Monday, April 15, 2024

Amazing facts about human body

 Charts Vol 3 human body



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Heart attack symptoms- men vs women

Charts Vol 3 heart attack



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Hepatitis C is Silent But Deadly - Know the Signs!

Hepatitis C may lurk unnoticed, but its potential impact on your health is far from silent. Learn how this stealthy virus can wreak havoc on your liver and why early detection is crucial.

Hepatitis C, often dubbed the "silent killer," is a viral infection that quietly attacks the liver, causing severe damage over time. Despite its stealthy nature, understanding its risks, symptoms, and available treatments is crucial for prevention and early intervention.

Understanding Hepatitis C:

Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood. Many individuals infected with hepatitis C are unaware of their condition because symptoms may not appear until liver damage has progressed significantly. Common modes of transmission include sharing needles, receiving contaminated blood transfusions or organ transplants, and, less commonly, through sexual contact or from mother to baby during childbirth.

Signs and Symptoms:

One of the most challenging aspects of hepatitis C is its ability to remain asymptomatic for years or even decades. When symptoms do occur, they can vary widely in severity and may include fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, dark urine, loss of appetite, and nausea. However, these symptoms often go unnoticed or are attributed to other health issues, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment.


If left untreated, hepatitis C can lead to severe liver damage, including cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure. These complications can be life-threatening and significantly impact a person's quality of life. Additionally, hepatitis C has been linked to extrahepatic manifestations, affecting other organs and systems in the body, such as the kidneys, skin, and nervous system.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

Early detection of hepatitis C is crucial for preventing long-term complications. Testing typically involves a blood test to detect the presence of hepatitis C antibodies. If antibodies are detected, additional tests may be conducted to confirm the diagnosis and assess liver function. Fortunately, advancements in medical research have led to highly effective treatments for hepatitis C, known as direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). These medications have revolutionized hepatitis C treatment, offering cure rates of over 95% and minimal side effects.


Preventing hepatitis C primarily involves avoiding exposure to the virus. This includes practicing safe injection practices, avoiding sharing needles or personal items that may come into contact with blood, and using protection during sexual activity. Additionally, screening blood donations and ensuring sterile medical procedures are essential for preventing the spread of hepatitis C.


Hepatitis C may be silent, but its impact on health can be devastating if left untreated. By raising awareness, promoting testing, and providing access to effective treatments, we can combat this silent epidemic and prevent needless suffering and loss of life. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to hepatitis C—get tested, get treated, and protect your liver health.


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Sunday, April 14, 2024

LIFESAVING: What Should You Do if You’re Having a Stroke?

 Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the US. Every year, 140,000 Americans die of stroke and many more are left with irreparable brain damage. Deaths from stroke are especially common in the American southeast, northern Texas and parts of Oklahoma (in what is sometimes called the “stroke belt”), particularly among low-income households. 

But what is stroke, how can you recognize a stroke as it’s happening to you and what should you do if you suspect you’re having a stroke? 

In case you think you’re having a stroke right now, stop everything and call 911
Stroke: stroke

A stroke is a disruption in the blood flow to the brain that causes rapid cell death, ending in death, coma, or physical and mental disability. Around 75% of stroke survivors are disabled to some degree, as the damage to the brain during the stroke hampered their ability to move or communicate.

The two types of stroke are ischemic and hemorrhagic. By far the most common type of stroke, an ischemic stroke is caused by loss of blood flow to the brain, typically due to a clot in the arteries. Hemorrhagic strokes are far less prevalent at only 15% of strokes, but they are far deadlier, accounting for around 40% of stroke deaths. They are caused by damage to a blood vessel in the skull, resulting in internal bleeding in the brain or the meninges, the coverings that envelop and protect the brain.

Are you at a higher risk of having a stroke?
Stroke: blood clot 
The number one cause of any type of stroke is high blood pressure, as this condition can both weaken and rupture blood vessels as well as lead to the formation of blood clots and a layer of plaque within the arteries. High blood pressure (also called hypertension) is defined as a blood pressure measurement of 130/80 mmHg and above.

