Doing household chores cramping your muscles? 5 stretches to help you relieve sore muscles
lockdown is probably making all of you do tasks which was seldom done
by you before. Be it cooking, washing utensils, sweeping the house or
dusting, all these tasks require us to utilise muscles which were not
used on a regular basis. Using less used muscles on a regular basis
makes them sore initially and might hurt for 3-4 days.
Here are a few stretches you can do in order to soothe sore muscles:
Here are a few stretches you can do in order to soothe sore muscles:
Side lunge
pose will help in stretching your hip flexors and legs. Just stand
firmly with your feet on the ground. Separate your feet and bend towards
the left side. Keep going to the point you can maintain your balance
and stop. Hold the position for a while and come back to the original
position. This will help in giving your legs a good stretch and also
ease their soreness.
Seated forward fold
Butterfly pose
this pose, just sit on the ground with your legs folded in a way that
your soles touch each other. You should be able to form a triangle with
your legs. Now slowly bend forward and let your head bend downwards as
your go forward. Hold the position for 10 seconds and come back to the
original position. Also known as groin stretch, this pose will help in
soothing your legs, back and neck muscles.
Cobra pose
Cobra pose
amazing stretch for your back as well as abs, cobra pose will help in
relaxing your upper body. Just keep your palms on the ground and bend
upwards. Your legs should be straight backwards, and spine should be
blended. Look forward and keep your arms straight on the ground. Feel
the stretch for 15-20 seconds and then relax. Cobra pose will soothe
your arms, shoulders, chest, abs and back muscles.
Seated spinal twist
best stretch to provide relief to your back is seated spinal twist.
Just sit on the ground and bring your left foot to the inner thigh. Now
keep the right foot on the outside of left thigh. Now, without moving
your legs, twist to the right side using your back. This twist will help
in relaxing the tensed muscles in the back and buttocks.