Sunday, January 03, 2021

Bolster your immune system with these 6 healthy drinks

Falling sick is not a risk you should be taking at times like these. For keeping diseases at bay, you need to boost your immune system, which requires eating the right nutrition. The antibodies present in our immune system combat diseases, infections, and it is important that you keep it healthy and strong. The pandemic has made us realize the importance of immunity in our daily lives. A study conducted by the University of Melbourne found that a strong immune system can fight the virus and help you recover from the infection. If you too wish to build strong immunity, these 5 drinks might be able to help you.

Tomato juice

Fresh tomato juice contains folate, which alleviates the risk of infections. It also provides a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and potent antioxidants that provide the body with numerous health benefits. All you have to do is cook sliced tomatoes for about thirty minutes over medium heat and toss into a food processor and blend it until it reaches the desired consistency.

Vegetable-based green juice

Mix green apple, lettuce and kale in a blender and mix well – this is a great immunity-boosting drink that you can add to your daily diet. Apple skins contain a type of plant pigment flavonoid known as quercetin that helps strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. Lettuce and kale, on the other hand, contain vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight off infection and boost your immune system.

Red fruit juice

Bring the goodness of beetroot, carrot, ginger and apple into a single glass. This drink is a powerhouse of nutrients that will decrease inflammatory symptoms and help your immune system. Not only this, but it also helps you deal with cold or flu symptoms, which can hinder your everyday work.

Citrus fruit juice

Citrus fruits are touted as the best sources of vitamin C and strong immunity boosters. What you might not know is that vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells, which helps your body fight against infections and viral diseases. Vitamin C deficiency has long been associated with the impairment of immune response. For a healthy adult, 200 mg a day is enough to boost the immune system.

Watermelon juice

Watermelon has a high content of water that keeps your body hydrated. It also helps in detoxification. It contains healthy nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A and magnesium. Not only that, but it also helps relieve muscle soreness, which is a common symptom of flu.

Pumpkin juice

Prepared with pumpkin seeds, this juice is high in zinc, magnesium and fiber, three of the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy immune system. It also helps decrease inflammation. To prepare this healthy drink, all you need is a cup of pumpkin seeds soaked overnight, filtered water and a pinch of salt. Blend it for about 30 seconds, until the seeds are fully pulverized. Strain it and drink.


This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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