Seniors make up nearly 75% of stroke victims, as the odds of having a stroke more than double each decade after the age of 55. This is largely due to a weakening arterial integrity on top of other preexisting risk factors. Additionally, women are more susceptible to have a stroke than men, and die at a higher rate from stroke than men.

Common risk factors for stroke include smoking, diabetes, sickle-cell anemia, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and a diet rich in fat, oil and salt.

Here are several surprising risk factors for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

How to identify a stroke?
 Stroke: drooping face
The tell tale signs of a stroke 
1. One side of the face drooping downeven when the person is trying to smile.

2. One arm dropping to the side uselessly.

3. Slurred and nonsensical speech.

If someone displays either of those signs, call an ambulance, as time is of the essence.

What does a stroke look like?

The symptoms of a stroke vary, depending on several factors, such as the side of the brain that was affected and your gender. Common symptoms include: 
• Feeling numbness in the face or limbs, particularly on one side of the body 
• Sudden trouble seeing with one or both eyes 
• Problems associating language (either written or spoken) with meaning 
• Difficulty speaking or forming meaningful words 
• Losing balance and coordination 
• Dizziness 
• A severe, inexplicable headache

Additionally, these symptoms are specific to women: 
• Nausea and vomiting 
• Seizures 
• Hiccups 
• Labored breathing 
• General weakness and pain 
• Loss of consciousness 
All stroke symptoms tend to appear suddenly and in full force. In 1996, neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor had a massive stroke on the left side of her brain. 

What can you do if you have a stroke?
 Stroke: emergency bracelet
The first thing you should do if you think you’re having a stroke is call 911 immediately. Tell the operator that you suspect you’re having a stroke. 911 operators are often trained to suspect that a caller with slurred speech has a stroke, so even if they don’t understand you, they may be able to send help.

While there is little you can do when you’re having a stroke, there are ways to better prepare for it: 
If you’re in the risk group of having a stroke, you should consider getting a wearable medical alarm button. Seeing as how complex motor functions and communication might be impaired by a stroke, preventing you from effectively placing a call to 911, having a one-click solution that will send help your way can be invaluable in saving time- and your life. 
Several apps in your app store, such as SirenGPS (iOS, Android) can also serve as an emergency button, sending out your location information to family members who have the app installed, and informing them you made a call to 911. They will then be able to pass along your location to the first responders, who will be able to get to you more swiftly. 
Consider printing out these first aid instructions for a stroke emergency, which include step by step care, medical and contact information, which you can give to the nearest person in case you think you’re having a stroke. 
No one can anticipate a stroke, but being prepared for it in advance could mean the difference between life and death.
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5 Warning Signs Of Diabetes On Your Skin That You Should Not Ignore

 5 warning signs of diabetes on your skin that you should not ignore  

Once it begins to set in, diabetes affects almost all parts of your body, slowly causing a deterioration. However, doctors say there may be times when you would not even be aware that your blood sugar levels are high, and certain symptoms that appear on your skin may put to your notice undiagnosed diabetes.

When diabetes affects the skin, it is a sure-shot sign that your glucose levels are highly imbalanced and need to be brought under control.

 According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, many skin problems and conditions like bacterial and fungal infections, itching, blisters, etc. are common among those who suffer from type-2 diabetes and the condition only worsens if not cured or treated well in time.

Doctors say these patches begin small but start looking like pimples as they progress and turn into patches of swollen and hard skin.

Also known as necrobiosis lipodica, the condition causes the skin to have a shiny, porcelain-like appearance when even the blood vessels become highly visible. It also makes the skin itchy and painful.

Even though it is a harmless condition, necrobiosis lipodica can be brought under control before it may cause other underlying health complications.

Dark skin areas

If you notice patches or bands of dark skin around your neck, armpit, or groin, doctors say it means you have too much insulin in your blood, making it a common sign of prediabetes.

Also known as acanthosis nigrican1, this skin condition mostly happens in those who are overweight.


Even though it happens rarely, people with diabetes can see recurrent blisters on their skin, especially on the arms or legs, or both. These blisters often resemble a serious burn-like appearance but are not painful.

Also known as diabetic bullae2, these blisters can cause serious lesions if not treated well in time.

