Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Benefits of Not Wearing a Bra

 The majority of women wear bras. They do so to look attractive, put-together and to seem appropriate. While there is a time and a place to wear a bra, there are some unexpected benefits to ditching your brassiere once in a while. Here are 8 ways your breasts can improve by saying adieu to your trusty old bra.

1. Improve your breast shape 
Not wearing a bra does not cause your breasts to sag. A long-running French study proved that most bras have the opposite effect, causing breasts to lose their shape over time. The study found that the support of bras weakens the muscles in the chest, making them droop. In order to keep your breasts round and perky, it's best to let them do their own thing. Your bra is keeping you back from having more beautiful breasts.

2. Get a better night's sleep 
 For some time we have known that sleeping with a bra is not ideal. There have been claims that sleeping with a bra is what causes breast cancer, though this severe consequence is highly unlikely and has never been proven true. However, it has been proven that wearing a bra to bed is more likely to cause discomfort and disturb your sleep cycle. 
3. Boost your circulation 
Tight clothing can have an effect on bodily circulation. Frequently wearing tight clothing, especially tight bras, can be bad for your circulation. The tightness and squeezing around your chest can slow your circulation by compressing your major blood vessels. This has been proven to create cardiovascular issues down the road. 

4. Improve your breast health  
The study also proved that going bra-less improves perkiness. The study also found that bras are not fatally bad for your health. This means that they are not going to cause breast cancer all on their own. There are many genetic and environmental factors at play when it comes to that. But, not wearing a bra will improve your breast health in other ways. Besides improving blood flow, sweat and dirt are no longer trapped against the skin by your tight bra.

5. Save some money 
 Bras are expensive, especially the nice, comfortable and stylish ones. So, no matter what amount of money you spend on a bra, consider it money saved and money earned. This pocketed money can be spent on something more important to you. 
 6. Strengthen your breasts 
 Bras prevent your chest from having to fight gravity. While you might think that without your bra your breasts would succumb to gravity and sag, quite the opposite happens when you ditch your bra. When your chest has to battle gravity, the chest muscles work harder and strengthen your breasts. This doesn't just make you stronger, it actually increases your breast size. So, in saying bye to your bra, you could gain a whole cup size. 
 7. Encourage healthy breast tissue  
As a part of the 15-year study, scientists have found that wearing a bra may be hindering your ability to grow healthy breast tissue. Healthy breast tissue is important for many reasons as healthy tissue will decrease, but not totally prevent, your chance for various breast diseases, including breast cancer. Healthy breast tissue will also support breasts more and help breast muscles strengthen, leading to naturally larger, stronger, rounder and perkier breasts. 
8. Comfort  
This is likely the best reason to ditch your bra. There is no greater feeling of relief than taking off your bra after a long day.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Here’s What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Cancer, like we well know, is a dreaded disease. It is estimated that every year, on average, almost 10 million people die from cancer. It is easily one of the world's largest health problems that has a major impact on society, too. Now, you must have heard conflicting reports about cancer prevention. Various cancer-prevention studies have surfaced online over the years that often recommend contradictory tips. The thing is, cancer prevention is still evolving and new measures to stop the disease keep emerging. 
For instance, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has released a new set of guidelines recently for reducing the risk of cancer. Our chances of developing cancer are affected by the lifestyle choices we make. A few simple changes in our way of living can go a long way in helping us remain cancer-free. These new guidelines should certainly help in that regard. 

Take a look at the new guidelines for cancer prevention 
The recommendations from the American Cancer Society focus on increasing physical activity and establishing healthy eating patterns at every age. Let’s take a closer look at some of the important points from their recommendations list.

* Adults should engage in 150‐300 minutes of moderate‐intensity physical activity per week. Alternatively, they can indulge in 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or a similar combination. It is also vital that one should achieve the upper limit of 300 minutes. They have also recommended that children and adolescents engage in at least 1 hour of moderate or vigorous‐intensity activity each day. Encouraging healthy habits like cycling, walking, and visiting parks is also suggested. 
  * It is advisable to avoid alcohol. Previously, the ACS had proposed limiting daily alcohol consumption to one drink for women and two men. However, now they advise avoiding alcohol completely. The reason for this change is that it has now come to light that alcohol consumption is the third major cancer risk factor after tobacco use and obesity. If you cannot avoid drinking alcohol, then you must limit it. Ideally, one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men is the upper limit. 

* Follow a healthy eating pattern at all ages. 
For this, the ACS proposes consuming foods that are high in nutrients in quantities that can help you maintain healthy body weight. Taking colorful vegetables and fiber-rich legumes (such as beans and peas), whole fruits with a variety of colors, and whole grains can be extremely beneficial in this regard. The ACS also suggests removing the following foods completely:

Red and processed meats 
Sugar-sweetened beverages 
Highly processed foods 
Industrially produced grain‐based desserts 
Ready‐to‐eat or ready‐to‐heat foods 
Snack foods, candy, and refined grain products. 

