Sunday, December 06, 2020

Is frozen food not as unhealthy as it is believed to be?

Common myths about frozen food

While shopping at the grocery store, we often steer clear of the frozen food aisle even though we can't stop thinking about their convenience and taste. Just like old legends, myths about frozen foods have existed for a long time without any logical explanation.Somehow, we are convinced that frozen foods are highly processed and low in nutrition. However, researchers and nutritionists around the globe are ready to vouch for the goodness of frozen foods and that not all of them are bad and loaded with unhealthy additives.

The myth

The most common myth woven around frozen food is that it is loaded with preservatives. The simple science of preservation is to store the food below 0 F which renders bacteria inactive thereby preventing decay.

Frozen food is healthier

The fight between frozen and fresh foods is largely biased. Although there is nothing as healthy as fresh produce. but the fact is that frozen food is healthier than its out-of-season 'fresh' counterparts which are picked out even before they are ripe. These then travel long distances and are stored in warehouses before distribution. The entire affair cannot possibly be undertaken without some amount of preservatives as the time span between production and consumption is too long.

Frozen foods have longer shelf life

On the other hand, frozen foods are picked when they are ripe and ready and are then flash frozen to seal nutrients. There are more than just two cherries on this cake. Another compelling reason to favour frozen foods is their longer expiration periods. Of course, they don't persist forever but they do provide prolonged margins. Here we have to admit, some of them are added with preservatives.

Frozen food is cheap

Frozen foods can be a cheap as prepackaged convenience foods are often more expensive than frozen foods. Stocking up your freezer with frozen foods will save you money on yearly shopping bill.

Need for ready-to-eat meals

Vacuum packed frozen foods are healthier and do not essentially contain preservatives. They are the best option for those who cannot cook at home. You need to just warm them and consume!


Frozen food is the holy grail of 21st century's fast paced life. It's tasty, convenient and nutritious. It's time to look for healthy and organic alternatives right in the freezer aisle. But you as a consumer have to ensure that you know how to discriminate between the good and the bad when it comes to frozen food. You must have a discerning eye and only buy frozen foods that are free from preservatives and chemicals.


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