Monday, October 29, 2012



What is horse gram?

It is a dark brown lentil which round and flattened in shape. 

Horse gram is known to have many therapeutic effects but not 

scientifically proven though it has been recommended in 

ayurvedic  medicine to treat renal stones, piles, edema etc. It 

is rich in iron, calcium molybdenum, polyphenols which have 

high antioxidant capacity, and hemagluttinin which is a 

substance found in antibodies and autoimmune functions.

Horse gram is known by different names all over the world, it 

is called, Kollu in South India, Cowpea in English, Kulti in 

Hindi, Habbul Kulth in Arabic, Kulatha Kalai in Sanskrit, 

Bian Dou in ChineseBonnavista Bean and alsoHyacinth 



  • It is known for its excellent diuretic and astringent .
  • Ayurveda uses horse gram to treat a variety of conditions 
  • ranging from rheumatism to worm removal, treating 
  • Conjuctivitis and piles.
  • Another great benefit of horse gram is its use in extracting 
  • phlegm. When suffering with cough, phlegm is a hard thing 
  • to get rid of. Taking horse gram water can eliminate the 
  • phlegm and give relief.
  • Taking horse gram powder  in a little bit of water regularly, 
  • helps in treating and controlling skin rashes and boils.
  • Horse gram liquid is also used to regulate fever.
  • It has phenols which helps in reducing weight
  • Horse gram also helps in lowering cholesterol levels
  • Lipids extracted from horse gram have shown to help with 
  • peptic ulcer in an study related rats.
  • It also helps in reducing flatulence
Its use in the diet is good for women as their menstruation is 


Drinking the semi liquid mixture of powdered horse gram and 

powdered black pepper cures sore throat.

The use of horse gram in the diet relieves the pain of dry piles.

Medicinal uses

1. Drinking semi liquid solution of horse gram powder cures 


2. If horse beans mixed with powdered dry ginger, asafoetida 

and "veed salt" is taken it cures the pain of the stomach.

3. If it is used in food it cures disease of the stomach.

4. If the water in which horse gram had been soaked for the 

whole night (and is mashed in the same water in the morning) 

is taken daily, taken twice then it cures "stones".

5. The use of horse gram in the diet relieves the pain of dry 


6. Drinking the semi liquid mixture of powdered horse gram 

and powdered black pepper cures sore throat.

7. Its use in the diet is good for women as their menstruation is 



 Horse gram is considered to have curative properties in 

helping with menstruation problems. Specially women with 

irregular periods and excess bleeding can benefit by taking 

horse gram water regularly or adding horse gram soup or 

sprouts to your daily diet. It is recommended in stopping heavy 

bleeding after pregnancy. In Ayurvedic medicine, women are 

recommended to take 1 teaspoon of horse gram powder every 



Kidney stones are a painful condition and caused due to 

deposits of Oxalates. Taking a diet with low amounts of 

calcium and phosphorus is recommended if you have kidney 

stones. Horse gram is recommended for treating kidney stones 

in India.  Soak about 4 teaspoons of Horse gram in 

approximately 1.5 cups of water overnight and drink the water 

in the water on an empty stomach the next morning. You can 

add the same amount of water to the  horse gram again and let 

it soak and can drink the water in the afternoon and repeat this 

and drink in the evening as well.  Taking horse gram water this 

way for 2-3 months will help in completely eliminating the 

kidney stones. The horse gram water has diuretic properties  

and  dissolves the kidney stones. Diuretics increase the 

elimination of water from the body. 

How to grow Horse Gram Sprouts?

One way to eat Horse gram is in the form of Sprouts. You can 
add the Horse gram sprouts to salads or eat the sprouts by 
themselves by adding a little salt, cumin, lemon, finely minced 
onions and cilantro. It is fairly easy to grow sprouts from any 
legumes. Soak the desired amount of Horse gram in a wide 
bowl completely submerged in water. Once the Horse gram is 
soft when you bite on the legume, drain the water, rinse and put 
them in a very thin cotton cloth, a cheese cloth works the best. 
Keep the cloth damp and put it away in a dark place overnight. 
Usually by the end of the second day you will see small sprouts 
coming up. You can grow the sprouts to whatever length you 
desire and then add to them any dish. Make sure the seeds are 
soaked well and have enough air if you are putting them in a 
jar(keep the lid a slightly open). Don't let the seeds ferment bu 
soaking them too long. Sprouts are high in Vitamin A, 
Thiamine, vitamin C, iron and potassium. Sprouting them also 
helps in reducing the production of gas which helps in digesting 
them much better than the dried horse gram.

  • Horse gram can cause an excess of bile production 

  • It should not be eaten by pregnant women.

  • People suffering with tuberculosis and plethora should avoid 
  • horse gram

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