Granuloma annulare

Granuloma annulare is a skin condition that causes a raised rash or bumps in a ring pattern, which mostly affects young adults, usually on their hands and feet.

Doctors believe that in type-2 diabetes, even minor skin injuries and some medication may trigger the condition which is not contagious or painful but may cause a lot of emotional distress.

Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum

This is an uncommon skin condition related to diabetes which affects mostly the lower part of the legs and causes reddish-brown patches. The doctors say the main cause of this skin condition is unknown, but it is thought to be linked to blood vessel inflammation.

This skin condition damages proteins like collagen in the skin and is usually seen in people suffering from type 1 diabetes.

Smoking increases the risk for Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabectorum, however, according to estimates, less than half of one per cent of those with diabetes suffer from this problem.


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Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Probiotics and prebiotics: Nurturing a healthy gut ecosystem

Trillions of body microbes form a crucial microbiome. Imbalance from aggressors causes issues like IBS, acne, obesity, vaginosis, and yeast infections. Probiotics promote gut and vaginal health, by re-establishing the native microbiota of the body, we can remedy them. In this regard, probiotics and prebiotics can promote gut microbiota, influencing our overall health and well-being.

Our body lists trillions of microbes, which, though microscopic, play a key role in our overall health and well-being. They form a microbiome that often loses balance when overexposed to several aggressors, including antibiotics, alcohol, oily fatty food, spicy food, and even contaminated food or water.

Interestingly, even a brief change in location for a short business trip across cities can disrupt the gut microbiome’s balance.

Such imbalances is often linked to drastic changes in the composition of food, water, and spices consumed during the trip.

Microbial imbalances triggered by aggressors are not necessarily immediate, but the disturbances can become noticeable as irritable bowel syndrome, acne, gastric ulcers, obesity, vaginosis, and yeast infections. However, by re-establishing the native microbiota of the body, we can remedy them. In this regard, probiotics and prebiotics can promote gut microbiota, influencing our overall health and well-being.

 Exploring the scope of probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics are live organisms consisting of good bacteria and some yeasts that can improve our well-being. Probiotics, found in fermented food such as buttermilk, yogurt, kombucha and kimchi, plays a crucial role in digestion, facilitating nutrient absorption, alleviating symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea and supporting immune function. Moreover, research states that probiotics may help manage concerns like indigestion, eczema, allergies and obesity.

Another major concern that probiotics help tackle is UTIs and related symptoms that bother most women who travel frequently for work or leisure. Dirty public toilets and even seemingly clean restrooms om hotels and restaurants are often infested with bacteria and viruses, which disturb the balance of the vaginal environment, causing UTIs. Probiotics promotes vaginal healthy by helping treat infections and providing relief from their symptoms. For instance, the vaginal microbiota, which mainly comprises Lactobacillus species, are vital in preventing infections and maintaining a balanced vaginal environment. Lactobacillus species, are vital in preventing infections and maintaining a balanced vaginal environment. Typically, by introducing probiotics that belong to the favourable vaginal microbiota, Lactobacillus strains, women can retain their natural balance and reverse conditions like yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

Besides food, individuals can take supplements to administer probiotics into their bodies. Today, one can get probiotics capsules featuring strains such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG,  L.Crispatus, L.Gasseri, L. Johnsonii, L. Acidophillus,  or L. Reuteri, to promote gut and vaginal health.

Alternatively, prebiotics are non-digestable fibers found in bananas, oats, onions, legumes, and whole grains. When consumed, the prebiotics present in the food pass through the upper gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the activity of good bacteria, facilitating a balanced microbiota.


The symbiotic connection between probiotics and prebiotics and their favourable impact.

A balanced combination of probiotics and prebiotics creates a symbiotic relationship that balances the gut microbiome, which helps in these ways-

A healthy gut ecosystem effectively facilitates smooth digestion and absorption of essential nutrients from consumed food. By aiding digestion, it relieves symptoms of gastrointestinal issues, especially diarrhea.

