Sunday, December 06, 2020

Does eating raw food lead to weight loss?

What is Raw Foodism?

Raw foodism is lately doing the rounds on social media and health blogs. It is so hyped that we decided to do some research and bring you the actual facts that you really need to know.

Raw Foodism is also known as the food that is not cooked, in simple language. It is a type of diet where you completely quit eating cooked food and just rely on raw fruits and veggies! No salt, no sugar, no spice and definitely not everything nice! Though having raw fruits sounds great when you want something light on your tummy but having it all the time is a tedious and tasteless job!

Raw food actually healthy than food? Benefits of eating raw Food.

When you are eating raw food, it means you will mainly eat fruits, the easiest bet of course! Along with fresh leafy vegetables and nuts! People usually think that eating a raw food diet will provide them with the vitamins and nutrients that the fruits and vegetables have. As per the popular belief, cooking food for a longer period of time can destroy the beneficial and healthy compounds in them. Most of the nutrients present in them are indeed destroyed to some level but this is just half the fact!

Benefits of Cooking Food

Though it's true that nutrients do drain out during cooking and cooking also involves a lot of sugar, spice, and salt along with fats like butter and oil, but these ingredients actually activate the antioxidants in the food! In fact, the heat during cooking actually activates some of the compounds that are otherwise not absorbed by the body. Talking about absorption, cooking food also helps the body digest and absorb the food easily, as compared to raw food! Moreover, cooking non-vegetarian food is more important as it helps to destroy the bacteria that are otherwise present in a raw diet. Now, after all the facts here, you decide if you want to eat your food that is raw or cooked.

Does raw food lead to weight loss?

Eating raw food may initially lead to weight loss for obvious reasons, as your body does not receive the required salt, sugar or oil intake! But since it is not a substantial diet it will make you lose out on all the important antioxidants and the healthy nutrients provided in cooked meals! Also, another reason why you might lose weight is that you would mainly stick to a limited option of food that is only fruits, veggies and nuts which are typically very low in calories. However, Raw foodism may lead to poor health as most of the essential nutrients required by the body like calcium, zinc and other minerals would be missed out leading to health complications because of deficiencies in these nutrients.

How to lose weight in the right way?

Dieting and following rigorous meal plans is going to tire you out eventually! You will now ask what should you actually do to lose that extra weight without getting malnourished or deficient on some essential mineral or vitamin. The answer is explained below.

Eat a balanced diet

Having a balanced diet daily helps to provide your body with the right amount of nutrients and it cuts the excess fat consumption. Also, while you stick to a balanced diet, you need to make sure you are eating more leafy vegetables and including fruits in your diet. You could switch to healthier oil choices that will help you stay lean. Confused what more a balanced diet should normally contain? Read ahead.

Whole Grains

Whole grains provide your body with the required amount of fiber, antioxidants and trace minerals. They also help in the slow release of carbs that keep you feeling full and fuelled leading to fewer hunger pangs!

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals (Compounds that help fight the disease-causing radicals and also help in raising your enzyms to clear toxins. The best way to get a variety of nutrients is to eat a rainbow diet! More the colors in your plate, higher your nutrients intake.

Low-fat Dairy

As the name suggests, low-fat dairy will have a lesser amount of fats but the same amount of calcium and protein that is great for your body!

Lean Protein

Last but not the least on our list is lean protein! Lean protien as compared to fats and carbs, help you feel fuller for a longer period of time, again cutting the in-between hunger pangs. If you are wondering what are the best bets for lean protein on your palate then you could opt for tofu, poultry, seafood or even lean meat!


By now it is quite safe to say that if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, you should rather stick to cooked food but choose what you eat wisely. Remember the “Rainbow Palette Rule” and make the most out of your food. Stay away from the much-hyped “Raw food diet” and also keep yourself hydrated. Staying hydrated is also the number one way to lose weight because when our body is thirsty it confuses it with hunger and eat more instead of drinking a glass of much-required water.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement



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