* Sedentary behavior must be limited.  
This includes sitting, lying down, and watching television, and other forms of screen‐based entertainment for extended hours. 
According to the ACS, the guidelines reflect the current science that dietary patterns instead of specific foods are essential to reduce the risk of cancer while also improving one’s overall health. 
“There is no one food or even food group that is adequate to achieve a significant reduction in cancer risk,” said Laura Makaroff, DO, the American Cancer Society’s senior vice president of prevention and early detection in a press release. “Current and evolving scientific evidence support a shift away from a nutrient-centric approach to a more holistic concept of dietary patterns.”

Why proper nutrition is so important in preventing cancer
Since the new guidelines have come up, many people have become a little confused particularly about the points regarding healthy eating patterns. Many want to know what they should give up in their diet now. 
Leading dieticians say that people must carefully consider what these guidelines mean. Because even the small shifts we make in our eating patterns and how we work towards them can go a long way in improving our health. Also, bear in mind that many of these suggestions have remained quite similar for some time now. They have just been presented in a different and more relevant way. 
For instance, the recommendation to limit red and processed meats is not new or specific to a diet pattern for cancer prevention. Thus, you must remember that reducing red and processed meats and following a plant-based diet doesn’t mean that you have to be a vegetarian to see its benefits.

“Reducing meat is the message we often hear, but don’t forget that means you will need to replace the meat in your diet with nutrient-rich plant-based foods, which we know come with their own health benefits,” says Caroline West Passerrello, MS, RDN, LDN, a registered dietician nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 
Emerging evidence also points to the fact that healthy dietary patterns are associated with a reduced risk for cancer. Vital anti-cancer micronutrients include: 
Vitamin A 
Vitamin K2 
Vitamin D 
Vitamin C 
 B vitamins. 

Also, as mentioned above, vegetables and fiber-rich legumes along with whole fruits can play an important part, too. Obesity is a major risk factor for cancer as well. Experts say that almost 20% of cancers could be avoided by reducing obesity. Thus, eating should be based on our needs and can help us reduce waste. Moreover, it encourages a healthy connection of our minds to our health needs and allows us to lead a more relaxed lifestyle.
Let’s take meaningful steps towards leading a healthy way of life

Reducing cancer rates will not be easy, of course. It will require a collective and consistent effort by the healthcare system, media, corporations, and others, to change the behavior of the society. However, following the guidelines recommended by the American Cancer Society will certainly help. Our first goal should be to reduce the obesity epidemic from everywhere around us, focus on getting more physical activity into our lives along with no smoking and eating right. If all of us pledge to incorporate these points judiciously into our life, then we can definitely make a difference in bringing down the cancer rates. 
Remember that many cancers are preventable. This increases the significance of exercise, nutrition, and the need for community involvement. The suggestion made for 300 minutes of exercise per week is based on scientific studies that indicate that exercise can reduce the risk of cancer. It can either be done through weight loss and an improvement in lifestyle or by directly stimulating anticancer molecules in the body. 
Now, more than ever, it is time to take meaningful steps towards changing our way of life for our own betterment. Let’s encourage healthy habits in our respective communities and inculcate a lifestyle that is not prone to the risks of cancer.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Research Proven: This Plant Fights Cancer and Diabetes!

Many medical studies conducted in recent years have focused on finding natural remedies for various diseases rather than chemical drugs that often do more harm than good. Such a groundbreaking study was recently conducted at the University of Colorado and its results are astounding: a special plant called the bitter melon inhibits cancerous processes in the body and at the same time controls diabetic’s sugar levels. These special qualities of the bitter melon can save the lives of millions of people who have cancer or diabetes - or at least improve their quality of life. 

 Bitter melon

Current treatments for cancer and tumor development are often aggressive, so many patients hesitate to start them. Diabetes eradication is also difficult, and patients are forced to inject themselves on a daily basis and manage their lives around injections and glucose tests. The news of the new study on the plant is that it is possible to change the existing situation, to minimize the need for cancer inhibitors and to monitor diabetics daily. In the article below, you’ll find out what bitter melon is and how it works its magic.

What is the bitter melon? / karela/ bitter gourd
 Bitter melon
Bitter melon is a kind of climbing plant of the gourd family, and despite its name, it is more like a zucchini than a melon. The origin of this plant is in Asia, the Caribbean and Africa and they’ve been used in these areas for thousands of years as a folk remedy and a cooking ingredient. It has a bitter taste and is therefore used mainly for seasoning soups, meat and other dishes, and not as a central ingredient in meals. Unlike other fruits and vegetables, the bitter melon must be consumed before it ripens or is near its ripening period in order to enjoy all its benefits.

Bitter melon is now known to contain many components, such as Vitamin A, which maintains eye and skin health, and vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and prevents inflammation, as well as potassium essential for the transmission of nerve information throughout the body and processes of cellular metabolism. It is also rich in antioxidants such as lutein and beta-carotene, which preserve the integrity of the cells and thus prevent disease and inflammation. This combination of vitamins and antioxidants creates a strong compound that helps fight various cancers and even diabetes.

