Saturday, November 10, 2018

Various ways to use onions in treating and preventing health issues

Onion is one vegetable that is either loved by some or hated by some. It is extensively used in some cooking, including salads. Some feel eating onion makes you breath smell bad like eating garlic. Surely when it is properly cooked or even in salads when there is lime juice or other salad dressing, it overcomes its strong smell.

The impressive health benefits of onions include their ability to treat and prevent cancer, heart disorders, and diabetes. They also treat the common cold, asthma, bacterial infections, respiratory problems, angina and cough.

The antibacterial properties of onion include extensive anti-fungal applications, which have made it a household name in anti-fungal relief. Onion plants can be grown in well-drained and moist soil. You can even grow it in your backyard or garden to reap its health benefits. Onions form an important part of many culinary preparations in cuisines around the world and they are also known as ‘companion plants’, which means that they grow well around other vegetables and plants.

Onions have been known to possess curative value since ancient times. Even the WHO confirms that they are beneficial for people with a reduced appetite and those suffering from atherosclerosis. Health experts acknowledge the fact that onions provide great respite for patients with chronic asthma, allergic bronchitis, and common cold-related cough syndromes.

 Onions have many valuable medicinal applications because of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and organic compounds contained in them. These include the presence of sulfuric compounds and quercetin too. These vegetables also contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium,potassium, selenium, and phosphorus, and they are a good source of Vitamins C and  B 3 and dietary fibre too.

Health Benefits of Onions

Oral Care

Onions are often used to prevent tooth decay and oral infections. Chewing raw onions for 2 to 3 minutes can potentially kill all the germs present in the oral area and surrounding areas like the throat and lips.

Boost Immunity

The phytochemicals present in significant amounts in onions act as stimulants for vitamin C within the body. Vitamin C boosts your immune system by fighting against toxins and various foreign bodies that can lead to diseases and illness.

Treat Heart Ailments

Onions act as anticoagulants, also known as blood thinners, which prevent the red blood cells from forming clumps. According to a report by a Dr., that use of certain formulations of garlic and/or onion is positively linked to preventing and treating atherosclerotic disease. These blocks and clots can lead to heart disorders or cardiovascular diseases.

Manage Diabetes

Onions contain chromium, which is a relatively unusual mineral to be found naturally in food. Chromium helps the body manage blood sugar levels and ensures a slow, gradual release of glucose to the muscles and body cells. Furthermore, in a research published, it was found that onion juice, when given to diabetics along with their food, helped control hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) effectively. Therefore, eating them can help modulate the blood sugar levels, which is vital for diabetic patients.

Used as Insect Repellent

You can apply onion juice to reduce the pain caused by honeybee stings. Fresh onion juice or paste can be used for external applications on insect bites and scorpion stings. The smell of onions also causes insects to flee, which is why they can be used as insect repellents as well as a form of sting treatment.

Prevent Cancer

Onions are rich in active compounds that successfully inhibit the development and spread of cancerous cells. They have a significant amount of quercetin, which is a very powerful antioxidant, consistently linked to the prevention or reduction of the spread of cancer. Studies published showed that consumption of vegetables like onions and garlic which belong to the Allium family help prevent cancers, particularly cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.
Vitamin C, present in onions, is also a strong antioxidant that can reduce the presence and impact of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are the chemical by-products of cellular metabolism, and they can cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous cells. Therefore, any food rich in antioxidants, which neutralize these free radicals, is beneficial for everyone.

Relieve Earaches

A few drops of onion juice may prove immensely beneficial to individuals suffering from an acute earache. The ringing sound in the ear may be cured by applying onion juice through a piece of cotton wool.

Skin Care

Onion juice mixed with honey or olive oil is said to be the best treatment for treating symptoms or signs of acne. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature, so the active compounds can reduce the redness and swelling that is commonly associated with skin conditions like acne. Onions also help reduce the associated pain and inflammation of conditions like gout and arthritis.

Treat Cough

Consuming an equal mixture of onion juice and honey can relieve sore throats and coughing symptoms. I've been making my own cough syrup, for which I finely chop an onion, then in a small container with a lid, I put a layer of onion, then sugar, repeat layers like that, if you've apple cider vinegar, you can add that too. Keep sipping the syrup that comes, you can add more sugar/ honey and ACV. I found this cough syrup works better than store bought, as the sulfur helps to relieve the inflammation and open your

Boost Sexual Drive

Onions are said to increase the urge for a healthy sex life. One tablespoon of onion juice along with one spoonful of ginger  juice, taken three times a day, can boost libido and sex drive.

