Saturday, May 25, 2019

.7 Foods That Can Boost Your Metabolism

Some foods contain special phytonutrients that can increase your metabolic rate. And though most of us are familiar with the term ‘metabolic rate’, we often use it synonymously to how fast you digest food. However, metabolism is more complex than that, as metabolic processes also govern how effectively your body uses up calories, how well nutrients get absorbed by our bodies, and how well your body filters out toxins.

All these processes are crucial for our health, with metabolic issues being often associated with obesity, heart disease, digestive, and other related health conditions. Metabolism-boosting foods, in turn, can increase your metabolic rate and help keep all of these issues under control, especially if combined with physical activity and a healthy diet.

Here are 7 foods that are scientifically proven to boost your metabolism:

1. Green tea

Although scientists are not sure which nutrients are responsible for the effect, several studies reported that green tea can increase your metabolic rate. A 2013 study involving type 2 diabetes patients, for example, found that drinking 4 cups or more of green tea every day can significantly reduce body weight, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure.
Some scientists suggest that caffeine may be at least in part responsible for the effect, and this makes sense, as coffee has been shown to increase the metabolic rate as well, but the positive effect is dampened by any additives, such as sugar, milk or cream.

2. Eggs

A diet high in protein-rich foods may be beneficial for those of you who want to increase the rate of your metabolism. This is because it takes twice as much energy for your body to break down proteins than it does other nutrients. Some research reported that a diet consisting of 29% of proteins is associated with a higher metabolic rate than one that gets 11% of its total calories from protein.

This is why eggs are an excellent choice for speeding up your metabolism, as 1 large hard-boiled egg equals 6.29 g of protein.

3. Brazil Nuts

Nuts are not only making you feel fuller for longer, some of them, like brazil nuts, for example, can increase your metabolic rate because they are rich in selenium. This mineral is essential for our thyroid gland, the organ responsible for regulating our metabolism, but also reproduction and immune system.

Brazil nuts are so rich in selenium that only 1 nut contains 68-91 mcg selenium, which is more than your recommended daily need. Don’t eat more of these nuts, however, as they may cause toxicity symptoms.

4. Broccoli and dark leafy greens

Leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and others can boost one’s metabolic rate because they contain a lot of iron and magnesium, both of which are essential for metabolic health. It’s best to pair these with fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C, like tomatoes or lemons, which will not only enhance their flavor but will increase iron absorption.
Broccoli, in turn, also contains a phytochemical called glucoraphanin, which can normalize your metabolism and even protect you from certain types of cancer.

5. Chili peppers

For those of you who are all about the spice, you’re in luck, as it turns out that adding chili to your foods can actually improve your metabolism and help you lose weight. This is thanks to the component that makes chili hot, capsaicin, which was shown to boost metabolism and make you feel fuller for longer periods of time.

Research estimates that capsaicin can help you burn an extra 50 calories daily.

6. Lentils

Another food that can help you boost your metabolism and potentially promotes weight loss is lentils. These legumes contain a lot of protein, which, as we already discussed, can boost your metabolism on its own, but this is not the only nutrient in lentils that can help your metabolism.
Lentils also contain a lot of iron and fiber, both of which are essential for good metabolism. Finally, all beans and legumes were found in a 2016 review study to prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition that a group of conditions associated with low metabolic rate, high blood pressure and other symptoms that can increase your risk of diabetes, hypertension and other conditions.

7. Flax-seeds

The last, but definitely not the least item on this list are flax-seeds. These, honestly, boring looking seeds are everything but bland when it comes to your health and metabolism especially. They contain a lot of protein, essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats, and just a sprinkling of these seeds in a dish can make a positive change on your well-being. 

These seeds are often used as a complementary treatment for metabolic syndrome, and the fiber it contains is suggested to promote healthy gut bacteria, which, in turn, is suggested to boost your metabolism.

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                     
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