Lifesaving news for cancer patients  
The study on the plant was conducted at the University of Colorado in two ways: in test tubes and on animals. The aim of the experiments was to examine the effect of this unique plant on pancreatic cancer, and the results of both types of research showed that the plant inhibits increased production of cancer cells, meaning it stops the formation of tumors. Moreover, eating the plant even caused the "suicide" of cancer cells! 
The researchers believe the reason for this is that the bitter melon stopped the supply of glucose to the cancer cells, and without this vital component they could not continue to thrive and multiply. This important discovery can save the lives of countless people around the world because it is often impossible to detect the existence of pancreatic cancer until an advanced stage, which may be too late. 
 If people consume the melon on a daily basis, they will actually be consuming a natural anti-cancer drug. The researchers found that the plant's consumption also helps in the treatment of other cancers, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer, one of the most difficult types of the disease. Future studies will examine the effects of the bitter melon on other cancers as well.

Natural warrior against diabetes 
The news about its impact on cancer is amazing in itself, but the researchers found another advantage of bitter melon, which is that the plant helps regulate glucose levels in the body, meaning it can also help diabetics. Another study conducted in 2008 found that diabetes patients who consumed bitter melon improved regulation of blood sugar levels and also developed greater sensitivity to insulin. 
 In a more recent study conducted in 2011, subjects with diabetes received 2,000 milliliters of bitter melon extract daily and the results reinforced those of the first study: the blood sugar levels in the patients were lower after using the bitter melon extract than its levels prior to use.

Important Information  
This unique plant has medical properties that astounded the researchers, but this good news should be taken with great care. According to officials at the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, it is important to know a few things before adding bitter melon to your daily diet: 
1. Pregnant women should not consume bitter melon - the plant may cause bleeding, uterine contractions and even miscarriage. 
2. Do not consume it together with anti-diabetic / insulin medications - A combination of bitter melon, which lowers blood glucose levels, along with drugs with the same effect, may cause a sharp drop in blood sugar levels and feelings of weakness and even fainting. 
3. Side effects - Some people who consumed the plant reported physical symptoms such as ulcers, allergic reactions, and palpitations.

A better future  
The important research conducted on bitter melon helped to discover a natural remedy that could help and even save millions of people. If you or any of your relatives are struggling with the diseases we have listed, you may want to talk to a doctor and explore treatment options that will include this unique plant. This important research and other similar studies can change the lives of many in the future, as their results expose us to new and unknown components that are life-saving.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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https://GSiyers home remedies.blogspot.com   is the latest addition to my blogs. I'm going to add posts there, do give me your valuable feed back on my blogs. Thanks a lot, take care, be healthy and be happy.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

7 Serious Causes Of Tingling Sensations In the Back

We often underestimate a sensation of tingling or numbness in the back and dismiss it as our back simply “falling asleep” much like our hands or legs often do, but these symptoms may indicate a bigger problem. An unexplained, new or persistent occurrence of pins and needles sensations, also called paresthesia, in the back can be caused by nerve damage. 
Many equally serious conditions ranging from spinal injuries to tumors can cause paresthesia in the back, and all of these conditions require medical attention, so if you experience persistent tingling and numbness in your back along with some of the other symptoms we will list, it definitely warrants a doctors visit. You can read about the 7 most common conditions that cause tingling in the back below.

1. Spinal infections
tingling in the back causes Spinal infections

Several strands of bacteria or fungi can sometimes penetrate the spinal column, causing inflammation and damaging your nerves, which can cause tingling in the back. These infections can occur as a complication of surgery and injury, or they develop spontaneously.
People who are at risk of developing spinal infections are those who suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes, HIV, cancer, obesity and those who are taking immunosuppressants. The symptoms can vary from hardly noticeable to debilitating depending on the severity of the condition, but they do tend to worsen with time.

The most common symptoms of spinal infections include

A stiff and painful back

Numbness or tingling in the back, it can also happen in the limbs
Fever, chills and headache
The skin in the affected area can be hot and tender to the touch and red
Spasms ans muscle weakness
2. Fibromyalgia
tingling in the back causes  Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition the causes of which are still unknown, but scientists today have begun to understand that there is both a biological and psychological aspect to it. The condition is more common in women than it is in men, and it can manifest itself very differently.

Most patients suffering from fibromyalgia have specific tender points around the different joints in the body that are tender to the touch and often become very painful. Some patients also experience tingling and numbness in different parts of the body.

Other biological and psychological symptoms of fibromyalgia include:


Fatigue and Trouble falling asleep
Depression and anxiety
Brain fog and difficulty concentrating
3. Arteriovenous malformations

tingling in the back causes Arteriovenous malformations
An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an abnormally shaped or tangled blood vessel. These tangled blood vessels develop while a baby is still in their mother’s womb, but scientists aren’t sure why they occur.

AVMs can develop in any part of the body, but they are typically found when they occur in the brain or spinal cord because, in these cases, they can cause severe symptoms. The main problem with these malformations is that it can block or otherwise affect blood flow to certain body parts and nerves in particular.

