Sunday, December 06, 2020

Culinary and health benefits of Ajwain leaves

The Incredible Ajwain

Ajwain or carom seeds are the oval- shaped seeds that are commonly used in many Indian households. Scientifically known as Trachyspermum ammi, this herb is native to India and the Middle East. Despite its bitter and pungent taste, it is known to add a unique flavor and aroma to various dishes. But have you ever heard about Ajwain leaves? If not, allow us to introduce you to these highly beneficial leaves. It is also called the bishop's weed and can be easily grown in your kitchen garden in a small flower pot. It is also an ornamental plant with fleshy green leaves and soothing fragrance. Ajwain leaves like its seeds have both culinary and health benefits. Scroll down to know about them:

Cure stomach pain

Ajwain leaves have proven to be useful in curing stomach aches and other stomach problems. Chewing these leaves can help in relieving the body of the discomfort from abdominal disorders.

Cure common cold

The juice of ajwain leaves when combined with honey can help in curing common cold and cough mostly in infants. They help to increase their resistance power against such infections.

Improve digestion

Ajwain leaves can help in promoting digestion in the body. They can be consumed after daily meals to improve digestion. They are also used to increase appetite, especially in children.

Natural mouth freshener

They act as a mouth freshener to do away with foul breath. Chewing Ajwain leaves daily can help in getting rid of bad breath.

To prepare food

Ajwain leaves are used less in comparison to ajwain seeds in cooking. But they can be used to prepare dishes like Ajwain Patta Bajia where they are dipped in gram flour batter and deep fried. They also add flavour to curries.

To prepare raita and salads

These aromatic leaves are added to raita to give it a unique flavor and add nutrition to it. They are used in preparing salads. All you need to do is chop the leaves and add them to the salad.

To prepare herbal juices

Herbal juices can be prepared by combining Ajwain leaves and Tulsi leaves. Aamchur powder is used to add flavor to this juice and make it palatable. It can be consumed in summers to prevent dehydration.

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