Saturday, March 09, 2019

Ways To Snap Out Of Feeling Sleepy During The Day Time!

You know how it feels when you are in the middle of an important presentation or a meeting and just can't keep your eyes open. You will often come across people who feel sleepy and drowsy throughout the day. Have you ever wondered why do you feel sleepy all the time? There must be some factors or health conditions that trigger this drowsiness. The condition is a serious matter that requires a thorough investigation.
What causes the drowsiness throughout the day?
  1. Sleep deprivation: One of the major and obvious reasons for feeling sleepy throughout the day can be a lack of sound sleep at night. The trigger could be insomnia or sleep apnea. You wake up feeling tired, sleepy and exhausted throughout the day.
  2. Depression: Depression, stress (personal as well as professional), anxiety can leave you physically as well as mentally exhausted. As a result, throughout the day you will feel tired and sleepy.
  3. Chronic Fatigue: This is a condition that can affect people even without them realizing it. A person with chronic fatigue will feel lethargic all the time. In addition to this, there will be muscular and joint ache, headache, lack of concentration. What is even worse, the exact trigger for this condition is not known.
You can also feel sleepy all the time due to certain disorders and medical conditions such as -
  1. Anemia: Anemia, often resulting from an iron or vitamin deficiency can leave you feeling tired. In anemia, the RBCs will be present in reduced amount. The RBC's are responsible for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the cells and tissues of the body. In the case of anemia, your haemoglobin level will be low causing weakness and drowsiness.
  2. Diabetes: The harmful effects of diabetes are not new. In diabetes, especially type-2, the body is unable to use the glucose (the concentration shoots up in the blood). In the absence of glucose which is the major source of energy, you will feel sleepy and exhausted.
  3. Thyroid problems: For your body to function properly, the thyroid hormones should be present in the recommended amount. Any deviation from the normal range can wreak havoc. In the case of the thyroid hormones produced below the normal range, medically termed as Hypothyroidism, the overall metabolic processes in the body slow down. As a result, you end up feeling drowsy and fatigued.
In some cases, dehydration and lack of physical activities can also make you sleepy all day.
How to deal with the situation?
Lethargy and drowsiness can be effectively managed if you know the underlying factors responsible for the condition. In addition to the medical assistance and treatments -
  1. Follow a healthy sleep routine (Sleep early and wake up early). Make sure you sleep for 6-8 hours daily.
  2. Keep your body well hydrated. Drink water and fluids at short intervals.
  3. Maintain a healthy body weight.
  4. Avoid getting over stressed. Meditate and exercise regularly without fail.
  5. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.                  
    THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                  https://           

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