Depending on the location, AVMs can cause the following symptoms:

Tingling, numbness and back pain
Headaches and dizziness
Vision Problems
speech problems
Loss of co-ordination
4. Spondylolisthesis
tingling in the back causes Spondylolisthesis

Our spines are complicated and fragile systems, and one weak or misplaced link can disrupt the entire system. In spondylolisthesis, one of the vertebrae in the spine, typically in the lower back slips out of its place, and sometimes, this misplacement can press on a nerve, causing tingling and pain in the affected area.

This pain and tingling can even radiate to the thighs and worsen with physical activity. Sitting and leaning forward can usually relieve the pain. The compressed nerve can manifest itself through other symptoms as well, such as: 
A stiff back

Weakness in the legs

Difficulty walking and standing for extended periods of time.

5. Spinal Fractures

tingling in the back causes  Spinal fracture

Fractured vertebrae, too, can cause numbness and tingling in the back. Like any other fractures, spinal fractures are usually the result of trauma and injury, but people with weakened bones and the elderly can get these fractures more easily. 
The majority of spinal fractures happen in the lower or middle parts of the back, and they can be very painful and make it difficult to stay active, as movement usually worsens the pain. When the fracture causes severe nerve damage, these fractures can make it difficult for the patient to move their legs or even control their bladder and bowel movements.

6. Spinal cord tumor

tingling in the back causes Spinal cord tumor
Both malignant and benign tumors in or near the spine can cause a pins and needles sensation in the back. Benign tumors can press on the spinal cord, whereas malignant tumors can also invade the surrounding tissue, both of which can affect the nerves. The symptoms and their severity depend on the location of the tumor, as well as its size, but the most common symptoms include: Back pain 
Numbness and paresthesia in the back, neck or limbs 
Weakness and poor coordination in the limbs
Insensitivity to temperature or pain 

 tingling in the back causes Shingles
Shingles is an itchy and painful rash that can develop on any area of the skin, typically on the back or neck. The rash develops into painful blisters filled with liquid that eventually turn into scabs and clear up in a month. Both shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus, and a person can get shingles only if they had chickenpox because the varicella zoster virus stays dormant in the body all your lifetime. 
Unlike chickenpox, however, it is possible to get shingles more than once and the severity of the symptoms can vary each time. Before a rash appears, some patients experience itching, tingling and burning sensations in the area. Like any other viral infection, shingles can come with headaches, fever, chills and an upset stomach.
This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Onions and Garlic: 2 Veggies That Can Help Prevent Cancer

We have written time and again about types of foods one should avoid to prevent cancer, with processed and red meat, alcohol, and even fruit juices being among the worst offenders. But are there any specific food recommendations for those who want to prevent cancer beyond the usual tips like “eat more fiber” or “eat more fruit and vegetables”? Tomatoes are one possible addition, but there’s a catch, so we recommend reading our article about tomatoes and cancer prevention here. Other recommendations, those we’ll focus on in this article, are onions and garlic, that have been time and time again associated with cancer-fighting properties.
onions and garlic prevent cancer selection of onions and garlic

More specifically, these pungent veggies have been shown to prevent breast cancer and colorectal cancer, as well as prostate and stomach cancer. The strongest and latest evidence is in relation to colorectal and breast cancer. At the beginning of 2019, one study at the First Hospital of China Medical University has shown that the two vegetables seemed to contribute to the prevention of colorectal cancer, one of the top five most widespread cancers.

The researchers concluded that the more onions and garlic you eat, the better the protective effects. The authors matched 833 participants with colorectal cancer with an equal number of control subjects matched by age, sex, and area of residence, and found a 79% decrease in colorectal cancer recurrence in the group of subjects who ate the most onions and garlic.

A more recent article researching breast cancer in women in Puerto Rico also found that high onion and garlic consumption seems to lower one’s risk of breast cancer. Similarly to the Chinese study, the Puerto Rican research matched 314 women aged 30-79 with a history of breast cancer between 2008 and 2014 demographically to an equal number of control subjects

The study reported a 67% lower breast cancer risk in the group of participants who had the highest sofrito intake, which is a popular Puerto Rican condiment consisting predominantly of onions and garlic.
onions and garlic prevent cancer green onions

Understandably, this last study had some limitations, as the authors point out themselves, "Although the recipe for sofrito varies to some extent, other ingredients, such as bell peppers, tomatoes, cilantro, and black pepper are usually added. Since we did not adjust our models for these ingredients, we cannot be sure that our results were due to the sole effect of onions and garlic."

Still, the cancer hindering effects of onions and garlic are becoming increasingly robust, and scientists may have even discovered why. The compounds associated with cancer-fighting properties of onions and garlic, also known as allium vegetables in medical terminology, are flavanols and organosulfur compounds. These two groups of chemicals naturally occurring in onions, garlic, spring onions, and leeks have been found both epidemiologically and in a lab, setting to hinder the development of several types of cancer cells, and so consuming these vegetables in high quantities is beneficial. 
Needless to say, the consumption of healthy foods like these and others alone will not prevent cancer on its own, you also need to avoid high-risk foods, as well as stay active and stress-free, not to mention undergo preventative medical examinations on a regular basis.
I use both of them in almost all my recipes being a cancer survivor. Most important keep a watch on your body, anything unusual, not necessary it causes pain, as most cancer nodes are painless. It can be on your skin, nails, urine, stools, when you bathe each day, as you soap, just be sure to feel all parts of the body, anything suspicious, please visit your doctor at once. Cancer in early stages are curable. Most important one has to be very positive.




