Saturday, February 08, 2020

10 Reasons to Drink More Chamomile Tea

I enjoy sipping on chamomile tea before bed - I find it to be rather soothing. While this extraordinary herb is best known to soothe your nerves and promote better sleep, it has many other health benefits too. It has long been used as a natural remedy to treat a number of conditions including an upset stomach, tension, sleep deprivation, mouth ulcers and skin aggravations. In addition, clinical studies led by the University of Toyama in Japan discovered that drinking chamomile tea may also help keep diabetes under control.

How to prepare chamomile tea
Chamomile, a natural remedy, was a popular choice of tea throughout the Roman Empire, in ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. It is especially prized for its flavonoid, chrysin.

To prepare one glass of tea heat up 10 ounces of water. Measure two tablespoons of dried chamomile blooms (or 4 tablespoons of crisp chamomile blossoms for every 8 ounces of boiled water). Once the water has reached boiling point, steep the chamomile blooms in the water for 5 minutes. Then place a strainer on top of a mug and pour.

Here are 10 marvelous health benefits of chamomile tea:
 1.Treats cuts and wounds
Chamomile tea has long been used to treat and soothe cuts and wounds. The Romans, Greek and Egyptians used it to speed up the healing process. One study discovered that wounded rats which were given chamomile flavored water healed faster than those who were not given the elixir. It was found that chamomile worked especially well for burn wounds, primarily because chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.  

2.Helps keep diabetes under control
A new study suggests that the drink helps lower blood sugar levels, and can help prevent complications that arise due to the condition - including blindness, kidney disease and nerve and circulatory damage.

3, Soothes a cold
Chamomile tea has been found to soothe a cold, and protect against bacterial-related illness and infection. In fact, a growing number of studies suggests that chamomile tea contains compounds that may help fight infections due to colds.

4. Calms muscle spasms
A study conducted in England found that drinking chamomile tea raises urine's levels of glycine, a compound that has been found to calm muscle spasms. As a result, researchers have also discovered that chamomile tea could prove to be an effective home remedy for menstrual cramps.

5.Soothes a stomach ache
One of chamomile's health benefits lies in its ability to alleviate symptoms associated with an upset stomach. Chamomile helps soothe and relax the muscles and lining of the intestines. It can also help poor digestion, and provides a beneficial natural remedy for those who suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

6.Promotes better sleep
One of its best known remedies, drinking chamomile tea is said to soothe the nervous system, promoting better sleep. However, while it has been used since time immemorial as a solution for insomnia, its effectiveness as a sleep aid has not been widely researched in humans. Nevertheless, animal studies have shown it to be a mild and safe sleep aid.  

7. Alleviates tension headache
Chamomile tea is a wonderful cure for migraines and tension headaches. To reap the benefits, drink a cup of tea when the symptoms first arise, as it works best before the headache gets severe.

8. Reduces dark circles
Chamomile tea has been found to help relieve eye fatigue and dark circles. For a simple, yet effective remedy, dip 2 chamomile tea bags in warm water. After 5 minutes remove and let cool to room temperature. Place the tea bags over your eyes as a night compress.

9. Treat allergies and rashes
Chamomile is an excellent remedy for treating rashes and other skin allergies. To reap the benefits, dip a cotton ball into chilled chamomile tea and apply to the areas that are prone to allergies. The tea may also be consumed internally to soothe the nervous system and help rid the body of any allergic symptoms.

10.Enriches hair color and radiance
Chamomile tea may also be used regularly to lighten your hair, over a period of time. You can use it as a final hair rinse to add a golden sheen to brown hair. And it helps brighten up blond hair, instantly. 

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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