Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Body Odor, It May Be in Your Genes

magine showering all you can, using deodorant, essentially being squeaky clean, yet your body odor still resembles fish, or maybe even garbage.
about one-third of people who report such body odor may have the metabolic disorder trimethylaminuria (TMAU). And it may be a lot more common than previously believed, For some people, it's an unwelcome reality. It's called "fish odor syndrome. And it may be a lot more common than previously believed, about one-third of people who report such body odor may have the metabolic disorder trimethylaminuria (TMAU).

 It is not as uncommon as people may have thought. The good news is that once it is diagnosed, changes to your diet can all but eliminate this foul, fishy odor.

TMAU is a genetic disease. A specific, hereditary gene hinders the body's ability to break down trimethtylamine (TMA), which  
is found mainly in choline-rich foods such as:

  • Eggs
  • Wheat germ
  • Saltwater fish
  • Organ meats such as livers, brains, and hearts
  • Certain legumes
To put it bluntly, when excess TMA builds up in your body, you stink.  It's released via sweat, urine, and breath.
Levels of TMA and the odor it produces wax and wane based on what a person eats and when they eat it. Even in the most severe cases, you only have the odor when you eat choline foods such as refried beans and eggs.
This makes testing a challenge. What's more, there is no readily available test to measure levels of TMA in urine. But there are reportedly a few labs in the U.S. that can test for the condition.

Treating TMAU

The treatment is to avoid eating foods that are rich in choline.
In some cases, antibiotics may help. If you are attending a special event or wedding and know you will be eating and not watching what you eat, consider antibiotics.

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