Sunday, December 06, 2020

Are you over-exercising? Beware of these 5 side-effects

Here are some side effects of over exercising

Training your body daily for 30 to 40 minutes can improve your health in so many ways. Your risk of injury will decrease, you will be able to maintain a healthy weight, your likelihood of developing the chronic disease will reduce, and you will be able to enjoy a long and healthy life. But pushing yourself too hard, thinking that it may help you reap more benefits might actually backfire.

"Moderation is the key to life"- You might have heard this term multiple times in multiple contexts and the same you need to apply when it comes to exercising. Overt-raining might lead to a variety of physical and psychological symptoms. Here are 5 common side-effects of overexercising.

​You will always feel tired

Overtraining does not only reduce the performance but can also make you feel tired all the time. Even if you had a good 7-8 hours of sleep at night and had a healthy breakfast, you will feel drained out. You need to understand your limitations and give sufficient time to your body between sessions to rest. Too much intense workout, forces your body to release the stress hormone, which over time can make you feel exhausted.

​Your performance level will decrease

When you push yourself too hard, your muscles become tense. This gradually decreases your performance level on the field. If you were earlier able to cover 1 km in 5 minutes, then overtraining might increase the time limit. This might make you a little frustrated but the only solution is to give your body some rest between the training sessions.

​Increases the risk of injury

If you are someone who is not used to an intense workout, then do not push your limit. By being too hard on yourself you will increase the likelihood of getting injured. Muscle pain, joint strain, back pain are some common workout injuries that may throw you off the track for several weeks.


Exercising in moderation helps to relax your body and promote good sleep. But pumping too much iron in the gym may leave you tossing and turning on your bed at night. Your muscles will be stressed, you may feel restless and find it hard to fall asleep.

​Poor mental health

Exercising boosts your mood triggering the release of dopamine – the ‘feel-good’ hormone. But over-training does exactly the opposite. It increases the cortisol level in the body that may cause severe mood swings, chronic stress, anxiety disorders, and clinical depression.


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