Wednesday, February 13, 2019

5 Common Symptoms That Can Effect On The Body

The average human being spends at least fifty percent of his (or her) time and energy on staying healthy. Whether it's through eating habits, exercise or even just regular once-a-year trips to the doctor's office, our goal is constant functionality.
Because of this, we have a tendency to treat most things that look like run-of-the-mill symptoms with the classic medication combo of paracetamols and sleep.
But for these few symptoms, a trip to the doctors is definitely warranted, if only to be on the safe side. That is because though they seem to be symptoms for one thing, they may actually be signs for something much worse.
So be aware of these 5 seemingly regular symptoms: 

1.The Length of Your Ring Finger
Believe it or not, this friendly little digit on your finger may have more to do with your biology than you realize. The length of your fingers, in general, have their own effects on your day-to-day life, affecting the way you write or how you sleep.
But recent studies have shown that it is actually a prenatal excess of hormones that leads to the formation of the fingers at their varying sizes. 
A neuroscientist observed that a ring finger that is longer than the index finger, in boys, is a symptom of a surge of testosterone that occurs in the mother halfway through the second trimester. This hormonal excess can also have an effect on behavior and physical health.
In women, a longer ring finger is a sign of an increased risk of osteoarthritis of the knee. The length or rather the difference in length between your fingers can be signs of your vulnerability to diseases such as oral cancer, prostate cancer as well as indicative of personality traits like athletic ability and reflex. 

2.Sudden Wrinkling of the Earlobes
Wrinkling, in general, is a perfectly natural process of aging, and in most cases, the most wrinkles can do is make you look distinguished. But in the case of this particular type of wrinkling, which occurs diagonally across the earlobe, it has been linked to the onset of major heart diseases. 
A study conducted in 1989 focused on the presence of earlobe creases in persons who died from a variety of cardiovascular diseases.
The results of the study showed that 72% of the men and 67% of the women studied were found to have creases on their earlobe.
This crease, which has come to be referred to more popularly as Frank’s Sign (after the physician who first described the crease), is still considered to be indicative of both cardiovascular ailments as well as diabetes.  

3.Bizarre Cravings
A pregnant woman is entitled to her fair share of cravings, and they can come, like a tsunami of desire, at any time and any place. "I know its 3 a.m, but I need curly fries." Perfectly normal, even if you’re not pregnant (though in that case, you’re less likely to have your desire fulfilled).
However, cravings can sometimes take a weird turn. Cravings for dirt, paper or ice, essentially what you’d consider non-food items, is something that has been linked to Pica, which is a serious eating disorder, or Anemia-related iron deficiencies. 
The latter can also cause pale skin, brittle bones, and teeth, as well as fatigue. While there has been research done to look into the positive health benefits eating dirt can have, especially for someone malnourished or pregnant, these particular cravings may be indicative of a much worse problem.                   

4.Swelling of the Extremities
Swelling is never a good sign unless it’s your heart with love. Swelling of the extremities, however, can be more indicative of bigger problems. Swelling of the hands and fingers are usually signs of one of the various types of arthritis.
Arthritis can be treated with medical and surgical options so it won’t have to immobilize you and completely stop your day to day functionality. If you find your lower extremities swollen, your legs or your feet, it could be a sign of edema.
Edema is an unusual accumulation of fluid under the skin. Edema itself arises under normal circumstances due to an unhealthy diet, pregnancy or lack of proper exercise, and is pretty well treatable with prescription medications.
But more recent discoveries have found that Edema can be linked to more intense ailments like thyroid conditions, cirrhosis of the liver and many others. 

5.Darkened Waste 

Often, in medicine “everything comes down to your poo”. And as strange as it may sound, there is truth in the statement.

While I know its not a habit for many to turn around and see their stool, much like the consistency, the color of your waste can also be an indicator of possible ailments. 
Darkened urine or excrement can be a sign of internal bleeding and gastrointestinal disorders, so if you haven’t eaten any dark foods during the day (like black licorice or blueberries), you should definitely check with your doctor.  
On the flip-side, extremely light colored waste can be indicative of gallstones, tumors, and other serious ailments. Similarly, yellowish tinges could be a sign of digestive problems.
In the case of urine, darker yellow means you’re not getting enough water, so time to double that dose!
It’s important to keep in mind though, the case isn’t the same with babies, and the color of their poop can be indicative of very very different things, most of which are harmless, but I’d still always advise being on the safe side and consulting a doctor.  
THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                        

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