Tuesday, February 23, 2021

8 Great Tips For Improving Your Posture

Good posture is important for maintaining good physical health, as well as literally helping us to put our best foot forward. In addition, we also tend to look our very best when we're standing or sitting properly. Here's everything you need to know about having good posture:

1. Creative Ways to Improve Posture 
Posture Method A: "Think String" Try visualizing a string that emerges from the top of your head and pulls you gently upward toward the ceiling. This can help to guide your sense of proper positioning and height. 
Posture Method B: Tape a giant X to your back 
Have someone tape a giant X to your back, then put a straight line of tape across your shoulders to close the top of the X. Hold each shoulder back before taping and use wide, non-stretch tape. Ideally, you should change the tape each day, but you can also try a posture corrector if doing this seems a little too drastic to you. 
Posture Method C: Don't be a sloucher  

To avoid slouching when you walk, always imagine that you're walking along with a book balanced on top of your head. 
Posture Method D: 
Focus on your calves Allow your posture and balance to rely more on your calves. You can do this by putting a bounce in your step. It'll free up the rest of your upper body and allow it to relax. In addition, assuming a more upright posture takes pressure off your back, shoulders, and neck, and helps you to work on your abdominal muscles. 
 2. Sitting Posture  
Method A: Sit up straight 
Follow these basic guidelines to ensure your sitting posture is as good as can be: 
• Use an ergonomically-designed chair and adjust it properly to your height and weight. You can try using a small pillow for lumbar support if an ergonomic chair isn’t an option. 
• Keep your back aligned with the back of your office chair to stop yourself from slouching. 
• Turn the angle of your computer monitor slightly more upward, so that you force yourself to sit upright to see the screen better. 
• As with standing posture, keep your shoulders straight and squared, your head upright, and your neck, back, and heels aligned. 
• Keep both feet on the ground as often as you can. 
Method B: 
Take standing breaks Even if you sit with perfect posture in the best chair in the world, you still need to stand up and stretch every so often. You can do a little exercise or just stand there for a few minutes. The fact of the matter is that our bodies weren't designed to sit down all day long, so it's a must that you at least stand (and preferably move around) every so often throughout the day. 
3. Walking Posture 
All you need to do for maintaining good posture is simply viewing it as an extension of your standing posture. Keep your head up, shoulders back, your chest out and your eyes looking straight ahead. Be sure to avoid pushing your head forward. 
4. Sleeping Posture  
You can help your posture by doing certain things to prepare for your night's sleep. Use a firmer mattress to help maintain proper back support, and try sleeping on your back to help keep your shoulders straight. Don't worry if you try sleeping on your side - try slipping a small, flat pillow between your knees to keep your spine aligned and straight. Make sure you're using a good pillow to provide proper support to your head and shoulders. 
5. Driving Posture
Keep your back against your seat and your head aligned with the headrest. Adjust your seat so that your legs are at a proper distance away from the pedals and your arms are at a proper distance away from the steering wheel. If your chin is bunched up above the steering wheel, then you're sitting too close. 
Your headrest should be adjusted in such a way that the middle of your head rests against it. Tilt it as you require to achieve this. Make sure that there are no more than four inches between the back of your head and the headrest. 
6. Train Your Core Muscles  
You can keep your entire musculoskeletal system functioning optimally by doing a few simple exercises to support your posture. Try lying on your back with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle at the knee, keeping your feet on the floor. Pull your belly-button toward your spine and hold. Hold it for 10 seconds, and repeat eight times. Repeat the exercise daily. Breathe normally during the exercise. 
7. Standing Posture  
Method A: Finding your center
Good posture is all about finding alignment and balance. Place your feet about a shoulder's width apart and stand up straight. Keep your weight on the balls of your feet to prevent you from slouching as a result of resting on your heels. Next, keep your shoulders squared. Although it might feel unnatural at first, you'll soon get the hang of it. Pull your head back and upward. You can make this easier by imagining that the top of your head is reaching the ceiling. Not only will doing this improve your posture, but it'll also make you look taller and leaner.

Method B: Teach your body what standing correctly feels like 
Stand with your back against a door or wall, and touch it with the back of your head, shoulders, and butt. Don't worry if it feels uncomfortable - that's what the training is for. With enough practice, it'll feel uncomfortable not to stand this way. 
8. General Posture

Good posture is about keeping your body in alignment. It's as simple as being able to draw a straight line from your earlobe through your shoulder, hip, knee and down to the middle of your ankle. Can you do that? If so, you've got it. Try using a mirror to align your ears, shoulders, and hips. These points make a straight line, but your spine should actually curve in a very slight "S".

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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