Treat Anemia

Even anemic conditions can be improved by eating onions along with jaggery( molasses) and water because this adds to the mineral content of the body, especially iron, which is an essential part of producing new red blood cells. Therefore, anemia, also known as iron deficiency, can be prevented by including onion in your diet.
Relieve Stomach Aches

Onions have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can relieve an upset stomach and related gastric syndromes. This is due to the saponins that are found in them. These saponins have anti-spasmodic capabilities, which ensure that stomach disturbances do not continue and that your bowels are clear and smoothly functioning.

Treat Urinary Disorders

For those suffering  from a burning sensation during urination, onions can provide considerable relief. People suffering from this condition should drink boiled water with 6 to 7 grams of onions.
According to experts, onions have long been used for treating various diseases such as tumors, persistent cough, and cold. Medical practitioners consider this plant form as a perfect home remedy for relieving various metabolic disorders and diseases. Researchers further state that onion consumption can even help in the prevention of stomach and breast cancer.

Relieve Asthma

Medical studies have revealed that these sulfuric compounds stop biochemical chain formations that possibly lead to asthmatic conditions. The sulfuric content of onions facilitates the melting of phlegm in a patient suffering from severe coughing. Fresh onion juice is recommended for patients, who have lost consciousness, because of its aroma and inhalant qualities, which can induce immediate vigor and energy.

For soothing a baby. Onion tea can relax muscles and settle the baby’s stomach with ease.

To fight hair loss. In home medicine, onions are used for hair care. Its antibacterial properties help to cope with dandruff, stop hair loss and promote their growth. Just make a decoction of onion peel and apply it to the hair before each washing.

To clear up Chest Congestion. Onion is one of the best products to relieve congestion in the chest. It contains quercetin and sulfur, both of which help to loosen and eliminate mucus from the chest, facilitate breathing and provide relief from congestion in the chest.

Heal cuts. Onions are very useful for healing of small wounds, cuts, skin cracks. You can disinfect a small wound or cut, and also speed up the healing process.

Soothe bug bites. Onions have anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties that make it an excellent remedy for pain and irritation after an insect bite. Just apply pieces of onion to the affected areas of the skin from time to time to get rid of discomfort and speed up the healing process. Also, onion juice can lubricate the skin to scare off annoying mosquitoes and wasps.

Fighting Nausea. Regular consumption of onions in food will help to normalize and improve the digestion. The fact is that onions contain soluble fiber, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and also helps prevent and cope with diarrhea. In addition, lovers of this vegetable are much less likely to suffer from a stomach ulcer.

For sore throat. Cook the onion husks in water and add honey to soften the sore throat. Remove the husks before taking the drink.

Purifying the air using onions. Onion perfectly absorbs toxic odors. Just cut the bulb into several pieces, put it on a plate and leave it in a room where there is an unpleasant smell and soon there will be no trace left of it. In addition, onion perfectly kills bacteria, so its pieces can be laid out around the apartment during periods of epidemics.

Treating sunburns. In order to avoid inflammation after a sunburn, massage the necessary skin areas with a slice of fresh onion. The sulfur compounds contained in it will speed up all regeneration processes and reduce burning and redness.

To reduce fever. This is the best solution for high body temperature. Put onion slices in socks as a treatment for high body temperature. You will be surprised seeing the results.

Treat diabetes to a degree. Eating sambar( small) onion by diabetics is more than justified. It helps to increase the level of insulin in the blood and reduces blood sugar level.

To prevent catching cold and fever- Cut a big onion into several pieces and put in a small container and keep it in the room where you spend maximum amount of time. At first, it will irritate your eyes, then you'ld get used to it. Let the container with onion remain in the room for 4-5 days, if it turns black, it means, it has absorbed all the bad bacteria. Then without touching throw it in the bin. I've using this to prevent getting fever and cold and has found it works. You ought to do before you get fever or cold, at the first symptoms you should cut an onion and keep. This is the reason, they say, never cut an onion and keep for long before you use in cooking, as it absorbs the bacteria.

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