also found that 5 grams of sea buckthorn oil supplementation for the duration of a month can decrease blood clot formation. 
sea buckthorn health benefits sea buckthorn capsules 
 4. Promotes Liver Health
The healthy oils, vitamin E and carotenoids sea buckthorn contains seem to have a beneficial effect on the liver as well. Namely, supplementation with sea buckthorn extract can protect the liver from damage and improve its metabolic activity. 
In one study, patients suffering from cirrhosis were given sea buckthorn extract for 6 months, which significantly improved their liver function. Apart from that, the cholesterol and triglyceride-lowering effect of sea buckthorn oil discussed above can help your liver metabolize nutrients better as well. 
5. Reduces Symptoms of Menopause  
Sea buckthorn oil supplementation has also been found to improve symptoms of menopause in a study with postmenopausal women who took 3 grams of the oil supplement daily for three months. The study concludes that the oil supplement is effective at relieving certain symptoms of menopause.

5. Digestive issues
Sea buckthorn oil and foods that contain sea buckthorn is their ability to boost digestion and reduce inflammation in the digestive system. For centuries, the crushed berries were used in Chinese medicine as a remedy for poor digestion and stomachaches. 
Studies in animal models found a lower recurrence in stomach ulcers as well. Sea buckthorn is suggested to improve the mucous lining of the stomach, which makes it more resilient to developing ulcers. The healthy fats and antioxidants may also boost metabolism, improving your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. 
6. May Prevent Diabetes 
The last scientifically-proven health benefit of sea buckthorn is its ability to help prevent diabetes. There is research suggesting that supplements made of crushed, dried sea buckthorn berry powder may help reduce sugar level spikes. 
Namely, a study looking at healthy individuals found that the participants experienced fewer sugar spikes after meals containing sugar when they consumed the sea buckthorn extract, which, as the authors suggest, can have a positive long-term effect and help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Knowing how increasingly common both conditions are, it's definitely worth, at the very least, giving sea buckthorn a try.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement  for infor on cancer and health related topics
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