Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon Mixture

Honey and cinnamon are two amazing natural substances. Natural honey which hasn’t been heated is an excellent raw ingredient for your health. Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices and it’s full of medicinal properties that can contribute a lot to your health. 
Health Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon

1. Cinnamon & Honey as a Natural Diabetes Treatment

Cinnamon is one of the top 14 foods top 14 foods and spices that can control type 2 diabetes. Since most of us have cinnamon and honey readily available in the kitchen cupboard, the potential to protect our families from diabetes could be life-changing.
Honey helps to control a number of the factors that have been linked to type 2 diabetes including insulin resistance and blood sugar levels.1 It can help to regulate blood sugar levels, which is a crucial factor in controlling diabetes or preventing it and is more tolerable than most common sugars or sweeteners according to the International Journal of Biological Sciences.
For people whose diabetes is under control, consuming honey in small amounts should not cause blood glucose to spike dramatically, but remember that moderation is a key, as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Cinnamon is also excellent for preventing and treating diabetes. According to the doctors, 500 mg of cinnamon (1/4 teaspoon) twice a day improves an individual’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. The Journal  confirmed that cinnamon tea helped to regulate blood sugar levels after meals.
A cup of warm water with a teaspoon of raw honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon will allow you to take advantage of some of the health benefits of cinnamon and honey. Don’t add honey to boiling water to avoid nutrient loss.

2. Cinnamon and Honey for Allergies

Dust mites are one of the greatest sources of allergies in your home and getting rid of these annoying little critters often includes chemicals that are sometimes more dangerous than the critters themselves.
Dust mites have been found to be responsible for dermatitis, asthma, rhinitis, and they have even been found to be responsible for some sudden infant death syndrome cases.
You can use cinnamon to get rid of dust mites! In a study published , cinnamon was found to be effective at killing dust mites. Cinnamon bark oil and cinnamon leaf oil were two and a half times more effective at killing dust mites than benzyl benzoate (chemical used to treat lice and scabies infestations), and cinnamon oil is far less toxic than most of the other chemicals used for dust mites.
A teaspoon of raw honey can help to boost your immune system. Honey and cinnamon can therefore help you fight allergies from the inside and from the outside.
DIY recipe for dust mite pesticide spray
It is really easy to make your own dust mite household pesticide spray. All you need is a spray bottle, distilled water, and cinnamon leaf or bark oil. You need about 24 drops of cinnamon oil for 4 ounces (120 ml) of water. Spray your linens, carpets, curtains, and mattresses to kill off the dust mites and leave your home smelling great.

3. Honey & Cinnamon as a Natural Acne Treatment

Honey and cinnamon have been used by traditional healers for centuries as a way to treat acne and various other skin conditions. Both cinnamon and honey offer potent antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

The Journal reports that cinnamon is very effective at killing Staphylococcus epidermidis, the types of bacteria often responsible for acne.
The journal points out that the advantage of cinnamon oil over antibiotics is that cinnamon does not create antibiotic resistant strains of these bacteria.7 Cinnamon oil does not come with the side effects associated with many antibiotics.
Records of honey used in cosmetics dates back to the earliest civilizations, and records suggest that honey and milk were two of Cleopatra’s beauty secrets.
According to the researchers, honey is currently used medicinally to treat burns and wounds and it is effective for use in treating dandruff and psoriasis. In cosmetic foundations, honey is soothing, helps to prevent wrinkles, and prevents pathogen infections.
Acne clearing honey and cinnamon spot treatment
To make your own honey and cinnamon spot treatment, mix 1 tablespoon of raw organic honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon. Apply the treatment to problem areas and then leave the application on for at least 20 minutes or overnight, if possible.

