Foods You Should/Shouldn't Eat On An Empty Stomach
Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important
meal of the day, because it will set the tone for the rest of it
depending on what you eat. The thing is that breakfast isn’t as simple
as putting whatever you choose into your stomach. This list will show
you 15 “Do and Don’ts” breakfast foods to keep yourself fueled correctly
throughout the day:
DO # 1: Eggs

Eggs are full of protein and fats, as well
as other vital nutrients that’ll give your metabolism something to work
on as you go about your day. They’re also filling, meaning that you’ll
feel fuller eating eggs quicker than you would eating other foods.
DO #2: Watermelon

Watermelons are great for waking your eyes
up and setting the pace of your heart in the morning. That’s due to
their high water and carotenoid content, which can help ward off
eye-related diseases and even cancer. That’s without mentioning how good
it tastes!
DO #3: Oatmeal

If you fancy starting your day with
something soft that isn’t going to irritate your bowels later on, you
should definitely have oatmeal for breakfast. It contains hydrofluoric
acid and lots of fiber, helping to decrease blood pressure, cholesterol
and blood glucose levels. It’s also a great morning solution for
DO #4: Blueberries

Blueberries have been found in studies to
have a positive effect on blood pressure, memory strength and cognitive
faculties. They also contain lots of fiber and a whole array of
antioxidants that improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Try eating 8
grams of them per day for the greatest effects.
DO #5: Cornmeal Porridge

The detoxifying agents in cornmeal porridge
make it excellent for cleansing your body of harmful heavy metals.
What’s more is that it has prebiotic properties that help the body to
develop metabolism-boosting gut flora. It’s an extremely healthy
breakfast option.
DO #6: Honey
In addition to being a natural sweetener
that’s much better for you than sugar is, eating honey helps with the
body’s secretion of serotonin, which is the brain’s “happy” chemical. It
also contains high antioxidant concentrations to fight against
DO #7: Buckwheat

Buckwheat is excellent for people who have
an iron deficiency. It’s chock-full of mineral and protein, and it’s
also gluten-free. The latter fact also makes it ideal for making
gluten-free bread and pancakes when it is ground into a powder.
DO #8: Nuts 

High acidity in the body can be countered
by eating plenty of nuts. Walnuts, almonds, and cashews are all great
for this, and they’re also excellent for boosting your metabolism.
Walnuts are the best of all thanks to their high antioxidant levels and
high omega-3 content.
DON'T #1: Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits should be
avoided in the morning, and that’s because of their high acidity. This
can lead to cramping or inflammation in your stomach, which is not what
you want first thing in the morning.
DON'T #2: Spicy Foods

Spicy foods are for lunch or dinner, not
breakfast! They can cause irritation and pain in your stomach. With that
being said, they can be beneficial when eaten as lunch or evening
DON'T #3: Bananas

Bananas can be a little heavy when eaten as
morning meals – they can make you feel drowsy even before you get to
lunchtime. Their high magnesium and potassium content is best enjoyed by
eating them just before you’re about to go to bed.
DON'T #4: Carbonated Drinks

Soda should only ever be consumed in small
amounts in order to satisfy a sweet tooth, but never in the morning.
Consuming a soda in the morning can leech the energy out of you as the
day goes by. As always, water, water, and more water will serve you much
DON'T #5: Greens

Not that you would want to do so anyway,
but green vegetables such as lettuce and broccoli can cause heartburn,
stomach irritation and flatulence when eaten in the morning. Feel free
to go mad on them when it gets to lunchtime though!
DON'T #6: Tomatoes
DON'T #7: Pears

Tomatoes are also too acidic to be eaten on
an empty stomach. They can exacerbate feelings of discomfort and cause
inflammation. Save them for brunch at the earliest.

There is such a thing as too much fiber too
early in the morning, and it comes in the form of pears. Eating pears
for breakfast can lead to discomfort and even intestinal damage if
they’re consumed with regularity, but they’re fine as a late-morning
healthy snack.