Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Some Risky Heart Health Myths

Most people imagine they would know when they are having a 
heart attack. It would be difficult not to recognize symptoms of 
"the big one" – sweating, soreness in the left arm, and sudden, 
disabling chest pain.
But that’s not always the case. Sometimes the signs are much 
more subtle or mimic other conditions.
As with any health issue, knowledge is power. And when your 
heart is on the line, you need all the power you can get.
So here are six major heart health myths and the reality behind 

Myth #1: I would know if I had high blood pressure or 

high cholesterol.

Not unless you get a blood pressure or cholesterol test. That's 
the only way to know if you have high blood pressure 
(hypertension) or unhealthy cholesterol levels.
Risk factors are usually silent, meaning they have no obvious 
associated symptoms.
Hypertension is the silent killer, you are not going to know you 
have it. When high blood pressure presents as a symptom like 
headaches or renal failure, it is more difficult to control at that 
stage. Early treatment is essential to preventing end organ 
damage, which is often irreversible.
The same goes for high cholesterol. A person can be thin and 
in good shape and still have high cholesterol.

Myth #2: Heart disease treats men and women the same.

Heart disease can affect the sexes very differently.
This begins with symptoms. Although many people experience 
the classic "elephant sitting on the chest" sensation when they 
have a heart attack, there are also less traditional symptoms, 
and they are more common among women.
In 2003, a study published  examined the symptoms that 515 
women, (average age 66), had experienced before having a 
heart attack. The researchers found that for at least one month 
prior to the acute event 70% of the women experienced  
unusual fatigue, and nearly 50% had weakness, sleep 
disturbance, or shortness of breath. What's more, 43% of the 
women felt no chest pain at the time of their heart attack 
Nausea and/or indigestion can also be unusual (atypical) 
symptoms forewarning a heart attack.
Men can have less classic symptoms, but there is a higher 
prevalence with these in women. Older women tend to present 
more like men, with the classic chest pain, which is still the 
overwhelming symptom of a heart attack.
Putting all of this in context is important. Not all unusual 
symptoms mean you have heart disease. But if you have risk 
factors, pay attention to how you feel. New or changing 
symptoms, even if not typical, could be a sign of problems with 
the ticker.

Myth #3: Younger Women Aren't at Risk

One of the most common myths is that women still tend to think 
they are not vulnerable to heart disease. They think it is a 
disease of older women and men. So women in their 40s and 
50s still believe they are safe.
But heart disease is the No. 1 killer of U.S. women, causing 
more than 460,000 deaths annually, not all of which are among 
the elderly.        
Risk factors that contribute to heart disease -- including 
obesity, Type II diabetes, and hypertension -- are showing up 
earlier now in women. As these factors become more common 
at a younger age, heart disease may follow.    
On average, there tends to be a 10-year gap in the age at 
which heart attacks occur in men and women.  Men are more 
likely to get them in their mid-50s and women in their mid-60s.      
This age difference could be due, in part, to oestrogen. It is 
said that  nitrogen has a complex role in the prevention of heart 
disease, but exactly how it works isn't clear.

Myth #4: Exercise is too risky if you have heart disease.

This is almost always false.
After a coronary event, such as a heart attack, people are 
typically encouraged to get right into rehabilitation and start 
working out within a two-week period.
There are really very few people who have significant long-term 
restrictions in terms of never doing exercise.
It is said that exercise reduces the progression of heart 
disease, and makes people with heart disease less likely to 
have a first or recurrent heart attack.
It is recommended starting with 10 minutes of exercise daily 
and increasing it weekly by 10 minutes until they are getting at 
least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days. But your 
doctor should give you guidelines tailored to your particular 

 Myth #5: Aspirin and Omega-3 fatty Acids Are All Good

Most people have heard that aspirin and omega-3 fatty acids 
are good deterrents to heart disease. For the most part, this is 
true, but there are some caveats to their protective benefits.
Dr. recommends taking aspirin for prevention at age 50 for 
men and 65 for women if there are no contraindications.
Aspirin can exacerbate stomach problems and some people 
can have aspirin allergies. Every supplement and medication 
has pros and cons. A young woman’s risk of excessive 
bleeding from taking aspirin may be greater than its potential 
heart benefits.
Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for people who 
have already had a heart issue and are trying to prevent 
another. Dr. recommends eating fatty fish at least twice a week 
or taking up to three grams of omega-3 fatty acids in the form 
of a daily supplement. The Dr. cautions that higher doses can 
cause excessive bleeding in some people.
Aspirin and omega-3 fatty acids both can cut the risk of blood 
clots, such as those that lead to heart attacks. But you don't 
want to curb your clotting ability too much, or you could be at 
risk of excessive bleeding.
Talk with your doctor before taking any kind of medication or 
supplement. And if you're already taking something, tell your 
doctor. Your doctor needs to note it in your medical records 
and may advise you to stop if you have surgery scheduled.

Myth #6: Once I Have Heart Disease, That's It

Absolutely not. There has been research showing that in some 
cases you may be able to undo the damage -- and that your 
lifestyle is a crucial part of turning the tide.
Exercising, eating a healthy diet containing fruits and 
vegetables, limiting processed foods, not smoking, and 
avoiding second-hand smoke can go a long way toward heart 
disease prevention.
"It is never too late" to treat heart disease. Small lifestyle 
changes are key factors in preventing heart disease and 
controlling risk factors."

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