Thursday, January 16, 2020

Five foods that can help fight cancer

A healthy diet is key to healthy and happy life. What you eat can also affect your health and increase or decrease your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.Scientists believe that a balanced diet can help reduce the risk of cancer by up to 70 percent and it may also support the healing process from cancer treatments too. Many foods contain beneficial compounds that could help reduce cancer growth. People with cancer are recommended to follow a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. They also need to their intake of sugar, caffeine, salt, processed foods and alcohol.Several studies have shown that a higher intake of certain foods could lower risk of the disease.Here are five foods that may be capable of reducing the risk of certain cancers. Make sure to add these cancer-fighting foods to your grocery list in the New Year.

1. Broccoli--Sulforaphane, a major component of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, might be a powerful cancer-fighting agent. Studies have shown that sulforaphane might be able to shrink the size of tumors and also reduce the risk of colon and colorectal cancers.

2.Carrots--While carrots have been linked with eye health because of their high vitamin A content, studies show that they might reduce the risk of stomach cancer by nearly 26 percent and prostate cancer by 18 percent. Other studies have also noted that smokers who didn’t include carrots in their diet were thrice as likely to develop lung cancer when compared to their peers who ate carrots.

3. Cinnamon- Known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to regulate blood sugar levels, cinnamon might help prevent the spread of cancer cells too. Studies showed that it may curtail the multiplication of cancer cells and reduce the size of tumors associated with head and neck cancers. 

4. Beans--Researchers have found that a couple of servings of cooked, dried beans might help reduce the risk of colon cancer and its recurrence. Studies conducted on animals found that beans were 75 percent successful in stopping the development of cancer cells.

5. Nuts--A handful of nuts may be good for heart health, but it looks like they may also provide protection from some types of cancer. A study that observed over 30,000 individuals for almost three decades found that those who consumed nuts consistently had a considerably reduced risk of developing pancreatic, endometrial and colorectal cancers.

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