Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Healing Walk:

The Healing Walk:

1) Think of any issue that is troubling you and give it an intensity rating from 0-10 based on how much stress or anxiety it creates when you think about it in the present. 

(2) Take a walk in a place you like. Let your arms swing freely as you walk. Keep your mind on the issue, without trying to find any solution. Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling. 

(3) Whenever the mind wanders, which it prob(1ably will, gently bring it back to the present and to the inner feelings surrounding the issue you have chosen. While walking, sometimes you may spontaneously get insights into your situation that had not occurred to you before. The more present you are, the more likely they are to come. 

(4) After ten to twenty minutes, shift your attention to gratitude. Focus on all that is good and beneficial and supportive in your life. More than thinking about it, focus on the inner feelings of gratitude as you continue walking. Fill your whole being with this gratitude.

(5) Complete your walk with bright present moment awareness. Let the sights, the sounds, the smells, the thoughts, the feelings, the walker, and the walking itself all merge into just one flow now. 

(6) Rate your feelings on this issue from 0-10 again. You are likely to notice a significant reduction in your stress levels and feel more at ease. Even if there is no clear reduction, don't be discouraged, just keep walking in this way everyday for half an hour or more and you will certainly return to clarity, strength and peace. 

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