Monday, February 18, 2019

Why People With Thyroid Disease Feel Better Avoiding Gluten

Why go gluten free? There is a strong connection between gluten reactions and the thyroid. Some people will be able to completely put their conditions into remission by going gluten-free, while others may need to dig a bit deeper. The majority will feel exponentially better! 

Celiac disease often co-occurs with other autoimmune disorders, including lupus, Addison's disease, and Hashimoto's. Some new research suggests that everyone with an autoimmune condition has gluten sensitivity that is not always Celiac mediated.Everyone with Hashimoto's should eliminate gluten for two weeks to see if they see an improvement in symptoms. 

So what is Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and how does it relate to Hashimoto's?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition, where eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye causes the body to attack the lining of the small intestine. 

The attack on the intestines destroys the villi, which are delicate hair-like projections that cover the intestines and help to digest and absorb nutrients from food. 

This damage of the villi causes the person with celiac/gluten intolerance to become malnourished,no matter how much food he or she eats, because the body is not able to absorb the nutrients from the food that is consumed, as the villi also contain enzymes that help us digest our food. 

Celiac disease has been called the "great imitator" as people with celiac disease will often have many symptoms that mimic those of other diseases, and the symptoms may vary from person to person. Some people may have terrible diarrhea, others constipation, nausea, vomiting, acid reflux,weight loss, easy bruising, anemia, depression, hair loss, infertility. This is why Celiac disease goes undiagnosed for so long, it is often mistaken for other issues. Left undetected, people with celiac are more likely to develop intestinal cancer.

Tests For Gluten
The tests for celiac disease are also not perfect. The blood-screening test is very often negative in all but the most advanced cases. Additionally, traditional tests do not pick up gluten sensitivity, a newly described condition that can also contribute to autoimmunity. This is why eliminating gluten and other wheat containing products for at least three weeks, watching for improvement , and if unsure reintroducing to check for reactions,is the best and cheapest approach for most people. 

The damage to the intestinal lining also causes increased intestinal permeability. This intestinal permeability "leaky gut", allows food particles to enter into the blood stream where they are recognized as foreign substances by the immune system, and the body launches an immune attack every time those food are eaten. This can make eating extremely difficult and unpleasant, causing symptoms that may include diarrhea, heartburn, upset stomach, pain, nerve tingling...the intestinal permeability has been linked to other autoimmune conditions, and people with celiac disease are at risk of developing those as well...especially if they don't change their diet. 

A gluten free diet is necessary to heal the intestines and symptom resolution can be seen within 6 months to 2 year of following a strict gluten free diet. But healing takes time....and even a small amount of gluten can be a huge set-back. Other foods may also need to be eliminated during the healing process. 

All things containing wheat, barley, rye. Unfortunately harder than it sounds, as many processed foods contain some form of gluten/wheat as a stabilizing agent.

Always check labels on salad dressings, marinades, all BBQ sauces, soups, etc. 

Gluten must be completely avoided for healing and relief of symptoms, there is no such thing as partially gluten free.

Signs Of Improvement
May be seen within a few days for celiac patients, three months to two years for full healing. In those with gluten intolerance,improvement should be seen in two to three weeks, and healing within 6-8 weeks. 

 There is some preliminary evidence that celiac, which is more severe,is permanent, while gluten intolerance may be reversible

Some people may develop a secondary dairy intolerance due to the gluten -induced damage to the gut.

If not experiencing full relief from the gluten free diet, dairy avoidance may be indicated for 3-6 months. Many people regain ability to tolerate dairy after 6 months, however some will need to avoid it indefinitely.  

Goat dairy may be better tolerated in some cases. Camel milk is usually well tolerated.  

Many gluten free products, breads and cookies contain soy, which can be problematic for thyroid patients and worsen the autoimmune attack on the thyroid.

I believe that my thyroid condition became worse after eating soy containing gluten free products. My antibodies jumped!After 1 month off soy products, my anti-thyroid antibodies dropped form 800 to 380...


Some people with celiac may have profound damage to their intestinal villi and are not able to absorb certain nutrients. Nutrient supplementation will speed up the healing journey.  

The following are especially important to thyroid health-  
Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Iron,Selenium and Vitamin D supplements are often necessary.  

Supplements should be free of artificial additives, gluten and dairy. Even small amounts can be detrimental and interfere with absorption and deter healing. 

So what can you eat?

Meat, meat, all kinds of meat, all vegetables, all fruit, nuts, seeds, eggs. It is better to eat a nutrient dense diet.

Instead of          Eat
Pasta             Spaghetti squash 
Cow -Milk        Coconut milk 
Butter             Coconut butter 
Bread              Almond muffins

The info is from  thyroidpharmacist- thanks for sharing

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                  https://           

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