Sunday, January 15, 2012

Too much sugar not good for health ?

When you eat more sugar than your body can burn, it messes up your proteins. For instance, it stops one from delivering oxygen to your tissues. Then your liver repackages excess sugar into fat & dumps into your bloodstream, where it clogs up your arteries.

there is strong evidence that frequent, large doses of sugar are toxic t certain cells, causing damage that leads to cancer. One e.g., people who eat a sugar-heavy diet are 70 % more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those who shun sweet stuff.

Too many sweets accelerate skin aging because sugar is attracted to collagen proteins. Normally, collagen keep skin elastic, supple & well-supported. But when collagen hooks up with sugar, it can't do its job properly. You face ends up looking a bit like a pumpkin.

Too much sweets, also tends to increase your cancer or it spreading, as cells get attracted to it & spread faster.

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