Vitamin D 3 deficiency
Normally in winter, as there is hardly any Sun light, most people face the problem of Vitamin D 3 deficiency. We all know that this Vit. is very essential for the absorption of calcium. It protects us from brittle bones, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, certain cancers & more.
Here are some foods that are a good source of this Vitamin.
Canned salmon has 500 IU of D in 3 ounces.
Canned tuna’s good too- 200 IU in 3 ounces.
Each glass of D-enriched OL & non-fat milk adds another IU.
Take a supplement, swallow 1,000 IUs of D 3 a day, 1,200 after the age of 60. taking it with Omega 3s boosts absorption.
The only way to know if you’re low on D3, is through blood test. If it is below 50, adjust & recheck in 3 months.
Advantages- adults with the highest D3 have the fewest “cardio metabolic disorders”, a cluster of nastier that include heart disease, diabetes & metabolic syndrome.
Labels: blood tests, brittle bones, cancers, Deficiency, diabetes, heart attack, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, Milk, Omega-3 fatty acids, salmon, tuna, Vitamin D 3
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