Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Suffering from Caffeine Overdose? These Tips Will Help

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that countless people rely on every day. It is found in a range of food items like coffee, tea, energy drinks, and chocolate, and many of us can’t do without having these on a daily basis. However, consuming too much caffeine can cause a variety of side effects such as dizziness, anxiety, feeling jittery, sweating, an increased heart rate, and difficulty in sleeping. Most of these symptoms won’t endanger your life but will certainly be unpleasant to endure.

So, how much caffeine is too much? Every individual metabolizes caffeine differently, depending on their genetics, age, weight, tolerance, and liver. However, experts say that 400 milligrams or above is generally the amount considered excessive for adults - the equivalent of about 4 cups (945 ml) of coffee. To learn more, you can check out our previous article dedicated to the topic, Are You Drinking Too Much COFFEE? Here’s How You Can Tell.

The problem is that caffeine’s side effects can last frustratingly long. That’s because once it enters your body, it’s rather difficult to flush caffeine out of your system. Moreover, if you drank coffee along with some other caffeinated beverage, then the jitters will last longer. Caffeine overdose can ruin your entire day. However, there are simple ways through which you can reduce caffeine’s effects and flush it out of your system quicker. Here are a few of those tips that will help.

1. Drink sufficient water
Staying hydrated throughout the day will certainly help in getting rid of the jittery feeling caused by consuming too much caffeine. While research on this subject is limited, experts say that dehydration may make your caffeine overdose symptoms worse and hence keeping yourself hydrated is important to better cope with the side effects. Furthermore, caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, which leads to an increase in urination. To make up for the fluid loss, it is essential to drink sufficient water throughout the day. Ideally, having an extra glass of water for every cup of coffee that you drank should be sufficient.

2. Exercise


Once you’ve crossed the caffeine line, it wouldn’t be prudent to stay still. So, if you want to diminish its effects, your best bet is to get moving. Go for a light walk or a jog to relieve anxiety and jitters. Light exercise will help release the unwanted energy that you would have accumulated from excess caffeine. Moreover, exercising will also help metabolize caffeine. Pick an exercise that you normally enjoy and that gets you moving.

Do note, however, that if you notice anything unusual happening to your heart rate – a sudden rapid increase, for instance – then stop immediately.

3. Eat slow-digesting fiber-rich food

To inhibit the absorption of caffeine into your bloodstream, eat fiber-rich foods like whole grains, veggies, or legumes. Even items like beans, lentils, starchy vegetables, nuts, and seeds will help. Getting more fiber into your system will make you feel full and ensure that you feel less sluggish. Check out our article on 14 Fantastic Natural Sources of Healthy Fiber for more help.

You can also snack on fresh veggies like bell peppers, cucumber, and celery as they are high on water content and have a crunchy texture that will help ease those jitters.

4. Eat cruciferous vegetables

A definite way to shorten caffeine's half-life in your body is to boost the production of the CYP1A2 enzyme (a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of enzymes). So, theoretically, if we eat something to increase the enzyme levels, caffeine would be broken down faster.

A study published in the Oxford Journal of Carcinogenesis found that a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables helps increase the production of CYP1A2 in the body. These foods include items like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, among others, which are extremely healthy for your body. They will also help in enhancing your metabolism and make it easier for clearing caffeine quickly.

However, simply chomping on some broccoli won’t treat your coffee jitters instantly. The vegetable will still have to go through the process of it breaking down and absorbing the food which might take 7- 8 hours. Thus, if you are prone to being overcaffeinated, eat some cruciferous vegetables at the start of the day to prevent any issues later.

5. Boost your Vitamin C
As we mentioned earlier, caffeine has a mild diuretic effect that can lead to an increase in urination. Consequently, water-soluble vitamins, such as B-vitamins and vitamin C can be depleted due to fluid loss. What happens here is that your body is being tricked into thinking you have a vitamin C deficiency. To get some vitamin C back into your bloodstream, chew on some oranges, sweet limes, or grapefruits. These vitamin C-rich fruits will also boost your blood antioxidant levels and will improve your immunity. So, you have added reasons to chomp on them.  

6. Drink a cup of herbal tea

Herbal teas have numerous health benefits, ranging from improving your digestive system to boosting your immunity. These teas will also help counterbalance the effects of caffeine on the body. Since herbal teas contain no caffeine, they are a safe option to help you feel relaxed. They would be particularly useful in checking your anxiety, one of the known side effects of a caffeine overdose.

Also, since coffee jitters make it difficult for you to go to sleep, you can try sipping on a cup of chamomile tea that is renowned for its calming effects and is used as a natural remedy to treat insomnia. In fact, chamomile is generally viewed as a mild tranquilizer or sleep inducer.

Other herbal teas you can try are ginger tea, peppermint tea, mint tea, lemon balm tea, and Hibiscus Tea.

7. Practice some meditation and wait it out

The best way to get rid of caffeine from your body is to wait for it naturally flush itself out. Unless you are caffeine-sensitive, this usually takes 4-6 hours. So, if you have the time, simply wait out your caffeine overdose to get over it completely.

If you are feeling too anxious, try practicing deep breathing for 10-15 minutes while you are waiting. Take slow, deep, deliberate breaths, and don’t let any negative thoughts enter your mind. Meditation is also a good option that will help relax your mind and your nervous system as you are coping with the coffee jitters and nervousness. If you are anxious, your breathing is likely to be fast and shallow and that will make you even more restless. Meditation and deep breathing will help in this regard, too.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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