This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s with These Lifestyle Tips

While the medical world has urgently been seeking to cure Alzheimer’s disease with pharmaceuticals, studies in this field have discovered that prevention is also worth exploring. Researchers have found that everyday behaviors, which unlike genetics are within our control, can boost brain reserves and therefore help delay or even prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s or dementia. 
1. Exercise regularly

Research reveals that your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease can be reduced by 50% with regular exercise. Exercise also helps slow down deterioration when you have already begun developing cognitive problems.

Start small: Exercise can be overwhelming for those who don’t do it regularly. You can start by taking the stairs or walking when you are talking on your cell phone. 
10 minutes, 5 times a week: This seems like a lot, but it can include activities that get your heart 
pumping, such as cleaning, gardening or doing laundry. You can also walk, try an aerobics class, or swim.
Protect your head: Trauma to the head increases your chances of developing cognitive issues. Sports such as football and boxing are more extreme examples, but even a fall from a bicycle can have an effect. Wear the correct headgear and fasten your seat belt in cars. 
Balance and coordination: Similarly, you can help prevent future head injuries caused by falling, by including exercises that help you focus on balance and coordination. Yoga, Tai Chi, or any exercise using balance balls or discs can help keep you agile.

2. Be well-rested
 Prevent Alzheimer's tips
Restful sleep on a regular basis helps your brain work best. Deep sleep is necessary for memory formation and retention. Sleep deprivation slows your thinking and has been shown to increase the chances of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. 
Regular sleep schedule: Our brain’s clock responds well to regularity. Make sure to go to sleep and wake up at a similar time each day to correspond with your natural circadian rhythms.
 Smart napping: Napping can interfere with your regular sleep and make your insomnia worse. If you do nap, make sure it’s for no more than 30 minutes and do so in the early afternoon.

Bedroom sanctity: Ban computers and televisions from the bedroom as these stimulants distract you from sleep. 
Relaxing bedtime routine: Having pre-bedtime activities such as having a bath, light stretching, dimming the lights, praying, or writing in a journal can help signal your brain that it’s time for restorative sleep.

3,Mentally stimulated
Prevent Alzheimer's tips

People who are mentally active have been found to be more protected against developing Alzheimer’s and dementia. Any activities requiring communicating, interacting or organizing have proven tremendously helpful. 
Learn a new skill: Learning a new skill helps make larger deposits in the brain reserves. Try studying a new language, learn to play an instrument, read, or take up a new hobby. 
Memory exercises: Memorization builds your memory connections. Start with memorizing something small like capital cities or a rhyme, then progress to poems and mnemonics. 
Brain games: Try riddles, crossword puzzles or strategy games. Play board or card games, word games like Scrabble or Boggle, or number puzzles like Sudoku. All of these help build your capacity to retain cognitive associations. 
The 5 Ws: Keep your neurons firing by asking yourself ”Who, what, where, when and why?”. Follow this up by writing down your daily experiences.
Go off routine: Varying habits help create new brain pathways. Take a new route, use your non-dominant hand, or rearrange a storage system in your home.  
4. Eat healthily
Prevent Alzheimer's tips

A nutritious diet optimizes your brain’s performance. Changes to your diet can help keep you protected against brain deterioration. 
 Skip trans-fats and saturated fats: Choose lean meats, less processed foods, skim or fat-free dairy products, and reduce your intake of fried foods. 
Adopt a Mediterranean diet: This diet, consisting of fish, nuts, whole grains, olive oil, fresh fruit, and vegetables, with the occasional glass of wine or piece of dark chocolate, is good for your heart. A healthy heart helps lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 
Eat fish and avocado: Both are filled with omega-3, a good fatty acid, which researchers have discovered may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. 
Opt for 4-6 small meals: Eating more regularly helps maintain a consistent blood sugar level. 
Think rainbow: Eat an abundance of colorful fruits and vegetables to achieve a diet high in antioxidants and vitamins.Reduce the white shades of your diet too: Carbohydrates high in sugar or refined flour lead to higher glucose levels which can inflame your brain. 
Drink tea: Green tea has been shown to be excellent for a focused memory and mental alertness which can slow the aging of the brain.

