Get Rid a Short Breath In 5 Minutes wth These Techniques
Everyone has experienced shortness of
breath at least once in their life, be it after intensive exercise, due
to anxiety or as a result of a health condition. Many otherwise healthy
people can sometimes experience shortness of breath after climbing
stairs, running or other unusually-demanding physical activities.
In the end, breathlessness can catch you by surprise anywhere anytime.
Luckily, there are things you can do to relieve dyspnea (the scientific
term for shortness of breath). Here are 4 effective relief techniques
that can help you get rid of this annoying symptom fast. And the best
thing about them is - no special equipment needed.
1. Pursed Lip Breathing
This simple method will let you slow down
your breathing when you’re feeling short of breath, which will help you
start breathing more deeply and effectively. You can do it anywhere
anytime, and it is particularly effective at boosting the circulation of
air in your lungs, which makes it especially helpful after strenuous
activities, be it lifting things, climbing stairs or bending forward.
Here’s how you can do this exercise:
Step 1. Relax your neck and shoulders.
Step 2. Counting to 2, slowly and steadily breathe in through your
nostrils, mouth closed.
Step 3. Round your lips, as if you’re about to blow on a dandelion.
Step 4. Counting to 4, slowly breathe out while maintaining the shape of
the lips. Repeat for at least 10 rounds.
2. Leaning Forward with the Support of a
This technique is optimal for when you’re at home. You will need a
table, a chair and a pillow to do it. It’s very simple and can really
soothe your lungs and calm your breath and heartbeat. It will also relax
your body, which yields in an overall calming effect.
This is how you do it:
Step 1. Sit on a chair facing a table, keep your feet on the floor.
Place a pillow on the table in front of you.
Step 2. Lean with your chest forward. Place your arms on the table and
rest your head on the pillow. You can slowly move your head from side to
side, as if shaking it to say “no”, but slower. This tilt will massage
your forehead and let your neck relax, opening up the airways even more.
Breathe as slowly as you can and try to relax. Stay in this position as
long as you need, but no less than 5 minutes.
3. Standing With a Supported Back
If you got caught by surprise by a sudden
attack of breathlessness, and you have nothing around you, but a wall,
do not fear. A wall will do, as simply standing with the support of any
vertical object can help you relax your airways as well.
Step 1. Stand with your back next to a wall, resting your lower, upper
back and hips against the wall.
Step 2. With your feet about shoulder width apart, place your hands on
the thighs, tilting your head a tiny bit forward. Try to relax and
breathe as slowly as you can.
Step 3. Dangle and move your arms slowly in front of you. This will
relax your upper body and may help normalize your breathing faster.
4. Diaphragm Breathing

When your lungs are stressed and
compressed, you’re trying to catch your breath, but you can’t seem to
normalize your breathing pattern, try diaphragm breathing. It will help
you switch gears and breathe normally faster. It’s best to do this
exercise at home.
Here’s how you do it:
Step 1. Sit on a chair with your knees bent comfortably and upper body
Step 2. Put one hand on your belly and breathe in through the nose. Pay
attention to how you belly is inflating and deflating as you breathe.
Step 3. On an exhale, activate your abdominal muscles and notice how
your belly is flatter. Round your lips and breathe out through your
Tip: You should focus on the exhale more than on the inhale. Do this
exercise for 5 minutes.
Extra! Sleep In a Comfortable and Supported Position
It is not uncommon for people to experience shortness of breath during
sleep. It can even wake you up during the night, which is not only
annoying, but also terribly disruptive for your sleep. Both of the
following sleeping positions will help your airways relax, which will
assist breathing.
Position 1. Sleep on your side, placing a pillow or blanket between your
legs and keep the head elevated by a pillow just enough to maintain a
straight spine from the lower back to the neck.
Position 2. Lie down on your back. Place a pillow under your knees, to
keep them slightly bent. Rest your head on another pillow, so that it
won’t strain your neck.
If you persist waking up during the night because you experience
breathlessness, we highly recommend you to visit a doctor, as you might
be suffering from sleep apnea. In general, dyspnea can be a symptom of a
serious underlying condition, so if you experience it often, consider a
consultation with a doctor.