Thursday, October 28, 2021

When is the aedes mosquitoes bite more likely to bite; preventive care tips to keep dengue infection at bay

How to prevent and spot a dengue infection

Over the past weeks, there's been an incessant rise in the number of dengue cases being reported across the countries. While the erratic monsoons and seasonal changes are major reasons behind the rise, dengue cases are also becoming severe, because of the newer variants in circulation.

Nonetheless, while we do not have a vaccine ready for use, what really plays a crucial role is to prevent the dengue infection from spreading in the first place and mitigate possible risks. But how can you identify what exactly is a dengue mosquito?

The dengue virus, spreads through the virus infected aedes aegypti mosquito bites. With an infection as such, which spreads primarily via mosquito bites, it can be incredibly hard to distinguish between a normal mosquito bite and dengue mosquito bite. Having said that, we provide some possible clues, and help educate you about how a dengue infection can start to spread, and avoid the risk:

When do mosquitoes tend to bite the most?

The dengue mosquitoes also tend to be the most active during the daytime, and it is said that the most likely chances of infection happen during the morning and afternoon hours. As per studies, the mosquito is most active during the daytime, approximately two hours after sunrise and several hours before sunset. However, rarely though, they can also happen to bite people post sunset.

Another stark feature for these dengue bites is the place where the mosquito bites a person. With dengue, it is said that the infected mosquitoes target body parts like around the ankles, elbows. It should also be remembered that a single bite of the mosquito is enough to infect an individual and span across symptoms. 

Is there something peculiar about dengue mosquito bites?

As confusing as it could be, not every mosquito bite can, or could cause dengue right now. Dengue infection is particularly spread by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and they mostly surge during tropical climates, and cannot survive during winters.

One possible recognition sign of the dengue causing virus could be dark and white coloured markings on the lower half of the body, and the legs. While the dengue-spreading viruses lay eggs in places which have water, what's also peculiar about them is that only the female dengue viruses are capable of biting humans (and animals) and causing the infection. 

Are there ways to differentiate between mosquito bites?

Identifying or differentiating between mosquito bites, more so after they have bitten a person can be vague and difficult. While prevention really is the best way to avoid catching a seasonal infection like dengue, if a mosquito bites you, it is said that the bite area can appear more starkly red, and itchier than a usual mosquito bite.

When do the symptoms start to show up?

The incubation period of the dengue virus, i.e. the time between the mosquito bite to the infection happening in the body is taken to be 4-10 days. However, experts say that the symptoms can show up anywhere after that, and cause different signs and symptoms, depending on your risk factors, age and pre-existing illnesses.

With dengue fever, there's also severity associated with the current DENV-2 strain of the virus. Just as crucial it is to take note of possible signs of worsening, knowing, and acting on early signs can prompt the right diagnosis. The most common early signs of the infection include:

-High fever, usually more than 103 degrees Fahrenheit

-Body aches

-Chills, weakness and fatigue

-Joint and bone pain

-Pain in the belly and abdomen

-Rashes, redness in the eyes

-Nausea and vomiting

What are the preventive care tips one can follow?

It should be remembered that dengue remains to be an infection best fought with preventive care, and can be completely avoided as long as there's good hygiene practices being followed. To protect yourself during the current rampant dengue season, here are a few things which should be done at the earliest:

-Clean and disinfect standing water sources and avoid water stagnation.

-Replace water in pots, stands, bird feeders every day.

-Try and wear full sleeved clothes to avoid exposing yourself to mosquitoes

-Make use of mosquito repellants

-Use essential oils, repellants, sprays and nets to avoid mosquitoes at home

-Spruce up your immunity and follow a proper diet and lifestyle.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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