5. Maintain an active social life
Research has found those with a socially active life are better protected against Alzheimer’s. Often as you get older, your support system shrinks and you’re unlikely to seek new relationships: 
1. Call or email your friends. If you’re more tech-savvy, connect via social networks like Facebook. 
2. Make weekly dates to see your friends, and partake in a shared hobby, go for a walk together or chat over a cup of tea. 
3.Take group classes at a local college or gym. 
4.Get your partner or family members to try something new with you. 
5. Join social clubs or go to the local community or senior center. 
6 Get out of the house: volunteer, go to the park, visit museums or other public places. 
6. Limit Stress

Prevent Alzheimer's tips

Stress can lead to the brain shrinking in the hippocampus, where memory is retained, and impede nerve cell growth, increasing your chances of Alzheimer’s or dementia. 
Take  a deep breath when you’re feeling stressed your breathing rate changes, which can impact the brain’s oxygen levels. A good practice to lower a rapid heartbeat is to focus on restorative breathing. 
Schedule daily relaxing activities: making sure to engage in enjoyable activities can help keep your stress levels low. These can be simple activities such as going outside for a walk, playing with a pet or attending a yoga class. 
Get some inner peace: studies have found that a strong mind-body connection makes for better brain health. Activities involving religious practices or reflection, prayer, and meditation help protect you from the damaging effects stress causes.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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https://gseasyrecipes.blogspot.com. feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes    
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https://cancersupportindia.blogspot.com  for infor on cancer and health related topics
https://GSiyers home remedies.blogspot.com   is the latest addition to my blogs. I'm going to add posts there, do give me your valuable feed back on my blogs. Thanks a lot, take care, be healthy and be happy.

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What Causes Alzheimer's? New Study Reveals Shocking Detail

It is estimated that about 44 million people worldwide are currently living with Alzheimer's disease. One of the most influential research articles on Alzheimer’s states that the disease is caused by the buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. However, new research has discovered that the disorder is caused by a decline in levels of a soluble protein called amyloid beta. The investigation by Science Magazine is published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.


Protein and not plaque is the key to Alzheimer’s disease 
The original research was published in 2006 and has been cited in over 2,000 articles since then. The study suggested that the formation of amyloid plaques in the human brain is the main cause of senile dementia. Amyloid plaques are clumps of a sticky protein called amyloid-beta that form in the spaces between nerve cells. Experts have believed that these abnormally configured proteins play a key role in Alzheimer's disease. They are thought to first develop in the areas of the brain related to memory and other cognitive functions.

In the current study, scientists from the University of Cincinnati and Karolinska Institute analyzed the concentration of amyloid plaques and amyloid-beta proteins in two groups. The first group consisted of people that had a very high risk of Alzheimer’s according to the 2006 study. The researchers found mutations signaling the development of amyloid plaques in the future. The second group was comprised of healthy individuals.

The researchers observed that, in both cases, individuals with low concentrations of soluble amyloid-beta protein were at a bigger risk of dementia. In contrast, those more likely to have amyloid plaques in their brain in the future but also high concentrations of amyloid-beta protein demonstrated normal brain activity. 
“What we found was that individuals already accumulating plaques in their brains who are able to generate high levels of soluble amyloid-beta have a lower risk of evolving into dementia over a three-year span,” says study author Alberto Espay, Professor of Clinical Division Director at UC College of Medicine.

The researchers point out that the concentration of soluble amyloid-beta protein decreases when it becomes insoluble amyloid plaques because of many stress factors that alter its metabolism. They further note that many past clinical trials concentrated on treating Alzheimer’s aimed to remove amyloid plaques. However, barring one, none of those strategies proved to be effective against the disease. 
 The one trial that was successful in providing relief against Alzheimer’s uses a drug called lecanemab, which increases the concentration of soluble amyloid-beta protein apart from removing amyloid plaques. The researchers say that the trials in which the level of amyloid-beta protein went down produced negative results. 
“I think this is probably the best proof that reducing the level of the soluble form of the protein can be toxic,” said Sturchio, first author of the report and adjunct research instructor at UC’s College of Medicine. “When done, patients have gotten worse.”

Next Steps  
Previous research had found that people with high levels of soluble amyloid-beta were cognitively normal irrespective of the buildup of plaques in the brain. They also found that individuals with low levels of protein were more likely to have cognitive impairment.

Now, the research team believes that if their hypothesis about Alzheimer’s turns out to be true, then the same theory can be applied to other degenerative brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, etc. For example, many studies claim that Parkinson’s is caused by the buildup of insoluble deposits called Lewy bodies in the brain. According to the researchers, Parkinson’s may actually be caused by low levels of soluble alpha-synuclein protein instead of Lewy bodies, as they are also formed when the protein hardens and becomes insoluble.
Currently, the team is focused on determining whether increasing the levels of soluble amyloid-beta in the brain is a beneficial therapy for patients with Alzheimer’s. According to professor Espay, we might be able to treat degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s more effectively if we try and increase the level of the soluble protein in the brain via medicines rather than focusing on removing the insoluble deposits.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

6 Health Warnings Your Eyes Give

In the realm of medical diagnostics, there exists a variety of methods to identify different conditions, with blood tests and body scans being the most commonly recognized. However, prior to resorting to invasive procedures like needle insertions for venous examinations, there are non-invasive preliminary tests that offer insights into the body's state.
One such test involves observing and evaluating the condition of one's eyes externally. Remarkable changes in eye appearance can often indicate underlying physical issues that warrant attention. As a result, it's crucial to consult a doctor when six specific signs manifest in your eyes, as they might serve as warning signals for hidden health problems lurking within your body. By seeking expert medical advice promptly, these problems can be effectively addressed at their root cause.

