Lemons Have More Health Benefits Than I Ever Realized
Lemons are some of the most common citrus
fruits in the world, and most of us use them almost every single day. After reading these 15 facts and uses, you will
definitely try to eat more lemons and use them in more creative ways. If
you are the kind of person who never liked lemons, despite their strong
taste, high vitamin C content, antioxidants, B-vitamins, calcium and
more, this just might be the thing to change your mind!
1. Restore the pH levels in your body

The stress of modern life, junk food,
pollution, lack of exercise, and other toxins we accumulate can throw
our body off balance. Although lemons are very acidic, their nutrient
content is alkaline-forming and thus, helps make our body more resistant
to a number of health problems. A cup of warm water with some lemon
squeezed in will help you start your day in a healthy way.
2. Help your digestion process
Lemons are powerfully antibacterial and as
such, they destroy bad bacteria in your body and allow good bacteria to
flourish. The good bacteria help with problems such as indigestion and
constipation. A glass of water mixed with the juice of one lemon, or any
other means of combining lemons with a large meal, will help stimulate
peristalsis and the production of stomach acids that will aid the
digestion process.
3. A helpful dietary aid
When you're on a diet, a lemon can be your
best friend for a number of reasons. First, it contains pectin, a fiber
that can help you feel fuller and eat less. Thanks to this, a glass of
lemon tea before a meal can help prevent overeating. Second, lemon juice
happens to be a natural diuretic. This means it helps the body get rid
of excess water it doesn’t need through increased urination, this will
make you feel less heavy and puffy.
4. Natural parasite killer
Parasites and intestinal worms are very
hard to get rid of, but there is a key element to getting rid of them
that lemons contain. Parasites love acidic environments and drinking
lemon juice or eating lemons will make your digestive system a more
balanced environment, one that is hostile to parasites.
5. Natural mouth wash
If you have bad breath or canker sores, a
lemon might be an easy, cheap and simple way to deal with them. Apply
fresh lemon juice to the area or gargle just like any other oral care
aid. If you have bleeding gums, you can massage freshly squeezed lemon
juice to the problematic area and deal with the bacteria causing all the
pain directly.
6. Relax and increase concentration
The gentle scent of a lemon has been
scientifically proven to have a calming effect. The lemon's essential
oil has the ability to increase your level of concentration and
alertness while working or studying, just by enjoying the fresh scent it
7. Exfoliate and renew your skin
The vitamin C in lemons has a beneficial
effect on your skin as well as your body. Many skincare products are
high in vitamin C because it stimulates cell renewal by gently
exfoliating your skin. By using a slice of lemon as a facial scrub, you
will remove stubborn dirt and dead skin from your face and reveal the
fresh, clean and healthy layer underneath.
8. Take better care of your liver
Herbalists and naturopaths claim that the
sourness of lemons signals the body to activate the liver and
kidneys and that the antioxidants in the lemon help enhance kidney and
liver function. This enables them to better detoxify themselves and the
rest of the body. As previously mentioned, lemons are also a mild
diuretic, so they encourage your body to release stored, unused water
along with the accumulated waste products flushed out by your liver.
9. Lower your blood pressure
The pectin in lemons can help lower
cholesterol that causes high blood pressure. Flavonoids, as well as
vitamin P, also serve to strengthen the blood vessels themselves and
lower the risk of them being damaged by high blood pressure.
10. Keep a dandruff-free head
A simple way to treat dandruff by
yourselves is to make a hair mask using lemon juice and other natural
ingredients like coconut oil. Use this mask to moisturize your dry
scalp, but don't use it for too long or too often as lemon juice can
also lighten your hair color.
11. Take better care of your feet
The solution for rough and scaly feet might
be right inside your kitchen. The citric acid along with vitamin C in
lemons can take off dead skin, enhance skin renewal, and brighten dark
skin areas. Simply soak your feet in some hot water mixed with the juice
of 2-3 lemons, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and ¼ cup of milk for about
20 minutes. Your feet will not only be softer than ever but will also
smell much better!
12. A home-made cure for fever and chills
Lemon tea and lemon juice have long been
used as home-made remedies to help lower fever. A cup of lemon tea with
honey every few hours should help subside any chill or fever you might
have. Of course, if the fever persists - go see a doctor.
13. Get healthy glowing skin
Lemons aren't just used to repair damaged
skin, the high levels of vitamin C found in lemons are used by your body
to make collagen and elastin. Both are tissues responsible for giving
your skin a glowing and youthful appearance. Simply start eating more
lemons, or apply lemon juice to your skin, and after a short while you
will see the effect.
14. Pain relief
The oils found in lemons create an aroma
that relaxes blood vessels and reduces inflammation, both key factors in
pain relief. If you suffer from sore joints or other inflammatory
diseases, drink a glass of lemon water every day to help ease your
symptoms. Lemon extract can even help alleviate pain caused by sunburn
if applied to the skin with water and gently rubbed on the painful area.
15. A treatment for varicose veins
Lemons have the ability to strengthen blood
vessels, and so can be used to reduce the appearance of varicose veins,
making your legs look younger and healthier. Add a few drops of lemon
essential oil to a moisturizing oil of your choice (like jojoba or
avocado oil) and rub the mixture onto the affected area. Doing so on a
regular basis will slowly make the veins disappear from the top of your