4. Honey and Cinnamon for the Common Cold

As I mentioned above, both honey and cinnamon offer powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Cinnamon and honey also contain an abundance of antioxidants that protect you from free radical damage.
Honey is a natural cough suppressant for children and adults. Honey is also one of the ingredients in my cough syrup , which I make along with ACV, dry ginger powder, cayenne pdr, honey and water.
Honey contains other vitamins and minerals that can help to boost the immune system and treat flu.
Honey and cinnamon tea for cold and flu
To take advantage of the healing properties of cinnamon and honey for colds and flu, prepare a tea using these ingredients (as mentioned previously, don’t add honey to boiling water to prevent nutrient loss). For children, a teaspoon before bedtime can help children and their parents get a good night’s rest.

5. Honey and Cinnamon for UTI

In a journal, it was published, a study that evaluated 28 plant extracts against Gram-negative such as E. coli (the main cause of urinary tract infections). Cinnamon was ranked in the top 4 most potent.
Preventing urinary tract infections by taking cinnamon supplements could decrease pain and reduce antibiotic use. You can also combine it with a moderate consumption of Manuka honey which has powerful antibacterial properties.

6. Honey and Cinnamon for Digestive Issues

Honey and cinnamon have always been popular in managing digestive issues such as constipation, nausea, and ulcers. Because honey is predigested nectar, it is easy for the body to break it down, which can soothe an aggravated system.
Cinnamon, has antimicrobial characteristics that can help people with bacterial overload in their digestive system; especially with people suffering from an E. coli infection as you just read in the study out of Iran. Cinnamon is also one of the edible herbs that are thought to help control H. Pylori bacteria  (which can cause peptic ulcers).

7. Honey and Cinnamon to Treat Gingivitis

Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Researchers  discovered that chewing/sucking on a Manuka honey product not only caused a 35% decrease in plaque, it led to a 35% reduction in bleeding sites in people suffering from gingivitis!
You can combine it with the powerful antimicrobial cinnamon and regular use of the amazing mixture can do wonders to your smile! Honey and cinnamon benefits are proving to be a winning combination.

8. Cinnamon to Prevent Clogged Arteries

According to a study published in 2010, cinnamon oil could reduce harmful triglycerides in the blood by 30% and LDL or bad cholesterol by 27%. The build-up of fatty triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and arteries is considered to be one of the causes of cardiovascular disease.

9. Honey and Cinnamon for Increased Energy

Chinese folk medicine has used cinnamon to promote a healthy flow vital energy for centuries, and because of its insulin-boosting property, cinnamon has been known to give people energy as it stabilizes your blood sugar.
Honey is composed of a unique carbohydrate composition of natural sugars and trace amounts of antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and amino acids, making it a natural energy-filled afternoon snack.
Here are a few ideas on how to use honey to boost energy:
  • Add a teaspoon of honey to 8 ounces of water for a budget-friendly energy drink. You can also add a lemon to enjoy the amazing benefits of honey lemon water, which again helps to lose weight !have it on empty stomach each morning.
  • Mix honey with cream cheese or nut butter for an energy-boosting fruit and vegetable dip.
  • Spread nut butter, honey and sliced bananas on a whole-wheat sandwich.

10. Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss

I mentioned in that past that a combination of honey and cinnamon can help you shed unwanted pounds. Cinnamon has got cinnamaldehyde, which helps to burn fat. I soak an inch of cinnamon overnight in about 250-300 ml of water. In the morning, I simmer it for 5 minutes. In a glass/ mug, add 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder, 1" ginger finely chopped, add the simmered cinnamon water, mix well adding a tsp of honey. Let it seep for 10 minutes, DO NOT COVER IT. Then drink it on empty stomach, you can feel your fat getting burnt, feel satiety when you eat little. I drink this on most mornings, earlier, I used to miss my cup of tea. Now, got used to drinking this, don't miss my morning tea at all!

Cinnamon – How Much To Take

There aren’t many strict guidelines when it comes to using cinnamon. Some professionals advise that you can get up to one teaspoon a day if you are ingesting it in powdered form.
The oils and concentrates tend to vary in potency, so you should always read the instructions before using them. Although if taken in a large amount, it can be toxic when used excessively. The only other piece of advice is to avoid cinnamon altogether if you are already on some form of blood thinning medicine.

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                           https://gseasyrecipes.blogspot.com/       

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