1. Persistent styes
 The formation of the well-known eye condition called "barley" is typically a result of an infection. With proper treatment, this condition usually resolves within a few days. However, there are instances where the treatment does not effectively eliminate the problem or it reoccurs repeatedly. This could potentially indicate a more serious health issue such as mammary gland carcinoma. If you consistently experience frequent barley formations in the same location on your eyes, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and rule out any possibility of cancer.

2. Non-healing sores
lower eyelid wound
Another symptom that should not be ignored is non-healing sores on the eyelids, accompanied by thinning eyelashes. These symptoms may also signify an underlying health concern and warrant medical attention. It is important to seek advice from a doctor in order to receive a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment for these persistent eyelid issues

3. Thinning of eyebrow hair 
If you observe the reduction in hair density within your eyebrow area, meaning that they are shedding and becoming narrower, it is possible that this could be caused by stress, puberty, or a deficiency in important nutrients. Another frequent cause for this issue is hypothyroidism, which leads to an inadequate production of hormones by the crucial gland responsible for resulting in hair loss in the eyebrows. It is essential to investigate any potential problems with the thyroid gland, as it may also contribute to additional complications within various organs.

4. Yellow bumps around the eyes  
The veins and arteries throughout the body have a significant impact on the blood vessels in the eyes. If there are skin bumps on the eyelids, it could be a sign of high cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. These bumps, known as Xanthelasma, are painless fatty deposits that form due to an accumulation of fats in the blood. The appearance of these bumps usually indicates a dangerous increase in cholesterol levels and other vascular conditions that require prompt treatment to prevent further complications.

5. Blurred eyesight and dry eyes  
Living in the modern era offers numerous benefits, but it also presents certain drawbacks that can impact our health. One such disadvantage is the development of blurred vision. Spending extended periods of time in front of screens, such as computers, mobile phones, and televisions, can lead to both blurred vision and dry eyes. If you regularly work on computers and notice blurry vision symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical advice to explore potential solutions for these issues.

6. Blind spots in our field of vision  
At times, individuals may encounter instances wherein they have a blind spot right in front of their eyes. In these situations, they can still see what's happening around them, but there's a portion that completely disappears from their field of vision. If this is accompanied by the appearance of bright spots or curved lines, it could be an indication that a severe migraine is about to strike. Such migraines can greatly disrupt one's daily routine. When this occurs, it is crucial to reach out to your doctor and seek guidance on how to alleviate or prevent the problem so you can return to normal without experiencing pain and its accompanying symptoms.

Our bodies often send us external warning signs that point towards underlying internal issues. It is essential to pay attention to these signs. Whenever you notice changes in your vision, it is advisable to get yourself checked as there might be other underlying factors that could potentially harm you.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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Friday, October 13, 2023

12 Natural Ways To Get Rid of Toothaches

There is nothing quite as painful and frustrating as a toothache. The good news is that you can treat the toothache with a dozen natural home remedies to help alleviate the pain. There's also a very good chance that you have most of the items on the list inside your fridge or kitchen cabinet drawers. 
 A toothache is the result of an irritated or inflamed pulp, which is situated within the central region of the tooth. The sensitive nerve endings inside the pulp can get triggered by foods or beverages that are either too cold or too hot. It's important to first get a better understanding of the most common causes and symptoms before you begin the home remedies. 
NOTE: None of these are a replacement for an actual dentist. These remedies will help you pass the time until your dentist appointment or alleviate some of the pain after, but do not skip the dentist visits. Teeth problems are serious health problems and should be treated as such.

Causes of Tooth Pain:  
Abscessed tooth Infected gums (gingivitis) 
Tooth decay 
Damaged fillings 
Dental injuries, such as a chipped or fractured tooth 
Sinus infection 
Wisdom teeth 
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

Symptoms of Tooth Pain:  
Swelling around the tooth 
Fever Headache 
 Foul-tasting drainage from the infected tooth 
Sharp pain when pressure is applied to tooth 
Sensitivity to hot or cold foods

12 Natural remedies to reduce toothache

1. Cloves
natural remedies for toothache
When it comes to natural home remedies for tooth infections, there is nothing that ranks higher than cloves! Cloves contain extremely powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic properties that help alleviate tooth pain. The anesthetic properties also help to fight off the infection.

The Remedy:  
Take a pair of cloves and grind them with a little mix of olive oil or vegetable oil. 
 Dab clove oil solution onto a cotton ball, and rub directly on the affected tooth. 
You can also mix a few drops of clove oil in half a glass of water, and use it as a mouthwash after the dabbing process.

2. Warm Salt Water 
All it takes is a glass of warm water mixed with a bit of salt, and you can reduce the pain of a toothache. This homemade mouthwash solution will assist in fighting bacteria that cause tooth decay and infection. 
The Remedy: 
Mix half a spoon of common salt in a glass of very warm water. Gargle thoroughly with the warm saltwater solution. Repeat a few times, or until you feel better. 
3. Ice Cube 
 natural remedies for toothache
Head over to the freezer and pull out a couple of ice cubes. The ice cube helps numb the infected nerves that cause the horrible pain. Dentists use ice to test for sensitivity on teeth as well.

