Wednesday, May 22, 2019

9 Questions for the Sleep Deprived

Everyone deserves a good night's sleep, but sometimes, for one reason or another, we cannot get the sleep that we require. If you are having difficulty getting to sleep each night, and want to get to the bottom of what could be causing it, you should ask yourself these 9 important questions. Then speak to your doctor about your options.
1. Am I Tossing and Turning?
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder and becomes more frequent as we get older. Women are more likely to suffer from insomnia, especially within the setting of sleep apnea that occurs after menopause. For some reason, insomnia also seems to be more prevalent among those who are unemployed, single, or of low socioeconomic status.
2. Am I Having Trouble Breathing?
Someone who has sleep apnea may experience loud snoring, brief pauses in breathing, and intermittent gasping. During apnea attacks, the oxygen levels in the blood drops, the heart rate increases, and sleeps becomes disrupted, as the affected person wakes up in order to resume breathing. This can have serious consequences on sleep quality, daytime function, and overall health.
3. How Long Does it Take Me to Nod Off?
Sometimes our expectations regarding our sleep might be slightly misguided. The belief that we will fall asleep as soon as we retire to our beds is a bit misleading. Deadlines, responsibilities, anxiety, or even other health issues can all impact the rate at which we fall asleep.
4. Could I Have a Serious Issue?
Sometimes it can help, from a psychological as well as medical standpoint, to take a look at the long list of established sleep issues that could be hindering you. It may help if you can place a finger on the exact problem that is disturbing your sleep and preventing you from feeling refreshed.
5. Is My Child Getting Enough Shut-Eye?
When children don't get enough sleep, they are at risk of undermining their overall health. Researchers have hypothesized that sleep disruption could cause permanent damage to the area of the brain known as the hypothalamus - the area responsible for regulating appetite and energy expenditure.
6. Do I Have Trouble Waking Up?
Sleep paralysis is the inability to move or speak as one moves from sleep to wakefulness, without other findings that are characteristic of narcolepsy. No treatment is necessary, but avoiding sleep deprivation, stress, and other precipitants might be helpful.
7. Am I Tired by Mid-Day?
When it comes to reaping the benefits of taking a nap, it is all about experiencing the right stages of sleep. For example, if your nap takes you from stage one sleep (just drifting off) to stage two (the slowing down of brain activity), you will wake up feeling more alert and energized. However, if your nap takes you to stage three and four (deep sleep), you will wake up feeling groggy and tired.
8. Do I Get a Solid Night's Sleep?
If you get less than 7.5-8.5 hours of sleep each night, you may be operating under a sleep deficit. As a result, you may be prone to cognitive impairment, motor skill impairment, emotional irritability, weakened immunity, and weight gain.
9. Am I Dozing Off Too Fast?
You might think that you're a perfect sleeper if you nod off quickly or if you can fall asleep anywhere. However, being able to fall asleep fast could actually be a sign of an abnormality with your sleep.
THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                     
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