Monday, February 11, 2019

7 essential supplements women need after age 40

Of course, we all know that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. More than outward beauty, it is your inner beauty that is seen in your appearance.
As we age, our metabolism becomes slower. Thus, you need to help your body just a little bit. We have prepared a list of 7 essential remedies that will help you to do that. 

Before revealing these 7 extremely important essentials for you we need to tell that there are several options to get them from. Some products include them. So you can change your diet or you can consume them as pills. Both options are actually good for you.But, nothing like if you can get all your nutrients from your food.

If you notice that you are lack of vitamins it is better to get them from pills, as your body absorbs them better than from products. You are also recommended to ask your doctor for a piece of advice before taking pills. Self Treatment can be harmful for you.

1 Vitamin B12
You can get it from such food as chicken, fish, and milk products. This vitamin is necessary for your skin as it helps it to be elastic and look young. Vitamin B12 also help your skin color be more healthy and radiant. It is also essential for you to produce more red blood cells, as we age, we tend to produce less RBC.

2 Calcium
We suggest that you purchase calcium pills and consume them every 2 month to keep your bones strong and healthy. Calcium also helps your tissue to recover. If you want to dispense with pills then you should eat more broccoli, tofu, almonds, finger millet ( ragi), sesame seeds ( black has 400 times more calcium than white one) and spinach.

3 Vitamin D
This vitamin is naturally produced by your skin with the help of sun, but, unfortunately, there is no eternal summer. What is more, sun light can be harmful at the same time. So, you can consume pills to support your organism. 

4 Magnesium
Magnesium will help you to regulate your blood pressure. It is the main benefit for your health. Additionally you will have your nervous system under control. You will also forget about digestive problems. Magnesium is involved into all the functions of your organs. You need to know that.

5 Potassium
Potassium is responsible for a stroke prevention and helps your heart to stay healthy. Your body needs it in all the ages. You need to have your blood tested from time to time to make sure you have enough potassium in it. It is crucial for your health.

6 Omega-3
Omega-3 healthy fatties are necessary for the health of your skin. It also helps maintain your brain health and to avoid problems with memory. It has also been proven that individuals who have enough omega-3 are more likely to control their weight than those, who don’t.

7 Probiotics
Probiotics are necessary for the health of your stomach. You need them for good digestion and fast metabolism. Organic yoghurts are the richest for probiotics, so you’d better nor disregard them and include them into your daily diet.

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                        

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