The Remedy:  
Place an ice cube inside a Ziploc bag and wrap it in a thin cotton cloth. 
Hold the bag over your cheek near the aching tooth for a couple of minutes. 
The ice will then indicate the exposed nerves. Take a bit of caution when applying the ice.

4. Salt and pepper

The next remedy can be found on your kitchen table. Salt and pepper provide wonderful relief when combined together. The natural antibiotics inside the mouthwash can help ease the uncomfortable pain within the pulp region.

The Remedy: 
Mix equal amounts of regular table salt and pepper with a few drops of water. This will form a natural kind of paste. 
Apply the paste directly on the tooth, and allow the paste to take effect for a couple of minutes. 
Repeat the process for a few days, or until the tooth feels better.

5. Garlic
natural remedies for toothache

It's no secret that garlic is the "cure-all" when it comes to home remedies. Garlic is not only ideal for treating a common cold, but also for treating toothaches. Garlic contains a bunch of antibiotic properties that can help get rid of tooth pain.

The Remedy:  
Mix a clove of crushed garlic or use some garlic powder together with a sprinkle of table salt, and apply to the painful tooth. 
You can even chew on a few cloves of garlic for some quick relief. 
Continue the garlic remedy for several days, or until pain stops.

6. Asafetida / hing
The powdered gum resin inside the Asafetida can help reduce pain during a toothache, and for bleeding gums. The odor of the Asafetida might not be too pleasant, but the natural pain remedy is worth the bad smell! 
The Remedy:  
Add a pinch of powdered Asafetida with lemon juice. 
Warm up the solution, and use a cotton pad to apply the mixture to the affected area. 
Asafetida can also be fried in clarified butter, and placed inside the tooth cavity for instant relief. 
7. Baking Soda 
 natural remedies for toothache
Baking soda helps whiten your teeth and acts as a natural painkiller for toothaches when mixed together with a bit of water. Baking soda promotes quicker healing of painful or swollen gum tissue, which is the reason why many toothpastes feature the sodium bicarbonate on the labels.

The Remedy: 
Take a cotton swab and moisten it with a bit of water. 
 Dip the wet cotton swab in baking soda. Coat the swab really well so that it absorbs the baking soda before applying to the infected tooth. 
A mouth rinse can be made by mixing a large spoonful of baking soda into a small glass of warm water. Let the baking soda dissolve before swishing the rinse in your mouth. 
 8. Guava Leaves 
Guava leaves are used to heal mouth sores and aching teeth. The juice of the guava leaves contains many antibacterial properties that thwart off tooth decay or gingivitis. You should feel the effects of the guava leaves shortly after applying to the sensitive areas. 
 The Remedy:  
Chew on a couple of guava leaves until the juice begins to work on the affected tooth. 
Place 4 to 5 guava leaves in water and let it boil. 
 Allow the solution to cool off a bit before adding a pinch of salt, and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it. 
9. Vanilla Extract 
Vanilla extract contains Eugenol, which has antiseptic and analgesic properties that are used to fight off tooth decay. Eugenol helps get rid of that unwanted toothache and provides a quick pain relief solution.

The Remedy: 
Saturate a cotton swab or cotton ball with 3-4 drops of vanilla extract, and place on the affected tooth. Use your finger to rub the vanilla extract on the affected area. 
Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly beforehand. 
Repeat process until the pain goes away.
10. Onion 
natural remedies for toothache
Onions offer great pain relief to people suffering from tooth abscesses or sensitive gums. Onions are highly regarded by dentists for their natural and powerful antimicrobial properties. Onions have even been compared to taking 8 Advil capsules, or an entire bottle of Orajel!

The Remedy: 
Slice a piece of fresh onion and hold it inside your mouth. Gently bite the onion until the juices come out for a few minutes to alleviate pain. 
You may also put a piece of onion on the painful tooth so that it absorbs the antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. 
Continue the process until the pain reduces. 
11. Bayberry  
The root bark of the bayberry is used to help strengthen gums. The berries are ideal for treating aching wisdom teeth as well. The natural antibiotics of the bayberry should go to work very quickly on your aching tooth.
The Remedy
Mix the bayberry bark together with vinegar to form a natural paste. 
Apply the paste on the affected tooth as a pain relief. 
Use the paste when needed, or several times per day. 
12. Lime or Lime Juice
 The citric acid of the lime juice helps kill the germs that cause tooth infections. Lime juice also contains vitamin C, which keeps your teeth protected against decay. Mixing lime juice and baking soda can also help whiten teeth. natural remedies for toothache

The Remedy: 
 Lime Juice  
Combine the lime juice together with Asafetida to form a paste. Apply the lime paste on the infected tooth. Keep your mouth slightly open to allow the paste to dry on the tooth. Apply the paste 2-3 times a day to reduce the pain. 
Cut a lime wedge or slice, and bite directly into it. Try to extract some of the juice. Allow the lime to sit outside for a bit if you’re feeling any sensitivity to cold. Repeat the process as needed, or until the pain goes away. 
This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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