Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tips to Cope-Up With Exam Stress For Children And Parents

Exam stress will snatch away your peace of mind. After all, you will find it overwhelming while revising from time to time. Not only this, but your parents will also be worried, stressed and tensed. Though, you will need their encouragement and support. Here are some stress-busting tricks to help you come out with flying colors. 

A consultant psychotherapist shares vital tips to cope-up with exam-related stress. You may feel like a knot in your stomach, as your exams approach. Exams are challenging for many of the students. One will have to score a good percentage in order to pass with a good score and fulfill dreams. However, getting stressed, anxious, and depressed owing to examination is a common scenario. But, you will also be shocked to know that this stress can take a toll on your performance. It can also hamper one’s social, emotional, and behavioral development. 

Yes, that’s right! Stress can result in poor self-esteem and fear of failure. Thus, it is the need of the hour to stay calm and composed during exams as our brains release high levels of cortisol which can cloud the way we think and gets in the way of rational thoughts. 

Here is a full-proof plan to stay stress-free during the examination

• Since, you have to pull all-nighters, you will have to try to eat properly and rest adequately. This will help you get rid of anxiety. Try to get a good night’s sleep, eat a well-balanced diet that consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, pulses, and whole grains. Avoid eating spicy, oily, and processed and junk food as it can lead to acidity. Studying continuously means no moment at all. So, make sure that you take out some time for exercising. You can walk, stretch, jog or do yoga. Try to meditate every day to stay calm and happy. Moreover, you can also do breathing exercises.

• Try to set realistic goals. Accept the situation and try to improve your performance. Set a proper schedule. Revise properly and make sure that your entire important portion is covered. Take regular breaks to refresh yourself. Prepare for your exams on time. do not wait till the last minute.

• Do not check social media frequently. It is better to stay away from your Instagram, Facebook and other sites before exams. This is so because you will end up spending a lot of time on social media and may end up forgetting what you read.

Know what parents can do

• Parents, you must avoid pressurizing your child just because you are stressed or it is the question of your reputation in society. Do not compare your children with other children as it is the worst thing that you can do.

• Do not set unrealistic goals for your children. Know your child’s capacity and encourage him/her to work harder. Even if he/she fails or does not score well then don’t get disheartened. Motivate them to do better the next time.

• Try to talk to your children before the examination. Calm them down if you notice that your children are stressed. Make sure that they are eating and sleeping properly.

Parents, you will have to believe in your child’s ability. Don’t push them to do something just because you wanted to do it and couldn’t. Reciprocate what your child wants to tell you. Pay attention and avoid ignoring your child’s unusual behavior. As parents, you too ensure that you eat and sleep well as you too have to take a lot of effort for your children.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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