Sunday, January 27, 2019

Silent killers

Certain medical conditions can be very frightening, they're common, at times over-looked until it is too late to intervene. Such missed diagnosis are often referred as " silent killer".  Some of them are asymptomatic, unless one is speicifially screened for it. Some symptoms are misunderstood or attributed to aging.
There are ways to avoid these conditions. For some, there are treatments available, if one is affected by it.
1) Heart disease
It is the No.1 killer in many countries. Though most of us are aware of the warning  signs, many of the signs are subtle and easy to miss. Women have different symptoms than men. Sadly many are unaware of what symptoms may indicate a risk.
How to avoid
Heart diseases carries many risk factors, only few are in your control. Genetics play a role, as other related conditions. To reduce your risk of hart disease, make sure that you exercise daily, eat a healthy diet, with enough fibre, healthy fats, more fruits and veges. Get you cholesterol levels checked, go for physical exam, find out from your cardio the various signs that your heart can be in trouble.

2) Hypertension- high BP
Hypertension/ high bP can be easily missed if you;re not the person likely to go to a Dr. to get yourself examined or check it at home. Many people who have hypertension don't have any symptoms initially.
How to avoid
If one isn't sure what is causing it, it can be difficult to avoid it. Be aware of lifestyle risk factors by quit smoking, manage stress, make some dietary changes and regular exercise. Reduce your salt intake, avoid pickles and processed foods, as they're high in salt. Try using other seasonings like lime juice, other spices and masala powders.

Most people feel they know everything about type 2 diabetes. But quite a few things are unknown- many people don't exhibit any symptoms, so it goes undiagnosed. This ultimately results in their death.
How to prevent
To prevent, one has to follow a very strict diet and exercise. One has to make some lifestyle changes, quit smoking, reduce alcohol intake. Genetics is one factor which one can't avoid, but by following strict diet regimen, exercising, meditation, can still lead a healthy life. Eat lots of veggies, don't drink fruit juices, better to eat a whole fruit to get fibre. Include probiotics in each meal. Avoid fast foods, eat less salt, as extra salt leads to more pressure on the arterial walls, leading to coronary artery disease.

4) Cancer
When a tumour forms, there aren't any visible symptoms in the earlier stages in most tumours. That is why, if there are changes in your system- bowel movements, bloating, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, abnormal urinary problems, changes in the breasts, pelvic pain, pain or bleeding during intercourse, feeling full quickly.
Certain lifestyle changes like quit smoking, alcohol, tobacco in all its forms, environmental factors are also responsible, some are genetics, over-exposure to radiation. Try to maintain a healthy weight, include fibre rich foods, exercise regularly. Visit your doctor the moment you find any abnormal changes, as early detection of cancer is mostly curable.

Hepatitis B and C are silent killers to many people around the world. Some may not they are infected, if they've strong immune system, but can pass it on to others through sex, blood transfusion and those who have weak immune system fall a prey to the disease. These forms of hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver, if left untreated, it can lead ti liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and eventually death.
To prevent hepatitis B, you'ld get vaccinated. Vaccination is effective in 95 % of the cases. There is unforutnately no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C, but to reduce your riak don't share injection needles, razors, use condoms to be sure if you;re not sure if either of you're infected.

6) Obstructive sleep apnea
It can occur when the upper respiratory tract is blocked during sleep, eithe obstructing or completely blocking air flow. Most people wake up as a result due to signals sent to the brain to restore breathing, but many are not aware that sleep apnea caused the disruption to their sleep.
Drinking alcohol, smoking should be given up, as it can increase your risk of sleep apnea. Eat healthy diet, exercise, do breathing exerrcises too. Some signs of sleep apnea include loud snoring, excessive fatigue after waking, trouble concentrating, waking up frequently throughout the night. Please consult your physician, you may be asked to use a CPAP, a machine that gives you continuous flow of air throughout the night.

7) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease ( COPD)
CPD is used to describe progressive and incurable lung disease. Though they can't be cured, many of these diseases can be managed with effective treatment. Some of the more common such diseases include emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma. People with COPD are always breathless.
COPD is caused by inhaling pollutants. They can be environmental or due to smoking. If one is a smoker, best is to quit the habit at once. Others would need to use inhalers, nebulisers, do breathing exercises, reduce weight if obese.

8) Fatty live disease
This can be due to alcohol (ALD) or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). People who are habitual drinkers can get ALD without experiencing any outward symptoms. As the disease worsens, the person is at greater risk of getting alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis. People with NAFLD also often don't show any symptoms and may not be heavy drinkers. It is linked to hypertension, high cholesterol. Poor diet and other lifestyle factors increases person's risk of NAFLD.
It is simple, quit alcohol completely, it is for ALD. For NAFLD, it is complicated, as one has to keep their hypertension and high cholesterol under control As these tow also leads to heart disease. No alcohol, healthy heart friendly diet, regular exercise.

9) Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Blood clots can be dangerous.  DVT occurs when a lot forms in a deep vein in the legs or thigh. If the clot becomes loose and it travels up it causes pulmonary embolism, which involves serious lung damage. Sadly, only few people with DVT experience any symptoms. That is the reason, now, if you're frequent flyer, it is advised that you keep moving your legs often, keep walking in between, so the blood flow happens better.
Recent surgeries or minor injuries can increase your risk of  DVT. Talk to your doctor nefore and after any procedure to ensure you're prepared for any possible risk. Movement for instance can help circulation better. If you're prone to sitting for long time, then keep your legs raised for the circulation to happen easier.

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                        
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