Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Nutritional Benefits of Sweet Potato

1. Prevent Vitamin A deficiency
Sweet potatoes are abundant in beta-carotene and Vitamin A, which is essential in helping the body fight-off infections and be resistant to infections.

2.Help manage diabetes !
Sweet potatoes are categorized as low on the glycemic index and many studies have revealed that it can minimise the occurence of insulin resistance and low blood sugar levels, as well as high blood sugar in people who are diabetics. The low GI means, it releases sugar into the bloodstream slowly unlike other starchy foods. This steady release helps in controlling blood sugar levels of diabetics.
Sweet potatoes contain essential fibres and magnesium that are critical in the prevention and management of diabetes. Both these help to control diabetes.

3. Manage stress levels.
It contains a significant amount of magnesium, which is an essential mineral for normal body functioning. One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Low or deficiency of magnesium increases depression. Magnesium has been found to reduce insomnia in older adults. Insomnia is a trigger for stress, depression and anxiety.

4. It has anti-inflammatory properties
It has a good amount of anti-inflammatory properties, especially the purple variant of sweet potato. It also had good amount of choline, which reduces inflammatory responses in the body resulting in less inflammation.
Extract of purple sweet potato contains anthocyanins, which prevents inflammation in colon cancer cells as well as reduction of cell proliferation in specific cancer cells.

5. Protects, prevents and manages cancer
Purple sweet potato is more effective in fight against cancer.It has elements that are able to inhibit growth of specific cancers- breast, gastric, and colon cancers, by inducing the cell death of these cancer cells. Ths high anthocyanin is beleived to be behind anti-cancer activities when it comes to gastroc and breast cancer.
Other studies have shown that extracts of different parts of sweet potato can induce cell death in prostate cancer cells,making sure that cancer doesn't recur or spread. This is due to their high polyphenol content.
Carotenoids are also effective in reducing the risk of men becoming afflicted with prostate cancer. Beta-carotene has been found to be effective in preventing and reducing the risks of people developing colorectal cancer.

6. Guard against ulcers
An ulcer occurs when an inflamed tissue is shed from the mucous membrane or from the skin, and it can be quite painful. Studies on the extracts from sweet potatoes have shown that the vegetable has chemicals that can help heal wounds and ulcers in the stomach. Thus, dietary consumption of sweet potatoes can be an effective treatment plan against major types of ulcers including ethanol and aspirin-induced ulcers.

7. Minimizes the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Oxidation in the body results in complications such as atherosclerosis, which in turn can lead to the development of a number of cardiovascular diseases. Leaf extracts from sweet potatoes were tested and scientists found that the high levels of polyphenols in the leaf extracts were able to suppress oxidation in humans, decreasing the chances of development of cardiovascular disease.

Other scientific studies have shown that the high levels of anthocyanin in the purple-fleshed sweet potato contributed to the vegetable’s ability to reduce the chances of coronary disease .

In addition, sweet potatoes contain soluble dietary fibers, which have been strongly linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases .

8. Contain antimicrobial properties

Sweet potatoes and their extracts possess antimicrobial activities, which can be used in the prevention and treatment of a variety of bacterial pathogens and infections.

9.  Sweet potato can help improve hair and skin

Sweet potatoes contain high levels of Vitamin A, C, and E, all of which are useful in the promotion of proper skin and hair health. These vitamins are useful in repairing skin that is damaged due to exposure to UV light. The vitamins also slow down the cell aging process in the skin helping you retain a youthful look for longer. In addition, vitamin E is especially useful in the prevention and treatment of alopecia, and maintaining good hair health.

10. Sweet potatoes are good for digestion

Sweet potatoes contain large amounts of fibers, which have long been known for improving the health of the gut as well as digestion. The high fiber content of the sweet potatoes can also aid in preventing constipation in both children and adults.

11. Help in regulating blood pressure

Sweet potatoes can help in controlling blood pressure because they are rich in both magnesium and potassium. Studies have shown that a higher intake of potassium results in a decrease in blood pressure , which then significantly reduces the chance of an individual developing a stroke or a coronary problem.

Magnesium is also considered an effective dietary component in the prevention of hypertension, as well as its reduction in both pregnant and non-pregnant patients. In addition, other studies have found that magnesium deficiency in the body increases the risk factors for the development of hypertension.

12. Help boost fertility

The high doses of Vitamin A in sweet potatoes makes the vegetable ideal for consumption by women of childbearing age to enhance their fertility. Studies on animal models have shown that Vitamin A plays an integral role in improving reproductive performance (45). Research has also shown that a deficiency in Vitamin A can lead to secondary infertility in women of childbearing age (46).

Sweet potatoes also contain a healthy dose of iron , which is a crucial mineral in promoting fertility in women of childbearing age. Reports indicate that anaemia, or iron deficiency, is a cause of infertility among women . These reports have shown that treating the iron deficiency by increasing dietary intake of iron usually results in women being able to conceive a few months to a year after the treatment. Other studies have found that an increase in dietary iron intake reduces the risk of ovulatory infertility.

13. They are important for good vision

Sweet potatoes contain a lot of vitamin A, and most of us know that vitamin A is good for our vision, but we may not know in exactly which way the vitamin improves our vision. Studies have shown that the vitamin is essential in the formation of the pigments responsible for light absorption. In addition, vitamin A is also essential in maintaining the proper structure of the retina. A deficiency of vitamin A can result in poor vision, and in some instances blindness. Deficiency in the vitamin can also lead to night blindness.

Furthermore, other eye diseases including the dryness of the cornea, the ulceration of the cornea, and conjunctiva, have also been linked to a deficiency in vitamin A.

Sweet potatoes are also a significant source of both Vitamin C and E. A study  showed that there was a significant relationship between Vitamin C deficiency and the development of cataracts . Other studies have found that both vitamin C and E could be effective in the fight against oxidative stress, which most often leads to eye cataracts .

14. Helps in weight management

Sweet potatoes contain soluble and fermentable fiber that increase satiety and offers the body a natural, self-sustaining mechanism for body weight regulation . Studies have shown that one of the major soluble dietary fibers in sweet potatoes, pectin, is effective at reducing food intake , reducing weight gain, and also increasing the activity of satiety hormones in the body.

Scientific studies have also shown that a higher intake of fibers is strongly correlated to reduced body weight. An increase in consumption of sweet potatoes will result in an increase in fiber intake, which will in turn, lead to a lower body weight.

15. Sweet potatoes are also memory-enhancing foods

Studies have shown that the anthocyanin contained in the purple sweet potato possess memory enhancing properties . The underlying belief here is that the antioxidant properties of the anthocyanins are what make sweet potatoes memory enhancing agents.

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