A balanced gut microbiota can also safeguard against harmful microorganisms and prevent the onset of overactions that rigger inflammation or autoimmune illnesses. By conditioning the body’s immune response, both prebiotics and probiotics strengthen the human immune system, making one less susceptible to rampant infections.

According to ongoing research, the gut environment can also impact one’s mood, overall behaviour, and cognitive function, making them crucial for mental well-being.

In addition, it can help address concerns like UTIs and provide relief from discomfort. This way, it safeguards the wellness of urinary and gut health.

The synergy between probiotics and prebiotics is key to nurturing a healthy gut ecosystem and supporting vaginal health. One can facilitate a harmonious balance by consciously adding food and dietary supplements rich in probiotics and prebiotics into the dietary regime. 



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Monday, April 08, 2024

How to maintain gut health for overall wellness

Researchers uncover the intricate gut-brain connection, impacting thoughts and mood. Gut microbiota, lifestyle habits, ans intestinal permeability play crucial roles in overall health. Consult healthcare providers for personalized health strategies and maintain diverse diet with stress management.

There is more truth to ‘gut instincts’ than we knew. Researchers are increasingly discovering links between the enteric nervous system and the central nervous system that can revolutionise medicine. The gut may not be capable of thought but it does have a great influence on the way we think, researchers have found. The discovery of the close links between gut and brain and body health has revolutionized medicine and helped understand human bodies better.

The often repeated phrase” you’re what you eat” is proving to be rather intuitive. The fresh understanding of the gut-brain connection has helped doctors diagnose symptoms of disease that may arise in the gastrointestinal tract but impact mental health significantly.

The gut essentially has a “ 2nd brain” that does not participate in intellectual activities but triggers mood changes that can profoundly impact our thoughts. The “ 2nd brain” is the enteric nervous system (ENS)- it consists of 2 thin layers of 100 million nerve cells lining the digestive tract from the esophagus (food pipe) to the rectum.

The ENS is responsible or digestion as it controls everything from swallowing, the release of enzymes to the breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients. Scientists has already found that depression and anxiety cause chronic problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, constipation, bloating etc. however, evidence is emerging that it works the other way round too.

With this new knowledge, healthcare providers can diagnose and treat diseases that arise due to the communication pathway between ENS and the central nervous system (CNS). For e.g. ,  gastroenterologist may prescribe antidepressants to certain patients of IBS to calm symptoms of depression in some cases by acting on nerve cells in the gut.

Various other connections between gut and brain health are emerging though they need to be firmly established. It appears that digestive system activity can impact our thinking skills and memory too. Researchers are also studying the way that signals from the gastrointestinal tract can affect metabolism and as a result our propensity toward diseases like Type 2 diabetes.

The gut is a rather thriving environment. It is home to gut microbiota—the microorganisms (bacteria) that aid digestion. These good bacteria keep all processes running smoothly and so, when we talk of gut health, we also talk of nutrient that keep these bacteria in their fittest form.

It is important to have a high fiber diet and cut down on sugars and saturated fats to keep the gut healthy. Alcohol and stress could also disrupt this fragile environment leading to inflammation and a condition that is known as “ leaky gut”.

The thin lining of the gut controls what gets absorbed into the bloodstream but when this barrier develops “holes” or “ cracks” due to a bad diet or lifestyle habits, it can pass partially digested food and toxins into the tissues beneath/ surrounding it. This may cause changes in the gut flora and cause many chronic diseases.

The leaky gut or an increased intestinal permeability may play a role in certain gastrointestinal conditions such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. Now, research is trying it uncover whether a leaky gut may also contribute to diseases elsewhere in the body. Scientists are exploring links between the gut and autoimmune disease like lupus, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis,, allergies, asthma, acne, obesity and even mental illness.

It is clear that when we make alterations to our diet and lifestyle to incorporate food and habits that support overall health, every unit in our body benefits whether it be the gut, brain or heart. It is therefore important to pick a few achievable health targets and be consistent in trying to meet your goals.

Exercise regularly to keep stress at bay. Eat a diverse range of food- including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fermented products, prebiotics and probiotics= to promote gut health. If these interventions are not enough, then consult your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis of your individual concern. Also exercise regularly and eat a healthy and balanced diet.


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